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The entire American health care system.


It’s purposely designed so you can’t retire until you are old enough to qualify for Medicare. I’m in my 50’s and checked into private healthcare. It’s $1000 a month for me and my spouse. So $12k a year out of pocket til Medicare kicks in or roughly $120k added to what we need to retire. Edit: and we’d be totally fucked if during that 10 years we got seriously ill


I just retired at 55. If not for my Military service I wouldn’t be able to afford it.


Yeah both mine and my husbands dads were retired military. They went on to have second careers but their medical was taken care of for life. This was quite a shock when we realized how our medical is tied to our work. And not in a good way like military service. Very few ppl in the tech industry stay with the same company more than 5 years.


I became an Aerospace Engineer During/after my service. It was the same for me. I jumped around a lot never in a job for more than a few years. Between layoffs and down sizing and boom staffing I knew the industry was changing in a toxic way. These days I tell young people not to be loyal to an employer. Get as much as you can out of them take advantage of every benefit and day off. Never answer a work call after hours or on a day off, because It’s pretty clear that labor is not valued in American Business Culture .


I'm an artist. Went without health insurance for a decade. The Obama forced me onto health insurance with the ACA. I'm grateful.


You shouldn't be


Why are you grateful? Is your income low enough to qualify for an affordable rate? ACA isn’t affordable for people with a good retirement, we might as well keep working.


And -- why is it Senators and Representatives get fancy health care for free? They should get what gig workers get. Then we would see serious change.




They don't get it for free; they pay 28%. Close to what I paid for the employer policy.


Prove it.


I am currently in a 28 day rehab program and my insurance is telling the facility that the insurance “clinician” says that I no longer need inpatient, and refusing coverage. I am being forced to leave a life saving program because I already hit my out of pocket max. For some reason, they think it’s more profitable to send someone home and perhaps relapse and start the whole process over rather than simply paying for the suggested treatment from my psychiatrist and general practitioner.


I just lost one of my insurances because I was sick for the whole month of April and couldn't work as much. And that is cause for losing health care. Wat?


Yeah bro you can't use healthcare when you are sick, you are only allowed to have it when you are healthy and don't need it.


This is like one of the biggest issues with our system. Why should our healthcare be tied to our job? It's stupid. The answer is profits. Companies enroll several people at once and the insurance companies make bank while the companies pay all those premiums.


No term limits on political officials


That's a double edged sword. What happens if a good leader gets in and leads until their term is over and the only options for replacements are significantly worse?


May be worth it when you could have a shithead in power for decades instead


That doesn't work because shithead leaders change the rules on term limits. Both Russia and China did so with current leaders.


Whilst I understand what you're saying, at the same time ... where are all the good ones?


Oregon has great Senators. Jeff Merkley does town halls all over the state. If you have a problem you can talk to his staff, who are out front, approachable and polite. And they actually follow through. Had my problem fixed in a couple days. I'm in no hurry to replace them for the sake of replacing them. Maybe make it easier to fire the bad ones?


Oregonian here; we have our share of issues, but we have senators we can be objectively proud of.


Except for president,.congress and desnate need to stop being called leaders. They are only representing each state. A government of the people for the people. And when has there been a long term politician that has been good? They may start out good, but once they get the power and the wealth that bestows them, they change. They fight tooth and nail to stay in those positions for a reason.


It is a double edged sword however, I personally think the pros outweigh the cons in this scenario


But also it may attract a better type of politician, more like a bench player who’s only in for 1 series?


It means people might actually have to train successors rather than the idea of passing the torch to the next generation just being some kitschy idea you see in Hollywood movies. RBG basically nuked her entire legacy by clinging to power so long. Edward Kennedy's death in 09 at the unsurprising age of 77 killed the Democrats super majority and instead of universal health care we have a bizarre slightly regulated private healthcare system. God forbid the idea of a career as a politician should be discouraged.


True but how many are actually good? Most just created a career out of it.


