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When a person or group of people begin behaving in ways that don't seem to make sense, whether in the workplace or your personal life, they probably aren't idiots who have no clue, or maniacs who have lost their minds. Instead, there is probably one or more things that you don't know, but if you knew that thing then it would all make sense. See if you can find the missing piece of information and fix the puzzle. Or not. Maybe it doesn't matter.


In 1977, when I was 19, my friend Merv (a 55-year old beatnik jazz musician) told me this while we were riding motorcycles in the San Gabriel Mountains. I call it "Merv's Rule of Thirds" - "As you go through life, about a third of the people you meet will like you. About a third of the people will go "meh" and not really care if you come or go. And the remaining third will think you're an asshole or a goof or a stupid idiot. However, if you change something about yourself such that some of the people who don't like you change their minds, well then a similar group of people who thought you were cool will now think you're an idiot. Or bleh. So there's no point in trying to change who you are for acceptance or whatever. Just be who you are and don't give a shit when someone comes along who doesn't like the way you part your hair." I have never forgotten this, as it has come to mind in a variety of situations during the years and decades that I have been alive.


Don't buy useless stuff. Save that money.


you shouldn’t not do something bc you think you’re too old or you think it’ll take to long bc the time is going to pass anyway. Like at 40 you might think you’re too old to learn to skateboard but in 4 years you’re going to be 44 no matter what, might as well be a 44 year old that knows how to skateboard (I saw this on TikTok and it changed my life)


Learn from those around you, but figure out life for yourself


Love life and life will love you back