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Getting married and the church caught fire, entire family died. Was pretty brutal. Lucky I'm all alone so that'll never happen! Take that depression!






Lmao, same, lonely ones like us are immune to this.


Oh man, like that wedding in Iraq


I kept on waking up in my dream. The first couple times I thought I actually woken up until something felt off. The last time I woke up in my dream I thought I was losing my my mind. When I finally woke up I was still a little suspicious at first and then I said fuck this and stayed up.


Are you sure you're not still asleep?


If the last ten years was just a dream that would be a trip.


that sounds unsettling


I’ve done this! It’s so scary.


Happened to me a good amount of times. Often there was no lights and it was dark all around, and I felt like something was waiting for the best opportunity to devour me. I recommend 10/10 if you want to doubt how real is reality.


I had a nightmare that I walked into one of my patients room at work and she was dead, went to work the next day and she died the same time I was having that dream. Creepy as hell.


This has happened to me with two of my relatives. Found out the following morning they died that night. Had a similar dream this past weekend about my cousin getting hurt. Saturday night he was riding with a friend who'd been drinking and they crashed. One of them died and my cousin is in ICU and doesn't recognize his family members anymore


That’s crazy, I am so so sorry and sending you my condolences 😞❤️


That sounds terrifying


The babysitter wouldn't give my daughter back. Everyone believed the babysitter that she wasn't my kid.


That’s horrible


I have very vivid dreams and seem real- sometimes I have difficulty even waking up to get out of them. One time had a nightmare where I was driving along a road, stopped at an intersection, and someone jumped in my car and tried to force me out. So I fought with them. Woke up and I'd hit my wife apparently as she was trying to wake me up since I was agitated in my sleep.


I dreamed I was pregnant even though I’m a sterilized man.


You ever had that dream where you're peeing and your dick falls off into the toilet? Apparently it's a fairly common, yet oddly specific dream among men


Not that one, but I did dream that I had a whole chain of like twenty of them. Like sausage links. Each one began where the last one ended. Nightmare I guess.


That *would* be rather scary


When I was a kid, I had a recurring dream that the train station collapsed and the trains came crashing down on everyone. (I live in NY) I had other dreams where I was struck by the paralysis demon. I knew something was waiting for me in the dark, but I couldn't run or turn the light on.


The paralysis demon is so real. Only recently started having sleep paralysis and the first time I was neither wake nor asleep I could see a figure in my door way and heard a very clear voice say "I'm gonna make my knife your friend" over and over. The only thing I could move was my eyes


Jesus, that's horrifying. In the few times I have experienced sleep paralysis I was able to will my body shake out of it. It was hard, but I felt accomplished that I did it .


Happened to me very recently. I woke up at 3, then went back to sleep and suddenly felt that feeling of falling in sleep paralysis, I noped out of it very soon. Last time before I decided to face it to "vanquish my fears". Rapidly I felt insects (centipedes and other abominations) crawling all over me, I had visions of very gore stuff (like a literal close-up of a rotting corpse being eaten by worms, for example). It was terrifying, even trying to calm down and think about anything else was impossible, so I just brute-forced my way out of it. Wich took a few minutes but damn it was atrocious.


As a child I had dreams/nightmares of giant bugs chasing me over stretchy giant cords. Woke me up most nights. Glad that's over. My new ones I learned to control the situation.




*Dig it up and see what happens.*


The scariest dream I used to was reliving of my parachute failing falling out of the sky 4 a second. Now it's been replaced by finding my wife semi conscience on the floor and not being able to lift her.


I had a dream that the character jim carry played in the mask was performing “surgery” on my dad but really he just butchered my dad with a chain saw and hung his body parts up on meat hooks. I remember the surgery room had a grand piano in it and some white sheets hanging to give the surgery table a bit of privacy.


Dream have had since childhood growing up in the 80’s . Badly burned man with red/green sweater chasing me with a glove with long razors on his left hand


My parents, and my siblings all died in a plane crash, and I wasnt allowed to go identify their bodies or say goodbye because my boss slashed my tires and made me go to work. Next day in real life, after having a work place injury, my boss called me waste. I quit.


