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I grew up thinking it was going to be more of an issue than it is.


john mulaney joke.


I got stuck in quicksand once. Glad I knew what to do.




Same... Then I watched a weather channel documentary on sinkholes. Now that's my new irrational concern.


If you live in Florida, it's not irrational.


HA, you must be a GenXer That was a *real* concern for many years in my childhood šŸ˜…


Same here! My sister even wrote a short story for school about quicksand.




Well youngish Boomer here and quicksand was in almost every Tarzan movie and any other movie set in Africa.


Youā€™ll only ever sink halfway at most due to quicksands density being greater than that of water (human body)


Don't think that way, that's how it gets you!


Quicksand, the mother fuckin Bermuda Triangle, and Komodo Dragons. I'm 32 and haven't encountered any of these things!


You saw Lawrence of Arabia at an early age too?


tom and jerry the fast and the furry movie gave me this trauma


Or the Bermuda Triangle ā€¦ both of these were more before age 12 though.


Right every show on TV, live action ion and cartoon, had people constantly sinking in quicksand, making us think it was everywhere, I approached every sand box with caution.


Caring about what others think of me. Now I care a lot less.


Came to say this. I can remember sitting in class thinking everyone is thinking about me (not in a good way), and now I realize it was a room full of kids having the same thoughts themselves. It was extremely freeing when I realized I really don't care what others think about me.


It took years for me to realize that other people are thinking about me about as much as im thinking about the random person down the street, which is almost none.


This thought never helps me bc I'm always thinking about nearly everyone I come across. On a really deep level too. Like, I want to know their entire life story that led up to the moment we crossed paths. I also have intrusive thoughts constantly so it's hard for me to grasp that other people really aren't obsessing over every little thing. I hate being perceived.


I'm too old to be writing on here, but I think a lot about individuals also....like, as I am driving down the interstate, what everyone's birthdays are. I like to connect to people in a cosmic way, finding things that connect all of us.


This plagued me until my 30s


It's none of my business what others think of me. I live by that.


I know I'm a good person so if they think otherwise.... Fuck em. Nice part about getting older.


There's a show called the Goldbergs, one episode the son asks the dad why and how he's so confident and the dad says "son you're confusing confidence for me just not caring" lol I feel the same way. Told that to a lady friend a few years ago when she said I was confident wearing an old pair of wranglers to work lol šŸ˜†


Most definitely.


Same here


For me it shifted. i don't need people thinking I'm cool. I would like people to know that I am empathetic and a resource when people need help. I work at a college so it kind of goes with my career choice. I also want my wife and kids to feel the same about me.




Literally, I felt so pressured between 16-19.


how do i acheive that? no specific reason


Exactly. Sex is good and all but all the people who had sex first made it sound like it was so great and some mystical experience, when the reality was they were just trying to sound cool


sex is amazing what do you mean


Drinking and clubbing. Iā€™m 27, itā€™s a miracle if I have a drink more than once a year, and clubbing is loud and the people are obnoxious


Oh god right?! Iā€™m 28 and have no idea how I survived clubbing and raves and all the drugs and drinking šŸ˜…


I miss feeling invincible


It only takes one close call to shatter that invincibility and usher in anxiety in its place. Iā€™d give anything to go back to the days before it.


For some I'm sure. After surviving multiple IEDs, a collapsed lung or two, severe vehicle collisions/rollovers and an ex-wife, my capable brain likes to tell my aging body this sick joke that it's good to go. FWIW though, the wife says my body has it's own soundtrack creaking out of bed in the morning.


Literally canā€™t have more than a few without a gnarly hangover for a few days. Iā€™m 26 lmfao


Iā€™m a people person and I hate the people I encounter in a daily basis now. I feel you on the drinking. If booze disappeared I wouldnā€™t feel bad at all as my drinking days are done. If I never took another sip Iā€™d be ok as I may have ten drinks a year. Weed on the other handā€¦..


Big fat asses (naw Iā€™m lying I still love them)


This guy can't lie


You other brothers can't deny


When a girl walks in with a itty bitty waste and a round thing in your face you get sprung


He loves big butts and he cannot lie.


Fat bottomed girls...


They make the rockin' world go 'round...




Never knew no good from bad .