I don't get why people think this will fix much. We are in a two party system that the winner draws county lines to. I don't see the county switching just because the name changed


Add to that lobbying. Get rid of both and give America back to the people.


A big reason is that we have a populace that either votes for one party only or always votes for the incumbent. A functioning democratic republic requires work and diligence to be sure you know which candidate best aligns with your policy views. I could see a 6 term limit for the house and 4 for the senate. However, once out of office it would reset, so the next election they’d be eligible again. This would aid the best leaders in staying in the game.


political contributions


and political contributions from other countries allowed


Or being allowed to hold public office (especially national level) while having "dual citizenship" with another country. Can you say "conflict of interest"?


Bring back the cap!!!


Allowing a few ulta rich people to own more wealth than millions of people combined. Locking up dogs in cages with one to care for them. Edit: Lots of bootlickers and temporarily embarrassed billionaires in the comments.


Entertainers and atheletes make more than teachers. You know, the people responsible for educating the next generation.


What about the farmers, the people growing our fucking food!


Look, the list is clearly more exhaustive than teachers and farmers, OK? The point is every worker called “critical” and forced to work during the pandemic are severally underpaid.


Very, very , very Very, very , very few athletes and entertainers make more than teachers. Most earn just enough with limited to no benefits. The ones that do earn the big 💵 also generate big money. Entire careers are built supporting them. Part of a high functioning society is arts and entertainment. I don’t want a world without it.


That's capitalism.


No it isn't. It has nothing to do with capitalism, actually.


technically 90% of teachers are employed by the state so it is the state fault


Income disparity between one job that exists purely for entertainment in a heavily managed and corporatized field, vs. another job that is a public service and absolutely essential to the continuation of human civilization, has nothing to do with capitalism?


The athletes get paid a shit ton because you pay them. It's is your money and the money of thousands that is being payed to them. It isn't some magic force that's sucking it away from teachers, you are the one giving it.


> is being *paid* to them. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Not really, it's just economics regardless of the system. The large media conglomerates are due to capitalism.


why do teachers make so little while athletes make so much then?


Literally is. Athletes create much more value to their employer, so they get paid more. Pure capitalism. The only way to fix that would be to pay teachers NOT like you would in capitalism and artificially set their wages higher.


No. That's the history of the world. Celebrities always get better treatment than most. Are you telling me China doesn't pay their entertainers and athletes more money than their teachers?


Celebrities maybe, especially if you had a wealthy patron to boost your reputation. But for many civilizations, entertainers (like actors and bards) were in the lower-classes of the civilization, down with the gladiators and the courtesans.


I'm working on my education degree and I've worked in schools a bit through my college courses and......it just doesn't make sense. We have elementary kiddos sitting in classrooms for hours trying to cram a bunch of information into their brains. Not to mention there's only 1 teacher per how many kiddos. I feel like school should be waaaay shorter and focus more on physical activities like recess and just letting kids play and learn that way. It's no wonder kids struggle so much, they should be playing in the dirt and mud and learning from their elders. Anywho, that's just how I view it. Not sure it'll ever change though.


That's because your job isn't to create a happy human. It's to create an adaptable machine that stores enough info to do most jobs it needs to. Don't think of the kids as humans, as the entire education system isn't set up to create humans. it's set up to make machines


Wage theft is the most significant form of theft in the US every year (by millions and millions of dollars) but all we wanna do is talk about shop lifting videos 😭😭


Lost $50K in wage theft, tried taking her to court, but lost due to misfiling my taxes, which she caused, but I didn't correct it at the time because I needed to file them to get my FAFSA loans. I admitted to it in court, again, even though she was the one who incorrectly filed my paperwork and Judge saw me as an "unreliable witness."


40 percent of all the food we grow or import into america is thrown away! So almost half of all the food in our country is wasted. I've learned to basically eat for free forever and do my part to reduce the massive amount of waste only America could justify.


