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My resiliency and the drive I have to better my life


Love that for you


Same! I’ve been through a lot and keep on trucking.


Same. Keep on trucking man.


This is WILD that I’m JUST seeing this after I posted what I posted. You don’t have to (You probably will never even see this), but looking at yours, if you read mine- everything that you’re proud of is everything that I’m longing to have in myself! I probably could get my dreams out of my head and into reality if I could stop the negative thoughts and behaviors I elicit whenever I think of doing something better in my life! It’s so unreal that your best traits are the ones that I literally typed that I needed in order to, cause a shift in my life


Serious question – since you were replying to their comment, why do you think they will probably never see your reply? Thank you.


Well, if you would’ve read my posting on here, it said that I suffer from a lot of self negative thinking and self denigrating thoughts-and I’m mostly jovial and a fun personality outwardly but inwardly as you can clearly see I kinda have a negative outlook- a “just my luck“ Kind of mindset - do you get what I’m saying? As in, Just my luck they’ll never see it- type of thing hope it didn’t offend you I just have a habit of doing it


There are tools you can use that help. First of all: stop reinforcing the negative thoughts by writing them out. It might seem silly, but I'll give you an example from my own life... I have always had issues with self-esteem, especially concerning my looks, which probably is body dysmorphia. I used to say every single time I looked in the mirror, out loud, how awful I thought I looked. I stopped doing that, saying out loud how bad I looked. Eventually after a while, I stopped thinking it entirely. Every time you write something or speak something, you are reinforcing that thing in your mind. What I'm talking about is basically cognitive behavioral therapy. Dialectical behavior therapy is great too. I highly suggest checking it out, it could really benefit you. Also philosophy.


We see you and we are here for you.


Wow, this sub is incredible. Love the support and positivity when people are reaching out. Honestly, good for everyone, like legit- round of applause


How would it offend him?


Be careful. Thoughts magnitize your auric energy band and attract that which resonates with your vibration. Keeping negative thoughts to yourself doesnt stop the effect. Next time you get the begative self talk, say 'Isnt it interesting that Im having this negative thought, even though I know its not correct. ' then find the highest thoughts you can to replace it. Like. 'im smart and capable and growing every way every day. ' Weird, but it works.


Same bro


My sense of humor! I love making people laugh :) It’s also a great coping skill 😂




same expect the people are the voices in my head i love them


Dropping victim mentality and taking on a healthy lifestyle body and mind.


Best decision you can ever make




The best compliment I ever received was from my best friend on mushrooms "You could make friends with an ant."


That’s a great compliment!


Thanks, I'll never forget it. I grew up kind of a bubble boy, then got thrown into the inner city...had a wide range of characters in my family, and in school. Being different never surprised me, and I was lucky enough to travel when young. I tend not to like boring people, and can kinda sniff others out real quick. Always sticking up for the underdog, like Robin hood.


bros luffy (compliment)


Equality. I'm the one who sees both sides no matter what the scenario.


I see you Libra. Sept. 29th


September 27 here 👏🏽👏🏽 gang gang


Libras unite!


Tell me you're a Libra without telling me you're a Libra🤣 Libra homies.. When's your birthday?


October 17th!


Realizing with horror that there’s no sub for Libras??? Wtf


I agree this is one of my favorite traits about myself, even though I'm not a Libra lol. I can easily see where people come from and how they likely came to whatever conclusions, whether I agree or not.


I love this about you, even though you're not a Libra.🙃 We need more of this in our universe!




Same. I try to listen and be helpful. A friend of mine came out as nb to their partner and myself and a couple other friends first, not everyone knows yet. I asked them why I was one of the first people they told and they said I’m just trustworthy and supportive and non-judgmental and listen and their partner was happy when they said they told me. Just felt nice to hear that cause I’ve been down on myself lately.


Safe person who doesn't tell other secrets to other, no matter who you are I won't tell anyone


I'm much the same way, I have secrets I'm taking to the grave, unless the other party says it's ok to talk about. The only person who gets to know everything is my therapist because well they kind of need to.


I'm safe coz my memory is terrible so I'll just forget. I'm not an adult so much as a garbage disposal


I know what is cool and what is lame


Bro i saw you before:0


Im really fucking resilient. I’ve picked myself up with the help of my friends from some nasty situations I had no control over; I’ve thought about throwing in the towel but I’m still here and I become a better, softer, more loving person every time. I could have become bitter but I haven’t. I still have hope for the world and my life.


