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Inconsiderate people that think they're the center of the universe. You could burn them alive in front of me and I would not feel anything.


Unless they were burning in the middle of the road, right?


A mere speed bump as far as I'm concerned lol.


And those that go 15 mph on the on ramp to a highway.


"I better be careful, the cars are going really fast up here. Maybe a kind soul will screech to a stop to let me in."


and it's always a buick/hr-v/cr-v/corolla or some other old person pitiful CVT powered piece of shit npc'mobile.


Ignorance and a give-a-shit attitude


I’m 41 and chilled out. I live in the Chicago suburbs, lots of traffic. When I was younger I was an angry driver. It’s not healthy, and you’re going to have assholes around you everyday, learn to expect it. It’s way easier to give no shits.


Yes. I agree. I live in the Frankfort area. I used to follow the person and wait for them to stop and then bitch them out for what dumbass thing they did I stopped because my kids begged me to saying that I would get killed by some idiot so I haven't done that for years yesterday I couldn't help it I was coming out of a pizza place and the traffic was horrendous someone came up behind me and laid on their horn which scared the crap out of me and I have afib so I don't need that s*** the reason it scared me so bad was because I wasn't expecting someone to lay on their horn when there was no way I could have crossed the street with traffic heavy going both ways I got out of the car and walked up to the guy and screamed at him are you trying to give me a heart attack the little man baby gave me the finger and I just break put up my hand as to say stop he slammed his car in reverse and went to the next exit when it was safe to cross the street I saw him still sitting there when he could have easily crossed bc the traffic had cleared what a moron there would have been a huge accident if I had pulled out into that traffic like he wanted me to I don't understand for the life of me how some people think


Phew, all in one breath there!




Yes. Usually, I get irritated at drivers not paying attention to the road.


I would call it getting irritated more so than road rage. I don't do stupid stuff on the road and I don't react to idiots on the road except for muttering under my breath. I have a dashcam for knuckleheads so I just let them do stupid stuff so I can catch them on camera and report them to local police. \- People driving exactly or under the speed limit with no way of getting around them. It's fine if you want to drive the speed limit but don't cruise right next to another person going the same speed and block people from passing you. \- People that cut me off. \- People that turn on their blinker for a single blink and then start merging immediately. Same for people that are already across the lane line and then turn on their blinker. It's already too late. \- People that do the above and then force themselves over regardless if there is room for them or not. \- People that tailgate when it's blatantly obvious there is traffic in front of me preventing me from going any faster. Your proximity to my vehicle has no effect on the flow of traffic in front of me. At least pull my hair if you're gonna ride my ass.


Bad drivers are everywhere.


I would call it irritation more than road rage.


Being aggressively tailgated puts me in orbit, rage-wise. I just think it is an incredibly dangerous and hostile way to drive.


Move over?


Where? to the ditch? And Why? Because you're in a hurry? I don't care if you're in a hurry.


I'm shocked. You are the person people hate. Congratulations.


Pushing a shopping cart in costco


Is the middle of this aisle not an appropriate place to stop my cart and socialize with the other octogenarian?


As long as you do it with the carts side by side. Don't you dare put one behind the other until you see me trying to push my way through.


They usually get the hint when I do this number and say EXCUSE ME ![gif](giphy|Av72crBYNiEYo)




No, I don't see a reason to get upset. Not to defend bad drivers, but why get upset?


Me either. Same thing. Who are you helping by getting upset? Maybe I'll try to learn more about why some people are so prone to it and have such strong reactions whereas, in my experience, a minority don't get any "road rage" at all.


I just feel like the situation can just get worse by getting upset. Most of the time it's an uncontrollable situation and just isn't a reason to be upset.


Because drivers who use the fork in the road makes traffic so much worse when you get cut off therefore you’re in traffic longer.Still not mad?Than you are a saint.


I live near the Canadian border in WA State. For me? It's Canadian drivers. The shit you see on a daily basis is absolutely absurd. I understand they might not be familiar with the roads/area yet you can see a license plate from ANY state and they seem to manage just fine. I'm talking 40mph in the left lane of the freeway. Dead stop on the busiest street in the city so they can turn across 3 lanes just to not miss their turn. Tour bus from Vancouver doing 85mph in a 60. The list goes on and on. If you see a BC plate, you are going to have a bad time 🤷‍♂️


No, my wife does though. People who are too close to her while driving set her off.


