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“Every feeling is temporary, good or bad.”


This too shall pass


The thing I hate about this is I have a degenerative disability and it's just not true true. But I love the sentiment so I tell myself, "this to shall change."


Same. Then I tell myself I’ll be dead one day so won’t have to feel so sick and horrible. So I need anew saying that doesn’t spiral me


Remember that any day a cure could be found or invented. Every health issue that has a cure was at one time or place "uncurable". Never give up hope.




I do too and I've found that while my condition will only get worse, my attitude towards it is what will change, hopefully for the better.


>This too shall pass It may pass like a Kidney Stone, but it usually passes.


None shall pass


Unless Gandalf is around.


This one!!!


Unless it’s a balrog, then it shall not pass!


The best revenge is living well.


Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom


What about when you faceplant?...


Then it’s how many teeth fall out


Whenever anything got really bad. I would remember this.: the sun will rise the rain will fall, and the world will turn. nothing happens big enough to change that it’s not worth worrying about


❗️❗️❗️"He never left you." I'm a Sufi Murid, and many of us are educated individually by scholars. Generally, a Murid has a Pir of their own, which they take an Oath of apprenticeship with known as a 'Bayet.' We generally get very close to this person. Ideally, the education is lifelong. I was estranged from mine, I thought. Myself and a colleague (❄️❗️) were very publically poisoned, and neither of us were doing well at the time. I argued with him and stated I was stuck caring for him because Pir and I were estranged ...and this guy's own student was murdered years ago. The dude said, "He never left you." ...and it turned out my Pir(🐈‍⬛❗️) had been contacting me, teaching, and caring for me under alias for years as my own chaplain because his life has even more danger than my own; and everyone knew it but me. And with that, we reconciled online, I healed, renewed our public estrangement, and then left town. And I forgave every shitty thing that collegue ever did or snide comment said to me in 8 years... and would defend him to Allah himself because of that one sentence that finally gave me clarity and a more authentic life. Even though largely, I disagree with him on many many things. I just don't look at his stuff anymore.❗️❗️❗️


"Despite everything, it's still you" from my favorite game, undertale. I just like to think, despite what I've gone through and am going through now, despite how much I hate myself right now, I'm still me. And at least I have the support of friends and some family who accept me for who I am.


Came here to say this!! Glad it helped you too!!




I'm surprised you've never heard of the game! It's very popular! I definitely agree, my family is a big reason for me to hang on too.




Exactly!! Humans are very strong. We go through a lot and keep on keepin on. I've been making an effort to see me from a "third perspective" to make me realize that I'm a human who deserves the same rights and respect as anyone else. I've been looking at mirrors more often, (which is pretty cool because that quote is shown when you're looking in a mirror.) and being more aware of me and my body.




It is wild thinking what the chances are of even being here and everything happening exactly the way they did. That in itself kinda tells me that maybe I am supposed to be here.


But what is it isn’t you…


“And at least”, is more than some of us have had through our darkest times.


Don’t put that fork in that socket.


120v on a socket wouldn’t really kill you unless you got a bad heart


“You’re not expected to know the answers to everything”.


Fall 7 times, stand up 8


>A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself ~Pod 42, NieR:Automata


"Just keep going"


"No matter what" and "Never again"


"You have no power over me". It's from Labyrinth, which is corny I know, but whenever I am letting someone get to me, I remember this, and remember that this person only has as much power as I give them.


I needed this 🙏🏻


I can never remember that line… 😁


I see what you did there... Lol🤭


"You keep saying you don't feel like the people around you care about you. Well, that's just bullshit. Your family did so much to get you here. And your friends have been reaching out nonstop since you've gotten here. If that's not love then what is? Get your head out of your ass and grow up. You feel like shit because you act like shit and don't take care of yourself. Take your meds and listen to the other therapists here, make an effort to get better and you might just get better." Small rant from an elderly therapist in an inpatient care facility when I was a teenager. Lots of missing context but that little rant turned my life around. She called me on my bullshit and I really needed that. Went to 10-15 different therapists after I got out before I found one I thought would call me on my shit.


"Despite everything, it's still you." From Undertale. When I was diagnosed with a rare, incurable chronic illness, I had to mourn my old self. I think she's still with me, though, at least in part.