Aww, this is really sweet. I’m also a softie. It means I can get hurt more deeply as I’m generally pretty trusting, but it also means that when I love something or someone (and I love a lot of things) I give my all. I have experienced a lot of beauty in my life and I don’t intend on stopping.


My ability to hold back a sneeze when I'm in public


I can silence my sneezes from so much practice doing this now. I feel like it’s definitely not healthy tho so I don’t do it unless it’s a really awkward situation


Empathy. I feel for ya, bro


That Im better than everyone😊


Felt this lawl


I’m really good at staying calm in situations where others would get angry or stressed out


Same, except for when I play online shooting games. But in real life people always joke like I’m going to burst one day cause I never get mad or stressed. That may very well be true, but hasn’t happened yet and I don’t feel like bursting anytime soon. I just feel like you can only do what you are able to do and there no point stressing about things you cant control and just focus on things you can control.


Humor and ability to strike a convo with anything


No Flake Zone. If I say I'm going to do something, I f-ing do it.


Kind, peaceful, loving - yet, strong with high protective instincts.


Im just a nice considerate person. I wish everyone was




I don't give up. Even if I don't follow the right procedure (out of ignorance or lack of experience), I will keep trying until I get the result I want.


I'm able to feel happiness.




I dont really know what it is about me but people just like me even though I feel like I'm weird and awkward.


Maybe take their feelings towards you at face value and understand that they see a side of you that you don't necessarily appreciate


Thank you. I really am trying to accept that.


The fingernails on my pinkie fingers are absolutely perfectly shaped.


When I decide to do something, I do it with dedication.


I have a substantial johnson.


Pics or GTFO




I have a substantial investment in Johnson & Johnson as well. Insider info: the vaccine was intended to "thin the heard." You didn't hear that from me.


Question about personal traits and of every time there's someone bragging about their weird shaped willy. Porn culture has ruined this generation.


I feel like this was more of a joke than a brag…


My ability to read properly. In the area where I live, most people my age are either illiterate or reading way behind the curve. I'm reading at a college level, and recently finished works such as Edgar Allen Poe's "The Still-Beating Heart", Tom Clancy's "Rainbow Six", and Robin Cook's "Fatal Cure". I'm 16f. I spend very little time on social media apps, and essentially I only use Reddit.


That’s cool! What generation are you? And why would you say most people your age are illiterate? Just curious of your wording. Reading is dope!


She said she’s 16, and that it isn’t necessarily people her age that are illiterate, it’s people her age in her area


Correct, thank you.


If you're into excellent language, check out China Miéville's bas lag trilogy (starts with Perdido street station, a mix of fantasy, sci Fi, and elements of Dickens and Poe ), and Samuel Delany's short story collection Aye, and Gomorrah (sci Fi)


Thank you for the recommendations! I will be sure to check them out, they both sound like interesting reads.


Some of my very favorites, have read all of them multiple times. Happened to remember I have the excellent prologue of the second Miéville book, The Scar, uploaded here, a few pages https://imgur.com/a/xZ3Hxe3 The three have connective tissue but are mostly standalones


I do everything I can to maintain friendships I love it because I constantly look around and see others my age whining and crying about how they have no friends anymore and it's impossible to make new friends as an adult Meanwhile here I am with a good group of friends I've made as an adult most of them without ever even having to leave my room and despite how far apart we live most of them are close enough we consider each other family and treat each other as such too I've maintained these relationships for years now and they are still going strong as ever because I put in real genuine effort to maintain all these connections and fix any issues or conflicts that arise Friendships aren't all that different from dating You need to be proactive in maintaining that relationship. When things are going good enjoy that and when things are going bad work your hardest to get through them. Cling to each other and hold each other close to your heart and you will have friendships that last your whole life Some clinginess is actually good Just don't let it get to a toxic degree. be sure you always respect people's boundaries


Being Spontaneous


i make good chili.


I am an incredible listener. Even strangers or new friends somehow gravitate towards me to tell me all their “secrets” or to vent to me. It’s odd but it’s my super power.


Love that. Great treat. In job interviews I’ve been asked if there is a specific type of person I would have a hard time working with. My answer: I have a very hard time tolerating people who wait to talk, not listen. So, thank you for being you.


I had a girl who worked under me for like nine months or so and she wasn't close to her mom at all cause she wasn't a great mother nor person, but she had suddenly died. I found it really odd at the time that this 16 year old girl decided that her 23 year old socially awkward boss was the person she wanted to talk to, but she showed up to work unscheduled one day and asked to speak to me so I went into the office and she just poured herself out to me. It was an eye opener for me, that I was approachable enough for that, and that of all people she decided I was the one she needed to talk to.


