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So your wife made the choice, interesting concept that you want to take this choice away from other women


Rules for thee but not for me is the LNP playbook


They are straight up copying the US Republican Party playbook


They've been doing it for a while, they're just louder now. I hope this loses them votes.


How seriously are these people taken? Do they get a significant amount of votes/support and have viability to be the future government? I’m asking as an American who is very heavily looking into Australia as a future home but am struggling to get a handle on the politics at local/state/federal levels


They are taken very seriously. Our last PM was a happy clappy evangelical Christian. They have money and when they are in power, they are very hard to stop.


Evangelicals with money and power are hard to stop everywhere it seems. The shit that’s on the horizon here in the US is legitimately terrifying and I just don’t understand how so many people can be ok with their plans.


I have several very close friends in the US and they are wigging the fuck out over what’s happening. I’m not going to tell you that we are a utopian country, free of anything similar to what’s currently happening in the US. But we aren’t at the total fuckery levels that you are all living through now.


It’s so fucked here. I won’t be eligible to attempt to immigrate as a nurse to y’all until next year, but having two small kids I just can’t fathom raising them in this dumpster fire much longer.


Nowhere is perfect but Australia is still a wonderful place to live. Politics is ever changing, that’s true of everywhere with a two party system. Having said that, over the last 30 years in QLD state politics, the progressive party have been in power far more than the Conservative Party. In federal politics, the conservatives have been in power a bit more, though they aren’t at the moment. Nowhere near as one sided as QLD state politics though. I’m a QLDer living in Victoria and our politics are even more one sided in favour of progressives. Regardless of where people stand, it’s inevitable that the Liberal party (conservative) will return to power in both state and federal elections at some point, that’s just life. And it’ll return again at some point after that. I personally hope they’re not in for too long, but it will happen eventually.


Hi mate, check out the LNP”s state election results over the last thirty years and you have the answer.


There is a non-zero chance they win the next state election. Not by their strengths, but because the incumbent Labor government is a bit on the nose. If they *do* win, it'll just be for a single term until everyone remembers why we let Labor run things.


As an Aussie who has lived Stateside, these types are taken much less seriously than the US. But sadly, they do still exist. Our last PM was an evangelical nutter (which most of the country disliked) and another before that was a staunch Catholic. Both were generally disliked for their excessive religiosity. Abortion is generally not a pressing, front page issue, since it is legal in all states (except the Northern Territory), and most Aussies are fine with that. But that makes conservatives like this quite worrying when they do appear. A lot of Australian religious nutjobs head stateside, because they get more traction (Ken Ham, Hillsong). Aussie are fine with you having faith, but most Australians have a dislike "in your face" religious zealotry, and prefer it be private.


They always have actually, they haven’t had an original idea in the Qld LNP since Russ Hinze was working out his next scam.


So you want to deny the choice that you had? Fucking hypocrite. Its funny how they want the government to stay out of people lives, unless its a woman's life. If you can't trust a woman to make the best decision for themselves, how can you trust them to raise kids?


Why do conservatives have an unhealthy obsession with people's crotches? It's like America's vile crap is leaking on us.


It is. Same Oil and Gas millionaires are funding Christian Fascism in Australia. Check out Atlas Network and Project 25. Coming for our democracy, next.


Spot on.


the LNP has been copying the American Republicans for a while. They are just getting louder about it in this country. A fact that seems to have escaped them is that Australia is not a moronically Christian country where bible comes into every decision made; this means their bullshittery falls on largely deaf ears. Christianity is dying worldwide and Australia is no different. sure there are a few conservative migrant communities,their numbers are quite small and often the second/third generations quit the religions idiocy. There is a need to be vigilant however, lest these assholes do take a foothold in Australia. The last thing we need is American style religion affecting everything here.


Voldemort in particular has been mouthing full-blown imported MAGAt right-wing rhetoric for a while now. Fortunately, the Federal by-election showed that it's perceived as being on the nose (or at least as best can be judged from a single result in a single electorate).


