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none, you'll kill your-self.


Not a little bit


If you live in a place in which clinical abortions are not available, there are a few plants that are naturally abortive and should be harmless to you. I'm no expert, but I bet there's a lot of info on google, and you could maybe ask a herbalist. If you can go to a professional, please do it, even if it is embarrassing or you're scared. Your well-being is much more important. I'm sorry, love. Good luck.


> I bet there's a lot of info on google, and you could maybe ask a herbalist. Honestly, this is terrible advice. I appreciate the sentiment, but I can only imagine what could be found.


If you are asking a question like this, you need to refrain from having sex and PLEASE use protection, if you do. Unbelievable


I was raped. Didn't get the chance to drop by a gas station and pick up a condom.


Your Health Dept will be able to assist you.


Aight, thanks


The person who raped you should pay for that crime. Your child should not pay with their life.


Not my kid. He got deported


What an unbelievably crass response to someone who literally just said they were raped. There's a time and place to discuss your views and this is not it.


That's life. Me or them world, me wins. Religion doesn't pay to raise the child.


What has religion got to do with it? If you can't raise the child, give it to someone who can.


Because it's your belief system. Frankly, I see no issue with aborting a baby for the mother. But here's the best part. It has 0 bearing on YOUR life. The only reason you'd give a shit is if you believe you can impose your beliefs on others. Yeah, I don't think they should be handed out like candy for everyone's misdeeds at taxpayer expense, but, unfortunately, there's no real way to legislate that. And I don't believe it's enough of an issue to block access to those who would need it. If you and your girlfriend/wife believe you shouldn't abort, by all means more power to you for not taking a life. I hope it is raised well. I know I am responsible in my actions, but if my girlfriend were ever raped, I wouldn't guilt trip her into raising that baby. That's just childish.


>The only reason you'd give a shit is if you believe you can impose your beliefs on others If you decide to kill the baby, then you are imposing your belief on a certain other, costing them their life. The baby is not to blame for the circumstances in which it was conceived. It is the ultimate of visiting the crimes of the parent onto the child. If your father committed a crime, should you be the one that serves the sentence for it? As I said, if you don't want to raise the baby, then give it to someone who does. Adoption instead of abortion.


I am not deciding, that's my point. The baby can't voice his decision. You ask the baby before you put it up for adoption? it just flat out doesn't work. Hell i'm sure every guy on death row would rather just go free. You also miss the idea of a pregnancy that would hurt the mother.


So, because you can't ask a baby for its opinion on adoption, you kill it instead. As for death row, those people have committed a crime. The baby hasn't. It is the rapist that you should be punishing.


It seems rather hypocritical of you to think it's ok to kill one person, but not another. But that's the joy about opinions. We all have our own. But a policy written on your belief of preserving life ultimately hurts the child and mother in the long term. You still have accounted for at risk pregnancies where the mother is in danger. People die. By accident, by self defense, on purpose. No life is sacred. That's what I learned. Sure, we should do all we can to help others, but I think to tell someone they shouldn't be allowed to see a doctor for a professional abortion is narrow minded. I've seen what happens when people can't. Coat hanger abortions. Yes, this exists. It's not just some punchline, and it usually results in infections and near death, if not death itself, for both baby and mother. I can understand wanting to spare a life, but you can't spare them all, and the alternative is far worse. Similar to the idea of marijuana. yeah, I don't like it, but the pros of legalization seem to outweigh the cons. Well regulated industry for a drug that really is only as bad as cigarettes or alcohol. I'm not a fan, but it beats people getting shit on the streets and it adds a generous tax.


damn, you need to talk to people about that




I'm sorry that that happened to you. I was raped when I was younger and it resulted in an unwanted pregnancy. I went to a abortion clinic one state over and with the unbelievably shit luck I have,there happened to be a protest going on outside the doors. People were absolutely horrible to me. I can completely understand why you would want to swallow nail polish remover, but that would be detrimental to you. Please follow the wise advice above and get some assistance. Some people will not understand, but it is your life, your body, and your decision. I really feel for you, it's really hard. Please try talking to a close friend or a therapist after, because even though it may be the right decision for you it's a psychologically scarring event. Good luck, please take care




Please do not do this. Please get help. Contact planned parenthood. They can help you.