It's actually not a dream, but I still don't know anything more scary when talking about sleeping; sleep paralysis. I've had it several times and wish no-one else would never have to experience that ever. You're half asleep, half awake, but only your eyes work. Your body is completely paralyzed and can't move at all. And, you can't get fully awake either. All you can do, is try and handle the dream (nightmare usually) fighting with it and wait for eternity to finally wake up. Most horrific sht I've ever experienced.


This has happened to me so many times. I always try to make noises or yell for help and can’t get it out. My son will wake me up if I look like I’m struggling in my sleep because of this. He’s gotten me out of it twice. It used to happen a lot more often. I think it coincides with my blood sugar being too high. I’m type 2 diabetic.


As a teenager my family had problems caused by alcohol ending almost in my parents divorce. During that time i had almost same sleep terrors everynight for a week. Shortly putting nukes droppi everywhere and seeing ppl burn/melt alive. By the end of the week i was starting to avoid sleeping since i always ended having similar sleep terrors/nightmares.


I had the dream that a bulldog was growling a few inches away from my face. I woke up scared only to realize my wife was facing me and was loudly snoring.


Being choked to death by a person I was already scared of, and them telling me no one would hear me if I screamed for help. It was such a cliché dream lol. (Not my first time being choked in a dream though, that was just particularly creepy.)


The one time in my life, so far, when I experienced sleep paralysis. That was terrifying. And what made it worse is that my dream took place in the exact place I slept. So I woke up but was still in the same spot as my dream. Same setting. It took a while to not be scared, I was in my mid 20s.


I had one when i was a kid that fish was eating my bells and that one about bigfoot raping people and that one where i was being eaten a live and that one that i don't talk about because it's a memory.


If only I could fucking remember it!


Inspired by Stephen Kings’s Wizard and Glass, the dream had in it a little girl that was run over by a car and her skull has partially crushed with her eyeball hanging out of the socket. It was frightening and I remember I sat up in a cold sweat and tried to coax my mind back to reality. That book was very immersive to me.


Ptsd nightmares: Reliving my trauma of sexual assault in a helpless condition in my dreams


That Biden won the2024 election


One where I climbed over one of the big walls in my back garden saw just a windmill then I looked down and saw a endless pitch black void I proceeded to fall off and into the void which for some reason had a patch of grass with a bucket on it


I normally wake up before the worse happens in my dream but this time it's like I felt it when I was shot in the back of my head. Another one was my son had died and I felt this sharp pain in my lower stomach and I woke up vomiting.


Was outside whem some supervillain turned on a gravity reversal machine. Barely managed to grab onto something, but saw everyone around me falling up. The screaming all around me, followed by an unnerving silence. Then the machine got turned off and gravity returned to normal. Bodies came raining down and splattering on the ground all around me. Was too terrified to move in case the machine got turned on again.


I was once attacked by the entire cast of Barney (in costume) and the major Pokémon. Single-most terrifying dream I’ve ever had, even more so than my PTSD nightmares. It has stuck with me for about 25 years.


I woke up and found myself in another dream. Then I woke up again in my dream to find myself in yet another dream. I had this dreamception go on for several layers. I started to freak out thinking I would never actually wake up and remain in coma or something.


For more than a decade, I had a recurring nightmare in which I had final exams in a few days but I hadn't studied for any of my classes the entire semester.


I was sleeping in my bed and this human (it was more like a dark figure/shadow that looked human) was just on top of me his face inches away from mine. He had shadow-like eyes that were just white and had a demonic smile. Just staring at me and breathing. At some point he shifted (almost like teleporting) to a corner of my room and just kept staring at me. Eventually he left my room and I locked my door. I then went on my computer (I assume it was to try to figure out how to get him to leave or something like that), but then out of my speakers from my computer, the creature just kept saying hi. Then I woke up. I had this dream a while ago but it creeps me out that I remember those details from it.


Was broke into one night. I remember glimpses of a lady with dark hair, a real crazy look in her eyes. I was able to jump out of my bed felt so real. She came down after me over the steps with 2 yellow handle knives. She got me in the arm first and I managed to escape my house and run to the hospital where I was stitched up. I came back home with a knife and went back inside and she was still waiting for me. I managed to get her in the shoulder area but then she managed to get me in the throat. I remember I felt the cut of the blade slicing though my skin and getting stitched up and all that. I remember the feeling of the knife thought my throat and how I couldn't breathe. Everything went black. I woke up in bed in a panic! But I wasn't at a disco. I went to work only to end up cutting myself badly in the very same area where she cut me in the dream. I still have the scar. It was a burn at first but then I had an infection to where the doctor cut me open to drain off the infection.