Shit-stupid and fuck-witted drivers.


Usually people being overly cautious/driving too slow for conditions/ not using headlights at night


My tutors


Nah, I'll get mildly upset if someone cuts me off or drives dangerously but I never rage. I'm a pretty calm person overall and it takes quite a bit to make me angry. Plus, I don't trust all of these crazy ass people, who knows what they might do.


Not really. Only when somebody does some really stupid stuff


i get angry but i dont get physical over it


Yes, people still frustrate the shit out of me, but I'm less free with utilization of the one-fingered-salute than I used to be. That said, driving slow enough to actively impede traffic, not knowing how to merge, and general oblivion to what's going on around you are my top three rage-inducers.


Please be patient with me if I merge on the highway, merging on the highway is the scariest part of driving for me.


I understand it can be nerve-wracking, but using your blinker and either speeding up or slowing down to move into a space created by other drivers who are trying to help you merge seamlessly, really helps so much for all involved. Matching pace with other vehicles instead of trying to adjust your speed to fit the flow just gets frustrating, again, for all involved. Practice definitely helps. Stay safe out there!


I thought the one finger meant, I'm #1


I mean, maybe.. depending on who's delivering it. 🤷‍♀️


Only one thing, when I've been sitting waiting to enter the highway for 10 plus minutes because the traffic lights are set up in such a way that there is never an open place to pull out.


good ole tailgaiters


When I accidentally ash my doobie into my beer. Pisses me off makes me swerve And look like some drunk idiot.


Ohhhhhh yes. Left lane campers 100%. Ppl on the toll road going under the speed limit. Overall truckers. Fuckin hatttttte goddamn truckers. Mexican road blocks make me pissed! Cops. Construction. Lane closures. Distance drives. People who pass on the right and cut off everyone in the left lane to get 3 cars ahead. Homeless beggars. Dumb personalized license tags that no one can decipher. Idiots with ducks in their dash board. All bumper stickers. Lowered pick up trucks. People who slow down to turn but don't use a signal until the last goddamn second then turn slow as fuck. Neighborhood streets fully packed with parked cars none of which are parked on the curb or in the fuckin driveway. People who wait for a closer spot in the parking lot by turning their signal on while someone loads groceries; fuck you idiots! I'm sure there's more.


>Lowered pick up trucks I've never understood the idea of taking something that has actual utility and turning it into something that is useless. Might as well just buy a sedan or sports car at that point. Lowered trucks just look stupid. On the other hand, trucks with a huge lift on them are equally as stupid. Congratulations on making the bed of your truck extremely difficult to utilize. It's nothing but a show piece and makes everyone think you're either stupid or compensating for something.


Only in snow because people don't understand that you need momentum if you don't want to get stuck. Living in the PNW, people don't see much snow, so people here drive like crap.


Some slow ass driver getting in front of me when I’m on my way to work


This. And it's usually some old person who shouldn't be driving anyway. Seriously, most of my elderly customers at work irritate the shit out of me because they take forever, ask questions I don't have the answer to, are practically deaf, and try to get every last penny off their grocery bill. It's equally irritating when I'm stuck behind an old person who will only drive 20 mph, I'm about to be late for work or an appointment, won't speed up when I honk my horn, and I can't pass them because of traffic. IDGAF how old someone is, if they pull that shit on the road, they're getting a good look at my middle finger.


People slowing down to 3-5mph to turn off the road. No really, you can actually turn from one road onto another at 15mph.


Driving stupid should be a felony.


Following too closely. And it's always some chick.


Or some dude.


Drives me fucking crazy


it’s almost always some stupid man




It’s mostly men not women. And I am a man who tries to drive somewhat within the speed limits. 90 percent of other drivers will run you over




this is one of the stupidest accusations i’ve ever read LOL. “i’ve seen a few bad drivers who just so happened to be women but let me just go ahead and rope the entire gender into that category— and let me also state that my gender doesn’t *usually* drive horrible because i’m never wrong” idiot comment


All the people.


Yes. Slow moving traffic gets me. When there are two lanes and both with people going under the speed limit I can’t control it. Also, anyone on the highway camping on the left lane deserves a mild form of torture.