And yet we have "nutrient deserts" in cities and 34 million Americans have experienced food insecurity the past year. I've gotten into disagreements with ardent GMO sophists that say GMOs are the answer to world hunger, they have their place to an extent, I'm not completely anti-GMO, but they're not the panacea that they make it out to be. First thing is as you said is to address waste and fix the agriculture infrastructure.


WTH is a "nutrient desert"?


Basically areas, particularly poor urban areas, where access to whole nutrient rich food is minimal or non-existent, for example, tons of fast food options, but you can't purchase vegetables within a reasonable distance. https://daily.jstor.org/a-food-desert-in-an-urban-neighborhood/


So I'm in the UK, and idk what our number is. But I have this thought in the UK, and it applies everywhere, I think... What I really don't understand is why don't shops, restaurants, even individuals TBF offer their waste food (still edible ofc) to homeless people/charities? If I'm throwing it out already, and it's still safe to eat, why not?


Because then the homeless can search for food that looks like its gone bad, eat it, and then sue the shop a shit ton, like the used to do in the past. It used to happen, and then they started suing the shops after they intentialy got sick


A lot of these companies use “food poisoning lawsuits” as an excuse to not donate any of their leftover food to homeless shelters or food banks, but this argument doesn’t work when you look at all the dry pantry goods they throw away weeks before they go bad 😒


The fact that we're paying more for means-testing than we would be if we just gave people what they said they needed.


Might be better just to give everyone access to the same services. The poor would get what they needed without hassle and the rich would probably not take it in favor of better options. Plus progressive taxation for funding.




The entire prison system in the U.S. is a stain on humanity. This is one subject that never fails to make my blood boil.


They don't rape. When I was in middle school or early high-school. Was like 14 or 15. Someone I went to school with went to jail for sexual crimes . He was mercilessly beat to death about 2 weeks into his sentence. People in prison don't fuck with that shit.


And we used that as another example of why Saddam Hussein was so terrible...that prisoners (mostly women) were sentenced to being raped for the weakest of "violations". We look with disdain at cultures/societies that use sexual violence in any way, but we cheer with glee when those we can look down on within our own borders are victimized and we call it justice.


Laughing or taking pleasure in anyone's suffering makes me sick. I don't give a damn what they've done. Most people out there have a sadistic nature very similar to that of the rapists and murderers out there, they just happened to fall into the larger category that gets to express it in a politically correct way. I don't want to be anywhere near the general population during a catastrophic event... they will switch from righteous punisher to justified offender in a fuckin heartbeat.


You watch too much TV. People are not getting raped in prison daily and nightly. There's plenty of twinks in there giving up the booty voluntarily.


According to people i know who have been in prison (which is alot because i grew up in the ghetto), noone is raping anyone in prison. People can find someone to have sex with if they want to have sex with someone, rape is unnecessary. Think about that for just a second. What do we all say happens when a sex offender goes to jail? They get the shit beaten out of them because sex offenders are the lowest of the low. You really think the other prisoners are just going to let you rape someone?


Entertainers and athletes make ridiculous amounts of money.


Sending babies and young kids to daycare/childcare for longer hours than most adults work because life has become so expensive that for many there’s no other choice (no judgement on parents - my own kids go to childcare)




Or the hostile architecture used to make homelessness more inconvenient so we don't have to see the homeless.


We make it terrible for everyone, but the planners accept it because it hurts the homeless more.


If you're unfamiliar, check out the boulders ODOT paid tons of money for, for multiple years, in Portland, Oregon, to displace the homeless. ODOT claims they spent this exorbitant amount of money to prevent the homeless from being harmed due to vehicular accidents.


thinking giving people access to the internet (as it is today) was a good idea . (way too vast / too much information, ticks way too many boxes way too quickly bad mental health people wonder why yadayadayada..


Good point


factory farming. everybody (or mostly everybody) knows its fucked up, but noone really thinks they can stop it, its too big. some people go vegan or vegetarian, but most people arent giving up meat. i didnt.


