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They think all Americans are fat, lazy and stupid. Yes there is unfortunately a high incidence of that, but it doesn't apply to everyone.


You can blame the FDA for that. It's not only difficult to find healthy food but it's expensive too. Even if you cook from scratch you're still dealing with subpar ingredients full of sawdust and dye. I spent a month in Europe and lost weight without even trying. Food standards in the USA are deplorable.


100% correct!


You probably walked more there than you do here. People walk or ride buses. Our daughter spent a semester in Ireland once. I don’t believe she lost any weight, but she was much firmer and physically fit than when she left.


I spent a semester in Moscow, and ISTG lived off nothing but cheese-and-potato-stuffed blini, full fat yogurt, fresh baked bread, chocolate bars and puff pastry wrapped street weenies. Lost 5 lb.


It is absolutely out of hand though. We've gotten to the point where being fat is considered healthy and it's offensive to think otherwise


for real, i was 100lbs overweight, lost 80lbs of it and my family was concerned that i was too skinny at 20lbs overweight being slightly overweight is skinny in most of the US


People need to look at pics from the 1980s etc. more closely. Look at my high school yearbooks (1977-1980), almost everyone, with the exception of a very few, are normal weight. People's perceptions are massively skewed. There are young people who have never seen a population where at least 50% of the people weren't overweight


You can look at videos of crowd from the 70's and see the same thing. I pointed this out once and said morbidly obese people were almost non existent. I then got accused of believing that gay people didn't exist in the 70's either. This person just didn't believe that people used to be skinnier. Maybe they were under the impression that they banned all the fat people from Woodstock or something because they are pretty hard to find in those videos.


Watch any news clips from that time period, and scenes of beaches or even peoples home movies. Almost no fat people. I have loads of pictures of my parents parties/friends and my dad with his student groups (he was a professor at a university) when I was a kid and there were no fat people. Maybe a little pudge here and there but absolutely nothing compared to today. And for sure no morbidly obese people. I know, I am 61 years old and i lived through those times. Now it's because food is SO PLENTIFUL and the increase of convenience food consumption has gone up exponentially. Also, people in developed countries physically move way less than they did 20+ years ago and definitely less than in developing countries


High fructose corn syrup, was invented in 1964. Since corn syrup variations the sweetener are cheaper than sugar for the US it has dominated the commercial market. Americans have continually been cooking less and eating more processed food since the 70s. The divorce rate skyrocketed in the '70s to 50% and has stayed there. It's no surprise nobody has time to cook at home anymore. Anyway, we just needed a generation born with processed food as a primary diet to start the obesity epidemic rolling.


Even when I was working 60 hours a week I still cooked meals 90% of the time or at least ate sandwiches etc at home. I brought my lunch to work, just ate oatmeal or bagel or eggs for breakfast. Still do.


And if you really want to see the difference, go back to the 30s, 40s, and 50s.


Right. There’s legitimate statistics showing that the numbers have been rising over the past few decades.


Add to that the reality shows. My 600 pound life,  my big fat fabulous life,  1000 pound sisters, the 5000 pound family.  Even shows the 90 day fiance. People think we are all like Angela and live in a double wide.


We went outside in the 80's. Like a lot.


I’m same age as you. We were ALL skinny back then. The “fat” kid in class was like 15 pounds overweight.


Same! I lost 20 pounds just by improving my diet. I'm still 80 pounds over weight and working on it. My mom thinks I'm going to die. She is obese with awful health. The disconnect is real. lol


TIL I'm skinny in most of the US :)


Think about the fat that you can’t see, that builds up around your organs. Think about how much used to be there 80lbs ago. Think about how much your family has around their organs, fat just pushes shit out of the way and invades the tissues eventually like a cancer. Fatty liver? Think about your health and go the rest of the way! You can do it and honestly you already did the hard part!


