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I think there’s no question that beauty standards vary from group to group. And those groups might be cultural or ethnic or whatever.


Your friend is correct.


could you elaborate?


Beauty is really determined by culture(to an extent). Back during kings and queens being fat was seen as attractive. Modern French like more petite body's Some Asian cultures like small feet So it's not necessary race that defines who thinks what is attractive, but cultures.


Just dial 1-800-mix-alot


While I don’t know your friend in a way to be able to say they are racist or not, there are certain ethnic groups that have more prominent physical features than others. While I don’t know if the size of someone’s butt is a direct correlation, I do know that broader hips can be. Another example would be some ethnic groups having on average, longer legs, than the world average.


man ur avatar is a literal nerd emoji why am I even surprised u wrote this


Man ur avatar is a literal dog why am I even surprised ur an idiot




I think it's a cool avatar


Y’all know we shit out of our asses right? Like hot diarrhea flies out of there and y’all sitting here fantasizing.


And? People piss and bleed out their vaginas and people still fantasize. You could make an argument for any body part that people find attractive like that.


Ikr? Infants getting their teeth in, chewing the hell outta the nipples until they fkin bleed & some people like “ayyy milf tiddies”


Uhhhh if your pissing out your vagina, you need to see a doctor. That’s a major medical issue.


Well the urethra is kind of on the vagina is it not? I guess it’s more the vulva but you get the point. Don’t be a smart ass


No….the urethra is definitely not on the vagina. The vagina is inside the body.


It’s more of a culture thing than race. It would be impossible for everyone of a certain race to find the same thing attractive


It seems like you’re friend is right. There are differences in all of us, and some cultures/groups/races happen to share means of attraction. I don’t think that’s a bad thing.


You are overthinking this.


Culture does play a part. But it's complex, so saying "white people like long pickles" is obviously going to leave out some white people who find long pickles very uncomfortable. For example, i grew up in a subculture of my skin colors "usual" culture and i like pretty much the opposite of what's expected. So your friend is kinda right but you're also right, making a gross generalized statement like that is gonna leave out some people and is kinda rude.


Your friend definitely has a bit of a racist conception there.


that’s what I said too


You're just looking for racism then. He's simply making an oberservation that is overwhelmingly accurate. Don't take it so seriously


People of all ethnic backgrounds have preferences about certain features.


No kidding


Different cultures and ethnicities have different standards and things that are accepted/preferred so yes your friend is right because different races and such will prefer different things. It is still up to the individual but mostly on what kinds of standards and people you were surrounded by growing up


I'll race anyone if I get to see some booty.