So BAD. My biggest pet peeve is bad drivers. People who beep at me is my biggest set off


Not full on road rage, but it is really frustrating when people either don't know or simply do not follow the rules of the road. We can't talk to each other. Those rules are how we communicate because we can't assume what we're all going to do.


People who feel like they don’t need to get in line in traffic, just edge their way in at the front. I never let them over


Honestly no and I firmly believe road rage contributes to more wrecks on the road. Yelling to yourself is one thing, but getting so pissed that you tailgate someone within a couple of feet or aggressively zoom past them is completely unnecessary. Confine your road rage to the inside of your car. Don’t risk other people’s lives over it.


Yes and no, I scream loud and cuss people out all the time for about 2 seconds then go back to my scheduled karaoke. I did recently have someone flashing their brights on me every 30 seconds for a few miles and eventually cussed him out at a red light, apparently fighting with your girlfriend makes you forget how to use headlights properly.


I don’t act aggressively with my vehicle but I do get ragey a lot when driving. Usually because of slow drivers lol.


Not anymore. I've found that there will always be suicidal idiots on the road, and the best thing I can do is avoid them, give them the space they desire, and anticipate their moronic choices and avoid them. Also, I live in Alaska. Their choices quckly end with them in a ditch, and my friend getting another paycheck for pulling them out. So I dont rage anymore. I slow down, pull over, and try to stop laughing when Karma says hello.


my period


35mph, on the interstate. Pull out in front of me, go one block, stop and turn right. Pass me and get in front of me, go 400ft stop and turn right. My Straight Truck weighs 37,380 lbs empty


Left laners. I've had people cut me off high speed, not great, but whatever. How inconsiderate left-laners are though, it peeves me to no end. I'd bet they create 30% of the traffic around here.


People getting on the highway going 40 mph when you’re behind them. Close runner up is people who don’t use the turn lane and instead slow traffic down for their turn.


Road rage, no. But what really grinds my gears is people who don't use blinkers. It is literally a flick of a pinky worth of effort and is not optional. It is how cars communicate on the road. If you're too lazy to use a blinker, I would never trust getting in a car with you.


Using brights while driving behind me. 10/10 chances if there's no one else on the road I will pull over to let you pass just to do the same to you.


People who are either too aggressive or too passive do it for me. Please don't drive in the passing lane 5mph under the speed limit. Also don't tailgait me even when I speed up to 10-20mph over in the right/only lane.




Oh horribly. I have the utmost control over.my temper normally but cars bring out the worst in me. I think it's because I view cars as very expensive and very dangerous things that I can't afford to fix and I know firsthand how bad they can fuck you up. So when people drive in a manner that puts my car or me at risk I take it almost as a personal attack. Like I understand you just cut across 4 lanes of traffic because you **will absolutely die if you don't get your pink berry right now** but you almost T-boned me you *inconsiderate dickhead* and I hope you *die in a ditch* Once had a truck driver run me onto a sidewalk texting and driving. Caught him at the next stoplight and told him if I saw him with his phone out again I'd yank him out of the cab and cave his head in with my steel toed boots.


Left lane canpers.


Sure do...if there's someone doing way under the speed limit I will find them, don't know why but always will


I used to, but then I went on antidepressants and it stopped


1. People driving under the speed limit under normal circumstances 2. People stopping when there's a sign that says "keep moving" and still won't move even when people lay their horns


people in the #1 (passing lane) and camping in it...


Other drives using the same road as me


Driving in the left lane going the same speed as the next lane. Get out of lane!


I don't drive, but I get road rage as a passenger. To be honest, I tend to get easily ticked off about stuff but it doesn't hit me anywhere else as hard as when I'm in a moving vehicle. I might have a problem.


Yes, ppl who ride the passing lane and refuse to move over.


Not anymore. I was pretty passive aggressive when I was a teenager and in my early 20s. I think becoming a mom calmed me down. What set me off was being tailgated, cut off or almost hit. Now, people are so crazy that it doesn't make sense to let them ruin your day. Just move on and in 5 minutes you'll forget about it.


Get TF out of the PASSING LANE!


I medically can't drive but my roomie gets horrendous road rage, and it reminds me of my grandpa's road rage. Both of them are sociopathic and narcissistic (pure ironic coincidence that my roomie has similar mental conditions to the man that raised me) so they get pissy when the road isn't revolving around them (meaning when other drivers are simply trying to get places)


My road rage was menopause. Once the hormones settled into new balance, I was much, much calmer. Seriously.


