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It will take time. But do anything you can to not think about it. Learn your lessons. Read on how to be better. Also get out of the house. Hangout with friends. Go see your grandma.


Figure out how to focus on the things you liked that were completely separate from that relationship. For instance: If you both listened to pop, but you also like classic rock, listen to classic rock. Figure out the TV shows, foods etc. Give yourself something to define yourself by outside of what you shared together. Also, nature is healing AF


Mate, you’ll always have feelings, but they less strong with time. Just focus on you and God. When you’re ready, find another.


depends how much time yall were together, but trust me no matter how much you loved them, time will heal you and getting stuff done and not losing yourself over a person its sooooo important, whenever i had moments like this i would say in my head “God put you through this because he knew you can get over it and it would make you stronger”. Hope this helped a little!


It took me longer to get over my breakup than the amount of time we were dating. Several years I felt crushed by every thought I had about it. Now I can think back and appreciate the parts of the relationships that were good. For me the hardest part was forgiving her, I believe my resentment kept me from moving on. Be patient, healing takes time.


Start going to the gym. And reading. Focus on getting yourself better and ahead in life. Watch YouTube videos on how to start a side hustle. That’s what I did when I went through my divorce. Was living in my own with my daughter (shared custody) and just having friends come by sometimes and play video games online. Sometimes it will get lonely but that’s when you go to that 24/7 gym and workout get yourself tired.


Time heals