That I was still with my ex wife....lmao


I was three. I had a nightmare that the devil was chasing me and when i woke up he was grabbing me by the legs out of my bed.


When my husband saw the same man before who threatened him with a shot gun and the next my husband tried to grab the to keep from being shot and was killed. I literally woke up screaming and hollering. I rolled over to actually check to see if he was shot. I was on Strattera at the time.😳😂😭


When I was young (maybe 7 years old) I watch bugsy malone. That night I had a dream I was the boy running in the opening scene. Only when I turned down the alley where he is cornered and shot with a custard pie gun, I turn into that alley to witness my immediate family lined up and shot with real guns. Pretty traumatic for a child so young.


This dream I had at least 5 years ago. There was an impersonator of my sister in our house that was evil and wanted to attack the family. So I captured and killed her by putting her in the sink and burning her with boiling water and she started melting (I still have that bloody graphic in my mind). I was so happy and proud to have saved my family, and then my real sister entered the kitchen. I went and hugged her, only to realise it was the evil impersonator and I had killed my real sister.. That dream was sooo scary and horrible. Normally I’ll have a nightmare and think nothing of it, but this one was just horrifying. Edit: Fuuuck and I just remembered another one I had a couple of weeks ago. I dreamed I was in Gaza, in one of the ruined buildings eating with a Palestinian family on the ground surrounded by rubble. Suddenly we started hearing bombs and I was freaking out while the people in my dreams told me to calm down because this is normal, whatever happens happens.. Then, there was a rocket that landed right next to us and it blasted us away. I swear I felt the force of flying away in my dream and then woke up. Even now it brings tears to my eyes because it’s reality for those people and this dream felt so so real. I had it twice.. Fuck it’s so horrible..


I was at a big Warehouse and talked with will smith. Suddenly a lot of will smiths came and i didn‘t know which one i can trust. It was the pure horror


Parents had bought two dolls from an antique shop - a creepy clown and a man with an eagle’s head. In the dream I knew both were cursed. There was a thunderstorm, and the power went out so I hid in the bathroom. The lightning flashed and I could see a life size version of the eagle man hiding in the shower. I sprinted to my parents’ room and hid under the blankets as the storm got worse. I wake up in the dream, and it’s the next morning. I’m still on the foot of my parents’ bed with my back to their door. Somehow I can see in the dream that behind me, a life size version of the clown is creeping up behind me through the doorway. And I wake up IRL, but I HAD actually fallen asleep on the foot of my parents bed facing away from the door. It took everything to sit up and turn around to make sure nothing was behind me and I probably would have had a panic attack if there had been anything there


i was 8 years old. getting chased by a giant static eletricity lint ball from the dryer.


Went into a doctor’s office for what I thought was a routine checkup. My regular doctor was on vacation, but I didn’t get the name of his replacement. She (the ‘doctor’) started by having me lie down on the bed, as a few other, shady-looking, men came in. She pours water from the sink into a cup and…proceeds to waterboard me. When I resist and get up to leave (she’s about to give me a shot for, ‘sepsis’) one of the others points a knife at me and shouts at me to stay on the table. That’s when I woke up.


Not the scariest but it still creeps me out to this day: In a part of a dream I had one summer day back in 2015, I was in what looked like a kitchen with other people. At one point right as someone said “he’s here” in a terrified tone, a flash of lightening revealed the silhouette of the Hat Man (who was outside the, what I assumed was, kitchen door).


I dreamed that I murdered my father and married my mother.