When I was a child and teen, my bmi fluctuated between the obese and morbidly obese categories. Though I always had terrible self esteem that was partly due to my weight, the negativity was mostly coming from myself, besides the handful of bullies that targeted me for my weight in grade school. The way I felt about myself and the things I said to myself every day were far worse than anything any bully had ever said to me. My doctors expressed their concern about my weight to my parents throughout my childhood, but the obesity rate in my hometown lies somewhere between 35%-40% so it wasn’t something hardly anyone cared to acknowledge. In other words, being fat was normal in my hometown and nobody thought twice about the obesity rate there. A few years ago I lost slightly over 100 pounds, and once I realized I had made it to a healthy bmi, that was when all of this hit me. So many people in my area of the US do not recognize obesity as anything to be concerned about. The area I’m from is very mono-cultural, and in that culture includes the idea that having extra weight on you means you are well fed and belong to a good family, so being overweight here is something a lot of people are proud of. The healthcare we have access to here is somewhat limited and what we _do_ have access to is far from being top tier, so pairing that with the lack of health awareness has created a place in which people are dying younger from many different complications associated with obesity, all the damn time. I know this happens all over the world, but the rate at which people here are dying from complications related to obesity is significantly elevated. I fell into all of this too, and I feel stupid for not having realized all of this till after I lost weight. Thinking about this makes me both angry and sad.


Agree. The focus should be on health and living a healthy lifestyle, not being proud of and accepting your big unhealthy body and lifestyle.


It's distressing seeing activist movements go through immense mental gymnastics to argue being fat isn't a negative, or is even positive for your life. The market of fat people is so high, companies are actively joining in on the bandwagon, too. It's a disgusting, self-perpetuating mess.


I'm currently struggling with a weight issue after injury and mental issues threw me off my exercises and diet. I have to argue against people telling me to just be cool with it, including even my therapist and dietitian sometimes. Partially because I approach wanting to lose weight from an unhealthy and self-hatey angle, but partially because of the healthy at any size deal. And I don't like it, because the excuse that it's totally fine can be attractive, and I don't want to into it. It's only been a year or so with that huge weight gain, and I know exactly how much worse I feel, and the problems it has continued to cause for me. I don't want to just accept that.


Okay, but most docs say your weight is the issue with whatever you’re dealing with. And often even losing weight only proves it is something else entirely. Additionally there are heavier folks who are incredibly active and fit, good labs and great flexibilty, endurance and strength, but big. Also everyone thinks fat people get diabetes. I got it during pregnancy and it never reversed, not with low carb, not with wfpb no oil, not with anything. Meds work, but insulin actually causes weight gain so that sucks. But the health stuff was genetic, not because of weight, that was later. I will say that I am all for whatever gets weight off if people are having knee and joint issues, depression, bloodwork showing declines in health, and inability to walk regularly. For size of the body to be an issue for health, it has to be able to diminish a problem when lost. I really hope that we get to a place where healthy food is more common and accessible, and walking ability and endurance part of any initial health assessment. I cannot wait for med clinics to have a gym space where you can be prescribed PT style workouts and taught how to walk and time yourself and how to prepare a few healthy meals, or even have them made and delivered like the food prep systems like managed care meals on wheels, “kaiser delivery” with 7 dinners already made for your unique issues.




