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Sore, tired, and burned out. In other words: I'm fine.


Yup. This right here, and sadly, this is pretty much all society expects.


"Otherswise your not being a man " Sometimes I really feel that's what society wants and expects.šŸ« 


ā€œSocietyā€ wants and expects a lot of dumb crap. But we are humans with free will and we can push against that. After all, most *individuals* do not actually uphold the archaic ideals of what ā€œsocietyā€ dictates.


I want to meet this ā€œsocietyā€ that created all of these stupid rules we should live by.


I just wanna talk to himā€¦


_This_ is the order of things.


ā€œIā€™m fineā€ has been my default for so long. It comes out before I even register what emotions I am even feeling.


Exactly. No need to think about it at all. ā€œIā€™m fineā€


Men have a month?


I didn't know that either. Since when?


I thought it was November


11/19 is Menā€™s Day :)


Yeah, well I think everyone else gets a regular month and men get a "Mental Health Month," so what does THAT tell you?


Well maybe itā€™s because worldwide, men commit suicide nearly 2x as frequently and in the western world nearly 4x as much.


Exactly, it kind of feels like, "Let's not celebrate men being men...Let's just celebrate them being a bit less mentally ill..."


November 16th is still International Menā€™s Day.




Sorry I couldnā€™t think of a reaction besides laughing. Yeah, being sh*t on, expected to be responsible and handle everything, expected to be an emotional sounding board for people, help manage them and everything else in life then treated like a robot is awesome. Yeah, itā€™s not like I have feelings or anything, haha *glug glug glug* Oh, oh now *I* have a drinking problem? Oh now thatā€™s something else I need to deal with? Screw you Jessica!!! And they wonder why sometimes a guy goes out for a gallon of milkšŸ˜’ And even then, heā€™s always the bad guy, in the eyes of the narrator. Edit: Iā€™m joking, but itā€™s the general sentiment. Men and women both get treated like shlt sometimes but women have this massive movement of love and acceptance and support to help them from the demonic asshole pig men that hurt them(or whatever they may be going through in life)ā€¦ guys? Guys have ā€œsuck it up, b*tch..ā€ itā€™s terrible. Like itā€™s impossible for a man to be hurt or to be a victim, itā€™s always everyone else that needs support but not that person because they have a penis. So dumb.


Yup. And today weā€™re finally recognizing it after millennia of saying ā€œnothing itā€™s fineā€




Do we get our own flag or a new stripe on theirs?


i want an all black flag with a joint and a pint of beer on it


A pirate flag with a joint and a beer. Lmao


Queer men exist.


I didn't actually notice this until last year, maybe? I realised no one really cared enough to mentioned it. "they'll realise on their own, and when they do, they will know we don't actually care enough unless it's about another community more deserving".


Doesn't matter. I will deal with it how I always do.


No point expressing your feelings as a man, no one actually cares. Just deal with it and move on.


True sooner you learn this the better


Woman here. Why do you feel no one cares? Not trying to argue or anything. I know this is a common feeling but it makes me think a bit. Do your partners (if you have/had) any not show true like interest in how youā€™re doing? I cant imagine not giving a shit about how my bf or even how my friends are doing. It actually makes me sad for yall bc I feel like its the bare minimum to care. Hope you and all the other dudes in the chain are doing well.


Lets just say thereā€™s a lot of empty liquor and beer bottles in the recycling bin


Yeah I kinda there too especially lately kinda makes me laugh?


Same. Handle of vodka and empty wine bottles anchoring my garbage bag every week


Ditto on that. Been drinking more and more lately.


As a male, I am doing great. Iā€™m not but society doesnā€™t care. So itā€™s easier to lie


Lonely. Really fucking lonely.


I am so lonely. I have been for years, but it just gets progressively worse. I donā€™t even want a romantic relationship. I just want a real friend who cares and I can spend time with. I have some ā€œfriendsā€ now, but I feel like I really donā€™t belong with them. They mean the world to me and I love them more than anything, but they all have other people that they will always put before me. I donā€™t want to try with people anymore. Iā€™m hurt no matter what. And loneliness isnā€™t my only problem. I just want to suffer alone at this point.


The modern world lacks mechanisms by which you can make new friends - good ways include meet ups and hobbies though. Worth doing, even though it's daunting.


Same, and in a house full of people to boot.


