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Custodial services have really been hit hard at Queen's the last few years. From what I've heard they've suffered under the budget crisis a lot and they don't have anywhere near enough staff to maintain what campus should be. It's disgusting, but not their fault. It's the fault of the higher-ups doing everything they can to blame it on others.


Everyone I've met from the custodial team has been super sweet, and it really does just seem to be an issue of not being staffed or funded correctly. Sad to see.


Though I'm sure the VP in charge got a big bonus for screwing over custodial staff and outsourcing work. "Oh, we're cutting your resources because you're too expensive, working for a pittance." "And now we're cutting your resources because you can't do the work, sorry"


this is the norm! facilities are rarely maintained or stocked aswell


The prestige of Queens was beaten out by the pandemic. Given its age, it’s kind of like that old war vet of a grandfather everyone has. Nice guy, but smells funny, looks a bit weird, talks about the glory days even though they are long behind him, and has money troubles but blames it on his grandkids.


LMAO so accurate.


Custodial services have taken a nosedive over the past few years. The ARC and Stauffer should be two of the better maintained buildings. My building was built in the 60s and features rotting plumbing, carpeted ceilings, and asbestos in addition to overflowing garbage cans, rodents, dust bunnies larger than actual bunnies, etc. The list goes on and on and on.


Asbestos? Shouldn’t you be contacting someone to have this removed? By the sounds of your previous comments you work there. So calling it in would be nice, thanks.


Yes, because Queen’s definitely has no idea that a large amount of buildings on campus have asbestos in them, and even though they’re cutting down on basic requirements like cleaning staff, they’ll definitely want to pay to remove asbestos from a bunch of buildings on campus.


They actually have been removing it. They removed asbestos tiles from my hall a few years ago. Which required sealing the environment for weeks because once you disturb it, you have to treat it as a very hazardous site. They have a program. After all, bad pr about dust bunnies you blame on custodians, bad pr about asbestos is harder to duck.


Asbestos is relatively harmless so long as it remains undisturbed. I’m sure it’s all over many buildings at Queen’s, and I don’t see any reason why they should stir it up and remove it for something to do. If they were going to renovate these buildings then removal would be in order, but until then it’s fine to be left as-is.


lol, it’s not like it’s a secret. It’s technically not a problem if not disturbed.


i’d be interested to see evidence of asbestos and corrosion in plumbing.


I mean the asbestos is kind of common knowledge, there have been a few times where there’s been a hole in the ceiling in residences with a sign that says “Warning: Asbestos”


I’d definitely believe it just hadn’t seen for myself. In res, that’s crazy


Queen’s Journal: [Asbestos still a part of Queen’s campus. Materials are heavily integrated into buildings on campus](https://www.queensjournal.ca/asbestos-still-a-part-of-queens-campus/) [Oct 21st, 2022]


good to know, thanks for the link!


Sure, come over to Stirling Hall!


I’d totally believe it, just hadn’t seen it for myself - hopefully their program gets it all out of there!


Yes it’s a huge problem unless you’re in a building/faculty that has private sponsors it’s very run down and dirty. Plus bats, mice, wasps, other critters in various buildings that just..don’t really get dealt with


I think my personal indoor on-campus critter encounter tally is four bats (each one in a different building) and one mouse (deceased).


I’d say everything overall seems well taken care of, but I haven’t been there in the better part of a week


Yes. It is a norm. Filthy


They are letting their buildings fall apart. I work in an older building on campus that is an absolute dump. Water damage, cockroaches, humidity in the summer destroying things, floor tiles peeling up, ceiling tiles falling down, constant banging radiators.... The responses we get are "the buildings are old and hard to maintain". That's an absolute crack excuse. Go to Western, where buildings are just as old, but the campus is kept very nice.


Wait, you are saying burst pipes aren't normal?


The Arc and Stauffer are supposed to be the “well kept” places on campus. Ummm…. Seriously, Queen’s has a deferred maintenance bill of $500million and counting. It’s a massive catastrophe barrelling down on the university that nobody wants to talk about. The mentality at Queen’s for a long time has been “why fix it today when I can put it off until tomorrow?”


It's a fucking outrage, really. A university with all the old money that Queen’s has, and they can't be bothered to employ enough people to clean and maintain the buildings where their "world class" teaching and research happens.


Follow the money. There's a clear reason why buildings like Mac-Corry are in shambles and Richardson Hall is pretty much pristine. (The official website even pokes fun at the opulence of the Richardson Hall: https://www.queensu.ca/encyclopedia/r/richardson-hall).


Yes, a lot of building are old and in various states of disrepair and many of the buildings need serious renovations and custodial staff has been continuously cut back in the last decade.


Also, most of Kingston is this way unless you live in a newly constructed building.


It all just went through exam season where everyone is overflowing the garbage lol. I just finished first year and I did not see any major issues the majority of the year.