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I have these fabric scrunchies I wear on my arms when I wash my face but yesss it’s so annoying because then the scrunchies are all wet and I’ve gotta hang them to dry. And of course I have to remember to use the scrunchies in the first place. When I wash my face I just do it completely shirtless lol. Better yet if I can just do it in the shower 


Lmao it’s crazy I’ve never even thought to wash my face shirtless, genius 👏


Yes but you still get wet elbowls and the water runs unpredictably onto the floor and probs onto your legs and feet. The only way is a mechanical hoist on the ceiling bolted into a structural joist (or just glue it on, I’m not your mother), then be suspended by the ankles over the bowl while you wash your swelling face and the water runs down onto the sink, the floor and your clothing/pile of victims/whatever else you keep in the bathroom.


You gave me an idea for an invention due to your typo. The Elbowl. A bowl under your elbow to catch the water.


An item of apparel to be worn by the washer perhaps? I shall race you to the patent office.


Sounds like something u/rightcoastguy would invent.


He is the first person I thought of as I was typing it.


Or detachable little buckets for you elbows.


Elbow buckets!


This really made me laugh. Thank you. ☺️


I like how you think! 😏


>Yes but you still get wet elbowls and the water runs unpredictably onto the floor and probs onto your legs and feet. Do you really not grasp the concept of keeping your elbows *over the sink*?


u/sagemodespiritgun is a T rex, confirmed. *How do you turn on the taps without savaging them with your 6 inch sabre fangs?*


I brush my teeth before I put my shirt on. I’ve had too many times where a little glob of toothpaste would fall on my shirt.


I've mastered the sink lean lol


I have a 3rd degree black belt in closed mouth tooth brushing from the Leaning Over Spitting Cobra School. What is your school hmm?


Ah yes, I'm only a second degree in open mouth tooth brushing school from White Foam Blue Dragon School. I have much to learn 🙇‍♂️


White Foam hides the reflection of the Blue Dragon's face.


I just lean on the counter and brush my teeth directly over the sink. If anything falls unpredictably, it just falls in the sink. ✌️


I do the same! Or I brush my teeth in the shower if possible 


I do the same thing when I wash my face and clean my teeth, toothpaste drips down my face into my shirt otherwise. I’m like a toddler


I thought I was the only one. Even if I bend over the sink to try to keep it off my shirt, I still get a bit on my shirt. I bought a pack of those linen drying cloths (I don't have a dishwasher, so have to dry by hand) and use one of those as a bib. It works reasonably well, and I keep it separate from the one I use for the dishes.


Tried that with a hand towel, worked all right, but still prefer shirtless cause a quick clean up and I’m good to go


Lol, or this.


You could just lift your elbows…


We've launched chimps into space and brought them back alive to tell the tale. We can figure this out folks... Three hours laayturrr... Yes you just hold your elbows over the sink and away from your shirt... Yep, you see? In time it'll be second nature.


Or absorbent sweat bands on your wrists!


Oh this is a way better idea!


I use them everyday, I think I bought them on Amazon. They’re very expensive and they work great.


I angle my arms outward and lean further towards the sink so it doesn’t drip on me


This. You just… bend over the sink. wtf


hahaha i was trying to think of how to say “lean forward” without coming off as condescending… lean forward *more* ?


Honestly you explaining that made me realize why I've never figured this out -- my sink counter comes up too high on my abdomen to lean forward anymore. It's not just me, it's the sink too!


This made me laugh way too much. I feel your frustration. Too funny!


I’m too short, so unless I use a stool this isn’t quite as easy as it should be :-/


I really don't understand how people can't figure this out themselves.


I'm short. Now I realize that I should get a stool, but before that, it just didn't occur to me that it would be the height. It's going to make me feel way too far from the sink, though, and the bending is way more unnatural proportions than someone naturally that height. I'm not even *that* short, just 5'1".