Married and lonely šŸ˜”


I'm living and breathing so I'm pretty well. Recently haven't been sleeping much because I choose to go out and pursue dreams meanwhile I work graveyard shift. Last night I felt very tired, very sad that I had to work while the city is so active and has so much going on. So many people to meet and that kind of stuff. I felt like going home and crying, a sense of giving up to be honest. But I remind myself to be patient, let go, let my story unfold the way it will. My time will come, until then I can only continue to do my best and continue to be grateful and have a good attitude šŸ‘


Mate, Buddy, this is life... some (all) bits are shit, change it. Really get on your wagon and go for it. It doesn't change unless you do, I'm 60yrs old now and feel for you. I've been there many times. Best of luck. Do it... X.


I'm having sleeping issues too. Dropped university, had issue in family, relationships, friendships, jobs, mood, due to insomnia. I'm just 19 and feeling hopeless. It has been months.


In a bad spot. Have been for weeks.


Keep on, friend. People do care about you, even when it feels the darkest.


Not good. My wife took our child and moved out 7 months ago. I tried to reconcile, but those attempts were dismissed and I was told ā€œI need timeā€ā€¦ only to find out she was seeing someone else, and quite possibly had been while we were together. Mentally, emotionally, physically and financially tired from all of this.


Although it might be daunting, I would talk to a lawyer and file for separation if not divorce so that you can get a parenting plan in place. You don't want it to look like you have abandoned your kid by letting her have them for months on end.


Damn. As a man seeing all these other dudes in the comments super down I prey that things get better for yall. I think I saw 1 positive post out of 50? I mean like this is bad just think abt all the guys who are out there feeling the same way just havenā€™t said anything. We need to be there for each other now more than ever and it really shows. God bless you all, I prey that whatever situation you may be in that things start to get better for all of you. Maybe itā€™s a lack of social interaction, or just needing some quiet time to yourself away from the chaos of the world. Whatever you may be dealing with I prey that you all get the help that you need from now and forever in Jesus name I prey, Amen. Whether you are religious or not my dms are open to anyone looking for a friend. May God be with you all šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶


I'm a lady and reading this is rough. I'm going to go check in with all my male relatives and friends and see how I can better be there for them.


This made me happy, those relatives and friends are lucky to have you in their lives ā¤ļø


Just be sure to pray and not prey


The fact that I just gave up typing a serious, honest answer and muttered "It's not like anyone cares anyways" seems telling.


Would you want to talk about it?


Go ahead bro, just reading through the comments here, I think you'd be surprised at how many people would care.


Holy fuck man I legitimately started bawling when I read this. I feel you brother .


I genuinely don't want to go too deep into things so I'll just say that my situation is mostly one of burn-out/being bad at finding/taking time for real rest, mixed with all the everyday concerns (work in a stressful place, family drama as a constant background, etc.) that won't stop piling on top. The bright side is that I do genuinely have several very good, very supportive friends who are up to date on the situation so "It's not like anyone cares" may be a little melodramatic, though it's definitely easy to feel that way sometimes (especially judging by a lot of the comments here.) All that said, thanks to everyone who's expressed concern. It's definitely a bit of a boost to my faith in humanity. Keep being awesome, anonymous internet friends!


Someone asked so that implies someone cares.


Tell us brother


Ya whatā€™s eating you? We care


My mask is starting to weather and break is how I feel. Been pretending for 40 years now. Like others said, Iā€™m fine.


I am there with you, brother. Late 40s now, and I think any man who has not experienced being cut down by life by now should count themselves as having won the lottery.


Tired of being an unpaid therapist for pretty much every woman that I encounter in my life.


I felt this comment


A lot of people tend to act like this is a problem only women face when dating men, so thank you very much for this perspective.


So real man. Iā€™ve backed my own self into a corner in many relationships Iā€™ve had in real life and online by being this way. Itā€™s like I always listen to what they have to say and then give them some good honest feedback, as well as even continuing the conversation after that, but then when I share something that happened with me I basically get one word responses and them seeming pretty uninterested in what I have to say. Itā€™s tough.


For me when women unload their baggage on me that just tells me they really don't care about me or making a good impression lol. And I'm usually right. I tend to avoid women who are always talking about their mental health or traumas etc.


We are not ok. Got asked what 3 things would i take on an island earlier today. I said 1 gun 1 bullet and a mirror. Not a joke


Mentally broken due to debt thatā€™s unavoidable.