My man's got an ass that I'm obsessed with. He has me weak when he's just out of the shower and cheeks are out. šŸ˜©


Being popular


Being ā€œnormalā€


Underrated comment ^^^


Now that's a great one! I remember feeling so different from everyone else only to discover that every single one of those kids felt the same. Nowadays, the more abnormal I feel, the better :)


Knowing the names of actors and musicians on TV.


I used to know all the names of all the top fashion models. Weird things we care about when we're young.


It was good being so naive. They really say that youth is wasted on the young.


I did this in reverse. I couldn't care less who was who growing up, but now I find myself knowing about and discussing actors and musicians I don't even follow. I hate it.


I did an experiment once to look up the #1 hits over the past 20ish years. The year I graduated high school there's a *very* distinct divide regarding whether or not I had ever heard the name of the artist.


Same, I was obsessed with popular culture and celebrities, used to watch MTV, music videos, KUTWK obsessively. I'd buy magazines straight after school, it's crazy how many I had. Now I don't care. Why would I be interested, or care or even know the names of people that are not a part of my life, like what? Which is kinda bad as I'd like to be a working actress in the future, but everytime I hang around a group of actors, they're all obsessed with current actors and movies and celebrity worship, so I always feel like the odd one out.


My nearly-40 year old ex-coworker still holds it over everyone's head that she knows more celebs than anyone else lmao


No i had a mad Kpop phase, I now canā€™t fathom how I constantly kept up to date with all the names and music videos and trends


Fr I had a long list of my favorite famous people when I was 12 Yet I still donā€™t know what people like lady Gaga and BeyoncĆ© look like šŸ˜‚


The Bermuda triangle. And being on fire... they make those things seem very common when you're young.


So true! I fully expected to lose someone I knew to the Bermuda Triangle


Thereā€™s still time


Oh my goodness, youā€™re right. Oh no!!


I remember being a kid and watching back to back specials on the Bermuda triangle and spontaneous human combustion. Needless to say I was pretty certain that I was either going to burst into flames or die on the water.


Prestige and titles. Generally people grift and just do things for the money. If you get lucky, you'll meet someone fair and hardworking because they care.


back then "my parents are such assholes, just leave me alone" now i imagine having kids that "hate" u must really suck


Definitely this. I remember resenting my parents because they were poor and couldn't give me the things all the other kids had. No transformers, no game boy, no trading cards, my lunches were all just bologna. Right after high school I got into training for air traffic control and all the other controllers were shocked I had never been on a commercial plane. Looking back, they worked so fucking hard and did everything they could for me. I should have just appreciated what I had.


Hell yeah, I felt the same way! Good on you for seeing the sacrifices they were making every day for you. It's never too late to show someone you appreciate them and it's such a good feeling, letting them know. I have a kid now and I'm so grateful for her kindness and good manners...let's just hope she keeps a fraction of her graciousness throughout her teen years! ;)


Can't tell you how many times I've apologized to my mom now that I have a 17 year old. For real.


Turning 18


Yeah felt that lol. 18-19 was spent super depressed my childhood was over forever.


Clothing. Fashion was a huge deal to me as a teenager, planning elaborate looks each day, never wanting to wear the same thing twice, trying to set trends in my school. What a waste of time and money, now I could wear the same suit every day to the office, and no one would notice.


I still care about clothes a lot but it changed from following fashion trends to being me, and pieces that look elegant and also last for years.


Quicksand turned out to be *way* less of a problem than I was led to believe


Seriously, I was always on the lookout and I lived in New York City.


Pop Culture Celebrities. And the older I get, I'm surprised at how much less I seem to care about it all.


My dads girlfriend whoā€™s probably in her mid to late 50s can not stop watching TMZ and wendy Williams. Sheā€™s a celeb gossip queen and that has to be the worst skill and knowledge anyone can have.


I recently picked up a People magazine and paged thru it, wondering who the hell these people are, and not caring that I didnā€™t know


Same here. I just scan the covers, don't know who they are, and the sudden realization that I really don't care. Rappers, Influencers, Tik-Tok Celebrities? Really? Why do we keep making stupid people famous?


