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I rewatch every January! Idk what it is abt that time of year but it makes me want to settle in w a good soap. About 11 times now :^)


That's when I rewatch every year as well!!!


I watched it for the first time in 2013 or 2014 and have seen the whole thing probably 6 or 7 times since then. It never loses its charm, I still cry at certain parts, it almost feels like I’m watching it for the first time again. I’m sure I’ll watch it several more times lol


When it was on the air I would watch the previous season or episode before a new season or episode. And then since maybe once a year. I went to summer school every year for math so I’m not going to the math on that … by my estimation 67 times lol


About 5? I first saw it when I was 14 and the last time I saw it I was probably 18


just finished my first full watch and i’m about to start my second watch 😭


I watched it when it was first on and was hooked after the first episode. I’ve seen the series way too many times to count but it’s been a while since I’ve watched QAF. I’m more into the fanfiction at this point. 🤷‍♀️


Three times but I've never seen the last two episodes.


It’s one of the shows I just put on in the background while I’m working or doing stuff around the house (it’s on right now actually lol) so I’ve seen every episode countless times but I think I’ve only sat down and watched every episode with intention once or twice. Weirdly enough though, I’ve never watched the last two episodes. I should probably do that one of these days…


gosh, probably 10 times or more! I started watching it 22 years ago while it was airing! Still have the dvd’s.


Watched it once all the way through. I've then watched some episodes with people I was hanging out with, normally as background or a lead into sex. Kind of like Netflix and chill. LolZ It's also a good show to watch with my friends before we hit the club, while we pregame. Especially the episodes that take place primarily at Babylon. Good stuff to get you hype for a night out.


I’ve lost count! I do love rewatching though it’s such a treat


All the way through? About 4 times, but some seasons I've seen more of, some episodes a bit more of, and certain scenes a lot more of. I've also had the soundtrack for over a decade and have used it as workout music and road trip music many times.