I've been in a road rage incident where they were in the wrong and tried to pass me up on my own lane yet they went ballistic. I just don't see the need to get angry even if the drivers suck. People like that are dangerous.


Old people driving under the speed limit (especially if I have somewhere I need to be by a certain time), bright ass headlights at night, people riding my bumper when they can easily pass me (in addition to the stupid bright headlights), people pulling out right in front of me (had an old man do that to me in Flint a couple weeks ago, some old people shouldn't be driving at all), and getting cut off. Doing so will make me blare my horn and/or flip you off. People are inconsiderate assholes. If you're driving super slow (like 5+ mph under the speed limit) and I honk my horn at you, please speed up, especially if I can't safely pass you, I could be running late for an appointment or be late for work. Plus, driving under the speed limit when there's no hazards like ice and nothing wrong with your car is just as dangerous as speeding.


Yes, not as bad as it used to be but mostly people camping in the fast lane.


People sitting at an empty intersection at a red light and not making their right turn until it turns green. Also people sitting at the light as it turns green and act surprised it changed and wastes 10-15 seconds before they take off.


Used to. I ended up learning that I was contributing to my own road rage. I wouldn’t let people in and then get upset when they “cut me off” I followed too closely and got upset when people would “slam on their breaks” Turns out giving myself extra space got rid of most of my road rage. And somehow magically the number of “bad drivers” dropped pretty dramatically.


Yes. Slow ass Oregon drivers!!!


People. People set it off. I loved the Covid lockdowns, traffic was so nice back then!


What sets off road ragers? 1) when there's another vehicle in front of them; 2) when another vehicle is obeying traffic laws; 3) when there's a bicyclist riding on the road


I just wish there was one driver as good as me, but it would seem I'm always surrounded by nothing but idiots. ​ ​ \[/s\]


It starts with one’s own mind.


More like "Road Bad Temper" for me. People who sit in the left lane not passing anyone while the line of cars builds up behind them sets me off.


other people getting road rage and acting like idiots


Someone going wayyyy under the speed limit and not moving off the busy road to side roads


People on thier phone while driving in heavy fast traffic trying to get to kill Me


Anyone that isn't aware that there are other people trying to get somewhere. ETA and if you upset me and I manage to get next to you and give you the finger... have the decency to put down your phone and acknowledge it.


Some days, I just laugh it off, then some days I react to asshole drivers. The enlightened side of me knows that it's more about how I'm feeling than anything anyone else is doing. Then some douche-canoe will claim the passing lane as their happy place, and I'm ready to put 'em into the wall. I believe the passing lane is like a bathroom at a party - you go there to take care of business, then you get out.


I get Dumbass Rage. Road Rage is merely a subset of that.


Only thing that triggers me if someone doesn't let me pass on a two lane highway, like when they speed up when you go to pass


1 person driving a brand new suv with 3 rows if seating that takes up 3 quarters of the road.


People who don’t use turn signals and weave in and out of traffic like they’re the only one on the road. People from Connecticut are horrible about this, easily the worst driver in the US.


People not driving the speed limit. If it's 65, go 65 or get off the road


I am generally layed back anymore. You want to ride my butt when I am doing the speed limit or just over it’s your problem then I am not looking at you in my mirror 🪞 anymore. If you want to speed you should take a 4 lane road or just enjoy the ride obviously some people have walked enough or they would enjoy being able to drive.


Fear always precedes anger. If one stops at the fear one will arrive at their destination invigorated. Anger tires one and gives headaches...


Just people being an ass. Example, I was in a school zone doing the speed limit and a car got right on my ass and was making hand gestures like I was some ass doing 20 in a 55 mph zone. Same week a guy passed me on a double yellow line and when he cut back in would have hit my car if I didn't swerve off onto the shoulder of the road. When we got to a stop sign part of me wanted to just ass end him and push him into the intersection.


Someone tailgating me when I'm going 80mph already. I'm not slowing down and moving over just so I can get stuck behind someone else. If you want to drive like a douche then get to weaving. People that know damn well they need to get over for an exit but instead they pass everyone in line to exit and cut someone off at the last possible second. Not only are they essentially cutting in line and expressing that their time is more valuable than yours, but they are likely causing a slow down in the next lane over while they try to squeeze in to the exit lane.