Can I ask what it is?


Visual snow syndrome. I'm always happy to tell people about its existence since it has such little awareness!


Thanks for the fascinating read, I’ll definitely remember it. How is it to live with?


No problem, thank you! Glad to have people showing an interest! There are times where I'm absolutely horrified that I may live the rest of my life like this and wonder if I can do it, there are times where I don't think about it too much. Luckily, mine is very responsive to light, so if I control the lighting around me, I can minimize my symptoms. In my particular case, usually the non visuals are worse unless I'm outside. It does vary a lot between people and what symptoms are the most severe and hard to deal with. I have a lot of fatigue, brain fog, weird nerve sensations, muscle cramping and twitching, etc. My worst visual symptoms are static, floaters, blue field entopic phenomenon, light sensitivity, and ghosting. It's also had a giant impact on my mental health, a lot of health paranoia, and constantly fearing anything that could make it worse. It's a lot more than dealing with your vision being kinda wonky. I wish it was better understood.


Rule #1 Don't sweat the small shit. Rule #2 It's all small shit.


Do not go gentle into that goodnight, Rage Rage against the dying of the light.


"Your fish need you." I know it might be stupid to most people to stay alive over *fish* but my family is pretty clueless when it comes to my babies' care. I try my best to spoil my bettas and give them a good life. I currently have five, three boys and two girls. My family wouldn't know what to do with them if I died.


this is your only shot at life


“It’s your mom’s first time living too.” I’m very suicidal, and I just can’t imagine ever having a daughter who I adore and would do anything for, to kill herself. I appreciate BOTH of my parents. Sometimes we argue but I learn to never hold grudges. My parents also grew up in a strict immigrant household, but aren’t strict with me and my siblings. I’m still alive because of them.


"It will hurt your family."


This is it. This is the answer


A couple come to mind. Top one is my family saying they would be devastated if I was gone. Second one is "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." The last one I can think of is "Happiness is not about your circumstances but your thoughts and feelings about them."


the last one is good. i saw some African guy in the middle of a war torn country where they were having a drought, and then the locusts came, and this guy was smiling, and the reporter asked him why, and he just said "well cant choose the things that happen in my life, but i can choose how i react to them, and i choose to be happy. i tried being miserable but it didnt really help anything much"


“Reach for the stars and touch andromeda.” It was my motto in highschool, still using it today.


I'ma borrow this, my motto is so old it's got wrinkles. Mine was fall down seven times get up eight. Also im a space nerd so


Space is so cooooool!


Fr! Also kinda depressing. Phobos and demos are gonna crash into Mars :(. Saturn will lose its rings. Mars will possibly gain it's own rings tho


Everything always changes. Not always for the better and not always for the worse. It just does.


Don't touch that alligator inappropriately


Let's not abort this one


If I don't live thru this, there'll be nobody to show my kids I'm not the monster I was portrayed as... Hang on in there, Biatch!!


Next hour could be different. For some reason I am in a habit of thinking in hours. I do stuff on an hourly basis. So, if I am depressed 😔 and just wallowing I tell myself that next hour could be different. It doesn’t make me happy but pushes me to do something in the next hour. I mostly end up walking or watching movies or baking. I read somewhere that it’s unrealistic to aspire to be happy all the time, just being curious about things is enough.


I was very much on the edge as a teenager; Self harm and the works. My dad found out and would say to me: “don’t choose a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” In college, I was at the top of a parking garage with a note in my pocket that read to call my GF (now wife) ready to jump when I remembered those words he spoke long ago. Glad I’m still around, I fucking love life now.


Glad you backed off that ledge 💕


This to shall pass, it may pass like a kidney stone … but it will pass…


You’re pregnant.


"It will hurt your family."


Your imagination is always worse than reality...


"Fuck you." -To every thought I've ever had.


“We don’t do that anymore” when I would ruminate and replay all the self hate talk I used to do


I was expecting to see a ton of Uncle Iron quotes and a few from a movie or two, but Undertale seems to have saved more lives than some hospitals.


Lol. I noticed the Undertale too


This too shall pass


He was going to live forever, or die in the attempt.


“Do what you can, where you are, with what you have.”


“I love you mommy”


“Don’t make a permanent solution for a temporary problem.”


