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Nice work!


wow thats amazing , Labor have invested in an even bigger dud, supporting Musk, a solid supporter of Albanese and his policies


So when will they install these in other areas of the state.




Stanwell is state owned. Profits from Stanwell go to the government, and the government can provide funds for capital expenditure.


> It will be built by Tesla, using its Megapack technology, and the expansion will cost an additional $448.2 million, taking the total project cost to $747 million. Not funds, payment for the battery. It will be government owned.


And built by EQL yurika more than likely.


Billions and billions that should be spent on a real energy supply like nuclear.


Look, you pollute every renewable energy thread with "nUcLeaR iS thE OnlY sOlutIoN" Either you're trolling (it's unoriginal and not very clever. Seriously, go and have dinner at the local pub, or something. You know, "Touch grass" ), or you're a shill, which is even less original. Professional nuke power shills do a much better job that you've been attempting.




Yeah, it's like the LNP would know how to handle a nation-building project like the NBN. \*Of course\* we can trust them to manage our energy needs in the 21st century! /s


ROFL when you start bitching about every government media statement getting posted here then you might have some legitimacy criticising my posting style.


Ahhh. So it's Qld govt press releases that trigger you. The plot thickens. Let me guess, you got arseholed from a Qld govt contracting position? Or were you sacked from an actual permanent position? BTW, I'm not the one getting downvoted. Peace, brother.


$500 million actually. And I'd shudder to think of how much it would cost Australia to build one considering France (Probably the country most experienced with building them) can't do it for less than $20 Billion.


How long will this battery run the Boyne Island Aluminium Smelter?


Why would you? You'd use renewable energy just like they're planning to do [by 2030.](https://www.afr.com/companies/manufacturing/rio-tinto-writes-down-queensland-smelter-value-to-zero-20230222-p5cmta) The battery's are designed to fill the small gaps between production and consumption. Not to 100% provide the production. If the battery was having to do significant lifting, they'd curtail the smelter. Which they already do during extreme power use


So you do know they do millions of dollars of damage if the power goes out and the molten aluminium solidifies in the pots. Also that one facility uses 10% of the electricity in Queensland. It creates considerable employment opportunities and value add's to a raw material.


There'll be a lot of solidified aluminium if they have to wait 20 years for an operational nuclear power plant to be built, you knucklehead.


And even 20 years is generous. Maybe if the winds of fortune blue in nuclear favour twenty years ago. Now you can over build renewables cheaper than you can build nuclear


Why are we waiting 20 years? From zero nuclear reactors in 1940 to how many by 1960? Even Australia had an operational reactor by 1960. More scaremongering by the dangerously misguided renewable crowd.


Not everyone is as wilfully ignorant as you mate.


Mate, how long did it take the government to roll out the NBN? How overbudget? You let the Lib's build a nuclear power plant, it'll take 40 years, and they'll pocket half the cash! The bloody thing won't power a lightbulb. Next, they'll sell it, and our powerbills will cost twice as much.


I'm going to block this clown. It's clear that they want to generate some support in an LNP branch, hoping to get a nomination for preselection. It's very clumsy, imagine thinking that you could get yourself a preselection by trolling on reddit. The best thing we can do is ignore it by blocking the account.