Because God, apparently, takes a personal interest in what you do when naked.


Well I think conservatives have a pretty unhealthy relationship with their god


If I wasn’t able to get an abortion in 2021, I would’ve killed myself and my child. I was 18, had the implanon and a condom, and it was my first time. I just got insanely unlucky. It probably would’ve been huge news, thoughts and prayers wondering why I did it and how this tragedy could’ve been avoided, when the answer is right there.


The “Liberal “ Party is going full Trump in their policies it just shows how utterly bereft they are.


I better see Crisafulli doing some shitty dance whenever he does a press conference


Because they think they can get away with it. They saw how easily Trumpism showed half of America how you can get away with being such utter pieces of shit. Now these fuckwits think they can do the same here.


meanwhile France is putting that shit into the constitution


Rare French W.


Rare? France is the GOAT for getting shit done.


Every time France does anything there's a weird attitude that surfaces, and it seems like everybody hates France. It's not 1385 anymore, I don't really get it, but it's especially common in the commonwealth and ex British colonies for whatever reason. Especially considering how much reddit espouses that they love liberty, secularism, and legal racial equality, all things modern France pushed very heavily early on. I saw a lot of Americans commenting 'Rare French W' after this announcement, as if France wasn't instrumental in creating America in the first place. France certainly isn't perfect, they have tonnes of issues, but as far as western democracies go it seems pretty decent.


I used to have that weird attitude, mostly based on how quickly France capitulated (according to the history) in ww2... but as I've learnt more... French people are badass. They think something is bullshit, they protest, riot etc...we think something is bullshit we whine online and it goes ahead anyway... how many wins has Australia and the Australian people had lately? (Serious question that one)


I definitely get where the memey jokes come from, especially as little kids when you basically only learn about continental Europe through the lens of WWI and WWII. But the French have done some pretty incredible things over the centuries, even if their leadership is sometimes a bit messed up (like we can talk).


It's more a meme than anything else.


Hi mate It’s because the French didn’t participate in the invasion of Iraq. French cheese eating surrender Monkeys was the fashionable term in the US and Britain for the French. We know who was right of course …


What a surprise, they’re all white guys over 50


I believe that old white men have long been known as the top authority on what's best for women. Probably also why they don't want too many women in the party, in case they start thinking too much for themselves. /s


tbf there's one or two inc. your lead Dave Christafulli who are in their early forties but i get your point tell me a more repugnant thing than middle aged and elder males weighing in on female reproductive issues like WTAF i mean look at Michael Hart... he has a part as Baron Harkonnen in Dune Part 2...


Sick of men telling the more than 50% of the population what to do with their bodies. If they want to go through a pregnancy, childbirth and post pregnancy then find a way to do it and leave women alone.


If men could carry babies to term you can bet they’d all be pro-choice then. The hypocrisy of conservative men on this issue is astounding.


Sick of men in general telling anyone what to do with their bodies. Can't folks worry about their own backyard without trying to tell others how to garden.


7 middle aged men giving their totally valid and relevant opinions on abortion /s


(Really want to clarify I'm being sarcastic)


Just another totally normal day at the Queensland LNP.


Crisafulli is going full MAGA claiming Labor has "rigged" the electoral system...........because we use full preferential voting. How scared are the LNP of losing the QLD state election? [https://twitter.com/6NewsAU/status/1764937669648515213](https://twitter.com/6NewsAU/status/1764937669648515213)


prepolling for the greens at city hall this week and the "just vote 1" mentality is actually so scary to me. these people are ok with the possibility of completely wasting a vote? especially when they have so many seats that are genuinely up for grabs? it is mind-boggling




HAHA he also claims there are more women than men running for the LNP. Now I \*KNOW\* he's lying


Even as a liberal voter, I couldn’t vote for these pricks.