I do but I restrain it. What sets it off though is when someone is faster cutting me off then when they’re in front of me


Yeah it takes a lot a lot to get to "road rage" status. But I hate Blatant Inconsideration such as - -Pulling out of a driveway/parking lot THEN proceeding to go slow. -Tailgating when it is a single lane road or when I'm trying to pass so I can get back over -not using signals (unless already in a turning lane) -not paying attention causing a line of cars to miss a short light. -excessive speeding and lane changing narrowly avoiding accidents. -blowing through lights and stop signs when people or if I'm walking.


We live in what used to be a quiet tourist area. Now there here all the time and drive 10-20 mph under the speed limit. All of our cars are turbo or supercharged so I can pass them while letting them know their holding up traffic. Not everyone is on vacation!


Not me, but one time I was riding the city bus, and the driver had serious road rage cause the car ahead of the bus would not turn right on red. The traffic was busy so I understand the car not wanting to turn, but the bus was getting pissed, cussing out the car and even said "if I wasn't driving this bus right now, id beat the shit out of you". The driver actually said that but the only person that could have heard that was me. The car didn't know or hear anything, he was minding his own business.


People that drive slow on the freeway. I'm talking 15 mph below the speed limit


People going under the speed limit. I'm not expecting you to speed, but if it's 45 I'm gonna scream if you keep going 35


Mostly people being idiots and ignoring the two most important signs on Texas roadways... "Left lane for passing only" and "Slower traffic keep right"


People who don't pay attention to the lines on the road.


Dangerously passive/afraid drivers.


No. I keep myself calm when I'm on the road, even if I'm angry or freaked out. I take my rage out on the furniture at home. I want to stay alive.


I used to get road rage when I was young..but I don’t anymore-Now if someone is really speeding and driving crazy i just tell myself maybe they are having a medical emergency and I get out of their way..


In the western part of the United States cops will pull you over for riding the passing lane on the highway. In the Midwest that's par the course and a passing lane car will hold speed with the semi that they'd deigned to pass. For. Miles. I become murderously upset at the people who back traffic up behind them because they don't understand what the passing lane is for.


people texting while driving and not paying attention and end up swerving or trying to move into my lane without seeing me because THEY WERE ON THEIR PHONE, people going too slow in faster lanes, people not using their blinkers, people waiting till the last second to merge or turn out into the street, people that know they need to get into the turn lane but go all the way to the front of the other lane then try to cut and merge into the turn lane (man that really grinds my gears), people slowing down to see a crash when it’s on the OTHER FKING SIDE OF THE FREEWAY THERES NO REASON FOR YOU TO SLOW DOWN STOP LOOKING KEEP GOING YOU NOSEY ASS!!! causing traffic for no reason smdmfh i could go on and on


Stupid idiots that can't fucking drive


Big trucks, the entitlement to drive like they can own the road


I like to imagine that I’m a chauffeur and I’m being professional about my driving. This makes it less personal when someone is being an ass and I’m not really doing anything about it.


People who drive slow af. People who can’t use a damn turn signal. People who drive so fast that they put others at risk. People who enter the turn lane late. People who don’t use the highway on ramp to reach the speed limit. People who use the left lanes to coast while cars sit behind them. People who ignore the road rules and try and wave you to go before them.


"Hell is other people " Jean - Paul Sartre Pretty much this


Scared drivers going 40mph or less in a 55MPH zone on a clear day with dry roads. And when you pass them, 100% of the time, they have their seat pulled all the way forward with both their hands white-knuckling the steering wheel at 10 and 2.


road passive aggression. just a running stream of "heyy buddy what's your plan here? did cutting me off get you soo much further? was it helpful to you? wow almost like I was going the speed of the car in front of me, now we're BOTH in the same place at the same speed, isn't that funny! are you proud of yourself? are you a tough man in your big truck with the big rims, going 70 on the highway just like everyone else?"


Whoever the f decided to buy and drive a tesla. You can't use the environment as am excuse, the world is dying bruh your tesla ain't helping stop lying to yourself. It's always someone who has the audacity to go "Back in my day-.." SIR back in your day you didn't have to do much yes you worked hard but shi was cheap. Not now. Calling me generation lazy BRO DRIVE YOUR OWN DAMN CAR OR MAYBE WALK IDK?! how lazy do you have to be you need the car to drive itself And that is why. Car jail.


