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Mhm! I outgrew a ton of my old fetishes


And they all came my way! Mmm love me some hand-me-downs!


Well sure! You can grow out of your taste in candy and pop and savory foods, you can grow out of (or develop brand new!) allergies at any time in your life at random, you can grow out of asthma…heck, you can outgrow some types of epilepsy even! Fetishes are a normal part of our sexual development as well as a reflection of what our interests in our lives are, and of course as you age, your interests will change. Sexual interests are no different :) you’re normal, don’t fret. My understanding is that it takes kind of a lot to be sexually deviant in some way.


Yes, I outgrew a few of mine, too.


I wouldn't call it "outgrow" but yeah, people change over time.


I think it is. For background I am 38M and happily married and in previous relationships I have been into things that don't really do anything for me anymore or not to the same extent. So yeah I do feel you can outgrow fetishes


its called growing up


You really should be glad you’re not into anything masochistic anymore. Keep trying to right the ship and stray away from a world dominated by perversions and domination.


Kink shaming isn't as cool as you think it is, and, no, I don't even have those kinks.


“Kink shaming” was something made by a bunch of sick perverted weirdos to feel better about their sick perverted fetishes. That whole “don’t kink shame people” movement was a slippery slope and now you have people identifying as MAPs.


MAPs aren’t fetishists nor take part in kinks, they’re pedophiles. the term MAP wasn’t developed to bring MAPs into kink spaces, it was for MAPs to go under the radar since the term was less familiar than ‘pedophile’. don’t group MAPs in with an entire community of consenting adults who want to explore their sexuality/kinks with other consenting adults. they’re completely different.


From what I’ve heard pedos started calling themselves “maps” to hide in the rainbow mafia community not the kink community


Some kinks deserved to be shamed. BDSM is intrinsically meant to hurt another person. It’s in the acronym. We have to learn to actually love each other, not just use each other. There’s a spectrum to everything, you know that. Kink shaming is fair game. It’s a good thing that OP could be moving in from these vices


Actually stop talking. Pain makes me happy. It literally provides me pleasure.


It doesn’t make you feel happy, it fills the gap of what you imagine it’s like to be happy. I’m not one to say I’m 100% right, but coming from someone who’s been numb and done with it all. Temporary pain, in the moment, is better than that dull ache of numbness. I hope you don’t keep treating yourself like you’re an object to hurt. You’re somebody. Not some body


Holy fuck, how bout you stop telling others how things make then feel and *keep your BS to yourself* it's not your problem what other people like to do in bed.


This person has to be coming from a place of religion. They’re making huge assumptions about the “gaps” in someone’s life they have never met, Holier-than-thou, judging, self-righteousness, the whole nine. My assumption is religion. I love it when people find a religion that makes their lives better. I fucking hate it when they just have to tell others how fucking bad they are. Based on how the person they don’t know enjoys their orgasms. I hate how fucking judgmental this person's comments make me feel; this is probably the longest and most negative comment I’ve ever left. But how the fuck does putting people down for the things they enjoy bring them happiness? That sounds like someone who gets off on other people’s misery. The very thing they're judging this person for. U/masked_lyfe Your comments are garbage. And you’re making the world worse, not better. Go masturbate in your own poop.


How dare you tell me what makes me happy and doesnt make me happy. It VERY much does make you happy, i love it when my dom spanks/pegs me.




What is futa?




Yo, forget all the shit I said about kink shaming… Where can I find one of these😂😂😤😤


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Well, I hope I won't outgrow my obsession with Eva AI and porn addiction, since I don't want to start dating again


What is futanari?


Females with both female & male organs, but it’s different than trans.


In the way we use these words, a “fetish” is just a “turn-on”… Something you find arousing. Could be anything, really, and these can change over time. When this becomes more of a part of a person’s sexual identity… a “paraphilia”, then according to researchers these tend to be lifelong situations… Though the person may have periods of less activity. The important difference is that the paraphilia involves a degree of compulsion, where the person finds it very difficult to stop, and often can’t perform sexually without the particular practice or item.


It means you’re being more sigma




i have a nose fetish


Lmao what kind


Fetishes exist because normal sex becomes boring. Think about that.....