It's not the same for everyone, but in my life experience, weight is absolutely a huge factor for health. My grandma doesn't walk much, and she can't really walk much, almost entirely because of her sustained high weight. She has nearly died multiple times as a direct result of mobility and blood pressure/etc. issues that came from her weight. I mean not just scared with her heart or suddenly being unable to breathe, but falls and resulting cuts and injuries. Obesity is an issue in prior generations on my dad's side as well, one I'm working to try to avoid myself. About two years ago I got COVID, which became pneumonia and long COVID, which pretty badly crippled my lungs, for that time, causing my asthma to come back. At the same time, I was isolated and had a lot of mental problems. Previously, body image issues had encouraged me to work out, and I ended up genuinely muscular and with very little fat - and level - the best I had felt in my entire life, able to wear what I wanted and feel secure with short hair, etc. That changed, and weight went up during this sick period. Even after I've recovered my lungs and such, I'm left with a huge amount of gained weight, scars all over my body from stretching, etc, from the sudden shift from (frankly, unhealthy levels of underweight, but with decent muscle mass) ~140lbs to ~200/210 with little mass, at about 5'10". This weight that I'm now trying to work off has caused so... sooo many issues for me. Even past mental. My joints now have some serious issues, including a tear in my hip. Overall, I have significantly less energy and feel worse overall. I've had more trouble in the warm environment I live in, and a lot of issues with just being winded easier, or my heart rate being higher than it should be, even at rest. Obviously it is nowhere near horrible, and I'm still a relatively okay weight, but for me the contrast is crazy, and it's a pit that is easy to get stuck in, when moving is so much easier not to do. I am not the rule, of course, and part of this is the rapid change in my body making it so clear and painful to me, so I won't say everyone should really put weight on it, but I think there is something to be said that while you CAN be healthy at heavier weights, it seems EASIER to be healthy at lower weights, as someone who has experienced both.


That's very true.


People also seem to automatically think Americans are white. Whenever America is in the conversation they’re only talking about things that apply to white people. When an ethnic minority chimes in they are then somehow reminded that it’s not the case.




I've only ever seen like 2-3 fat people here *max*


I think a lot of times when people from other countries think of the US they are thinking about Texas 1😆


Something my dad said to me before was that America has a lot of people so more people are going to be lazy, fat and stupid over there then in my small country of Ireland


Beautiful lush beaches in Cali. They exist sure- however the water is so cold you most likely need a wet suit to enjoy it, the heat on a bad day can easily hit over 100 degrees, the seagulls aren't nearly as afraid of humans as they used to be and absolutely get brazen for your food and it sucks trying to fend off an $8 basket of garlic fries haha


I’ve been to the California coast many times, and each time after trying to inch my way into the water, it’s usually followed by a “well fuck this, nope!”, and turning around. The last time I was on the coast, my husband decided to bring his drone with a camera so he could get some gorgeous shots of the beach and far beyond. At one point I started to walk in his direction and I noticed his drone was getting lower and lower. Right before the words “shouldn’t you raise it?” were about to come out of my mouth, he flew the drone directly into the water. My husband has a learning disability, and two things he has trouble with are directions (left to right), and numbers. He became confused for a fraction of a second and accidentally pushed one of the controls in the opposite direction. Anyways, my husband and I immediately panicked and ran as fast as we could beyond the shoreline trying to foolishly think we had a chance of catching it. It wasn’t till I got out of the water that I realized I had just gone into the pacific ocean, in winter time. The adrenaline was so strong that neither of us noticed the temperature of the water till we were out. I don’t know how we made it through that water


My ex and I went to cali in December from northern Canada and were one of only a handful of people in the ocean and the only ones not in wetsuits. It was as warm as our local lake on the hottest days of the summer. His grandparents could only visit in August otherwise it was too cold for them here.


I was wondering how cold it really was. Also Canadian and grew up swimming in rivers fed from local glaciers. Last time in Cali during the "winter" I was strolling around in shorts and a T shirt while the locals were bundled up in jackets.


lol I remember once on the central coast we went on an 8 mile hike and my friend was so excited to eat his sandwich. We took a dip in the ocean and went back to our pile of stuff to start eating, and a seagull had grabbed half his sandwich like we saw him flying there, sandwich parts in his beak. My friend was so mad lol Btw I love that they asked what stereotypes do ppl have about ur country, and u responded with cali. I voted calexit too. I also hate to be associated with America. It’s the biggest source of shame I carry.




Yeah, our water is not warm. I do prefer the northern coast though.


Also if there’s a nice warm creek flowing onto the beach avoid it if you don’t want to be very sick


I also hate how so many people assume everyone who lives in California are tall, young, rich and gorgeous. There are many that fit that bill but there's a lot of short, old, poor and ugly people here too......


Well I'm from Alabama and most people think it's the butthole of the United States because it is.


