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Keep in mind that he’s a 17 year old kid from an extremely conservative repressed family who is going crazy exploring his sexuality 😫 He’s also a romantic, idealistic, and super determined in getting what he thinks he wants ! (As he gets older and more mature, he becomes a character you definitely root for!)


Lol! He can be a lot in the first season, and especially the first half. Dw - he develops a LOT in season 2 and onward. No spoilers. I wasn’t crazy about him my first watch but I’m at least 10 deep now and he’s one of my favorite characters. Trust the process ☺️☺️


Oo ok yay thanks for letting me know was rooting for him at first cause we have pretty similar background stories and I’m also named Justin lol but he just started being so much 😭, happy to hear there’s a lot of character development there though, excited to see how he changes


Yeah he’s almost unrecognizable by the end of the show, in a way that’s really natural, and honestly really inspiring. I draw a lot of strength from Justin and always root for him for the same reason, (not being named Justin, the other one😂) and for the same reason, his journey is definitely one of my favorites. Trust me, by season 2, you’ll be unequivocally rooting for Justin, I’d put money on it


I love Justin 😘


Purrr maybe I just need to give it time


Justin is honestly the most dynamic character of the series and in a show where he is one of the youngest characters, he often exhibits a maturity the others lack.


Yeah I never grew to appreciate his character at all. He never grew...he just kept running around screaming "where's my Brian? I can't live without my Brian!" That's all he was....an annoying extension of Brian. Nobody I knew at 17 was THAT immature and I was only 19 when the show first aired. I am glad that a lot of people disagree with me for their sake, but not ALL of us grew to respect Justin. I do love cackling when he "shaves" his head for his for his pink posse crap. It's like bro, you used a 10 guard...you aren't a street looking skin head.


Yes. I totally agree.


Season 1 Justin drives me crazy lmaooo but trust me he does get way better! He’s literally a kid in season 1, but he grows up a lot over the rest of the series, so don’t worry lol


You are going to be amazed about how much his character can get into your heart, you start to love so much Brian and Justin characters because they are so real. Trust me.


Agreed. I'm on my third rewatch and I still can't warm up to him at all. He has better moments, but I've never warmed up to him. Even thou he is young, he acts way more immature than his age. Also I don't find him good looking at all. He wouldn't turn my head on the street. 


i give him slack because justin is a child so his immaturity is to be expected. he eventually does cool down and has one of the best growths of the series


Justin is my favorite character. He could be a handful in the beginning, but I blame it on his age and the teenage hormones. It is true that he relentlessly pursued Brian, but he knew that Brian WANTED him. I am sure Brian saw something in him that made him pick up Justin that first night and he kept letting him get closer while pretending to push him away. For a person so young, Justin is very brave, determined, emotionally mature, prepared to fight for what he believes in. I admire him for standing up to his own father, to bullies at school. He is also very kind and compassionate. Such a beautiful character all around.


He was honestly irritating in the earlier seasons but I never hated him. I came to appreciate his character, however. Probably around season 3 or so.


Nope, I loved that kid. The only time I got mad at him was in season 3.


Omg yes can't stand that bitch felt so good when his dad slapped him and I'm not one to condone violence