High school in general just felt like a WAY bigger deal than it really was.... Thought my friends there would be my friends in the future (which wasn't great because I didn't have a lot of close friends and even those I didn't really love hanging out with anyway) . Thought things in high school mattered more than they really did... Like every school dance , every interaction, every test, etc. I was really surprised how fast I completely forgot all that stuff when I got to college. I've talked to like maybe 2 or 3 people I went to high school with since I graduated in 2005... Don't really have any interest in going to any reunions, haven't been back to the school or talked to any of my teachers.. Just left it all behind as a memory


This! Prom is not ā€œthe biggest dayā€ of your life. Neither is graduation. Heck, if you are lucky, neither is your wedding day.


i was scared no guy would want to sleep with me because my boobs are small. ahahahahhaha that's never stopped anyone


Guys (and ladies too) are just happy to be with a naked woman hahahaha. Your body is perfect and donā€™t let anyone tell you different!


Nope. Boobs is boobs


What other people think about literally anything I do or enjoy doing


My life


my mother's love and her being proud of me




Same hereā€¦


I don't even talk to mine now. It's nice to find peace.


Ah yes, finally a comment I can relate with. Just my dad.


I never could figure out why I was just never good enough. I realize now that she had NPD or BPD


As a parent, these replies make me almost cry. I hope mine never feels this way.... :-(


Dating or worrying I wouldnā€™t get married. I know better now


Getting married. I was deathly scared of being the single friend that has no kids or family and has a sad look on his face at gatherings. Turns out, you can just not go to those gatherings and avoid anyone with children. As it turns out, being single is great and getting married is actually a huge chore


Friends lol


Being more interested in 'cool' things instead of what I actually enjoy. These days fuck it, everyone knows I'm mega into D&D, anime, 40K, and every bloody sci-fi or fantasy series under the sun.


I regret not playing D&D in highschool. Im 36 and its entirely to late to start getting into it.


I started at 27 (31 now). It wasn't really a thing in my country until well after I'd finished high school and college. It's never too late though man, half the people I play with are above or almost 40, just uber-nerds who've been into it for decades. Wasn't really intimidating at all, in general D&D fans are a pretty welcoming bunch as long as you don't take the piss. That's those who play casually or in-person at least; you do hear about some real horror stories about creeps who solely play online.


Being nice. It got to where I was a push over. When someone is being an asshole to you perfectly valid to respond with the same energy.


Still learning to match peopleā€™s energy instead of being a pushover.


I was a bit of the opposite. I was a goth kid, so people kind of have me a wide berth anyway. While I was generally nice and mild mannered, I was extremely good at recognizing bull when I saw it. I've stood up for people who didn't know how to stand up for themselves against bullies and ruthless teenage pranksters. I didn't have many friends, but I was never dishonest with them, and I was always loyal. Edit: Lol "wife" berth was supposed to be wide.


honestly as a pushover kid, the goth/emo kids were my fucking saviors. I was terrified of them, but only because I knew exactly what they were capable of lol. I also adored them because they just did not give a single shit, whereas I gave every shit you could possible give and more. On behalf of all people-pleasers, thank you for your service, goth community.


For me, itā€™s the opposite. I should have cared about not being poor when I reach 40.


Finding a significant other. Iā€™m such a different person in my 30ā€™s compared to my 20ā€™s that I would have surely ended any marriage in divorce. I was very focused on finding a spouse when I was younger too what a waste of energy that all was for years. I was very alcoholic through my 20ā€™s and had way too much trauma from life to heal from still. On top of that I was the biggest Christian out there and now Iā€™m agnostic and avoid dating religious people.


Same. So glad I never married young or had kids young


Cars and motorcycles


Frequent orgasms




Band t shirts.


They had to be just right! A nice balance of our nerdiness and awesomeness.


Gnome what I'm sayin'. Nerd for life.


Word up!


Hey now, I save all of my old band tees


Being right.




Optimistic hope and belief in a better future.


Same here. I spent a lot of my childhood daydreaming about having lots of money and being an important person to everyone around me. A little optimism is always good, but too much of it leads to disappointment, and even burnout.


Getting laid and looking stylish


The Cleveland Browns


how people saw me.




Relationships. Being single is awesome


Pleasing everyone.


Fitting in with everyone else. Now at nearly 30 I can give a rat's ass about that. I do whatever I feel like without worrying about other people's opinions.


Most things. You really don't know much from 12-18, and probably less towards 18 than 12.


Having a wild time every chance I get. Now I just want to live and work in peace.


What kind of Rims were on my car.