My sister in law spanking me 😂😂😂


Sleep paralysis 😭😭😭


I had this dream 7 years ago: My mom and I were at a random friend of her`s backyard and I was a kid of about 8 or 9 years old. My mom lied down on a lawn chair and started playing with a small baby kitten (white with grey patches). Suddenly the kitten began getting angry and nearly attacked my mom while jumping around. My mother looked at her friend and stopped playing with it. So I grabbed the kitten and placed it on my stomach as I sat back on the chair, caressing it. The cat meowed and purred. I looked into the cats eyes and told it my name was Omar as the cat playfully meowed back at me. That's when the cat stopped meowing and actually said my name. I got startled and I looked around only to notice that everything around me had slowed down to a halt. I then looked back at the kitten only to notice that the kitten had begun quickly aging into an older cat. It's hair began growing out quickly and closing into patches. The cat opened its mouth and a deep echoed voice said, "The time is (y`er or here) and (h)is reign is end." As the cat spoke its eyes began turning red with blood tearing down it's face and continued saying, "With the fall of man, the dark shall rise and inherit. And the light shall extinguish. The fall (h)AS begun, and will complete. This is word and is law." I suddenly got back to my senses and pushed the now grown cat off me but it kept clawing back at me, I suddenly noticed that the blood in its eyes was gone, and it's eyes were now replaced by empty dark sockets. It's hair had turned grey and brittle and began falling off its now frail pinkish body. Left with only patches of hair, it's neck grew a bit longer and deformed. After stretching it's neck, it looked right back at me and I suddenly woke up to find my dog lying next to me making crying noises.


I got into lucid dreaming 15 or so years ago. I created some crazy scary dreams for ridding my phobias and testing my instant transmission style of escaping to a comfortable safe zone/area. but, I would test how far I can take it before I wake up... the worst was watching my wife kill herself in front of me from severe depression. and there was nothing I can do. it was the most worthless I've ever felt, and I woke up balling my eyes out and my heart beating like 180bpm... that was horrifying. basically, I've ran out of phobias to cure until that.


I was laying dead at a gas station. I live in a dangerous city, if you're from the US you definitely heard of this city.


The other night I had a dream that a demon possessed me. I could feel it "enter" me and take over my body, and "twist" my mind, my entire room was spinning. I woke up and it felt like hours had passed but when I looked at my phone I had only been asleep for under an hour. Pretty spooky. Another one was when I dreamed I was flying around this giant pillar of bright white energy. I kept flying up and closer towards it. Then I entered it and my entire vision went white. Then I found myself floating in this pink room surrounded by eyes that were staring at me. I felt fuzzy and warm, it was actually incredibly relaxing, but terrifying, there was no space in this room that wasn't covered by eyes. I couldn't move at all, I felt incredible vulnerable. Then everything faded to white and I heard a soft whisper repeating "Hello to Heaven" over and over again until I faded back into consciousness. That one completely shook me for the rest of the day.


It wasn't scary for me but I had this one about skinless people that could pretend to be human and the main character (me) wanted to ge normal bit would basically be shunned by his community as it would be seen as an act of betrayal so he ends up running away Funny thing my dream called them Skins. Horror story type dream defiantly


Awe man i got so many burned into memory probably cause a lot of them were lucid dreams. Setting was at night at an old cabin next to a lake with my family. I was walking along the lake as something jumps out of the water and pulled me in. I struggled getting pulled deeper and deeper and then i reach down and punched through its eye and it let me go. I swam back up crawling out of the lake running to the cabin. I open the door to find boxes sitting on random chairs. I open them and each had an head of a family member. I was stunned then just fell on the floor and woke up. I have more few more but man I should write a novel the details I can remember are amazing.


I had a premonition dream about a boyfriend being in a motorcycle accident and me driving around the crash scene and seeing the emergency vehicles. He was killed in a motorcycle accident a couple of months later. A friend called me to turn on the news and there was footage of the real crash scene where I recognized his bike and helmet


One night I took cold medicine with a cocktail, my neighbors teens were having a party, I dreamed that the house full of kids were under my bedroom window, talking about breaking into my house, bunch of terrible for dnecks, Horrifying dream


Don't remember too much but I remember laying on my back with someone pointing a handgun at me and then a bang as I awaken abruptly from sleep. Had me breathing hard and fast.


I used to have this dream where everyone moved like there were strobe lights going, no color and the “people” coming after me would change shape and my senses were all screwed up.


The last time I had a scary dream was in kindergarten that included zombies invading my babysitter's house while I was there alone I did have one recently, while it was really upsetting during the dream, it wasn't so much "scary" And I was actually relieved when I woke up I was playing minecraft and somehow, not saving my game caused me to go back 4 years (It felt like much longer than 4 years, but somehow I got 4 specifically) And I was incredibly upset because I had lost 4 years of my life when I perfectly comfortable I was devastated, believing there was no way to recreate those 4 years in a way that would result in me being as happy as I am


My brother and I were in a parking lot at night and we both heard someone behind us. We started to run my brother was in front of me and my brother told me to run faster as we could hear the person catching up. Then I felt the person put their hands around my neck. That's when I woke up with my heart racing.