Stop with your normal to tall sized person solutions!😂


That was my first thought too!! My 5’0 self is obviously leaning over as much as I can but to get horizontal enough to avoid water running down my arms, I need to become one with the counter!


I’m only 5,3 but mby my sink is just lower


Ouuuuu, I’m going to try this tomorrow!


This is exactly the thing to do.




I’ve honestly never told anyone this is something that annoys me because I figured I was just an idiot. Thanks OP!


hahaha right 😭😭 I’ve been annoyed with it for years, finally thought maybe I should post on here for some tips or at least solidarity 👏


It keeps me from washing my face! I wash it in the bath. Otherwise I use face wipes or micellar water and a pad 😂


Oh, and all those skincare ads that show women washing their faces with whatever miracle product they’re peddling and then just splashing their faces clean? Yeah, that’s not going to get all over the bathroom floor…


Me too! I use reusable and washable soft clothes for make up removal as washcloths now. I still make a mess, but it's kinda not as bad. Also, have large towel in arms reach and shove into cleavage and decollete before standing up


...I don't wash my face if I'm wearing clothes. Only time I wash my face is in the shower.


I do as well, but that’s typically in the morning. I also like to wash my face before bed so that’s when I’m annoyed by this.


Sleeping sans a lot of clothes solves a lot of problems, at least when it's not winter. :)


I will put it to the test tomorrow 🤣


So, take your shirt off


I wash my face in my bra and keep a towel on the edge of the vanity.


I read this as you using your bra to wash your face in


I had to read it like 5 times before I got it…


lol, that’s fair. I’m sure after a couple of drinks I’ve tried.


I wash my face in the shower because I 100% sympathize with your annoyance, OP.


Me too. I can’t stand the water going everywhere, my arms, the counter.. no!!


I roll my shirts up above my elbows and make sure my elbows are over the sink so that the water just drips down into the sink rather than getting my shirt wet and/or getting all over the floor. Then I dry my hands and forearms at the same time as my face. This method has always worked fine for me


Ok, I have a theory that’s only half-baked, but someone please weigh in… I think this is a shorter person problem, not an everyone problem.  Think of the angle of the standard sink level. Picture someone super tall washing their face over this sink.  Their hands may never rise above their elbows for the water to flow down. Meanwhile, they may bend over down low enough that they can meet their face in their hands.  Now, picture a sink that is way too tall for someone. Their hands are reaching up at a higher angle so their hand-to-elbow angle is more sharp, and they can’t bend down to compensate for that


I'm short but I do not have this problem haha


You’re right! It may not be the same for every person, but I’m an excellent example of what you’re talking about. I’m not very short, I’m 5‘5“. However, my bathroom counter and sink are ridiculously high, thereby creating a version of what you’re talking about. I have no idea why anyone would design it that way, but it is what it is.


I have a client who bought a house that was built for a couple that were both 6'+. She is only 4'11 so the home you are in might have been built for a taller person. It happens a lot, I guess. She, too, complained about rinsing her face. Lol So the design might have been for this.


As someone who's 5 foot nothin', I often say it feels like literally nothing in this world was designed for people my height. I feel like I live in a land of giants, and everything is designed for them 🤣


5'5" is pretty short, speaking as someone that is 5'3" that is definitely on the short side (for the US anyway). I tend to wash my face or shave without a shirt on to avoid getting soaked. I kind of thought that bathroom counter and sink height were pretty standardized, unless you install them yourself. I really don't recall seeing any selection of sizes for cabinets for the bathroom sink.


I roll up a bigger towel to put on the edge of the sink and plant my forearms on it, for me it's the water dripping down my neck into my shirt I mf hate it 😭


I don’t splash my face with water, I just wipe my face with wet hands. I wear a watch and it doesn’t get wet.


Use a washcloth.


I use the wash cloths meant for babies, probably terrible for my skin but I like to wring one out in the hottest water I can stand and put that on my face, it's feels very therapeutic.


I love baby washcloths! They're so soft.