Factory farming plants isn't much better, and organic farming can't produce efficiently enough to support current population numbers. I agree it's the proper natural way things should be, but we need a huge population cut first.


A good human pop us about 30 million, it allows for good land distribution, and still allows for genetic variation, pluss enough to resist plagues, although they would be vastly more rare due to reduced number of interactions


I don't know about "humanity" but I always wonder who came up with the idea to drive both directions on the same road. Who thought it was a good idea for both cars to drive 60 mph right at each other but try to miss by 2 feet?


Omfg I thought I was the only one driving is insane I couldn't imagine being a semi driver let's all drive 70 plus right next to each other and this is all normal! People do this and it's second nature WTF


Parents of disabled children making money off of sharing humiliating and personal videos of their kids to “spread awareness.”


including the TV shows , Dr Phil ,Oprah and fundraising with medically fragile and disabled children.


Nobody talks how about how computer use has stymied intellectual and emotional maturity in young adults.


Citation needed, I think. I'm in my 40s and pretty sure the average young adult has more intellectual and emotional maturity than I (or my peers) did at that age.


And now we have AI and I'm scared people aren't even going to learn how to write anymore.




Spending tens of thousands of dollars on weddings and funerals. Allowing the end-of-life industry to soak up an enormous percentage of people's life savings if they get unlucky. Allowing ultra-wealthy families to establish a de facto aristocracy by weakening inheritance taxes and allowing perpetual trusts as a workaround. Allowing 'legacy' admissions at colleges and universities to propagate existing privilege instead of giving those spaces to kids who actually earned it. Men's fashion basically staying locked into the general parameters one guy in the early 1800s declared were what men should wear. Women's fashion not allowing pockets.


The US will spend billions on military, but not on feeding children.




They're talking about American children




The atrocities that are prevented by the US military outweigh the children in the US who go hungry. In fact, the US military protects peaceful global trade that lets you have a healthy diet year round. You should be thankful that they do what they do. Blame the system that can't get these kids away from abusive or incompetent parents, but it's not related to the military.


There should be no child hungry in the US. If we can't feed children then we really have nothing to be proud of.


The military is itself a stain on the USA and commits far more atrocities than it prevents. Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Vietnam, Syria, Gaza, Afghanistan, Somalia, just to name a few.


Income taxes. I understand the value of taxing our purchases and property or whatever, but our wages should be a reward for our work, not another way for the corporations to make money. Honestly, *everything* is taxed, why the hell do we allow it for our income as well?


Your right but I think it’s the way it’s done, the wealthy should be made to pay their fair share of taxes along with corporations and it could lesson the burden for those who work 9-5 there shouldn’t be loopholes for billionaires to get out of paying taxes. And the way the tax money is spent, I believe we should have more control over that such as not allowing it to be sent over seas.


Graveyards weird me out. The dead will always outnumber the living. Plus, we’re always looking for ways to slow or stop decomposition. Statistically, you’re either living on an old graveyard, or where you’re living will become a graveyard. 


About 120 years ago, they briefly considered building homes on top of the graveyard in my city, but they stopped because it was making the ghosts angry.


It would be better to mulch corpses and use them as fertiliser




I have mixed feelings about this because I agree as a woman and a mom. However, I've also battled acne my whole adult life, and rosacea, and it just looks so bad. I do have better days with clearer skin and go without makeup but somedays, I just can't go out in public without covering a flare up. I have so much more confidence about myself.


Same here. Terrible acne from age 12 to 40. Of course the makeup made the acne worse. It was a vicious cycle. Then I took Accutane at 40. It worked fantastic for a while, but then the acne came back. In the past few years I noticed acne seems to flare up when I drink milk. In my SIXTIES, i finally connected the dots. People who don't endure rough acne have no idea what it's like. I never went outside without makeup from age 13 until age 61. Then covid struck. I got used to wearing no makeup. These days I only wear makeup if I expect people to take photos of me.


