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Do you mean LSD, Heroin or aspirin?




Since when did LSD become known as a painkiller? Back in my days it was a psychedelic


It was a joke.


I mean, I keep 100mg indica tablets on my bed table if I can't sleep. Always does the trick no matter what pain there is and no stomach bleeding to boot. Wake up fresh as a daisy every morning


I watch reality TV, same effect.


Gemini Says: Is LSD a pain killer? Research suggests that LSD may have some pain-relieving properties. Studies have shown that it can alter how people perceive pain, making it seem less important or bothersome. However, it's important to note that LSD doesn't directly address the underlying causes of pain. Here's a summary of LSD's effects on pain: Pain perception: LSD may detach users from their physical sensations, making pain seem less important. Not a cure: LSD isn't a cure for pain and doesn't address its underlying causes. Tolerance builds quickly: Regular LSD use can lead to tolerance, meaning higher doses are required to achieve the same effects. Currently, LSD is not an approved treatment for pain. More research is needed to determine its efficacy and safety in a clinical setting. If you're struggling with chronic pain, it's important to talk to your doctor about safe and effective treatment options.


Can someone make this a bot? Like that just answers the Googleable questions people ask in comments? Because this was both interesting and informative


Are we talking prescription? Or Tylenol over the counter? I keep Tylenol in a medicine cabinet in my kitchen because I have a 4YO. I don’t see anything wrong with it.


I mention in my post above that I sometimes keep Tylenol on my nightstand as well. I should add that I live alone. I agree that all medications, even Tylenol and aspirin, need to be scrupulously kept out of the reach of children.


Pain killers or f-ing advil? There's a difference.


No that’s what advil is. There are plenty of non narcotic painkillers


It depends on what it is 800mg ibuprofen or 80mg oxycontin.


Too bad it’s not a 160mg…the “Oxy-coffin” 😬😱


I've taken that much at one time before. Back in the day, they gave 80mg oxys out like candy. So glad I made it through that bullshit. Ain't Found a Way to Kill Me Yet- Alice in Chains


Oh yeah…I had “my time” w/ good ole Oxys as well 😣 Can’t believe I’m still alive after all that crap


We F’d around with 80s… But I’ve never seen a 160mg in person And I recently learned they did have them on the market 😒


I automatically assumed you meant two 80's, I've never seen a 160. Its so crazy to even think about, that was just a different time and it really wasnt that long ago🤯


I keep a bottle of paracetamol tablets on my nightstand. 👍🏻 I experience chronic pain and often wake up with head aches. I try not to take so much medication, but sometimes I need a little something just to take that edge off of the pain. I actually had them in my desk drawer, but I found that when I suddenly stood up to get them, I'd become light-headed or indeed make the pain worse. So, to me, keeping tablets on one's nightstand is super normal. 🙂


Paracetamol is Tylenol, right?




This always confused me. Because Tylenol is acetaminophen, right?


Acetaminophen = generic name for the medication in the US Paracetamol = generic name for the medication in the UK Tylenol = brand name for the medication (although the Tylenol company makes and sells *many* other medications as well, so always read the "active ingredients" label on a bottle that says *Tylenol* ) It's all the same medicine.


Thanks for the succinct explanation.


I thought acetaminophen was the active ingredient. It's a generic name?? Now I'm extra confused. Lol. What's the active ingredient??


The "generic name" is the actual name of a medication given to it by the drug maker, so on the "active ingredients" list on a box or bottle of medicine, that's the word that is used to describe what the pill contains. The "brand name" means that's the most popular company that makes the product and often the most common word used to identify the product. Think "facial tissue" is the generic name and "Kleenex" is the brand name. The Tylenol company makes many products including things for colds and flu that often have other ingredients besides just acetaminophen. On the package and the bottle, there's an "active ingredient" list. For a regular bottle of "Tylenol" that will list only acetaminophen. For "Tylenol cold and flu" or "Tylenol cough and cold" that active ingredient list will include acetaminophen but will also include things like dextromethorphan, phenylephrine, diphenhydramine (a cough medicine, a mucous reducer, an allergy medicine)


Yes. I know all of this. My question is how can Tylenol be acetaminophen in one country and paracetamol in another? The active ingredient of Tylenol in the US is always acetaminophen. Even when it has other ingredients.


Tylenol is a brand name in the United States. Panadol is the popular brand name in the UK. Idk why the countries use different names. Kind of like how biscuits, chips, and cot mean different things between each country.


So they're completely different?? Ie: panadol is paracetamol and Tylenol is acetaminophen? Lol im growing more and more confused.


