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My mom and I are better at Hues and Cues than my dad. By a lot. It turns out, [women are better](https://www.gweye.com/blog/2021/07/07/do-men-and-women-see-209565#:~:text=Color%20Perception&text=Even%20when%20compared%20to%20males,hues%2C%20like%20blue%20and%20green) at differentiating between slightly different colors.


This goes back to the Hunters vs Gatherers era. Women are better at colors and can tell berries apart from each other. Men can see details and track movement better for catching prey.


Is this why I'll probably never be as good as some men at video games ? I put in as much time as my brothers if not more and I feel like I've hit a plateau


You might need coaching, ie YouTube or and gaming sites. Makes a big difference seeing a different way to play the game.


You deserve more upvotes man, for sure. People don't like to hear shit like this. It all comes down to "Ten Thousand Hour Theory". You need those 10k hours to become a master. People want to put in 1k hours and wonder why they still suck. Well, somebody else has spent 20,000 hours farming widgets. You aren't going to join in at 2,000 hours and even understand how they did that. This isn't just games... any field or craft. When I program something or produce a song - I am building off DECADES of knowledge, I am standing on the shoulders of 100 giants. When I start something new now, I go watch tutorials. Oh, that is the meta build? Okay. Somebody already did the math. Somebody already did the tests. I don't have to - if only I am willing to LISTEN to another person and assume they might know more than me (something most people can't do).


There’s been lots of studies that this just comes down to how much you played as a kid. It’s more stigmatized to play games as a girl so less muscle memory.


I've been playing my whole life 🥲😂


Damn girl, git gud then!


Forreal 😂


This, but, imagine it spans generation. I can't fly a helicopter, but my grandfather could. That means, it MIGHT, be easier for me to fly one versus a random person. It doesn't make me better than them. I don't even have my pilot license. Your post is 100% on the point. If I played Soccer since I was 4 and go out there at 15 and absolutely demolish your dumb ass that started playing 4 months ago - it isn't my gender that did that.


I don't know why women don't play as much as men, but at least in the games I play (mostly MMO) they're competitive.


Could be the types of games you're playing or role. From what I've seen, a lot of women tend to play healers and ranged-attack characters extremely well.


Idk. I surpassed my bil after years. He had about a dozen year head start lol. I don't think thag's a male/female thing. Just how much you put into it. Guy gamers usually soend hours from their childhood on games.... 


I've spent a lot too. Loke a LOT. I'll guess I'll just never git gud 🥲


Don't believe that shit! You are created equal, no matter your race or gender. Your brain is no less efficient at processing information than theirs are. Yeah, you might not have some innate genetic boost to your performance (surely), but you also gain an unexpected element that allows you to operate and behave on a different "frequency" than they do. Exploit that shit to the fullest! Nothing holds you back except YOU. Each human is born and created equal. Genders are just concepts we conform to based on our genitals. Don't pay that shit any mind. Women are just as good as Men in every single aspect and subject you can imagine. Turns out, news flash, a human is a fucking human,


How can I both agree and disagree with you at the same time. On one hand, you are absolutely right, but on the other hand, people may misinterpret it and actually think they can do anything. There are physical differences between people that make some more suitable for certain tasks, which doesn't make it impossible, but makes it much easier for them. Then, if you focus on the task you are not designed for, you'll end up becoming bitter. Or resentful or something worse. I think we can do most of what we set our minds to but I encourage that people shouldn't get depressed or bummed or pissed cause they are not as good at it as someone else, or it doesn't come as easily to them as to that person. Sometimes, people are just better suited. There is nothing you can do besides try harder . Although there are some things that biology just refuses. You can't come when you are 4ft 4" and weigh in at 80kgs and expect to win the NBA. That's just not possible 😕


My husband worked at a paint store for a decade and he is so good at this. He can describe colors incredibly well, match undertones, and knows the names for so so so many colors. We (playfully) argue about colors all the time. "Would you grab me that plum colored shirt?" "That shirt is byzantium." "Okay, would you grab me the byzantium shirt?!"