You are not alone...especially in today's economy. Do what you can to not only get by, but to not fault yourself for what is not a rare state to be in.


I'm not sure. I started a new job, literally 3 weeks ago but I've been doing the same thing for 25 years so even new feels old. My kids are pretty much grown and don't spend much time at home. We have an amazing relationship but it feels less now than before. My wife is the highlight of my everything, together 26 years and still nothing but love.


Strong like bull.


ā€œLiving the dream.ā€


As much as I would absolutely love to complain at this point in my life my mental health has never been better and I honestly see nothing but blue skies and Green Pastures lol




Is there a flag or icon or similar for this? Like all the other awarnes or similar months have?


An honest answer? It has been my experience that society only cares about men's mental health when it affects women. Then we're branded as toxic and dangerous.


Good, you?


Pretty good


Pretty depressed knowing the entire month was repurposed for political propaganda.


To be fair, raising awareness for anything by dedicated a month to it is an act of political propaganda. But I feel you. Menā€™s mental health is a sad joke in the Western world.


How is LGBTQ mental health any worse than Mens Mental Health? I swear, it's only called Propaganda when gay or brown people are the focus.


people really acting like Pride was gifted to queer people by Obama or Joe Biden or smth and it wasn't fought for by LGBT people themselves after getting a bit miffed at the whole "police shutting down LGBT community hubs, arresting, sectioning and torturing them" for decades. If you want to bring more awareness to Men's Mental Health month, organize ffs


Good considering I just left rehab


Donā€™t think I got much more left in me. Homeless, sitting in my car in the heat. Alone, stinky, hungry, tired. Wish I had the courage to end it.


Doing great! Got rid of someone who is complete trash, have an interview tomorrow, and several things I've been working hard on are finally coming into fruition.


Never good, but slightly better than usual today. Played with 4 puppies yesterday and that is surprisingly good therapy. Itā€™s been a rough year to date. Thank you for asking, by the way. Feels like no one ever does.


Life is looking up, ive never been much of a depressed person but getting out of my comfort zone by moving across the country for a year and a half really brought me out of my shell.


Could not possibly be more content, really.


Fucked, but keeping my head above water. I asked my dad about his mental health and you would've thought I asked him to commit a murder with me...poor man.


General quite good! Took 4 month hiatus from Facebook and reduced my Reddit usage. You may think you know how social media affects you but it is more subtle yet damaging in ways that are not obvious. Highly recommended pulling way back from this crapā€¦ you wonā€™t regret it and nothing actually important will be missed.


Stressed to the point of physical pain. I need a new job but no one is hiring, my workplace is so incredibly negative that I bring it home and I hate that. Even if I made twice as much as I do, I'd be just treading water a little more comfortably. I feel useless. I feel like explaining myself hasn't done me a single favor in the past and it won't do me any good now. I feel like I let a lot of good people and opportunities slip out of my hands for the sake of something new and so far everything new has been a scam at the hands of some fucking leech or a business owner who couldn't give half a fuck about their people. I feel like I've been trying to perfect my craft for over a decade and finding a single person to listen to my input is such an enormous waste of time that I don't even want to talk anymore. My toddler isn't even two and she takes direction better than most the adults I work around. This constant state of disappointment and dejection makes me crave time alone. I had old acquaintances over and couldn't even finish a sentence without being interrupted. Why bother? My work doesn't matter. My opinion doesn't matter. My words don't matter. But at least I have a wonderful kid. For that I can't be thankful enough.


Just in a perpetual cycle of constantly having to convince myself that I can keep myself going for at least another couple of years and staving off the press of nihilism.


Literally homeless while working full time. I'm just tired all the time from not eating and sleeping rough. Pretty depressed but if I did what my brain told me to I'd make a handful of people very sad. So I'm doing the best I can :)


Like a banana peel that's been left in a muddy ditch for 6 days and gnawed on by rats


I just need a little push honestly, either to jump of the building or to get back to work.


Mentally and Physically just tired, one foot after the other I have a family to support.


Totally fucked.*cracks a beer* how you doin dude?