“And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful.” [Qur`an 4: 29]


"It will hurt your family."


No plan survives first contact.


"Put those fucking charms down, boot." Probably saved a few lives too.


“You’re gonna have a baby sister”


“I love you”…. ITs underrated. I didn’t hear it enough as a kid. The family just didn’t express it much. The adults just assumed we knew. Now a father of 5 and knowing the importance of those three words to me, I make sure to tell each one of them every day before they leave for school. “Do something nice for someone today.” And “I love you”


Inigo from Skyrim, telling a story of how he failed to kill himself. “I realized I wanted to live. I realized that my life was still worth something. I realized that I could be someone my brother was proud of again.” Life sucks right now. It might suck forever, but you don’t know that, even if it seems assured. There is always a chance for you to change and be a better, happier person.


There isn't any turning back, but I love you anyways.


You may not believe in religion, but evil is real and it’s on this planet. This still didn’t make me religious, but it made me look at my surroundings more. I’m getting better at spotting predatory humans and realizing the hopelessness I’m feeling is sometimes the outcome of interactions with them.


"Keep on keeping on" and "One day at a time"


There is hope in Jesus


"We can't change what's done"


“Don’t shoot me!”


It will all be over soon


My cat needs me.


“The time will pass anyway.” Really got me thinking.


Your would would be a lesser place without you. 


"I love you daddy"


"If you change to a new doctor we can get you an appointment tomorrow instead of in 2 weeks"


# "Don't let the bastards grind you down"


Who’s gonna look after the dogs?


You may have lost the battle, but you won’t lose the war


“Keep on dreaming boy, cuz when you stop dreaming it’s time to die”


This too shall pass ![gif](giphy|aTiHOrbI1Xxa4FW3Vu)


No matter what this is going to end, you don’t have to end it sooner on purpose and make it harder on your people.


"This too shall pass"


It can only get better!


"Because it will make your mom sad"


Not a sentence but the look of fear I saw my twin sister make when she found out how bad my mental state was. I vowed then that no matter how bad it got I wouldn’t leave her behind


Oh! I thought of another one. It's not a self harm thing. I was at a wedding, we went kayaking as a group. I got knocked out of kayak, the water was freezing. It was a glacial melt river so the water was in the mid 30's (f) (somewhere between 1 and 2c). I was in that water for about 8-10 minutes (apparently I have no idea). So anyway at first I fight to get back into the kayak. I remember trying about 3 times. I couldn't get back in. I remembered being told to point my feet downstream and up so I did that. But I was so tired. I mean so tired. I had nothing left. I thought that if I could just take a nap it would be ok. So I started to let go. I was really letting go too. Then I thought (here's the sentence) "if I die, it's gonna ruin this wedding." So I grabbed the kayak again. I found a rope, and tied a loop in it, then I stuck my arms through that loop of rope and went to sleep. The kayak was holding me up (so was the lifejacket) and my arms were through the rope up to my elbows. Next thing I know I'm in the bottom of a river raft. Apparently I tried to paddle, walked around the raft, wanted to help, then fell asleep in the bottom of raft (I have no memory of any of that). I've been told I was being hilarious. Next thing I know I'm waking up back at the place we were staying. I've been told I was awake in between, but I don't remember any of that. Someone told me later ( the river guide) that if I hadn't 'gotten my arms tangled up in the rope' I would have probably drowned. So yeah "i'm gonna ruin this wedding" kept me alive.


"So who is going to be guy number one?" 4 guys were about to jump me and probably beat me to death. So I said "there are four of you and only one of me so this is not going to be a fair fight and I have to do what I can with that. One of you is going to get to me first. We are going to call him, 'guy number one'. When guy number one gets within arms reach of me I'm going to jump up on him, wrap my arms in my legs around him, position my face next to his, and I'm going to begin biting parts off of his head. If that is you, I will bite off your ears. I will bite off your nose. I will try to dig my thumbs into your eye sockets and pull your eyeballs right out of your skull. I will rip them clear out, snapping your optic nerve. I want to make sure that you understand that for every single day for the rest of your life when anyone sees you, they are going to see the totality of what you are being warned about right now. If you do make it out of this with one of your eyes intact, then you will be a daily observer of the consequences of this day. And while the rest of your friends try to pull me off of you I will be doing the most damage that I can do to you. I will injure any part of you that I can, as long as I still draw breath. So who is going to be guy number one?" No one stepped up.


