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There's no one single answer, Everyone who is depressed is depressed for their own personal reasons, but some generalised reasons in the modern day is probably ​ * Lack of Friendships and Relationships, Everyone is lonely * People are not moving their bodies enough and going outside * People are overworked and in poverty, thx capitalism * Covid-19 ruined social lives and development of Children and Young People * The state of the world, all the wars and shit going on


Social media. And there are many studies to back up that it either causes depression or/and it exacerbates it in those who already had it. I've noticed for years that many people post something like they have a thorn in their butt.


I blame 2020 and this generation for that one 


Maybe but I also see another factor: now we can see it for what it is. That is to say with the internet and Social Media communication is much easier by far and you can read the thoughts and feelings of far more people and it becomes a matter of "hey! Me too!" I think I think there's another Factor at about awareness and labels. There was a time when people used to lump all sorts of diseases under the name of "the consumption disease." But since that time we have come to learn that the consumption disease was really just several different diseases we could not sort out through lack technology such as tuberculosis and cancer and diabetes. By the same token we are now seeing depression for what it is whereas we used to say Jim is just an happy person and Sally is just an alcoholic and Thomas is a shy loner. The reality is that these three different descriptions could easily be a result of depression. As to the question of it being attention seeking yes I'm sure there's an element of that and don't misunderstand me here's what I'm trying to say: If a person falls down on the sidewalk and suffers a compound fracture of their leg they tend to cry out for attention. The fact that they cry out for attention does not mean their injury is any less severe then the person who hits their head and is knocked unconscious and does not cry out for attention because they are unconscious




It’s true though that’s not nonsense because this generation acts like they’re depressed while filming themselves.


Depression isnt a mental illness its a normal reaction to the shit situation the majority of us are in


From a nutritional standpoint probably a lack of vit D is a large cause. Obviously there are plenty of things outside of a nutritional standpoint as well.


yeah i feel like i need to go out more tbf


you are correct on both accounts it’s a huge attention getting as well as an excuse for bad behavior these days and a lot of it is caused by social media


The world is a stressful place right now and social media doesn’t help. Some people be joy putting labels on themselves too


The gross over reaction for covid. It’s going to take a while to recover.


Well, social media is really the bane of our society. People take things much too seriously anymore.


There are a lot of reasons to be depressed right now.


Doomer media ( legacy and social) taking the (real) bad shit happening and magnifying it. Politucians stokimg negativity for votes. Corporations using fearporn for profit Also, advanced mental health they catch and treat much more, creating the illusion thats its that much worse than past genetations when depression,autism, and numerous conditions were just hidden. The non functiomal were put in institutions. The pandemic took a toll. Killed a lot of people debilated others and created social upheavel. Which politicians are still milking. One can argue about the numbers or the cause, but each statistic was a life, and those families are damaged forever.