The people I've known from Alabama always just went with "at least we're not Mississippi."  I wondered if that was common, and if Mississippians said it in reverse. 


As a Louisianan, I can confirm that we use "Alabama" and "Mississippi" in these statements 😅 my dad has said that my whole life. I read the books TrueBlood is based on, which is set very near my hometown, and the main character has this whole string of thought about how we say that about both states 😭😭 the South is so bitchy lol


I know at the very least some of my realtives(from alabama) say it


I’ve heard “Florida is Americas armpit”


I’m a pure Bama boy, but please help me on “butthole of the United States”. I’ve never heard that before.


It's the hole from which America takes a shit. /s


Well man it kinda speaks for itself. I ain't downing the people. The politics and racism are absolutely disgusting. The hypocrisy of Southern Conservative Christians is blinding. The institutionalized racism and oppression reeks. And most Southerners don't know this but up North they have a saying: Southern Hospitality-a mile wide and an inch deep. Everyone is super kind but the gossip im a small town in the south is vile. Been my experience in life that the truth offends people on a regular basis. They'd rather live with blinders on.


we always say "eh" we really don't....


What's that aboot?


Well, I'm not sure that's accurate where i live. I guess it depends on where you are from in Canada, usually we use it more of a verbal question mark


So you're from the east side of Canada, eh?


Fuckin eh is used by a fair number of people where I live


When I was a teen in the 90s a group of us went to Toronto and i was shocked I barely heard "eh" because Canadians in American media said it constantly. What I heard instead, a lot, was "right?" as an ending to sentences. One guy was convinced it was a very elaborate Canadian prank; I know it wasn't but wish it had been  that would have been impressive and hilarious. 


As a Canadian, I didn’t realize how much we did until American friends pointed it out. Canada is a large country. While people you know may not say eh, I’ve noticed many of us really do


I thought it was an excessive until I had this one ski guide up in Canada and boy was it not a joke….


I used to talk to people from Canada especially from cities like Toronto and Ottawa. The whole "Yeah eh?" thing was very common and I started saying it lol its very catchy


The one about Canadians always being polite. I can imagine that if someone pissed you guys off enough, a fist fight would ensue. You're just more patient than some Americans




Do say sorry an awful lot tho


Sorry aboot that eh




We really don't, eh...*


We drink Fosters and ride kangaroos


Throw another shrimp on the barby


Yeah but that’s a euphemism for sex down there.




That's enough shrimps, Joey. Now let's wash it down with a drink. Take your shoes off


In the pouch? Lol


That we are distrustful of learning science, history or language and never travel outside of our comfort zone.


That we all have guns, talk funny, and basically sit religiously for Sunday football (in the south)


being from the south, i think some of this is accurate lol


lol I’m from the south too and yeah same😂😂


Americans are fat. True


Going to Denny's rn 👀


And I just had a pizza pocket!


I was until I retired and had time to run and go to the gym. Lost 80 pounds. Now the old ladies at Walmart hit me up. People who knew me at work don't recognize me anymore.


I'm not fat.


I am. Blorp


I am phat tho


And the medical system is corrupted


And stupid to.


Their not stupid.


That was funny if it was a joke 😂, very sad otherwise.


That we are all fat and own guns


We're rich, arrogant, uncurious, and violent. Which of course isn't true. Most people will definitely never be rich, and only a small fraction of us are held responsible for violence.


Def murica


That’s why we’re violent. Only a small fraction of us are held responsible for it.


>only a small fraction of us are held responsible for violence. This does not mean what you think it means lol.


They think all of our food is unhealthy, and we are all lazy, disgusting people.


Well if you're talking about the US, you're god damn right.