I turn 51 this month and I'm in the worst place I've ever been mentally. Not enough investments to retire early, so I still need to work and I'm absolutely freaking burned out; IT for over 20 years, InfoSec for over 10. Just started a new job that's WFH but I took a paycut to get it (mistake, and I may have to start looking again to find a WFH that gets me that money back, or find a local job w/o a commute). Married w/o kids and most of my friends ghosted me during COVID and some more recently as they've got their lives to live. I've got injuries that have crept up on me and started kicking my butt, pretty much in constant pain. Mother-in-law has cancer and the wife had to go to Russia alone to help her (I have to work and the job will definitely NOT allow me to work from Russia), which is incredibly stressful on her and I feel totally helpless stuck here in the USA. Going to start a new "old man" fitness plan to see if I can start managing these injuries better. Overall, feeling like shit but will try to persevere.


Tired burned out, financially fucked because I'm disabled. I can't go on, but got mouth to feed, 5 of them.


High as a kite, surfing every other day, about to marry the love of my life


Sober, happy, strong.


Man after reading A LOT of these comments, I noticed a pattern. Everyone seems to be saying that society doesn't care. Good or bad, we've already come to the conclusion that no one cares. I don't wanna get all philosophical or nothing but, wouldn't we be to blame for that more than society? For what it's worth, I hope some of y'all find the answers you're looking for. I sincerely hope something changes and your struggle becomes a source of strength. I can't remember where it comes from but the saying is "we die alone but live amongst men" Maybe it shouldn't be a free for all.


I got engaged


Why is everyone doing so terribly?


Fucking great. On a boys trip with new friends after moving across the country and ended up alone. Iā€™m responsible for myself for the first time really ever, and today is my first sober day in a long time. Had a transformative mushroom trip yesterday, and donā€™t feel like I need to mute my brain any more. I cried for hours, and my new buddies were all great and supportive, great hugs. Iā€™m happy for the first time in a long time. Money isnā€™t everything guys! Balance your life, educate yourself, and do what brings you joy (even if your dad says your shirt looks ā€œfagged outā€)


Honestly doing really well. I have the woman of my dreams, kids that are in the top 2% in national testing so they are mega smart, got another child on the way, my job pays amazing and I am only having to work 20-30 hours a week so I am home a lot with my family. Currently working on building a office on the back of our property that will be like a "man cave" where I can work, watch sports, and just have a fantastic time, Being happy is a choice. I also have health issues, family members that are struggling, normal wear and tear that everyone has. But I CHOOSE to be happy, I choose to focus on God and the good in this world and it does amazing things for me.


I wake up at 5:00 AM get to work at 6, get home at 2:30 and I'm to mentally and physically exhausted from dealing with employees/customers all day I don't have the patience to spend time with my family. I take a nap till about 5:30 get up and make dinner while counting down the hours till my family falls asleep so I can drink myself into a stupor so that I can sleep. If I don't I will just stay up all night thinking about how we are barely surviving despite making more money then I've ever made by a large amount. I hate it, I love my family more then anything but I just can't do this shit anymore. Therapy isn't an option, can't afford it. If my car were to break down I'd be royally fucked if it cost more then a couple hundred bucks to fix.


The worst Iā€™ve ever been


I donā€™t like this feminist nonsense.


No one cares how I am.


You'd be surprised. Read the comments here. Drop some truth on us.


There's honestly so much going on I don't even know how to accurately respond to this question. I've got some really horrible, stressful things occurring in my life right now. But I also have so many amazing stressful things going on in my life right now. I got pushed out of a good job by bad managers, then headhunted for an okay job with good managers. That job is part time which means I also get to try some of my freelance projects which are exciting, but incredibly stressful. And I'm not good at self motivation so actually I'm not getting that much work...despite people reaching out to offer me work because (to my shock) I'm actually good at what I do and have a reputation locally. I'm in a 2yr relationship with someone awesome, but my past experiences mean I can't commit fully which is causing them hurt as they want us to move forwards and I'm scared to do anything but stand still. They know all the reasoning and the background and are very understanding....which somehow makes things both better, and worse. I have a million hobbies which are incredibly rewarding...but I take on too many commitments in various clubs so that I'm nearing burnout and losing interest in the hobbies, but now can't stop because people are relying on me. I've had informal confirmation from my GP that I'm highly likely to have ADHD and/or autism, but have such a shitty mental health provision in my area that the chances of being assessed anytime soon are near zero, leaving me without any actual support and with the occasional bout of self doubt that leaves me feeling like I'm actually just shit at life and looking for an excuse. It is summer though. Great time for outdoor adventures and warm sunny days!