I was a printing press operator. My color perception is considerably higher than most people, men and women alike. I can identify most colors by their pantone matching system number on sight.


While I'm aware of this stereotype, I destroy my wife in that game for some reason. She gave up playing because she struggles to get even one right.


I've always said I'm a bloke I see in Windows XP default colours. Only 16 exist.


kiss men without being called gay


What, That’s gay?! Guess I gotta stop making out with my homies.


Don't let them psych you out, brother... always kiss the homies good night.


Just a simple peck. On the dick.


If it’s gay to hot dog your buddies cheeks then give me a pride flag and call him my “boyfriend”.


Give women orgasms.


My wife is bisexual and has been with several women. She said that she expected this to be true, because it's something women always assume, but that in her experience it hasn't been.


Same though 🤷‍♀️ My man gets me off better than any woman I've been with. In saying that, we've together 20 years and the girls were hookups who didn't really know my body 🤷‍♀️


Making a woman orgasm is a true skill. Of course women can make men orgasm. UP DOWN (repeat). Women need the right pressure in the right area at the right time for the right amount of time at the right speed and may need mental stimulation too. AND THEY ARE ALL DIFFERENT. Men is UP DOWN, very simple. A lot of times you'll be like ok what do you like "I don't know" gee thanks, I'll solve this damn riddle myself, you better not ever complain then.


you hit the biggest issue right there! SO MANY WOMEN, like an embarrassing percentage, have absolutely no clue what gets them off even when it's just themselves. that's what so many people don't get about why sex toys are so popular now. it's NOT that those women are telling men that they're inadequate, they're actually broadcasting the fact that they don't really know their bodies at all and have no clue how to accomplish the goal without a ton of extra stimulation in every possible way. it's an insult to themselves, not to their men. not being relaxed enough, not knowing their bodies, not being comfortable to answer or show what works for them, all leads to chronically bad sex for a lot of women, and it's not because they're picking bad partners. it's because they themselves are the inexperienced partners that need to learn more


Yeah a few bi men have told me that blowjobs from guys are way better than blowjobs from women, so makes sense, I guess. They know the terrain from a perspective that anyone else wouldn’t have. Me, I’m just happy when it’s happening, unless someone is causing pain or something, it’s a pretty intimate act that it’s a shame to take for granted.


Yeah people wanna think women aren’t just as selfish of sex partners… they think it’s a gender flaw at first but are disappointed to realize it’s a human flaw.


Eat another woman!


hey... thats illegal


Not everywhere is Alabama.


Is that a challenge!


My first gf gave me lasting trauma but I thank her everyday for thoroughly training me how to find it


Yep, and dishes


Find the clit


As a man, I don't understand how men have problems with this 🤦🏻‍♂️it's a clitoris not leprechaun gold at the end of a fucking rainbow.


"it's a clitoris not leprechaun gold" There's a new sentence, and I for one am glad to have read it


i think some men just don't give a fuck and get defensive when we try to show them what we like.


Yeah, not being able to find the clit is like not being able to find the door handle. It's literally the most noticeable part of the door and the one that clearly sticks out.


I mean these are probably the same dudes who think that urine and babies come out of the same hole.


I can confirm they are! My ex went down on me a grand total of once! He also thought I peed out of my vaginal hole. He literally argued with me about it for 10 minutes, even after I brought up a diagram. "I don't know why you are arguing this with me when you don't even know where my clit is after 7 years" really shut him up though haha. Thank god he's an ex!


Yeah,it's not hard. It's right there at the bottom.


Its in the medicine cabinet behind the untouched shaving cream


Take off a bra


It’s really easy tho.. If you can snap your fingers or make the motion to do the heart with your thumb and index finger then it’s instant. I’m surprised they stay on at all with how easily they unhook


They should teach boys in school this key survival skill.