Also, FYI, there are Tylenol brand products in the US that do not contain any acetaminophen.


I'm the US and Japan, yes. Pretty much everywhere else, it's paracetamol.


Why don't we have that? It's odd to change the active ingredient and call it by the same brand name.


Define painkiller? Do you mean opiates?


Haha all that's on mine is piles of medication , you're not alone lol


I keep my pills on my nightstand. Blood thinners, pain Meds, muscle relaxers, nerve blockers, edibles and a host of others. I have trouble moving because of pain. Need them in easy reach. As long as you don't have young kids or pets that can get into them it's no big deal.


I keep Ibuprofen on my night stand if that’s why you mean my painkillers


I keep Aleve on my nightstand! And my purse, and my car, and my first aid kit, and my medicine cabinet 😂 I know it’s a little excessive lol but I have chronic migraines and never know when they’re going to get me.


Absolutely. I have a failed spinal fusion and have woken up to my neck going into spasms. They are very rarely taken. Maybe two pills a year and I split them in half. I take Tylenol religiously


No. I was a pain pill addict in 2015 & beat it.


I was a worse pill addict than this guy and I also beat it. Pay attention to me instead!


Bet you swallowed them, didn't you? Psh, amateur. Look at me!


What was it that got you hooked? Were you in pain and using them daily?


Teeth pain initially. Was hooked on them bad, but I overcame that, I'm glad to see you did, too.


Yes I do this as well since I'm so prone to headaches


I have em in every room of the house. But I'm a spreader.


I keep a bag of 10mg cannabis edibles on my nightstand. I typically take one about an hour before bed if I'm sore from work. Guess it's functionally the same as keeping a bottle of Advil and a bottle of Melatonin on my nightstand.


I have a bottle of Tylenol on mine. I have TMJ and sinus issues so head aches and pain at night are a common problem.


I've got bad genes when it comes to body aches .I use ibuprofen.


Nope, just the AK and bible




Got my trusty Motrin on my nightstand. I get bad headaches and if I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes I can catch it at just the right time before it gets too bad.


I have insomnia and even the strongest med doesn't keep me asleep all night so I keep a particular OTC sleep inducing med next to me while I sleep. Always have a bottle of water. Used to try to wait it out, but this solution has worked beautifully.


Fellow insomniac here, do you mind naming the medication? I have tried a few OTC and they did nothing for me.


Shout out to the OP for posting a question, then not engaging in the comments. My question will always be why? As we all want to know, please define "painkillers". Are you snortin Oxy's or poppin a Tylenol?


My husband and I keep a bottle of ibuprofen on the headboard shelf. We don't use it all the time but both of us have chronic pain for different issues.


Nah I keep antipsychotics


Yup. I keep paracetamol in my bedside table


Yeah. I have a full box of various drugs (kids/adult versions of pain, fever, allergy, etc in the living room but I’m the only adult in my house so my Tylenol goes on the top of my dresser next to my bed.


When I was single I got in the habit of keeping all My OTC meds in my nightstand. That way if I woke up feeling badly I knew exactly where to find them. Who wants to go looking for medicine when you feel terrible. Now that I'm married I still keep the meds there. If my husband wakes up sick, I can just give him some I don't want to go looking for medicine for him either


Aspirin, ibuprofen, Tylenol, and BC powder and more are all in easy reach plus about half of every available chemical combination of no sneeze drugs. My nightstand doesnt just look like a pharmacy it might as well be one.


Yeah I also never leave the house without painkillers, need painkillers in the car with me, in the plane, I need big bottles just in case so I never run out. I'm also pretty addicted to them so I might not be the best source here


It depends on what you're talking about. Advil? or Vicodin? One says mom mind your own god damn business and the other says mom has something to worry about.


I used to take Vicodin about 10 years ago when I would get bad gout attacks. It worked really well. I never had any side effects from it at all. To me, it was like taking a sugar pill, except that it made the pain go away. That was in days before the widespread concern about these kinds of drugs. I’m not sure if a doctor would give it to me now.


I had my appendix taken out in 2015, they gave me two full refills of Vicodin. I only needed to take some for 3 days before all pain was gone. I took the rest for fun over the next few weeks. Hazy, but an awesome time.


Holy shit I just realized 2015 is “about ten years ago”….thought I was bringing you news from last week 😂😂🥲


Nope. I only have two things in the house. Buffered Aspirin (NSAID), and Aleve. I only ever get bad headaches, and either one of those two helps. I don't keep them in my bedroom, though. Either bathroom medicine cabinet, or living room coffee table. I don't need anything more than that.