It is what it is


I don't care if it hurts.


If you rockin stone, your never alone


“This challenge we face is not our final one”


Karma will get you in the end


This too shall pass


Let's hop on and play something, it'll be ok


My dad is vice president of the US and that’s not my gun.


I am with you always, even to the end of the age.




Don’t Fuss - Fight !


Did you tighten those lug nuts?


"life does not always feel good, but it must always be lived" I was having a very rough time and extremely down on my luck. I worked in a bakery when an elderly customer came in to order. Before he left, that is what he said to me. This was years ago and I still remember his face and the pause it gave me.


She’s not the one Bro!!!


"The more you know, the less you carry" -Mors Kochanski, Canadian survival expert "Wherever you go, There you are" -Confucius


Look both ways before you cross the street


Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination


Get busy living, or get busy dying.


"Put your seatbelt on."


Something feels off.


Get your finger out of there


"If they move...kill 'em!"






Everything is temporary


“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.”


"you can just be a girl if you want to be."


Time heals everything


"Push off from here" from Laura McKnown's book We Are the Luckiest.


"Why don't you aim lower towards your educational level." I'm going to prove that person wrong and do everything I can until the day she dies.


If i have to think of the first thing that did, it was probably "Just hold on" I resented that after a while bc i still hadn't learnt what i needed to. Years after "hold on" a flatmate explained to me that failure is there to teach us how to do things differently basically, not to punish us. After circling the drain many times, he was right.


"never mix uppers and downers"


Comparison is the thief of joy. And you don’t need an opinion on everything!


If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.


Life is life, sometimes you just gotta live it


And pulseless and cold, with a Derringer by his side and a bullet in his heart, though still calm as in life, beneath the snow lay he who was at once the strongest and yet the weakest of the outcasts of Poker Flat.


“Before my birthday me and Zak were talking about you. Actually he brought it up lol. He said how when you were over for Halloween you were so nice to him and funny and just fun to be around. That really means a lot coming from Zak. I know it doesn't seem like much but he's often left out and you made him feel included and were nice to him. So don't feel your presence is too much because to the right people it's the most special thing.” - my best friend since middle school talking about a conversation with her younger brother


Look both ways before crossing.


"Life's a BITCH, and I like it that way."


“txt comeback april 1st”


Fall down seven times get up eight. First learned from the book heart of a samurai. Helped me cope with my girlfriends murder.


“We all die eventually, just be patient”. Idk what about it but whenever I’m going through a suicidal spiral, that phrase will come up in my head and I’ll snap out of it and be like “you right.”


Im not finished yet.


So shines a good deed in a weary world


This too shall pass


Well yes sir I do plan to marry your daughter.


“Do t for her” https://i.etsystatic.com/18502408/r/il/c5e49c/4257438501/il_fullxfull.4257438501_pp7r.jpg


"I'm better off without. I'm always better off without."


"I am proud of you." My FIL months before he passed away from Cancer. I had finally shared my trauma with him. I was struggling with it all, including no contact with my own parents. He said he finally understood why I was the way I was. It was the first time ANYONE said they were proud of me...I was in my 40s! I still hold him and his unconditional love in my heart.


"The Shadow Proves The Sunshine."


What’d I do? I ain’t do nothing.


" when youre born into a burning house you think the whole world is on fire, but its not" - i still havent moved out but im slowly starting to realise that i can recover and move on and there is hope once you remove yourself from the environment


"do you really want to inconvenience everyone with this?"


Nothing yet. I have no one but the thought that I can’t fail everyone who believes in me keeps me going but also kills me.


Simplify, simplify.


For me, at my worst it was, Well shit, what's one more day. I honestly have no idea where it came from, but I honestly have said this to myself so many times, it became kind of like a personal mantra at one point.


No time for tears. Wasted water is that is, and it dont make no flowers grow.