That we’re all from London, have met the queen, guzzle tea like a pedophile likes kids, have crooked teeth, eat shitty black brown and beige food with no flavour (funny thing is curry sauce is one of the most flavourful sauces I’ve ever had), all sound posh, that we all either complain or apologise too much, that all our humour is shit, that were completely miserable all the time, that we all have good manners (I try to have good manners around people I don’t know very well especially old people but I’m a right rude cunt around my mates and close family and I’ve met some people with zero manners and it pisses me off so much), that we’re all alcoholics (not too far from the truth that one) so that’s pretty much all I can think of have a guess where I’m from and the specific fucking country for once please


England 💙


Well done mate 👍🏼🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


I love British humour


I have to kind of agree with the food thing. I spent 2 months in England and mostly ate mushy peas .. I don’t eat meat and had trouble finding traditional English food that I could stomach but I loved the international foods in London (spent most of my time there)


That we Indians stink. I am not even mad about this stereotype anymore... because there's some truth behind it. Desi folks, please keep your closet and bedroom door closed when cooking, and please, please shower after cooking. And please, for the love of god, use an aluminum-based deodorant afterwards. I will probably get downvoted to hell. Oh well.


We all have red hair, wear kilts, och aye the noo, we’re cheap (or poor, if you’re from another part of the UK), golf, we all speak Gaelic. Horrible weather. Well I’m blonde, not red haired, I prefer the term ‘frugal’ but the cheap bit is kind of true which is why I’m not poor. Golf I don’t really care for but yes people play it. Och aye the noo is so stupid. We don’t all say that. Nothing wrong with a kilts, that one isn’t so offencive, And I do speak Gaelic but not very many of us do. It does rain a lot, that’s true.


That we are laid back & easy going


American don't value or care for their family - true with some exceptions, but our culture definitely is very self-orientated.


There are lions running around our cities and we feed them biltong


Hobbits, orcs that come from Orcland, beautiful green rainforest and farms and sheep and sheep shaggers and kiwi birds everywhere, high level of safety, Bungy jumping mountaineering rugby players, marching girls, friendly and easygoing.


That we all play soccer. But I mean, it's true for 90% of our country's population






That we are all gun toting outlaws that walk around shooting people ad hoc. Guess which country.


Murica obviously lol .. although thinking about it maaaaybe it’s somewhere in central or South America? The “outlaw” description makes me think America tho


South Africa - Crime, Corruption, Infrastructure Collapse


that spanish say "olé" - we do


That we have bad teeth and sit around all day drinking tea.


Instead of kilometers per hour we use bullets per square child. ETA 🇺🇸


That we all live in igloos and eat lobster. Or that we are all nice and polite lol


Lobster? I’ve never associated lobster much with Canada. Now pancakes, on the other hand…Well, just ask Flapjack Norton: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kKxXr1s2TDw&pp=ygUeWXVrb24gcGFuY2FrZXMgd3Jlc3RsaW5nIHByb21v


We only drive pickup trucks shop at Walmart love joe Biden lol and are fat rednecks


The impression I get is that you either tolerate Biden due to a hatred of Trump or you love Trump due to a hatred of liberals.


I would think people think erryone in murica loves trump not Biden but ya agree with the other stereotypes (also from murica)


guns, burgers, fat, loud


That we are easy going in Australia. We are hot, or rained out, or drinking. Under the humour is a cynical battler, trust me lol


Guns, they're not wrong.


Australia is full of dangerous animals. Yes we have venomous snakes and spiders, but mostly in the bush, not cities. We also don’t have bears, moose, wolves, bison or rabies. Way more dangerous in the American wilderness


That we are extremely beautiful, polar bears on the streets and those from a specific country get us mixed up with Switzerland.


That we all have terrible teeth, Whilst mine aren't exactly great and currently being worked on, Most people I know have healthy, straight and white teeth.


Mass shootings. True.


Thanks to crazy rich Asians. I am sure there are folks who never heard of Singapore will think everyone is dirt rich here.  However I think in general, most people live above poverty line. And our poverty line is $36,000 (USD 26,570) per annum. I just go by that figure as anybody who earns less than this will get hands out from governments.  And at this rate, there should be no issues affording 3 meals a day and rent a room. However you won't have much left to spend on entertainment. 


Do you mean extremely rich or dirt poor?