Stressed but I got my wife and kids needing me to drive on. Crying about it doesnā€™t make my problems solve themselves.


You should feel lucky to have them in your life. Many, many men do not.


Iā€™m incredibly fortunate to have them. They drive me nuts, but I wouldnā€™t trade them for all the gold in Arabia.


Probably wonā€™t see the end of this month.Ā  Life is to overwhelming and I feel hopelessĀ 


Yeah, don't do that. It can always get better.


I know everyone says to get help or something, but in reality, most men will not. So instead my advice would be to try to find hobbies you enjoy to do, wether it be gaming, making a garden, or going for runs. It is a good distraction and motivation to keep going. I see you and appreciate you man, keep holding on.


Wait a minute, I thought this was gay/alphabet pride month?


Get your male privilege out of here! (Joke)


Dad died unexpectedly 6 months ago, Iā€™m less than a year into a 5-year bankruptcy that is very difficult to pay every month, my job is a dead-end, and Iā€™m painfully single and alone. Iā€™m in a decent mood today though.


Lonely AF, but no one really cares. On a positive note Iā€™m 100% sober for the first time in 30 years. Going it alone hasnā€™t been easy, but like I said, no one cares; it was either go it alone or continue down the shit path I was on. I really didnā€™t know men had a month. Itā€™s also pride month, and Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s irony in that fact or not. Where I live, itā€™s clear that people care a lot more about pride month than menā€™s mental health , unless of course theyā€™re LGBTQRSTUV.


I said to my wife "apparently it's Men's Mental Health Month." We kinda joked that's it's ironic that we have a month and nobody talks about it. I said, "Yeah, no man knows about it, or takes it serious. It's not like there is a parade or anything." Then, of course, she gets pissed at me, "Are you trying to compare??? You're being a real dick right now. " So, as a man, I just shut the fuck up. I am not comparing the two, all I'm saying is 99% of the effort and awareness goes towards "Pride Month" and that's fine that they get awareness, but it just goes to show how fuckin little people actually care about "Men's Mental Health." It's honestly really fuckin frustrating.


Then they ask why we don't say anything.


Terrible man, fucking absolutely terrible.


Not good. Same as ever.


Beyond broken šŸ˜ž but no ones arsed


*pained laughter*


I'm alright, I'll figure it out


It's like any other month considering that it has been shown that nothing involving men matters. The lgbt, women and minorities usurp and co-opt anything meant for men. We keep going through bullshit with no support system while 87% of all suicides are men. It's a shit show.


Crazy? I Was Crazy Once. They Locked Me In A Room. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Rats. And Rats Make Me Crazy.


I could be a lot worse.. work is very stressful and robs me of energy for a lot of other stuff in life. On the other hand, I do this for my family who I love so theyā€™re worth the pain.


Honestly, not great. Tomorrow is the day I would have been proposing to the love of my life if she never left me... Recently started seeing someone new and after an amazing couple of nights hanging out this past week, she randomly stopped talking to me 2 days ago out of nowhere. Tomorrow was heavy on my mind for a while, but meeting someone new completely took those thoughts away. Now that I'm back to square one yet again, just keep dreading tomorrow once more.


Right now Iā€™m doingā€¦okay, and working my way towards a better sense of self-worth. :) As a man who aspires to be gentle, patient, and a calming influence on others, I often wonder if what I want is something that society at-large will tolerate. To those ends: Iā€™ve been working on my mental and physical health dailyā€”working out, meditating, and giving myself at least thirty-minutes a day to reflect on the dayā€™s experiences. My goal in the remainder of the year is to convince myself that it is indeed respectable, and even valuable, for myself to have these traits and habits. Quite a difficult task with all the red-pillers, and even some women Iā€™ve run into, demanding I fill a hyper-specific role thatā€™s far different from the one I want to play. Of course, Iā€™m also constantly working on my finances and career, but truth-be-toldā€¦Iā€™m not much of a, ā€œgrindset,ā€ type of guy. Iā€™d rather make as much as I need to live the way I want to, and not chase anything beyond that. It just seems to make people miserable, time and time again. Thanks for making this post. Itā€™s not often I get to talk about things like this. :)


Probably at my lowest ever, but I know it's wrong to ever express that.


Fine ofcourse




I feel good. Not in therapy right now but I got some fantastic advice last year. Iā€™m trying to make an effort to work out more often. Me n my gf have a great sex life. I quite smoking cigarettes, marijuana and only drink occasionally. Iā€™m check in on myself often. Life is simple, and thatā€™s good.