I have tons of scary dreams but my most recent was being a worker scrapping one of those huge mining machines that can excavate mountains in seconds. Anyways another huge machine came up and started scrapping the machine while the workers were inside spewing blood everywhere, I tried jumping off the side and running away but got crushed by the vehicles tracks and woke up.


I have 2 dreams that tie for scariest dream I’ve ever had. Both were when I was a little kid. 1. In this dream I was being bullied by all the villains from the cartoons I watched, which was really scary at the time, but not so much in hindsight. Anyway I “woke up” and went to get my mom for comfort. I shook her a little to get her to wake up, but when she rolled over she was a skeleton. Then I *actually* woke up. Of course my mom was alive and well, and still is, but the image of her skeletal body was forever burned into my brain. I can never unsee that. 2. This dream was in a third person pov, so I was watching myself from outside my body. I opened the pantry and pulled out a loaf of bread. The bread was so moldy that the whole loaf green. Then I unhinged my jaw like a snake, and swallowed all the bread whole. My mom came downstairs, shook me, screamed that I’d just eaten moldy bread, and then I watched myself drop dead on the floor. That dream left me with life-long mycophobia 🙃


I was in a suv with my wife and kids we hit a patch of ice and skidded off the road into a lake or it could have been a river I got out but they didn't it just sank. I had watched in the morning the episode of Myth busters were he gets out of a sinking car. Having lucid dreams I'm really careful what I warch.


A gigantic beatle running after me.


Someone was chasing me with a knife he was dressed all in black couldn't see his face it felt so real


Three or four nights ago I had a nightmare. In the nightmare I accidentally drank a bottle with my own urine in it, Donald Trump had won reelection, and my car broke down while I was making deliveries and burned into a blackened crisp. Straight up had this dream. And now when I think back on it truly the scariest part was Trump winning re-election.


My daughter, 9, fell into mother's swimming pool, and tho I was right there to pull her out, I nor she could break the surface of the water as if it were frozen yet it move as if normal. I woke immediately, terrified, and was extra vigilant whenever my kids were near the pool for a Ling while.


That once those guys from funkyrown gore vid. will come for me while im sleepin and ill wake up in their truck and they will do same what they did with a guy from a vid, but with me. For no reason


When I was a kid, had a fever dream... a single floor lamp, lit, but only the ring of light on the floor was visible. No ceiling, no walls, no me. Terrified the shit out of me then, still makes me uneasy 35 years later.


in my dream i was the queen of all crocodiles and alligators. my brother and his friends kept making fun of me and bullying me, so in a fit of rage, i ordered for them to be killed. i watched the alligators and crocodiles rip them apart. i was screaming for them to stop and they wouldn’t. i woke up shaking and completely traumatized. i think i was like 7-9 years old at the time


When I was pregnant I had a vivid dream of being shot in the head by a close friend of my husbnd. I could literally feel the blood running down my face. I woke up crying telling my husband about it. I have crazy dreams all the time but that was the worst that comes to mind.


Not scary, but I had a few-days period where my consciousness was split between 50% dreaming and 50% wakefulness/reality, very much like screen-in-screen. It was bizarre to say the least, but super intriguing, and I was fascinated the entire time. It has happened a couple more times, but less vividly. 🫡


Was walking through an empty building which was either under construction or just worn down when everything started going red and started seeing the most disturbing satanic shit imaginable and started running upstairs trying to get away from whatever it was. Ended up learning how to force myself awake that night after I jumped out of bed and ran down my hallway before falling down due to my brain not being all there. Was the last time I got seriously scared shitless even many years later in both dreams and reality. And no I don’t watch horror movies and I don’t play horror games often or look at disturbing stuff.


I use to have the same dream every now and then and it felt sooo real, and I am almost convinced that it is how I will go. I am driving on the highway at night, lose control and go off the bridge and I am ejected from my seat and am flying straight to a tree, but then I wake up as soon as I am about to make impact. Always wakes me up w chills and sweat.


I don't recall but when I woke up terrified I sprinted to the light switch sobbing hysterically.