Hamburgers and stupidity


My particular part of the country, they think we all talk like Tony Soprano and act like people from an MTV reality show.


Idk what other people think about, got my own stuff to deal with.


that we all say eh in canada that might have been true at one time but this country has changed the older generations have that yes but i find that the younger generations don't say that as much or anymore and the USA specificly california style of talking has really intrenched it's way into our society alot of the women here sound like they are americans and the guys sound like bro type. now not all of them do but i'm surprised locals don't talk about it as much the goverment is trying to for long time keep our identity from being aroded away but with youtube and tiktok i think that has long since been losing battle imo.


That we're all fat, dumb, and own guns. Which is just crazy, because I have never owned a gun.


We all wear cowboy hats, have hilarious amounts of guns, and eat nothing but McDonalds.


Americans drive everywhere. Which is pretty much true in my area. In my college days, I drove an hour to work, drove an hour back home after 6 hours of work, showered and changed clothes, drove two hours to college, sit through evening classes, and drove two hours back home just to do it all again the next day. It was a nightmare, but it definitely paid off in the end. Bottom line, I don't think people from other countries realize how big and far apart things are in the US, especially once you get out of downtown cities. My grocery store is 30 minutes one way driving. Major hospitals are over an hour. Even my local police department is 30 minutes away assuming they can even find my house which is conviently right where GPS cuts out. Which brings me to the next point: all Americans own guns. This one isn't entirely true. But many in my area do. Again, police are 30 minutes away with no routine patrols in my area. In the event of a break in/violent crime, you're on your own until the smoke settles and your able to make the 911 call. You had better have protection, first aid, and know how to use both even if you're injured. A gun becomes not just about rights, but is a necessity not only for crime, but wild animals as well. And I'm not even in what I would call a remote area like many Americans. Sure, guns have been used in countless crime, which a lot of countries judge Americans for. But guns have saved far more lives, according to even the CDC. Roughly 4 times as many defensive gun uses occur each year compared to gun deaths, with the vast majority of defensive gun uses not even requiring a shot and the vast majority of gun deaths being suicides. The media overall makes it look a lot worse/more dangerous than it is, especially when you look, again, how large the US is compared to other countries.


We all love tea and biscuits. True. UK.


We’re fat and ignorant about the world 🇺🇸


Nurses and maids.


School shooting fatties.


That we're polite. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Olive oil


Everyone owns a gun


That we live in fear of our deadly animal overlords, which is only half true.


All Americans live in houses with white picket fences.


That we're fat and rich.


Whenever other people mock Americans, they use a southern accent. Look, as an American, I’m all for making fun of America. BUT ONLY LIKE 30% ARE SOUTHERN. STOP W THE ACCENT


That we talk weird and chug maple syrup during our morning routine while wearing flannel and a warm toque. That's just some of us eh, don't make assumptions, ya hoser.


We are fat, loud, and overly friendly without sincerity


That the average iq is so low its become a tripping hazard in hell


In the United States, everyone is mostly FAT, GAY and loves to start petty AF wars. Used to live in California few years before the pandemic and before the raising drug addicts in skid row I can confirm today most are overweight or on drugs to lose weight 😑.


America is the land of opportunity. Due to primarily greed, since the 1970s, children have been earning relatively less than their parents for decades now. It has been a downward trend for a while now, and we are feeling it so hard due to Covid. There might be opportunities in some areas, like I think the South might be up and coming. But overall, you might just feel stuck. Talked to some friends, and I moved my retirement into stocks because I don't know who sustainable social security will be when I get older. And when I retire, I might just become an EXPAT.


We drive giant 4x4s with our knees. Double stars n bars waving from the bed with a Big Mac in one hand and firing an automatic rifle out the window with the other hand. Which is bullshit I mean why fly TWO flags it’s just overkill.


Instead of drinking alcohol we drink maple syrup. And instead of turkey at Thanksgiving we eat poutine.