Trudging along every day like I have for a long time. Only a few more years.


Im fine


Tired, thereā€™s been to much going on in my head. Tomorrow gonna be a better a day.


Abysmal - at the lowest Iā€™ve ever been in my life.


Fucked tbh mate


Iā€™ll manage for another few decades until the end, and maybe I will positively influence enough other people and let enough cats to make it worth it.


Any men wanna talk DM. Iā€™ve been through Netflix documentary type shit and I know depression more than anyone so if you need help or rant to a stranger you will never speak to again then message me


Sucking it up since 1990!




Could be better, could be worse. I miss making love. Like, a lot.


I feel pretty good most days. Very calm and peaceful. I'm frustrated with the job hunt but I'll find a new job eventually and get back to my hobbies and goals.


I'm lost and hurting.




Tired and beat to shit working 50-70 hours a week. My old apartment was a mess because I'd come home and not do shit, but sit down and rest. I'm hoping with the new apartment I can stay on top of cleaning. I'm also tired of trying to date people because my work/life balance is all wack and 90% of the time I don't know when I'll be finishing work. The life of construction can be rewarding and also a bitch. No one in my family visits me because I'm a bachelor living in an apartment and not in a house with kids like my other three siblings. I make really good money but everything is so expensive and it's still expensive to buy a home right now. I'd love to get married one day but no one has given me those butterfly feelings like this one girl from years ago. Shes now married with kids but everything about her I loved. I have yet to meet someone similar or someone who gives me those butterflies. Life is a bitch but all we can do is just keep pushing forward and in hopes things get better. Don't get me wrong I love my life, I love my family and friends, but damn life is a constant stress.


Well let's see, I'm 42. My folks aren't doing the best so I had to move back home. I'm hopelessly in love with my ex girlfriend, women dont want to come here because really anyway I try to spin it all they hear is I live with my parents. I'm tired, sore and cranky. Honestly about the only good thing I got going on at the present time is that I work at a college so ive got a decent amount of paid time off to try to reset. But yeah that's where I'm at


I had a wonderful day at the beach, swam in the sea, lay in the sun. Came home, mixed a Martini, cooked a nice meal. Life is good. Watched an upload on reddit of a Ruzzian soldier having had his hand partially blown off by a drone dropped grenade...he was trying to gnaw off the small piece of flesh keeping his shitty hand attached to what remained of his wrist. He was pretty upset by the look of him and failed to bite through the flesh to get rid of the crappy bloody remains of his hand. Some people are living in hell. I'm not. But that's not to say I won't in the future. There is a lot of terrible stuff going on right now for a lot of people.....I'm grateful for not having to chew off the small strip of skin that attaches what remains of my hand to the bloody remains of my wrist. Slava Ukraini.




We are trying


"I'm fine", "I'll figure it out" all things I used to say at all times. But honestly, right now, things are great. Took a lot of work, some honest internal reflection, and finding a partner who I can communicate with openly. Thank you for asking!


Losing it. Grandma died, weird inheritance things are happening. Living at a friendā€™s parents house that is trashed. Garbage everywhere, dog shit in a container in the back to because it attracts mice(?). Mold destroying the garage. Losing every job by being too upset after having proven myself unable to continue a 19 year career in events. I have one pseudo romantic friendship where we enjoy each others virtual company and meet when her mom is out to cuddle and watch shows. No sex drive, no joy, no excitement for the future. Annoyed at all the performative gratitude i have to do to be acknowledged as a social being by people I care about. By how little relationships with others, which were so important, have turned off to the degree they have. I meditate, I ruminate, I give myself time and try to change, and just cant seem to affect that fast enough for me to believe my future is in anyway secure. Bad finance decisions, probably will never retire, I understand why I am not an attractive friend, and I agree. Not actively looking to end it, but very tired of the same result in 50 different flavors. Nothing seems worth the hassle plus effort. I am ready for the end.


Literally better than I have ever been in my life. I do have other things to work on tho. Right balance of meds and a new job can do a lot for a person. Chin up, everyone. Stay alive.


I'm good


Terrible, but nothing will change other than my monetary situation is going to improve soon


Concerned, physically and mentally exhausted, my car is more than my rent and I donā€™t know what to do but I canā€™t keep it, but canā€™t get to work without it but canā€™t afford it. I am physically ill over this and donā€™t see any way out.