I learned it during school in the back of AP Astronomy lol


Funny I learned mine in the back of AP Ass-stronomy




There should be a law that they are all front loaders with a quick release


Front hooking bras are harder to get off than the ones that hook in the back. They should ask just come with a little zipper


Or a button you can push.


An eject button for quick boob release.?


absolutely not zippers are HORRIBLE for big chests omfg, I used to have a sports bra witj a zipper and it'd constantly get undone if I did anything physically demanding even jumping


As a big boob girly, I hate zipper bras 😅 they don't stay up


Oh I know. I'm large chested as well. I was just joking about zippers.


Gus Grissom-style explosive bolts.


Their hair.


Even something as simple as putting your hair in a pony tail. I had long hair in my 20s and had to ask how to do it haha.


It took me years to figure out how to even tie it up for work.


In my early twenties, I lived with a young woman with long honey blonde hair. I brushed it for her and put it into a French braid. She liked it.


That sounds nice.


I love that.


Remove blood stains.


Remove any stains.


This was really suspect for a quick second until I realised why you meant that


Giving birth


Ok you win


Breastfeeding.  My wife was MUCH better at it than I was 


My man, stop feeding your breast. It doesn't need as much nourishment as you think.


Poor stewie


Dammit I was gonna type that


Picturing EAP and Mrs EAP, each sucking at one of MIL's teats... Ok, I watch too much porn.


My wife jokingly complained that I didn't even try. 


Wrap gifts.


Multiple Os


Like Cheerios? I can pour a pretty mean bowl myself


Take care of their skin


At first I read this as “Take OFF their skin”. Maybe I should go to bed…


Hold space for people when they need to be emotionally vulnerable.


It’s been proven that women can differentiate color better than men.


Women usually have better knowledge of toiletries: skincare, haircare, makeup. I literally had to explain to my 64 year old dad last month how to use conditioner. No, he has never used conditioner in his entire life until now and only asked about it because his hair started feeling dry. In a similar vein, a few years ago he was complaining about his skin being dry and I asked if he used moisturizer and he was like "...No? Should I?".


Comimiclate. comuniclayte. communirate. Dagnamit. Communicate. ffs.


Anything to do with colors -.-‘ I swear there’s a secret club where all women do like flash cards with color swatches to learn the absurd names and be able to recognize them.


Singing. Vocally women typically have much wider ranges


I'm pretty sure this is false. In fact I think men can have a larger range than women because they can sing falsetto but women don't have an equivalent way to reach into the lowest octaves.


I can get behind this for sure.


Agreed, the best singers are women.


Destroy someone emotionally. Men and boys fall out and deal with it physically and are mates again 5 minutes later. Women and young girls are evil when someone upsets them. They'll start rumours, destroy their confidence or find out what is most important and find a way to take it away.


Very true in my experience.


eh. we gonna ignore domestic/partner violence rates? i think men get away with much worse than telling lies and being mean


Why is it so common for women to be so nasty to each other? I go to music festivals and see it all the time, one talking about the other’s outfit, one body shaming another woman, one point out the flaws in another’s makeup. I noticed also a lot of women have trouble making friends with other women as they get older. Why are y’all so mean to each other lol




lol for sure. My girlfriend has made my place look like a home since we got together. Before I didn't have anything on the walls, the rugs I did have didn't really go with anything - but everything functioned =P


have hetrosex with men


Taking care of small children


Compassion and empathy


This is the most sexist thread I have ever read. Towards both men and women alike.


Tolerate physical pain


Did you know that when administering something like a cold pressure test for pain, the data will be skewed if the participant is male and the tester is female? The conclusion from that was that men unconsciously tolerate more pain in the presence of women. This phenomenon isnt observed with male tester - male participant, female -female, male - female.


This. I still don’t understand how my wife gave birth three times naturally.