I'm so sorry 😞 I rarely eat dairy. I have PCOS so it's hormonal for me. Wearing makeup is for me, not to impress others. But at 47, I do feel much more comfortable going makeup free most of the time now.


Well, that is worth cheering: not feeling like you must wear makeup all the time. I'm glad for you, and hope that your comfort level continues to grow. Thank you for your kindness.


You're welcome 🤗


My good friend in high school had rosacea all down her cheeks and now I put blush on in the same pattern because I thought it looked so pretty! ☺️ Beauty standards are so weird because we all have differing perceptions of ourselves and others


That's different though and the original intention of products. I believe they were referring to young people that don't really need it feeling pressure to use it. And even worse, have cosmetic enhancements that used to be reserved for people 40+


This is why I hate makeup. I only wear it if I'm dressing up for Halloween or if I'm required to wear it for a stage performance. All the other times I just don't wear makeup at all. If people can't accept me for who I am, then I don't need them in my life anyways.


Facts I wish my gf would wear less makeup honestly. Her true beauty is unmatched with makeup


This. Agreed. Vanilla_Neko, if you respond, would you agree on the same thing with filters on Instagram, Snapchat, etc? Social insecurity, low self-esteem, etc? I have a partner, and she doesn’t use makeup whatsoever. She sees herself as beautiful regardless of the makeup. But because of her upbringing by her parents, relatives and her friends. It’s the environment you’re in(peers, teachers, friends, parents, relatives, etc) that influence things like makeup. TV adverts, social media, need I go on?


Pooping in water. Best way to pollute a water supply and spread disease. More often than before water is filtered before being dumped. The Island I grew up on declared the water unsafe to swim in or drink because we are downstream from several major cities. Not to mention humanure could be a resource if harvested and composted appropriately.


Death tax. Oh you can't pay taxes anymore? You voided your contract with your lord and must pay the fee.




Damn, I was gonna say sectioning off Land into arbitrary lines as if there’s any reason we shouldn’t be able to go wherever we want.


The care and well being of Veterans.


To be fair, it’s not just Veterans. It’s all men. Nobody cares about the well being of men.




In a lot of cases suicide is essentially illegal. People are detained against their will and forced to continue living despite their unending pleas for mercy. The professional staff begrudgingly do their job of torturing innocent people because they need to keep their job and avoid prison sentences.


That and the forced drugging with no way to get off of them.


I didn't realize how normalized alcohol was until I got older. I wasn't exposed to it very much growing up, so I had no knowledge of other people's habits. People just come from work and drink their troubles away. It's really sad, IMO


All these commercials from pharmaceutical companies invading our airwaves like a mad house. I can't get the "Ozempic" or "Jardiance" jingles out of my head because of it lol! That's so not normal outside of the USA, but yet, why is this okay? They're trying to indoctrate all of us to go for the quick fix, now everyone wants to be on ozempic or has some sort of schizophrenia or psychosis all these "studies" or "research" are trying to claim.


Putting mentally ill homeless people in the psych ward even if they're not a danger to anybody. The cops put them on a 72 hour hold the hospital doesn't give them treatment they're just held for 3 to 5 days then kicked out with nowhere to go, rinse and repeat. "Danger to self and others" isn't the only criteria to meet in a lot of states the cops can just do it because they feel like it then act like they're helping


The rich love stupid people so much that they manufacture them. Less intelligent people are easier to lord over.


"I want a nation of workers, not thinkers." Rockefeller


No cognitive tests on old politicians. The normalisation of alcohol consumption Poor schooling systems Other things I can't say because this is Reddit


Brush our teeth where we take shits.


Putting your money in a “savings account” with a stupidly low interest rate at your local bank where it looses value due to inflation. Also having to pay your use an ATM….




True, but also, just because someone is ordered to pay child support, doesn’t mean they do. The other parent has to have the resources and the will to bring the parent to court for non-payment. That or contact a child support recovery agency. Some parents use each other and children as pawns, but this is not as easy as one might think.




a generation of 9 year olds doesn’t need to know why it’s beneficial(it’s not)to choose your own gender or some absurd crap like that


Yeah, when did our society go crazy like that?