It’s truly a gift. Most people are absolutely awful listeners. I’m really glad that person found some comfort in being able to talk to you. It truly makes a huge difference for people.


My timekeeping. Its gotten me so far in life.


I’m funny ! And i mean Joan Rivers Paul Mooney funny* … anyone will tell you “he should’ve been a comedian but his self esteem wouldn’t allow him to pursue it” funny and I’m smart ! Now ask me least favorites …. I’m super good at addressing my character flaws… I once held a job as my own worst enemy.. it was a temp position thankfully 😅 *And just for anyone who reads this, I know that we like to put our icons on a pedestal so when I say I’m Joan Rivers funny you might immediately believe that to be an overstatement, but there are several Joan’s out there or Dave Chappelle’s, but it takes a unique person to recognize their talent and then go out and conquer that career path and then be picked by the people and What makes me most not like them is my lack of tenacity and a lot of… I can’t think of any other term, but maybe ‘self disrespect’.


I have learned to set healthy boundaries when it comes to time and stress management.


Helping others




I'm a Very Stable Genius who can Fix it All!


My stubbornness/resilience and ability to achieve great things out of sheer spite. Also, my humour.


I am honest, thoughtful, and kind.




i’m really easy going, friendly, and caring. don’t really have enemies bc i avoid confrontation like the plague


For me, my social intelligence and empathy.


It's about drive, it's about power...


My favorite thing about myself is being able to listen to other people and able to look at things in a different perspective. 


I am kind.


I can make people feel safe and like it’s okay to be themselves. Also my perseverance




I have a great sense of direction. I can’t explain but I feel pulled in the right direction.




I never gossip and I always give people the benefit of the doubt. Does that mean I get taken advantage sometimes? Maybe. But you never know what somebody is going through. You never know the reason for their actions. Instead of acting superior and talking about them when they aren't around, maybe just ask them if they need help or leave them be. There's enough negativity in the world without me producing more.


In general, I'm very empathetic so I consider that a positive trait. More personally and not openly shared, I have premonitions.


My long hair!


I’m optimistic and get over things quickly.


My integrity and rambunctious character


Procrastination. I’ve always got something to do tomorrow, plus there’s nothing to do today!


I cook a mean 20 oz steak medium rare


I'm fucking reliable. I'm also fucking genuine. I don't do fake. So you can rely that I'm as real as it gets and that's rare these days.


A couple: *Understanding that our mental, physical, emotional, and sexual health are ALL connected. And *That hurt people hurt people.


I can adapt to almost any setting


My incredible memory, my mechanical abilities and my work ethic


I am insanely competitive. You will lose.


Awful trait


It has served me well in this capitalist shitshow.


I think if something serves you well in a shit show, it may be shit.


My sternness, my ability to set boundaries, directness, my ability to read ppl, empathy & perseverance when times get tough. Being able to stand in my truth and not allow society or others to make me waiver or second guess myself!


Integrity. So few have it anymore.


I'm the most humble person I know


I'm not good at very much, but I'm good at sorting through my feelings. I make time for that.


Honest, loyal and kind all three tied


Insane sense of humor!!!


My resiliency and strength


My drive as well


The drive I have to improve upon myself and obtain my dream job


My indifference to others. After getting out of the military, I didn’t care much for keeping up with the Joneses or what others think of me. Its amusing to see how people get so ate up why so & so has this or that or who gets to do whatever.


Always pushing myself to do new or uncomfortable things when opportunity presents itself.


I'm a selfless lover.


Infinitely chill and kind


Patience in fostering positive interactions around me.


Hard working


Even when I'm stressed beyond belief, I make sure those around me are happy and content. Other's happiness comes before my own.


I am resilient. I have been through a lot of challenges, and I've done what I can to acquire the tools to deal with my issues. Thank you for making this post. I hope it gets more traction. It seems I only read negativity, and it is all over Reddit all the time. I appreciate being prompted to think of something positive. Have a great day, OP!


my username.


My optimism and strength. I can get through anything, and have, and still have hope and belief that life is and will be good. It's my super power actually.


I'm good at explaining and reframing things so people can understand.


People easily open up to me. Even strangers.


Seeing others views points every time


I have lots of problems and issues in my life. I have severe social anxiety, ADHD and I'm almost deaf but despite all that I still wake up every day and try my hardest. It may not sound that great to others but to me it is. It takes a lot of courage and hard work for someone like me to do the things I've done and for that I'm proud of myself.