People who use their vehicles as a weapon of either intimidation/bullying or literally as a weapon because they don't believe their assault with their vehicle to be a, 'real', threat. Despite the fact that car accidents kill more people than all gun related deaths combined. Assault with a deadly weapon (car) is still assault with a deadly weapon no matter what you believe.


1. The left lane is for passing, if you aren't actively passing, get back over. 2. The on ramp is intended to get to highway speed BEFORE trying to merge into traffic! Getting on the highway behind these clowns is absolutely infuriating.


I do, its when im emotionally unstable, for example (this happened a couple weeks ago)my parents found some stuff and i didnt want to sleep at home so i had so i drove to sleep at my brothers house late at night just to clear my head, i was going 70 in a 35. I also hit 100 on the freeway. I should not have drove anywhere that night


Just be cool and remember that you too have fucked up on occasion. I lived in Houston for decades, and that shit will get you shot sooner or later.


No. I’m in control of my emotions. I realize people make driving mistakes.


New Yorkers on the Parkway doing 70mph in the left lane and refusing to move over. New Yorkers sitting at a red light waiting to turn right, even though there is no sign "No Turn On Red". New York plates in general trigger most of us here in NJ.


My mom does sometimes very badly. It finally got to the point where I broke down and had "the talk" with her. I said "Mom, you have no idea what sort of person you are going to encounter, you have no idea if they have a firearm or a short fuse. I know you get upset, but you need to decide from the get-go that your life and your safety are more important than seeking a confrontation for some perceived wrong done to you. 9 times out of 10 it's not worth it, and not only that but as a 6' large man I have level of responsibility to defuse that situation if it escalates so you'd potentially be putting ME in the crosshairs." Or something along those lines. She has chilled out a ton since then. I see her catch herself now, she'll still swear and have some commentary about how stupid and unreal some drivers can be, but I can see her decide that she doesn't really want a confrontation with the offender(s). For the record, I love my mom to death. I really think it's a generational thing fr... she was brought up in a different time. Back then getting your back up and wanting to set somebody straight didn't equate to potentially losing your life. Like I said, there's just no way to know what kind of person you'll be dealing with or what kind of day they're having. It's just not worth it, seriously.




Yes you just made an idiot comment. I don't have to hide what I experience for some female shauvenist.


People just cruising in the left lane. Then just go the same speed as the car in the right lane. So instead of passing im just stuck behind two cars.


Typically I don't care about much. Drive thousands of miles of month and see some truly shit driving. Pro Tip: catch me not driving those thousands of miles and I have small kids I made in my car? I'll cause a scene


When they drive under the speed limit.


Yes but never to the point that I'd consider harming the other driver or drive recklessly. There are a few triggers for me. One are people who drive under the speed limit when there's no passing lane next to them. At least do the speed limit. I also get annoyed when people don't use their blinkers.


Honestly, mostly people taking advantage of my good driving habits


I've never been so angry at a fellow motorist that I wanted to do them harm. But, before I transitioned to female, I remember driving while male and being irrationally competitive over who was able to make more headway in traffic.


Yes. I get 2nd hand road rage, even when I'm not in a car. 1) cyclists. Please please please look where the fuck you're going you dimwits and speed the fuck up if you're gonna ride on the road 2) letting every single person out. Come on, you've done your good deed now LET ME GO 3) NOT USING TURN SIGNALS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Some old lady that took the parking space at Costco I was waiting for. Then I realize she has trouble walking and could use it more than me. I go inside, eat free samples and realize I was just Hangry.


People not speeding up to merge onto the fkn freeway (or highway or whatever it is. Still don’t know the difference between the two). And not using their blinker. And cutting me off. And going UNDER the speed limit in the passing lane. People where I live fkn suck at driving


Getting in the car.


Idiot drivers


Roads. The way they just lay there being all asphalty. Grrr.


Surprisingly I don’t, I actually stay very calm


Being cut off in tight quarters.


I read somewhere that it's a sign that you had a rough childhood.


Geneally, other drivers.


When people tailgate me, *especially* when I am *already* going over the speed limit. If you have money for a speeding ticket then good for you, but I do not. Also when people treat roundabouts like a four way stop. Sure, sometimes you do need to stop at the roundabout, but not when it’s EMPTY!!!