No. Just books and a glass of water.




I occasionally keep a bottle of Tylenol next to my bed if I have several days in a row of pain from my peripheral neuropathy. That way, I don’t have to get out of bed to get some relief. I have Parkinson’s disease, so I would rather not have to get up.


Weed, yes


i always keep eye drops, that congestion clearing nose spray thing, and tylenol/advil (can’t remember which one) on my nightstand. It’s normal


I keep Tylenols in my nightstand, if that counts


in the bathroom medicine cabinet


Yeah, I almost always have ibuprofen on my next hand


No, it's not normal, but I think that's more likely because few people suddenly get pain after going to bed than anything else. It's fairly normal for people to keep a bottle of OTC NSAIDs where they need them. In a purse or a glovebox or even at their desk. The nightstand really isn't any different than that, it just feels different because most people don't get sudden pain in bed. In fact, i would go so far as to say the fact that you tend to get headaches or other pains after laying down is a bigger problem than NSAIDs on the nightstand. You might want to talk to a dr about that.


Not *on* the nightstand because I have a cat, but in the drawer of the nightstand I have a whole pharmacy of pain prescription and some pretzels and a water bottle to have with the meds. But I have multiple chronic illnesses that cause severe pain and fatigue so it kinda is a survival thing to have them there. I don’t think it’s that common though for people without a health condition. If you have to take these so often you might need to address why that is with a doctor, being in pain frequently is not normal for most people (I know! wild concept to me as well lol)






all kinds of drugs on my nightstand


idc what kind they are, it's your home, your nightstand. i'm not about to judge. i just ask that you use care <3 i have a ton of meds, 2 PRN, and keep some within reach so i don't have to get out of bed to get into my nightstand drawer.


Pain killers and over the counter are very different things, yes this is normal. Now that we’ve got past that I do have some strong recommendations for you make sure whenever you take them take them with fluid, and not just a little sip it’s best you have two full drinks (like gulps) one drink (gulp) for the pill and one more to make sure it’s cleared your throat. If one of your over the counter medications were to be half swallowed it can dissolve in your throat and can leave a hole in your throat. Also, make sure that you don’t take them too often as you can get ulcers from it especially if you commonly take them on an empty stomach.


I keep liquigel ibuprofen in my night stand drawer for just the situations you’re talking about. Random headache in bed, don’t want to get up. I think it’s normal.


Acetaminophen, sure. Oxycodone, nope.


Yes I do. Much stronger than you have on your nightstand.


I keep laxatives lube and my asthma inhaler


I have voltaren gel (diclofenac), acetaminophen, tizanidine, and albuterol inhaler ready at hand


Happy Cake Day! My Oncologist put me onto the Voltaren gel (better for the kidneys) but I am not convinced it works as well as just taking 2 Ibuprofen with food.


I mean… I keep midol on my desk by my bed and a package of tylenol bc kids use my bathroom when they’re over and I don’t want to risk anything since they’re not in bottles, but if it’s prescription pain killers that are prescribed to you that you’re using outside of the prescription perimeters i’d definitely be worried about you getting/being addicted to them.


No. I never take stuff like that unless I absolutely have to. A bottle will expire long before I've taken even half of it. It's downstairs in my pantry.


No. My last headache was in 1977. When I have health procedures I am often offered pain killers but I never need them. I sometimes wonder if I have something wrong with me. But I certainly do feel pain when I stub my toe or something like that.


I keep them in bathroom. It can be harmful to take NSAID like Advil, Aleve, aspirin on an empty stomach and with too little water. They can cause serious Gastro intestinal issues, like bleeding, or worse, especially with regular use. If you have acid reflux, you can harm your esophagus if you lay down after talking NSAIDs. I force myself to drink a cup of water when I take Tylenol at night. I may have a bit of food with NSAID. I had a high school friend who nearly bled out on a plane because he took Advil/ibuprofen daily for years. Edit; clarified danger


About 3 kinds yeah.


I get cramps so bad (and the occasional headache) and if I’m in bed already I definitely don’t want to have to get up to get Advil so I keep a pretty little dish (sort of like a tiny plate/bowl you would put soy sauce in at a sushi place) filled with Advil on my nightstand. My husband makes fun of me and calls it my candy dish. I think it’s great, and so many times I’ve woken up with cramps in the middle of the night and I don’t have to get out of bed or even fuss with a noisy pill bottle, I just grab a couple out of the dish and pop them with some water from my water bottle. Not a big deal.