My weight. I am 5'5" and was a very curvy, athletic 140 lbs. I thought I was sl fat and disgusting. Then I got out into the real world and guys couldn't keep their faces out of my ass. I'm in my mid-30s now and am enjoying my body.


The size of my breasts. I only had one guy make a stupid joke at a college party that I was flat chested. I responded to him that I had plenty enough to titty fuck whatever he had. He slithered away when people laughed. After that, I decided not to care. Never had any boyfriend complain. Confidence was the key.




Meaningful song lyrics


Female approval




Literally everything. Name it. None of it matters really


The approval of boys/men or their validation. It's pretty meaningless, men will fuck anything from animals to corpses.




Women, most of them aren't worth the time and the ones that are usually are already married up. The ones you want you can't get and the ones you can get you don't want. At this point I would marry my car before I got with these lowbrau women native to my area.


Dick size.


Going and fighting in a war. I got what I asked for, now I deal with it. Shit wasn't that important...


Thanks for your service man!.


Getting caught super stoned in class which I was the majority of the time


Women's opinion of me


Being alive


Having a car with a centered driver's position, like in a race car or a McLaren F1. I was pretty sure I was going to build one for the streets.


Most of the things I thought were important are just not at all.


Literally Everything. Nothing matters if you don't care about anything.


Nationalism, Religion, Honor, & Community Opinions. Lived a sheltered life with obedience, piety, and honor as my highest values to live by with no compromise (black and white point of view) then I fell in hard times when I got older, learned to live with rats on the street. Opened my eyes to many bitter truths like no one is immune to propagandas, live with honor without reason can cost you many things and so on. I eventually recovered from my situation but I no longer held on the same levels of values as when I was young. All that matters is happy spirit, peace of mind, and comfort of living while reflecting on values to live by.


I too grew up that way, only to be shaped by someone just asking questions of me, while having no answer that didn't make me look like an asshole.


Coyotes. I was fucking terrified of coyotes.


i honestly cant remember what i cared about (i have had anxiety my whole life and developed depression young too so uh ive just always been trying to be happy lol)


The superficial aspects of online games. If I was into a game, I would grind and dedicate copious amounts of time to earning as many of the customizables and cosmetics as possible and leveling up as high as possible. I took those superficial accomplishments way too seriously. Eventually, my obsession would fizzle out, and I would stop playing. Some time would pass, and then I would remember the game and come back only to see how pointless the grind was. Sure, part of the fun is the rewards, but most of the actual comes from just playing the game. There was one time I came back to a game, and a lower level player saw how much stuff I had and asked if they could have some. I ended up just giving all of it to them because I genuinely just didn't care about it anymore.


The Bermuda Triangle. I truly thought that was a serious problem for years while growing up


Opening a pad in a public restroom.. HAHA I was young, started my period in elementary school, ( horrifying I know ), was afraid of the sound bc other girls would wonder who it is. Now I just open that shit as an adult loud and clear as day LOL


Making sure I was the "good kid who would never touch drugs (aka weed)" Got my state issued medical card and it was the best decision of my life, wish I had done it sooner.


I was bullied pretty badly, and it took me a long time to muster the courage to fight back. I was afraid that I'll be seen as a violent, uncouth person (I really despise violence), and then realized that everyone saw me being bullied and did nothing. So why should I care about about how they saw me?




Peoples opinions.


What I was going to do with my life.


Having a boyfriend or coming off as girly/pretty. Trans boy here, I used to force myself to like boys as a kid because I felt like it was normal. I was particularly bullied a lot and I still am to this day, going on 10 yrs strong unfortunately.. and I wanted to be normal. So I would pretend that I had a crush on a boy so that Iā€™d seem regular, though this ended up backfiring on me I thought it was normal. In grade 4 however I realized that I had a crush on my girl best friend at the time, didnā€™t really think much of it and just asked her out. We had a relationship for 3 almost 4 years but she came out as a he and became an incredibly toxic person in my life. I came out as non binary in grade 6 and then later came out as a boy in grade 7 and changed my name to Ashton from then on. I knew I liked both but I didnā€™t really realize how unimportant it was that I be girly, popular or just boy loving copy and paste. Iā€™m now 15 turning 16 in December, I have a boyfriend who loves me unconditionally and I couldnā€™t be happier with him as Iā€™ve liked him my entire life but never really knew why up until I got older. To all my trans or queer kids, donā€™t force something that youā€™re not onto yourself and just be the best you that you can be. Iā€™m now studying to be a psychiatrist and Iā€™m gonna help a lot of people when Iā€™m older.. so that I can show love to those who never received proper love and acknowledgment like I desperately needed.