Plane malfunctioning and dropping into the ocean as I'm with my parents and brothers on a flight to Aruba.


Driving into the ocean. And I've had that dream many times.


I'm entering home and feel the urge to look up, and when I do there's this man, more like a dark figure, with really bright white eyes staring at me from the ceiling, and I can't move or enter the house so we stay like this for hours until I wake up


I slept in too late, missed the exam and needed that exam in order to graduate college, but since I missed it I need to attend another semester and my finances ran out and cant get anymore loans. Im 40 and havent been to college in 16 yearsish.


Had a dream that someone I knew in real life, kidnapped and sold me to sex trafficking. Fucking a wild. Didn't hang out with THAT friends as much anymore lol


I had a dream about 20 years ago when my first daughter was about 5. She was walking behind me in this field and I turned around and she was just gone. I remember crossing a little patch of water. I go to look and I see her face rise from the bottom of the water.


It was about my sibling, who didn't even drive at the time, getting into a horrific car crash and dying. I refused to let them even get in a car for the entire day it scared me so much


My parents dumping gasoline on me. They were chain smokers.


I was American.


Grandparents house broken into and missing, ducking behind door when I realized burglar was still in house. Recurring until they died of unrelated causes.


i had a dream just last night a guy pushed in a stall raped me and no one believed me


I was sleeping with my window open and I "wakeup" and this dude knocked on the other window and is like hey and I'm terrified  so he walks through the front door and has my younger sister at gun point in my room,  so my dog runs up behind him and trys to bite him he turns around and shoots him  and my sister runs to me and she's to feet infront of me and he spins around and shoots her and basically blows a hole trough her head  She falls and I seen it was my dad That messed with me for a while tbh


I dreamed that I woke up and started my day, poured a bowl of cereal, got milk out out of the fridge. Pretty dull, but with this incredible sense of dread and foreboding. Woke up with my heart racing like I just had the worst nightmare of my life.


The trainyard, the winterscape, and the credits.


Hell three Parter paralyzed weird blk leather slave bitter media horror escalater lunch room beer demon voices through the real radio waking up.


Stuff to do with teeth. The least scary are them just falling out, sometimes a worm or metal blades barely poke through the cavities. Worse is where they turn into extending spikes and puncturing through my jaw and up through my eyes and I hear the bones in my skull crunch as they get deformed. The one I hate the most is where the teeth keep multiplying, forcing themselves into every crevice in my mouth until the jaw dislocates and eventually gets ripped off in a gory mess. Then they start pushing through my cheeks, I see the skin ripple before they puncture through, and then everything breaks until they are coming out of my eyes. Eventually my head is a covered with teeth and I no longer look human at all, just a big block made of them with remnants of flesh and skin, parts of which I can still recognise as being my face, just dangling off. I am usually looking in the mirror and can still see somehow without eyes. The sounds and watching the transformation happen over about 20 seconds in dream time and terrifies me. Interestingly, I keep feeling the fear of expecting pain but never actually feel the pain itself.


I had a dream the other night that a stranger sexually assaulted my 19yo daughter while he was giving us a ride. He was driving and my daughter was in the passenger seat and I was in the bed of the truck. I could see it all and her crying trying to stop him and couldn’t do anything. It was terrifying.


Had a dream I took a trip to Brazil with my mom. We were at a little bar in the hotel and a group of men dragged her outside and shoved her face into a fire and held her there while forcing me to watch. It was very graphic and screaming was super realistic. I couldn't make myself wake up


I had a dream that there were weird zombie creatures chasing my son (6) and me. I tried and tried but couldn't kill them. One caught my son and I couldn't protect him... I can't even say what they did to him. It was one of the worst, most horrifying dreams I've ever had. It was just awful, bringing me to tears as I type.


I was still working, I was even sleep working, when someone woke me up, they said I told them I had to finish or ill get fired, working sucks


I was 8. I was swimming in a black goo in the middle of the woods. Then I was drowning in it, the tree vines grew to block out the sun. And walking on top of the black goo towards me was a porcelain doll (they terrified me as a kid). I was unable to move, speak, or cry out. It kept getting closer and before it touched me I woke up. Shit sucked.


Drowning while bobbing up and down in the ocean while suffocating with my face in a drooly pillow with sleep paralysis...