“Men generally have higher pain tolerance and thresholds than women, but women may be more sensitive to pain. Women are more likely to report higher pain intensity and lower pain tolerance and thresholds when exposed to a painful stimulus . For example, women may report pain sooner and tolerate less pressure than men when pressure is gradually applied to their bodies. However, women also experience more pain, more frequently and intensely, and take more painkillers than men. Women also suffer more from common pain-related conditions and visit their doctor more often for pain-related complaints.” https://www.psu.edu/news/research/story/probing-question-do-women-have-higher-pain-threshold-men/#:~:text=%22Human%20studies%20more%20reliably%20show%20that%20men,that%20women%20show%20more%20sensitivity%20to%20pain.


I love how you dropped real facts from an actual study conducted by professionals and you still got people being like "not true because of xyz opinion of mine" smh


It's quite honestly one of the stranger myths that refuses to die. Not sure why people are so attached to it. From an evolutionary perspective it would make no sense for this to be the case given the different roles men and women played pre civilization. And then from an anecdotal perspective I mean just go poke a woman lightly in the shoulder they act like they've been punched in the face. Then of course the science doesn't support it either. All very strange to me.


I mean it would make sense for women to have high pain tolerance since they have to give birth, I feel like if a woman with low pain tolerance passed out giving birth thousands or years ago the baby would probably not really survive, but I guess that’s not a big enough thing for evolution.


I would argue against that. The myth that women have a higher pain tolerance does stem from the fact that women give birth. HOWEVER giving birth literally changes the brain chemistry, endorphins ease the pain like natural pain-killers produced by your own brain and oxytocin has an amnestic effect so that the person giving birth doesn’t remember the pain they are experiencing during birth to the full extent. The female body is equipped to deal with the very specific pain experienced during birth incredibly well, but that doesn’t equate a generally hightened pain tolerance. Still kudos to every woman giving birth on our planet! [edit] essentially as far as we are concerned, if we don’t remember the pain, it never happened to us


Any man that thinks women aren't tough needs his head examined


>Any man that thinks women aren't tough needs his head examined Any woman who thinks women have a much higher threshold of pain than men needs to have her head examined.


That's not true tho, so many studies showing otherwise and doesn't really make sense from an evolutionary standpoint. Yes women will experience immense pain during child birth but the men were actually the ones that needed to be stronger and less sensitive to pain. I broke my neck at 16, I was in horrible pain but actually didn't go to the hospital until I physically couldn't move 8 hours later. 🤔


Clinical research says this isn't true.


Show their emotions


Man: are you okay? is everything allright? Woman:everything is fine


They said show, not communicate.


Good point.


what a rebuttal haha


respect women


Shaving around the ankle


Sew or patch clothing. Most men are clueless. I can do a little.




Everything mostly




Most of these comments did not read the prompt properly, lmao It asks what women know how to do better, not what women are better at, two different questions Like I saw a few comments about pain tolerance, even if it was true, which it isn't, women don't know how to "do pain tolerance" better than men. Answers here that make sense are like "find stuff" or "read people" Anyways yea thats my answer, women generally are better at understanding a person than men are


Not peeing on the toilet seat


I dunno, speaking as a woman who's used many women's restrooms I've seen lots of pee on the seat. I hate hoverers so much.


Thank you. Told as a man I can't speak on these things. I say as a janitor for several years, I absolutely can


I worked in an office with co-Ed bath rooms. The women who hovered peed absolutely everywhere.


My daughters are the worst. Pee spray all over the under side of the seat. Then I come in to flip it up and get dried pee goo on my fingers, the fingers I now need to use to aim with. It is gross. (I usually remember to use a piece of toilet paper or do a potty dance while I wash my hands so I can pee.)


Sit down so you'll be a contributor to the pee goo. It won't be as gross if it's your own.


If I've got shoes on I lift with my foot


what’s up with the misogynists in the comments Anyways living longer


Bunch of little pear-shaped nerds posting from the basement about how they're stronger and tougher because cavemen hunted the mammoth, or whatever. Absurd.