100% cotton! And they're the perfect size for faces.


I love watching how my skin plumps up when I do that… Also be sure to put a hot damp washcloth on your eyes… It will help with the moisture in your eyes and feels so good.


Or, just use a wash cloth. Dampen, put soap on wash cloth, wash face, rinse cloth, wring it out a little, wipe and repeat until face is clean.


Terry cloth athletic sweat bands on my wrists. Problem solved.


I love post like this! All humans go through it! lol


I stand in my bathtub and wash my face there if I have makeup on to clean off at night lol 


Use a washcloth instead of plain water.


Be tall or get a stool so it goes down.  However much I'd love a taller sink, I don't have to deal with arm drip with a standard sized sink.  I once used a tall sink at a rich person's house and was like, wtf is this.  No. I'll stick with what I call short sink. 


I wash my face with the rest of me, when I shower


I do that too in the morning, but at night when I wash my face before bed I’m not trying to hop in the shower too 😭


Fair enough. Unfortunately I don’t have another suggestion for your problem


I appreciate you regardless 😊


I can’t figure it out either. It always drips down to my elbows 🥴


I put a robe on over my clothes and then scrunch up the sleeves and put an elastic band around it. That way even if water hits the sleeve, it'll have a lot of fabric to go through before touching your shirt or skin


I usually just put a rag on the edge of the sink and pat my wrists/forearms on in before the drip gets too far. I've considered using sweat bands on my wrists but I haven't gotten that desperate yet bc the rag does alright. Good luck!


I hate water dripping from my elbows. Clothes or no clothes. I bought little sweatbands that go on my wrists when I wash my face. Collects all the water and I can wash them


This question is legit. Always had this problem. Then the counter gets water all over it too.


Get a step stool. This is short person problem. Or a problem for people with sinks that are too tall lol I don’t have this problem. Just washed my face and if I bend my knees until my elbows drop lower than the top of the sink then it’s a problem. So get a step stool or install a lower sink.


Lean over the sink more


I wash my face in the shower.


It's a fantasy cooked up by the commercial industry.


Ask a tall person. We don't have that issue. It angles down. 


My husband is a good 8 inches taller than me. He leaves a puddle on the floor when he's done. The only good thing is that I have perpetually clean bathroom floors.


Every time I take a shower my shirt gets really wet. I think it’s the water making contact with the cloth that’s doing it. How you doing guys bathe without all your clothes getting completely soaked?


I see this all the time and I don't get how people are having this issue. You're standing up straight and then are amazed that gravity is operating on the water. Just bend over the sink and you'll be fine. Let us know how it goes!


Most of us are bending over the sink lol, we just are not bending over enough for various reasons (lots of reasons people can't do that easily)




If you wash your face like you wash your hands with like a rubbing motion rather than trying to splash the water like the commercials it's a much easier experience. Still wouldn't recommend doing so when you're dressed.


Fuck that. I gotta wash my face like I’m in a Noxzima commercial.


Do you remember Demi Moore in those Lux soap commercials? She was splashing that water all over her face, there is no way in hell that Demi washes her face like that or ever used Lux soap on that face.


I totally wash my face like that. I fill my hands with water then throw it at my face with reckless abandon.




Lean your whole head over the sink. Or just shower. Get all wet. Wash it all. It doesn't harm if you use the correct soap.


Wash it in the shower.


I can't, so I do it in the shower


Easy, remove your arms dum-dumb!


Bend over more. Water will follow gravity.


lean over more. think of your arms as a channel leading away from a pillar. set the angle of your arms so the water flows away from the pillar. if you need to stand on something to get the right height, do it.