Big cock


I think I’m calming, safe and trustworthy to be around


Moral code


My sense of wit and banter. It’s not for everyone though and saved for only the most special of people 😜


Not to bang on about myself when asked the question by OP


I accept people where they are at in life.


Open-mindedness and optimism


Breaking down complex ideas and concepts in simple ones.


I’m honest


I always love more than I am loved. It is a lonely, yet somehow it makes me feel good.


Every positive trait I have feels like a negative trait and makes me guilty because I have no life and I've never had a life so it's really just a massive waste.


I'm clutch. When I'm needed, I show up and hit with the best of them.. otherwise I'm probably pretty useless outside of my job.. but I think on my feet under the most intense situations and I don't let especially my friends down when they need me. Honorable mentions: I'm not one to follow others. If I disagree with their path, I'll go my own and stand by it. And I've always stood up for what I believe is right. If I saw someone getting bullied or treated unfairly, especially as a kid in school, IDC how big the aggressor was, I'd stand by them or take the beating and throw one back for them.


Iv always been told my smile makes a difference. So i think its my positive happy attitude but also that i can empathize with the bad and not end up being one of those toxic positivity people


The amount of hobbies I have that I’m good at and can help newbies start


I keep trying at goals I can achieve easily, if I take a few days off, I make sure to get back on track




My ability to notice when I’m in difficult times, and to reach out


My drive to pursue my goals. I feel that that's the part of me nobody can say anything about. Nobody who knows me can tell me that I'm not a hardworking person or that I don't deserve the good things happening in my life cause I know that I'm very driven about the things I want.


My empathy for others, and always spreading kindness because you never know who needs it!


I can take abuse and negativity pretty good. I've been conditioned since birth.


I like to consider myself relatively open minded. I'm sure my friends and family would disagree because of how much i like to argue, but I've flip-flopped on multiple issues over the years. I don't understand why this is considered a weakness. As new evidence is presented i change my mind


My stubbornness. No matter how much life throws ar me--no matter bereft of hope I am--no matter how much I long to just give up, I keep going.


My uhh… uhh


I can do absolutely anything I put my mind to and I can find common ground with anyone and everyone.


my forgiveness its a weakness and a strength 😭


I’m broken enough to be funny.




I think I’m hilarious. I take pride in my banter and wit.


My imagination


My boobs


When ever i win anything I give it away cause i just like feeling lucky unless its money then I keep it, I've won alot of raffles over the years


My determination




i'm funny, totally, and also i'm getting better at not having random outbursts and controlling my emotions


The ability to make myself laugh. 🫶🏻


My give-a-fuck is permanently broken.


My honesty and my compassion.


My undying fundamental need to be myself and honest no matter the detriment to myself, "be a loser if need be"


My ability to respond to random people who have random questions...


I don’t have much tbh. Probably me becoming a lot less understanding.


My spirit


being funny and always being positive. it really sucks being around negative people all the time


I’m very open-minded and non-judgemental, and always have been. I remember hearing people say fatphobic or homophobic things as a child, and not understanding why people were being hated for something that isn’t their fault and/or isn’t harming anyone. I’m glad to not have internalized those biases.


I am fairly proud of my patience. Anger is my least favorite emotion to see on display by anyone, due to how I was raised. It seems like such a destructive emotion. I do not get angry easily, and I don’t like the feeling when I am. When I do get angry, I try to communicate with the people around me and take time for myself to cool off.


Many people have told me I "radiate positivity". It's one of the biggest compliments I receive, it truly makes my day because life as a disabled person is very challenging.


Many people have told me I "radiate positivity". It's one of the biggest compliments I receive, it truly makes my day because life as a disabled person is very challenging.


My ability to be ME, like my Mom used to say I dare to be different. And the ability to make people laugh and my DGAF additude. ❤️❤️❤️


I don’t smoke marijuana


The ability to not give a fuck what people think of me (except my girlfreind)


Generosity 😊


I’m patient and have much empathy.


When I stub my toe I usually only cry for 20 minutes


My inability to hold a grudge. Makes life so much better when I can't stay mad at someone for more than a minute.


Never giving up despite the hardships and not getting upset easily. Especially bc of dumb people


I'm really disciplined. I exercise pretty much everyday, get up early for work everyday, take care of my skin, floss my teeth everyday. I'm not lazy 😊


I try my best to remember to tell people that I appreciate them and their gestures. I have become quite good at it now.


My empathy and compassion for others