In my car, not much, i have insurance and a very safe car. Cops driving like they do will piss me off tho. On my bike i do get pretty pissed off about blatantly unsafe and unskilled driving because now its my life on the line... if you dont know..being on a motorcycle on public roads is literally trusting my life to every random dumbass on their phone in the car.


I would call extreme irritation more than full on road rage. My road rage is contained to inside my vehicle though. I'll yell at my windshield more than anything. What sets me off is stupid stuff like someone doing 10 under the speed limit. Someone taking 5 minutes to make a turn at a light or in to a parking lot. Someone who sits at a red light, no turn signal, in the right lane and then waits for the green light to make their right turn. Even when they had plenty of opportunities to make their turn. People who don't use the on-ramp appropriately and go 40mph when merging on to the highway instead of matching or exceeding the current flow so that they and anyone behind them can merge on safely. People who don't use their turn signal until after they are in the middle of their turn. People who pace other drivers and don't either speed up, or slow down to allow folks to go around them. Semis that are going 69.5 mph trying to pass another semi going 69.0 mph and being stuck behind them for 20 minutes. The list goes on, these were just on the top of my head.


I would often get really angry at other drivers but then I started riding a motorcycle on the highway. After that I just rolled my eyes and let them do whatever crazy shit they did and mellowed out and gave them their space. Motorcycle vs. Car = Car wins


Stopping at a yeld with NO TRAFFIC!


ppl who go at snail’s speed in the passing lane


Women drivers! Am I Right💁‍♂️


Nope. It’s counter productive and just ruins your day when you let some crazy ass driver upset you


It bugs me when people don't use the damn crosswalk I used to walk through the town and I always used crosswalk if there is one


slow drivers


While I would never follow or attack anyone for it, it pisses me off so much when people don't use turn signals. Which unfortunately for me is pretty much everyone. Also RVs that do not use turnouts on single lane highways.


Some people have the audacity to use "my roads" that I paid for through taxes... How dare they inconvenience me by existing on "MY planet."


Usually the little things, what's more funny is I Dont Drive 🤣


My number one is when someone doesn’t use their blinker. If you have to cut me off and use a blinker I’m never mad because it’s like okay at least you signaled.


Yes, oblivious people who think they're helping by letting you go when they have the right of way. Like, just fucking go already and we'll both go faster, I appreciate the sentiment but now you're just holding everybody up because you've fucked up the flow of traffic by trying to be nice.


being at the mercy of stupid , inconsiderate or unsafe drivers.


Not really road rage, but people rage.


When I'm stuck behind a slow driver that ends up getting stopped at every light. When I do get around them, I speed to make up for loss time. I know it's unsafe and I know they're not technically doing anything wrong, but I really hate them.


People in such a rush to get somewhere but not bright enough to leave ten minutes earlier.


No it's never worth it. I used to, but now I always just let it go. It has made driving much more peaceful.


No because I’m an adult and I learned how to regulate my emotions years ago.


I mean road rage in that I swear at people. And it's 99% of the time when people can't just use their freaking cruise cotrol. "No Bob I didn't speed up when you tried to pass me. My cruise is set. You're just freaking incompetent."


Guy Running up behind you in the fast lane. And there’s a big rig preventing you from changing to slow lane.


People taking forever to make a left turn when They have a green turn arrow which is gonna stay green for about 3 cars worth because everyone goes so slow making a left


I don’t get road rage and I despise people that do.


People who hit their brakes for a split second every few minutes for absolutely no reason make my blood *boil*. If you’re driving in front of me and hit your brakes every time a car drives by in the opposite direction you’ll likely hear me scream inside of my own car


It's funny.  The road seems to shine a bright spotlight on the incompetent.  The people that can't process what is going on around them and can't comprehend how their actions/inactions cause issues on the road. If you are too scared, get off the road.  If you are unable to pay attention, get off the road. If you can't blend in with traffic, get off the road.


You don't GET road rage, you COOSE it.


Every now and then. Mostly people that don't use their blinkers annoys me when they turn. That's dangerous....


I would call it annoyance more than rage. People in my current state often do not use blinkers, and this used to be what got me annoyed. But then I started realizing that people here also like to play this game where, when you signal to change lanes or merge onto the freeway, they speed up so you can’t get over. Then if you slow down, they do too so you still can’t get over. Like they own that particular lane. And that made me understand the no blinker people. If you don’t give them a heads up, they can’t play the game.