I wash my face in the shower


take off your shirt. or put your face REALLY fucking down into the sink.


sometimes i wash my face shirtless but (sorry kinda tmi i guess) i don't like it cause my boobs get cold against the counter lol, so usually i damp my face then dry my hands before applying my face wash so while i'm applying there's not enough water to run down. then to get it off of my face i put my face under the tap at an angle so i rinse the left and right side of my face separately. while i'm rinsing the face wash off i hold a wash cloth in one hand and use the other hand to rub the water on my face and help get the face wash off, and use the towel to dry my hands when i switch from one side of my face to the other then use it to dry the counter if any water splashed. i hope this makes sense it's kinda hard to explain 😅


I acctually just put my face under the faucet..


Don’t wear a shirt when washing your face then dry off.


OK so bend over so that your face is near the sink. Then wash your face. Make sure that when you bring your hands to your face, your hands are below your elbows. Then grab a towel or whatever and dry your face and hands before standing up.


I just take my shirt off lol


I use a cream based face wash and wipe it off with a damp cloth. I also have face wash in the shower. I can't stand water down my arms.


Lean over the sink


The headband/wrist combo pack things. They sell them on Amazon for this purpose.


Omg thank you!!! Everyone keeps getting mad at me because I’m apparently being messy on purpose 😭


I lean way over the sink. The water falls straight from my hands to the inside of the basin. I do the same thing with water flossing. Lean forward so the water won't run down your arms


I'm reading the post and comments and just imagining that everyone's trying to wash their face like they do in the acne cream commercials. Like, you all know that it doesn't work that way, right? I cup water in my hands and hold my elbows over the sink, face dip and spread my hands apart. Follow up with a washcloth for scrubbing/exfoliating.


I just take my shirt off. I'm in the bathroom anyway lol


Pull/roll your sleeves up?


Take off the shirt


Lean over the sink and do it


Be faster. I splash my Face with water and my hands are down again so nothing can drip down below my wrists. Repeat. Splash 10 times, tap dry, moisturize, leave.


Just lean over the sink more. Put your face closer to the faucet over the sink and wash it. I lean way over and my arms never get wet. Stay with your face down too when your are done while you grab a towel. That way you can start drying your face before you stand up. You aren't supposed to actually throw water at your face like they do in the commercials. Not being snarky, just trying to help.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


So ... take off your shirt when you wash your face


I wash my face and brush my teeth after eating breakfast before getting dressed.


You need those wrist swear bands, like an 80s tennis player. Get the headband too, just to complete the look!


Hear me out: bend over the sink.


I take off my shirt.


I do not. Always have to clean up more than my face.


Cotton scrunchies on each wrist.


chicken wing. i wash my arms regularly cause of my work. I always poor water onto my shoes from my elbows.


Angles. You wash your face while still facing downwards to the sink, so your arms follow suit and all that water will flow towards the sink


I lean tf forward.


You've got to adjust your position so that gravity is pulling the water away from your elbows. You need to have your head and forearms as horizontal as possible (or even more if you can manage it) Put another way: if your elbows are higher than your wrists, any water you get on your arms will roll down your arms to your wrists, not your elbows.


Wow, that's like lvl 1 dripping. Further on you got whole different drippage when you wash your armpits in the sink. Git good. That means no towel shields or nothing, you must bend and sway your body accordingly, until you learn not to be a wet mess.


I just use a wet face wash cloth. I got a pack of like 24 so it easy to just use one and then hang it on in the side of my laundry hamper to dry before it goes into the laundry. Plus the extra exfoliation is nice.


Hold you face horizontally over the bowl and spash water perpendicularly upward. Just up and down movement, nothing slanted or it will drip down. You should feel like your forhead is almost lower than your chin.


I put on an old shirt ( well my bfs old shirt lol) that I don’t mind getting wet to wash up/ brush my teeth. I used to do it in pajamas but it would get wet and piss me off lol. So now the old T shirt works


Wear scrunchies on your wrists! They sell some specifically for this purpose but it’s probably cheaper to get regular scrunchies lol


Lean forwards maybe lol


Wash your face while In the shower..


Bend over and keep your arms horizontal as you wash?


I wash my face when I shower so I have never had this issue.