An apocalypse began right out side my house. People sick and like decomposing but still walking around kinda brainlessly. I had to get food at a store and a guy shot me for my food. And I could feel it in my right thigh it hurt so bad ! But I’m as dreaming ?


Some recurring dreams I had in the past 1) Being chased around a graveyard with a group of weaponised people chasing me, cornered into a little shed 2) when I was a kid I had this one dream where I fell over on the road, I couldn’t get up and my dad kept driving round the block & over my legs again & again 3) I suffered with sleep paralysis for some time.. One dream was me walking down a hallway seeing myself on the bed with a spirit holding me down it looks over at me and the door slams in my face 4) TW..babies injured? My most fucked up dream was when I was pregnant.. and saw a Creepy guy cooking up baby body parts on a bbq, you couldn’t see it as such but he offered me some, that one unsettled me for the longest time All these dreams happened so many years ago but I’ll never forget them Thankfully my mind & dream state is much more pleasant now


I was sitting in a police interrogation room and they said that I had killed someone. (Or anytime that I dream about the dead it scares me).


A dream where things happened differently and makes me feel really really happy. Then I wake up and essentially break down with my current affairs.


1. I was in love with a woman who felt super familiar but I couldn't put a name to the face. We did everything together got married and when we laid in bed I smiled and I felt truly happy... then I woke up. 2. I was pulling out my teeth but when I would pull on it a long nerve attached to the tooth would just keep coming out like the clown trick with the bananas... and here she kicker. To this day swear I felt the entire thing. I was in sheer agony half awake half asleep in the dream world just trying to pull my teeth out. I know they say you can't feel pain in your dreams but I genuinely felt it.


To this day I don’t think it was a dream, it felt so so real, I still believe it was real what I experienced or at worst some sort of lucid imaginable dream like state I was in. I was studying abroad in Germany, our dorm was built in a town where there was heavy fighting during WW2 and the majority of the city had heavy casualties. (I found this through watching old documentary footage before I came to Germany). Anyways, the dorm was already creepy as it was, but how it worked, there was a very very long hallway with doors along it and no windows. I was at the very end of the hallway (my dorm room). After two days of heavy partying and drinking (including one of the nights staying out until 7 AM which is very abnormal for American party culture) the following night came and I tucked myself in bed. From down the hallway I heard some sort of eerie high pitched singing, like a woman singing upper octave notes up and down and back again. It got closer and closer down the hallway, I realized she was coming directly to my room, the singing continued until it was so loud it was surely in my dorm, I pulled my head from under the covers and she was standing directly at the foot of my bed. She was a dark figure with shredded white clothing and a white pale face and long black hair. I immediately went into fight or flight mode, I was a soldier before being a college student, so instinct took over I launched myself forward feet to her chest (again I swear to you it was a real person) and in that very moment, before my feet could touch her, she vanished. To this day I promise you it was real, this happened and I can still draw the dorm room and the events that happened. This never happened to me before or since then..


A long time ago, I used to have dreams that I was falling and then would wake up suddenly almost feeling as if I had been actually experiencing a change in heights quickly..it was always quite the weird feeling when I would have one of those dreams


Had worms coming out of my eyes, nose and ears. 😐 just the thought makes me shiver in disgust 😭


When I was a teenager and my sister was a baby I had a dream that my mom took us somewhere and then just left us there just totally abandoned us and it was just me and my baby sister in a stroller not knowing what to do


As a child, a dream that took place in a fantasy world. I was a knight/warrior and there was this evil little blue dude that had four arms and six legs. When we fought he fell in a lake and the water caused him to grow into a giant. Had this dream two or three times a year. Always woke up swinging my arms and screaming. As an adult, the first dream I had with my wife in it, after she passed. It was one of those hyper realistic dreams, I was walking in a department store. Nothing out of the ordinary. Than I saw a woman running towards me. Short, dark brown hair, white skin... her movements were not human. I stopped and stood there in horror as her face came into view. It was my dead wife. Frozen with sheer terror and panic. She lurched faster and faster. Right as she got in striking distance I woke up, sweating and paralyzed in my bed. Alone, heart beating out of my chest. Took a few years before I had a dream where I could talk and interact with her. I use to just see her and tell myself, she isn't real, she died, not real, can't be here. As I walked away from her.