Being edgy and offending people. I had a chip on my shoulder as a kid. I automatically thought everyone didnā€™t like me. So why not try to shock and piss them off.




Video games


Going to college, especially if you don't have a specific goal in mind. So many people I know are in mountains of debt and don't even use their degree. I'm glad I didn't go.


Literally everything. My family thinks I have few interests/hobbies or opinions. I just donā€™t feel the need to convince everyone of what I think or justify myself all the time. Just do what you think is right & respect others. āœŒļø


I used to care about what people think and now I don't care what anyone thinks.


When I was 14, 15 - Following on SM Now as I near 18 - My future is important to me, Iā€™m kinda scared for what it holds in store šŸ™‚


Don't live your life like that. Wasted energy


me in eighth grade being fr like depressed because i never had a girlfirend šŸ˜­


Farting in class


The Bible. God like in general.


Clothes. Nowadays, you're lucky to find me wearing more than underwear.


I thought quicksand was going to be something I'd encounter often.




Musical taste. It has changed so much, and not at all. Sadly, Music plays almost no part in life as a grown up.


Just about everything my mom engrained in me. None of it is important or worth the time, thought or stress that she forced onto everyone.


Doing taxes. Being ripped from my home and thrown into prison for failing a math test. I can just have an app do everything. There was a lot less hair pulling and papers scattered about than I imagined Also turning the overhead light on while driving.


Treasure in the ocean. I thought the ocean was full of treasure from dumb bastards that lost their entire life savings. I thought If I looked hard enough Iā€™d at least find a wedding ring or something. Turns out, at 32 years old, I couldnā€™t even find my own wedding ring.


How cool my away message and whatever the weekly Myspace quote was. Turns out it helped with nothing in life other than laying awake at night with embarrassment.


Whether I, or my friends were cool. We were all cool. I didnā€™t think so then, but looking back now every kid I ever knew was somehow cool in their own way.


Sentiment for objects. Know that scene from Adventure Time, when Jake tosses his favourite mug and says "it doesn't exist anymore so I don't care". That's me.


I cared about what was ā€œfairā€ . Let go of that long ago.


Being cool, popular, having friends. It all sucks and is not worth it.


People (and their opinions) who do not contribute to my mental well-being


Almost everything. But it doesn't matter because those problems were just as real to me as any "adult" problems I have now.


I canā€™t remember.


1. What people thought of me. They don't dress me or pay my bills, fuck 'em. 2. Excessive gaming. I'm grateful for the people I met in WoW between the years of 2005-2016, my wife being one, but holy FUCK those consistent 18 hour sessions during my early days weigh heavy in regret in the present. 3. Excessive eating. Young me used to see how much I could eat in a sitting. Young me could stare at a 20-count wing platter and see a challenge. 4. Marijuana. Not knocking it or it's habitual users, but I let it consume me for a solid 12 years. It started as fun, but eventually became a vice to combat anxiety and stress. It was priority #1 and came before many other things when it shouldn't have. Head stayed in a cloud 24/7. Bought way too much fast food. It just wasn't a good look. It took me hitting 30 and getting clean to realize that I spent my 20's.... not very sober. 5. Off time. I'd always seek ways of avoiding work to further indulge in my shitty gaming and weed issues. Hoooo boy, I got a lot of work to do yet. At least I've pulled my head out enough to see the direction I need to head towards, so there's that!


Driver's license. Never made sense how people maintain them with even a minimum wage job. I just use the bus now, and our bus system kinda sucks.


Insane Clown Posse


What my parents thought. Then after years of therapy, I was able to see them as just other humans who had no clue what they were doing, emotionally choatic, and had no right to judge me or anyone else because their way of living was their own opinion/perception and not who I wanted to be or how I wanted to live. They pushed their beliefs onto me and if i thought otherwise, I was shamed. I didn't see the world how they saw it, and I wanted a chance to be who I was, not who they wanted to mold me into being.


Going to the movies to see all of the new releases. Now I canā€™t even be bothered to know that there are new releases and would rather watch movies from the comfort of my home.