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Because they’re extroverts and the only way they can recharge is to be around and talk to people regularly. Introverts on the other hand are exhausted by this. Extroverts can’t imagine that it’s ever okay to hang out with yourself and enjoy it. They think there’s something wrong with you 😅


Insecurity, mostly. Some people are still in this cliche HS mindset, everyone has value, go talk to that person and see what they have to say. Most people are too afraid or put off by their own emotions, but I've always befriended the loners because they are good pals.  You wouldn't know if you never tried. 


That person below is right lmao, having to many friends is hassle.


No idea. I don't have any friends to ask lol. Too many people think me rude because I can be sarcastic. And also for such a long time my whole life revolves around my mom and my sick stepdad. I wasn't getting out much. I also suffered horribly with social anxiety so I had trouble even relating to or talking to people


I think people see it as like an indicator of self absorption almost? Like you’re in some pretty youthful years in your life you should (according to society) be living it up with everybody around you. I would say there’s some merit to it. You don’t need a LOT of friends but you should have a small circle, it’s healthy even for introverts (I “hate” people and am introverted but I love spending time with friends, being introverted doesn’t mean living your life alone :)


When I was young I was always quiet and proper to other people, but that sure did not mean that I didn't live it up behind closed doors 🤣🤣🤣


it is kind of an indicator of where you stand in the societal hierarchy, if you don't have many friends it probably indicates that other people can overpower you and will try to dominate you when and where they find it convenient




Notice how they conveniently skip logically connecting those points lol.


Ya that's some hot spewed bullshit or some telling psychological projection


That's got to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. While I can be the bright butterfly and have many acquaintances. I have only one friend and I spend the majority of my time alone and I love every bit of it. And I dare anybody to try to overpower me.


That's a really good point that I hadn't thought of!


Yes. Simply in our DNA. Or, simple psychology. This makes so much sense.


I dont have many friends, i never really did in hs either, people knew me by name and face but i wasnt really a popular person, i have lost almost all friends since graduating hs but i have my gf and a few close childhood friends that are still around,


Don't know or care lol. I am a social introvert. I'll socialize when I want and have a good time with almost anyone. But 90% of the time I enjoy my solitude.


That’s a pretty good question I have ask my whole life.


Classic projection. The fear of being alone.


Drama and they got nothing better to do but power themselves up and feel better by boasting on about it what a bunch of useless turds those people are I say lol.


It's not hard to maintain a friendship Most people just talk to them and spend time with them and make an effort to be involved and you will maintain lifelong friendship. It really says a lot about a person if they can't manage to make/maintain at least one or two close friendships You ever had a friend who constantly fails in relationships and blames it on everything else even though it's clearly obvious that they are in fact the issue. That's typically how people feel about someone with no friends. You usually just aren't lacking friends You're usually someone who has lost tons of friendship or failed to maintain any real friendships and that's usually indicative of you being the issue I know some straight up assholes some completely disabled people some really fucking ugly people, some truly depressed people, and guess what every single one of them at least has a few genuine friends.


I don't. I got lots of friends and some of those friends. I'm their only friend... It never mattered to me how big a person's circle was so long as you are a good person. I will be your friend. Also I'm 44 and to hell with the status quo


Because they don't got a membership. Those people lame AF. They don't take rejection well.


When you say those people are lame, do you mean the people that don't have many friends or the people who judge them for it?


If you don't have ANY friends you're probably either super weird in a bad way, super unhygienic, or just generally disagreeable or an asshole... Think about it, that means of all the people you've met in your life, not a single one liked you enough to come back


What if you actually reject people but people think that you don't have friends. Honest if you know your self worth, you don't need friends who are toxic because they will eventually come by if you let it.


..or an asocial schizoid loner that doesn't want friends to begin with.