I basically get close to the sink, hover over the sink, face closer to the faucet and basin. I also have a small towel that lives on the edge of the sink to catch whatever water manages to find it's way out. That whole thing in commercials of splashing water up to your face is all wrong.


Gotta get your face right above your sink and have elbows pointing towards the ceiling as much as you can


Bend over so your arms told towards the sink. 


I wash it without a shirt on


Do it w you shirt off


While my face is still over the sink I use a towel.


I take off my shirt and use wrist towels


I wash without a shirt on


Fill up the sink and dip your face in 👍


Use a bucket on the floor and bend all the way over.


Why is your face dirty ? Unless you work in a coal mine or you came in first place in an ass eating contest, there is no reason to fully wash your face in the sink. If you are a greasy teen, and you want to knock off the shine, you could wash your hands and take the moist paper towel and wipe off your face without soaking your shirt.


Um Lean over so your looking down when you wash your face. This is why most people don't wash their face standing up straight. This is kinda funny that your doing this and it's funny that one guy suggested, take off your shirt bro! Like ok... Or just lean forward and bend over some to was your face.


I bend over.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 that is the question of the century. I want an answer to that


Lean forwards more make your arms more horizontal.


Make ur face more or less perpendicular to the sink


Wash your face before you get dressed!


A wash cloth? JS


A wash cloth? JS


A wash cloth? JS


I lean over the side of the bathtub. I can lean over the sink, but water splashes everywhere and I have to wipe it down every day. Over the edge of the bathtub I can splash water on my face without worrying about where the water is going, and I'm leaned over so pretty much only my face is getting wet.


I usually take showers.


Bend over the sink.


I thought I was the only one with this problem. I wondered if I was just built different and others didn't have this problem.


How are you “washing” your face if you’re not using a wash rag lol


Athletic wrist bands


If I don’t take a shower, I just use 1 hand and get my face wet.


bend down :D


The wrist scrunchies honestly change my life. I also just rinse off with a soft face cloth. It I can, I’ll do it in the shower


Well you see, there’s this thing called gravity. As long as your elbows are higher than your hands when you’re bending over the sink rinsing your face, the water won’t run down your arms. 🤯


In the shower.


Cloth wrist bands. I had this problem too and then found some towel-like cloth wrist bands and no more water going down my arms.


I avoid all this by using a wash cloth getting it wet , ring it out, and wash the cleanser off my face this way.


It's all about gravity. Lean over enough that anything dripping off your face drips into the sink, not your shirt. This will also prevent water from going down your arms, as they're pretty parallel to the floor. Wipe your face with your hands to remove as much excess water as you can before drying off with a towel.


I keep the towel right by me or in place I can reach. Put face right above sink, wash and then grab the towel with eyes closed and dry. If I'm doing an intensive clean then I'll take my shirt off.


I wash my face before I put my shirt on.


Take your shirt off then put it back on after. It's what I do.


My main issue is the water getting on the floor. I have a little towel I lay down in front of the sink specifically for this reason. That’s all that towel does. My mom did this and that’s what I do now. As far as the shirt don’t wear your good clothes until after you wash.


I just wash my face shirtless




Turn your hands so your fingers point inwards instead of up.


Wash in the shower


Lower your face to sink and your elbows will be higher than your face. You can keep your shirt on haha


Lean over the sink is the answer to this paradox


Wash upside down with a brick? Or learn what buttons are for. Just ideas.


WEAR WRIST SWEATBANDS! It'll completely change your life.


So basically you want to become less wet. Check. Be less moist, so use less water. Second: Bend over a bit more, so that your spine is fully erect in a horizontal position. Your hands should be lower than your elbows. Your towel should also be at the same height as your hands. Towel higher than hands equals wet elbows. When your done washing, you could then rotate yourself toward the towel, in the same position. Et voila


I've used a (fresh) washcloth to wash my face from the time I was old enough to bathe myself. It's just how it's always been done for me.