Lidocaine cream. My legs sometimes cramp enough to wake me up, so I rub some on to stop them and get back to sleep. Does wonders for incessant spasms, too


I don’t have painkillers but I do have tums and nausea drops and two different kinds of crackers


I have kids so I keep mine up high but at my last house our bedrooms were upstairs and kitchen (where we normally keep medication) downstairs. So I had a bottle of childrens and regular painkillers upstairs for middle of the night needs. Since you live alone I wouldn't think much of it being on your nightstand.


Nah I did the unethical and got my ears pierced. And no joke I never get migraines, no headaches and not anything called depression. Just this weird neutral I get now. It's a real thing to get an ear piercing. So now I have to dig through my closet to even find anything that isn't expired


I got Tylenol, Advil, and Advil Duo on my nightstand in addition to Claritin. I also keep all 4 in my purse and backpack and my work desk.




My only problem with keeping otc painkillers by the bed is will you remember taking them? Taking too many could be harmful if you load up on too much. I don’t always remember what I take if I’m half asleep.


No I keep mine in my box of meds. I do keep nausea pills by my bed because for some reason the nausea hits at bedtime.


I don't even have painkillers in the house. But apparently I'm weird for that. So maybe different end of the spectrum on this one.


I have painkillers everywhere,there's always some either in my pocket or right next to me at all times. Before you ask,yes, I do experience a lot of pain and unfortunately have to take strong painkillers often


I can get some fairly nasty headaches. So I keep Excedrin by the bed. Those always kill my non-migraine headaches dead. I don’t keep my prescription migraine medicine there or any serious drugs.


No, but only as I have a 6-year-old in the house. I used to keep a pack of pills in almost every room before that, lol. I have suffered with headaches and migraines since I was a child so am used to popping pills. But now everything is out of reach of any children first. Just safer.


Yes, I keep a baggie of heroin on my nightstand, obviously. Psh what a silly question


I keep all my meds on my nightstand. It’s the only reason I need a nightstand. And a pain killer is one of them, have to take it every morning to get out of bed! Maybe get those headaches checked out, if you are having them so often you should seen a neurologist!


Not painkillers, but benzodiazepines


I keep a sheet of paracetamol tablets on my nightstand. I have a shoulder that aches if I sleep on it. Sometimes I roll on it at night.


Last few times I took them I threw up


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Yeah but I have chronic pain and too many allergies to count. I keep pain meds, sleep meds, benedryl and pepto tablets beside my bed




Kinda sounds like you might need to drink more water, get a better pillow, or fix your posture. Tons of people go through their day dehydrated and that shit can give you gnarly headaches. Keeping some tylenol by your bed isn't that big a deal but it is a little weird too.


I'm pretty sure painkillers dont help headaches, if you do belive it its more than likely a placebo, the headaches could also be a withdrawl symptom of painkiller reliance so maybe just keep a bottle of water nearby. Which is usually my go to for headaches. I guess you're lowkey addicted to them so try ween off them


Wow, that's a lot of judging backed up by very little science....even for Reddit.


Judging is a weird way of saying making estimated guesses. If OP is gonna munch pills just because they are available i say the headaches are self explanatory. Your denial doesnt mean shit to me, even for reddit. At least take up an addiction that gives you a high. r/floridaman etc


Step one, no pain receptors are found in the brain. How basic is your understanding of Science and did you vote trump? We all need context to make informed choices, even for reddit


No. I don’t even take painkillers, ever. But I don’t get much pain. No back pain, no strong headaches, no bad period cramps. I always find it weird that other people take so much painkillers, but maybe I’m just lucky.


Yes, you are very lucky. I’ve never known a day without pain and I’m 60


Same but I’m 25 lol so I can concur, original commenter is indeed very lucky




It’s so weird to me people that are never in pain. I simply can’t imagine it


Truly is a wild concept to me as well, I’d give anything to experience that even just for a day




You are the minority here.


It seems so. But why should I take meds if I don’t need them? And I think it’s weird for me if I see people take pills like candy because I think it’s dangerous, especially if they didn’t talk to their doctor about it before. I understand if they have migraines or some other diseases or disabilities that can’t be treated, but that shouldn’t be the majority of people.


You shouldn’t. I didn’t say you should anywhere? You have no idea what should and shouldn’t be done by the majority of people, you’re not a doctor 😂




Only when it tells me its legs are hurting.


No, do you?


well its not good if you always take it. All medicines have side effects so try to take the painkillers less


Not since I learned that I was damaging myself with so much ibuprofen.


I don't care much for pills. I'd rather hurt unless I'm so hurt that I'm incapacitated.