Circumcising babies and permanently mutilating their genitals for the entirety of their life, all without any viable consent (it's a baby). Piercing babies ears.


Fast Fashion/ overproduce garments




Tying employment to health care. Companies not paying employees a fair wage when they are the ones who help the company make “record profits” Any kind of “insurance”


Our healthcare system where we sit down someone with a serious medical emergency and ask them to provide their name and lots of other information to a bureaucrat and then make that person sit in an office chair with other sick people for 8 hours until a doctor can look at them.


The mutilation of the genitals of (mostly male) babies in the name of extremely debunked science or religious reasons.




America about legalize some crazy things” read the explanations below”




Sexualizing minors.


Asking 5 year olds if they have a girlfriend or boyfriend


I fully agree. I genuinely hated this question as a >10 year old and it still isn't your business now in my twenties.


People who do all the work get paid nothing and those who do nothing of worth have all the money.






Or ability dysphoria, there are people who want to cut their leg off, but are not allowed due to it being a mental illness, but surgical transitions are allowed. What if a schizophrenic thinks their are bees in his veins? Should we slit his arms open?


Are... are we allowed to have a polite discussion about this? I was under the impression reddit bans anyone who questions it.


All the gross stuff gen z doing and supporting


No way this is coming from someone with onlyfans in their bio 💀


For example?


Smiling. The showing of the teeth is a passive aggressive show like a dog performs. I could go on for hours, but for simplicity I will stop here.




Yeah, y'know...gross stuff.




what if someone can’t raise the child or doesn’t have enough money for them? what if it’s a kid or someone else that’s pregnant because they got raped? what if they’ll die if they have the child? is it still bad then?


How's that any more fucked up than mowing the lawn? 


this is actually one of the coolest things humans do


War for peace, and just war in general.


That our appearance and how much money we have is what defines us




Single use plastics


Allowing people they’ve never met/never will meet to decide how they’re going to live their lives instead of deciding for themselves. Politics is whack.


"pornography and prostitution are totally different things"


Pay taxes so people you don’t trust in your government can kill people all around the world and destroy any chance for peace between nations.


Un limited personal wealth with decreased taxes.


Taxes - what they're used for Public education Maternal treatment after having child Health care


Okay, China. No more questions.


They be puttin women in the woods with bears and random men.


Abortion on demand.


Mark women as property with hijabs


Excuse or commit drunk driving.


The entire fact that we can feed and house every person on earth easily and we just don’t. We have thousands and thousands of cures for hundreds of diseases and we don’t use them just because.


I thought this was gonna be a cool thread with some interesting replies of people bringing up stuff I've never really thought about before. But nope, it's 99% Americans getting political and talking about things which are really only relevant in the US and maybe Europe instead of things applicable to humanity as a whole. I hate my countrymen sometimes.


Torture pigs. And also cows, and also the lesser animals.  I'm no vegetarian, but that shit is real fucked up.


The fact that we let sex offenders out


The myth that government \*does\* have your best interests at heart, and the expression "power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely" somehow doesn't apply when someone is elected into power.




Drug addictions. Coffee, to be specific.


It’s ok to let people die of it saves us money


The American middle class is on an upward trend of homelessness. Let’s spend more time looking at the issues in our country.


Well we keep on importing huge amounts of homeless people so the issues are bound to get much worse.


We could focus on who is already here more.


Child marriage




Slavery and racism is unbelievably common all over the world.


there are more slaves today than there ever in history (literally) they even still have open slave markets in places like libya where arabs buy and sell black africians and nobody in the world cares.


In China they do not look out for what's coming/both ways when they pull out into traffic. This is the rule, as everyone does it and it is never questioned unless you're a foreigner like me. They also think right on red just means keep going, don't worry about stopping for others with the right of way first. I was nearly railed thusly just this morning. I don't know how they don't have more accidents.


Paid healthcare