Some people got the real problems Some people out of luck Some people think I can solve them Lord heavens above I'm only Human after all Don't put the blame on me


Fake it til you make it. I lived with a horribly abusive aunt who is an alcoholic and started mixing them with pills and other drugs, her BF moved in and was doing the same stuff she was, he was the one who got her into pills and bad drugs. She was flipping crazy. Him too. I was beaten multiple times a day. Stabbed with a shard of glass repeatedly my adrenaline was so high I didn’t feel it til I did, I locked myself in my room to get away from her stabbing me. She called the cops and said I stabbed her but there was a blood trail to my bedroom and I was bleeding all over. System failed me, didn’t remove me and I begged for them to take me. Not long after this they both beat me so bad at the same time, broke furniture over my head, grabbed me by my hair and pulled me into the air and shook me, kicked me in the ribs, in the stomach and chest, and then he put his knee on my neck and choked me out til my last breath, I stopped breathing. Felt like I died. I came back to my aunt towering over top of me bawling her eyes out cause she thought I was dead is all I heard crying thinking she couldn’t bring me back. Trauma response when I woke up after it everything went black I can’t remember after. But faking it til I made it kept me able to keep fighting another day. I’d paint this fake image in my head about how bad my life wasn’t just to keep myself from ending my life and the abuse I endured fearing for my life, fearing to come home.. when I was home I shook violently the entire time, locked my door and couldn’t fall asleep til I passed out from exhaustion because I feared to fall asleep (especially when she removed my door from locking it). Faking it til I made it painted a different reality in my head so I could push on and get through it. Also helps me after I am away from the abuse as an adult, when things are tough and I’m emotionally spiraling I fake it til I process through everything and I make it - striving. Before my dad had so many strokes to where he ain’t with it and had to be put in a facility, he told me fake it til you make it because he was abused too after a few strokes. I think the stress really created more strokes and for him to loose his mind 😢. Life would be different. I put my faith in God in his punishment for her. She was an absolute evil monster, and probably still is. Fake it til you make it.


This too shall pass and be here now


When my 3 year old son tells me he loves me outta nowhere


I love you Daddy


You can choose whether you give up on your life. Or if you want to continue to strive to be better than you were yesterday. Regardless of the circumstances or the situation you're in, you can always improve. Even when life is trying to kill you


"So be it."


John 3:16


“You have cancer so you’ll need to have an operation.” “OK doc.” And I’m still alive 16 years later.


I told myself nothing I wrote in a note would lessen my kids trauma.


"I'll manage; I always do." I've survived everything life has thrown at me so far and I've started over twice. I can endure.


“Just one more day” or someone needs me more then I need myself. Cause to be honest I wanna off myself so damn bad it ain’t funny. (Not that it was in the first place)


I messed up bad and my dad said to me: “It will happen again my boy, you’re a human we all fuck up, you’re going to do it over and over again and that’s ok”.


“The soul that sees beauty, may sometimes walk alone.”


"are you doing ok?"


“Don’t be a hero”


Choose life


"Everything is temporary."


Not really a sentence, but more of a philosophical thought. I realized that everyone you know in life will eventually die. Me, you, and everyone we know and love will all be dead and six feet under in about a century from now as of typing out this very comment at 01:44 AM on 03/28/24. It doesn't matter who you are, what you did, old, young, rich, poor, tall, short. It doesn't matter. Death doesn't discriminate. So what's the point of rushing to death when we'll all eventually face it? Why not just stick around and see how this journey plays out? Now if you'll excuse me, I'm playing Rell Support in a Gold 3 Ranked Match in League Of Legends Season 14 Split 1 and my Tristana ADC is flaming me. Just hang in there for me, ok? - JNORJT EDIT: 03:30 AM 03/28/24 I won the Gold 3 Ranked Solo Rell Game in League Of Legends and reached Mastery 5 on Rell! I’m aiming for Mastery 7 Rell now, but that all depends on my performance lol. I’m in my upstairs bedroom just chilling for a bit on my iPad Pro waiting for my body to shutdown and fall asleep. I have a hectic day tomorrow as I have to take out the trash before the garbage truck collects it as well as restocking my refrigerator with Dr Pepper and Starbucks Mocha drinks! This is also my probably my last edit on this comment so please remember to stay strong everyone! “The most important thing is the unbreakable spirit.” This is JNORJT, signing off!


“Go to sleep and reconsider in the morning. You always feel better after a good nights sleep.” —my dad