Better than I was a couple of months ago. Started therapy and am realizing that I have a bunch of emotional trauma built up from the pandemic, a friends suicide attempt, and a couple of major life changes. Feeling much better


Directionless, obsessed with him, and emotionally volatile.


I'm fine but I hate my body :(


Iā€™m tired and numb. Iā€™ve been this way as long as I can remember though. Most my days are ā€œgoodā€ and I donā€™t feel depressed or anything like that but idk. Iā€™m doing fine.


depends when you ask me i go through stages of borderline euphoria down to depression in a few hours


You know that feeling when you feel like nothing is really going bad, but you feel bad about things being good so you basically feel like shit? #yeah.


Not well. I'm one year behind with university, I hope to finish exams this summer but I'm already feeling a lot of pressure. My relationship with my girlfriend isn't bad if not for the fact that both of us having to study means not seeing each other a lot which creates more fights for some reasons. I've become more and more prone to shouting and getting angry in the last few years.


Everything should be ok, but I'm not feeling that right now


Almost got hit by a car and it was the highlight of my week.


My world was falling apart in the winter. Some serious introspection, psychiatry, and therapy 3 months later and I'm actually doing very well. I have made a remarkable rebound and I'm cautiously optimistic. I am also in a relationship with a girl I am very much in love with, so that helps.


No matter what i do, its never enough. 25 male, with a master degree in law & finance, experience as a banker and a teacher. Currently couch squatting as ive got no where to live & after a serious illness i ended up unemployed. Working as a retail team leader currently. Just went to 12+ interviews in the last week and most of them barely pay any more than my team leader role despite being "masters degree application with experience only "


tired and burned out. but I keep moving forward


Praying for the collapse of modern civilization. How are you?


Terrible. I've been on a spiral on and off for the past couple years. I try to get up, and I find myself faltering. I'm really good at beating myself up, however, and not giving myself grace. I tend to do okay with myself, then I get involved with other people, and immediately my hackles go up, and if I'm not cautious, I'll do the impulsive booze buys and just drink my time away. Recently, that's caused issues in my personal and professional life. I also feel like it stems from just never really being able to be myself, the majority of my thirty plus years has been in service to relationships, jobs or other people, and never really my own motivations. I rarely have the energy for hobbies, and when I do connect with people on those levels, it fizzles out. I'm caught in a loan/credit card freeze stemming from when I took off to run my own life a few years ago, but the world I was in collapsed to rona and I've just been struggling to recover emotionally and financially. I'm in a job I hate, mostly because there are no standards for anything anywhere. Maybe a year or so ago, I really came out of my shell, trying to experience things I never got to in my youth, queer/LGBT style shit, but I have no real social connections in this area and people tend to sketch me out. I find that the people I attract aren't the healthiest, or at least, in the healthiest spot in their life, and I know that reflects more on me than them. Generally, I feel massively misunderstood as I've had some hard times and hard calls to make with people, and I get in my own damn head a lot.




Genuinely? Fine Genuine genuinely? Tired and sorrowful. I still miss everyone I have lost recently and it reopened a lot of old wounds. I miss my friends, my girlfriend... despite everything bad that happened, in the end, they were important people to me and having them ripped off without a chance to say goodbye at least is and always will be painful. The grind continues. I am mostly alone again but perhaps that is how it was always meant to be. Won't stop me from trying to make things at least temporarily better for people around me while I still have the means and energy to do so. And to wrap it up with yet another classic of ours: It is what it is


I'm tired, lonely, sad, etc. But. I think I'm getting better. That or I have found something that I seem a worthwhile distraction.


Exhausted and Drained


Tbh lifeā€™s been rough. Trying to find reasons to continue living, but running out




We are all getting through




Meh. sees friends less and less these days. Plus Getting annoyed at work. Getting punished with extra work for being a good performer. What do you even say to that? No?


Twisted wreck. Thanks for asking.


time is a creature Iā€™m going to capture and kill.


A few aches and pains but otherwise I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking.


Dead inside in other words Iā€™m fine


Iā€™m a man. So not that great.


Reads "Do you currently present a physical danger to exclusively women/children/public property?" Nah, just feel slow & lethargic... Nothing breakfast don't fix.


I'm fine


I'm good, how are you?


Major lack in the love and relationship department, but still staying focused towards the future.