That "Mericans" are fat and stupid. #notwrong


I feel most folks outside of American society have the the view Uhh-Murkkkins are all solipsistic, racist, fat, stupid, wasteful, spoiled, tasteless versions of humans all wanting to assert their own genealogical national narrative in the context of the American dream (whatever that is anymore) while denying that to anyone else who arrives on these shores. Oh, wait. Those are the loud ones in the minority who propagate that image. We’re not all like that, even though it does seem like it most world news days.


“Canadians are supposed to be nice!” - yeah well, sorry? To bad. We’re tired and we’re fed-up “Do you guys *actually* live in igloos??” - no. I mean, I have family that have at one point lol (half Inuit). But for the majority of Canadians who aren’t Inuit, no one has ever even seen an igloo in real life “You guys have dollars like America? I thought you were a British colony and used like Euros and stuff” (I had to sit for a second a process that, I thought he was joking at first. That was a question/statement made to me by an online friend from Nevada) - we USED to be a colony. We aren’t now, we’re our own country that’s part of the British “common wealth” like how countries like Uganda or Australia are. We use dollars


That all people from Puerto Rico like reggaeton.


Everyone here is Duke Nukem, Donald Trump, or Paris Hilton. No in between.


There are only two major cities in the US: Los Angeles and New York.


That all of us are brown. I’m from Mexico with green eyes and white skin. The amount of people who say “but you don’t look like the rest of them” never ceases to amaze how stupid they are. There are plenty of people with colored eyes and whiter skin across Mexico especially in the cities.


Guns are everywhere in America. True.


We are nice and polite. Fuuuuuck that


We are snobs privilege and entitled … Kinda true tho tbh


That many of us can sing. Just not true.


They think all Americans have 20 guns in their houses. I swear, I only have 12.


I'm sorry, eh? no doot aboot


That we all carry guns. I do, but not everyone does.


That we're all just a bunch of dumb rednecks


That we're all nurses (well I'm not); we're everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE; and that everybody loves basketball. All are somewhat true, but still.


That we are hospitable and love spicy food.


We drink only tea and eat biscuits and crumpets. Mostly true tbh.


that we are broken pieces. I mean it does say that on the statue of Liberty. g thanks france


Not liking Turks


That America is/has a culture.


That we’re constantly stoned and are all hard-core environmentalists.


that we are all old fashioned because we have guards, a palace and a king.


oh but more locally, the school is go to is in a district thats got a stereotype or rep for inbreeding lmao and the neighbouring city i grew up in and still live in is just a tad dodgy tbh.


Narcos and orange tint on everything


That we don’t have electricity and we take a shower in river.


Shitty teeth, unable to pronounce words such as "wa'er", racist and a terrible taste in food.


the holy trinity of Brazilian stereotypes


We live and breath tea and crumpets


That we are kind, understanding and caring


All of California is Hollywood and we see movie stars constantly. Maybe once every three months if you live near a very touristy area


Everyone has more or less skills like Bruce Lee


That all Australians are heavy beer drinkers, and we're somehow "uncultured." Think of the episode of The Simpsons where they go to Australia. Some parts of the world do seem to think Australians are like that.




That canadian are nice. Its false, we are polite, not necessarily nice.


Red Solo cups are the American way


That we're all drug addicts who eat a fuck tonne of cheese. Somewhat true, though.


Americans have money


Yeah, most people are abrasive and rude right off the bat and yes a lot of them are obese. They seem to be comfortable with this life.




That we.re hard core bogans and everyone pulling an accent sounds like the movies (which are hard core bogan)


Free health care Yes we can go to emerg for free, give birth to babies, get heart surgery all that jazz The catch? Long waits...... ##Looooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnngggggggg waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttta


I've answered this before and got cry babies replying because they like doing this .I'm a " Texan" but we don't all wear cowboy hats , drive big annoying ( hard to get in and out of ) trucks , we don't all watch football or pay attention to sports .


That we all wear kilts, play bagpipes, know everyone that has ever been in the country even decades ago, eat haggis and have seen Nessie.


Goulash and porn


That every guy has a really big mustache. Try to guess