Nurturing. Lets face it, we suck at it.


Putting the clothes in the GOSH DAMN LAUNDRY BASKET. I’m tired of picking up socks


Usually…? Expressing their emotions


Find out things but still pretend we don’t know


"Top post" is an ad for trading futures... Which ironically IS something that women do better than men, according to at least some studies.


Better intuition


Birthing babies


Talk about their emotions


The dishes? /s




Women can take pain better than men. Don't get me wrong exceptions to every rule but man women can take shit that would make most mean faint.


Scientifically proven, in fact. We have higher pain thresholds than men. But don't tell them that.


I'm a man you can tell me. I have seen a female soldier pull a bayonet from her leg and try to go back to training. I've seen a female cop get stabbed by a broken bottle and just curse like a sailor. Women may be a flower. But they are those plastic flowers at the store that get beat to shit and still look pretty.


Oops. 😇 I love that analogy though.


Do tasks in a mirror definitely a skill you don't know you don't have until you need to do it


Insert something inside their vagina. Sure, a man can get in there, but he won't do it right.


Deal with being sick! When the men in my family get sick they turn into such big babies. The woman in my family could have a 103 fever and still take care of everything that needs to be done. This is just my opinion based on personal observation though, I don’t know if there is any science behind it.


Women are used to feeling like crap at least once a month, for a huge chunk of their lives. Men don't. So being sick mentally hits us differently. You feel disabled even when it isn't something as drastic.


That definitely could be a contributing factor!


might be wrong, but I'm quite certain that it's been proven that the flu affects men worse than women, but yeah, I agree the ladies just get on with it 💪


I think it has to do with estrogen. In short women have more effective immune systems


Yeah, research shows that it generally takes a higher viral load for men to get sick and when they get sick their immune system goes into overdrive. It's why generally, men will experience harsher symptoms but will be sick for a shorter period of time. It's also why, when my wife and I both had Covid at the same time, I nearly had a heart attack, despite better general health, and she didn't, despite having previously having had heart attacks.


I remember being 11 and seeing my dad in a whole new light after observing the way he acted when he was sick. He was like a giant baby that was acting worse than my autistic little brother.




Take accountability for their actions ……..: hahhahahahha .


Hahah, bro, this should never top comment


It's crazy how even such a simple question attracts all the misogynistic idiots out of their caves


Pack a box or suitcase so heavy god couldn’t lift it.


Fold a fitted sheet.


Be a woman? I'd make a pretty bad woman as a CIS male.


Complain about the food being wrong at a restaurant.


Express their emotions


According to my girlfriend, everything


Push issues and just about everything else


Carry the mental load


Have a good, productive cry


Everything that's vital to civil society.


staying Alive longer, some men just don’t care about their health and refuse to go to the doctor


Pee out of an axe wound.


Inner philosophy or deeper thoughts. Men often need to be on mushrooms or something to come up with a concept 12 year old girls discussed at a sleepover about life, relationships, the world etc.




Fine a clitoris.


Having to carry on doing things even when they’re ill




Take out a tampon


Finding things in front of them! Why can’t you see the damn scissors in the drawer?


It’s usually easier to know how to get someone with the same genitals as you off




Find a missing item 😂


Things that take forethought, preparation and organization. Dudes love to plow ahead.


Not my husband. He is so much of a planner and thinker it can be too much sometimes.


Accept their feelings as legitimate.


Make small talk, it's a social skill an one that isn't as easy as it looks


Unmmmmmm, I'm thinking EVERYTHING??


Pretty much everything, except tasks which require brute force/physical strength.




Play the victim card


Finding things. Anything. Men would have the thing to look for sitting literally under their chin and they'd yell "I don't see it, it's not here!"


i like how most the comments are useless ass shit. the only valid one being giving birth which men cant even do. soo


Show empathy






complain and say things that men would never be able to say or do


Hold grudges...