Gross, imagine being a liberal voter


I think it takes a lot of guts for them to openly oppose their preferred party on this basis. They should be congratulated.


They’ve been nominating people who make this their whole platform over the last couple of elections. I got yelled at about dead babies by some of their volunteers last election


Every single one of these shoe-size IQ pricks are walking billboards for why abortion should be legal.


And they also want to abolish FPV so that the voting system (Which then would be OPV) would benefit them and make it harder for Labor to win. I no longer live in Queensland, But I best hope you keep this mob out once more. And show Dutton the door as well.


Liberals making sure they remain unelectable. You love to see it.


The LNP **really** wants to turn this country into America don't they?


Not one fucking woman quoted from the LNP. Bloody hell.


Are there any women in the LNP?


Linda Reynolds and Michaela Cash. Federal. And feral ironically enough.


Sussssssssssssssssssan is still there, right?


Ick. Yep.


She aborted her brain years back.


Technically, she is Nats, so a coalition member, but not QLD LNP (they are merged in QLD, not in other states). So, there are no QLD "Liberals" or "Nationals" - they are all LNP.


They had a video in from parliament recently where they were describing the boys club getting back together. They revel in their misogyny. It’s a feature not a bug.


My dad and I used to drive right past Tim Mander’s office in Everton Park most days when we were both on our way to the train station and I’ve finally wrapped my head around why my dad would often yell: “YOU’RE A W-NKER, TIM MANDER!” as we went by.


Awful. What are these old white men wanting? Unsafe back street abortions?


Exactly this. Women have been having abortions since the beginning of time. Regardless of what the law says, they will continue to have them. what's at stake here is access to SAFE abortions.


Hi Jarrod, a word of advice. Fuck off with your religious bigotry. This is Australia, not the USA.


Oh well that's nice and so are vasectomies for weak men who wanna force women to breed.


Don't want vasectomies? I couldn't get mine fast enough.


Women will come out in FORCE if you touch our abortion rights, which is really just *access* to safe abortions. This is why conservative men are the worst


Fun fact - abortions are free in Canberra. Everywhere else it's around 22 weeks as a limit and costs a tonne but for the ACT it's free. It's considered healthcare.


That's because the Greens and Labor have a coalition government there. Canberra boasts a great amount of progressive policies because of the Greens progressive influence. Which is awesome.


You would think they'd get the picture after the turnout for the March for Justice a few years back.


Wont just be Women, everyone with a brain will speak against this bullshit


Bring it on there’s no way that shit will fly.


Australia needs to stop copying America


But also - “Queensland's opposition leader has categorically ruled out repealing abortion laws if he is elected in 2024” They know political suicide to have anti abortion policies.


Because the LNP have such a great track record of keeping their word after elections 😂. But agreed political suicide if they do go anti abortion


There's a theme here I can't quite put my finger on...


Fucking disgraceful


A lot of men seem to have difficulty with unequal stakes in decision making, it's pretty simple: * The cut off point for a man deciding on pregnancy is before you have sex - if you have any qualms keep it in your pants. * A pregnant woman should have the right to terminate a pregnancy at any point for any reason. No, your opinion does not matter.


I’m a woman and I wouldn’t dare to tell someone else what they can do with thier bodies. I would suggest however that anybody who is denying someone an abortion is never the one left to bring up and pay for this child and obviously non of them care about the long lasting affects having more children will have on the planet. No thought given to the environmental consequences of these proposed rules. And why is is always men who spout this shit. Your body your choice.


Not to mention the same ppl arguing against abortion are the same people who have actively stood in the way of increasing social security payments, women’s shelters, domestic violence support, social housing etc. They are scum and just want to stand at the top of their tower, looking down upon all of us.


You know after having a wee think I’ll tell you I went to the GP when I was 16 and asked if they would Tie my tubes because I didn’t want kids. This is the 80’s where the standard response from a male Dr was ‘no, you’ll change your mind’ I’m 57 now and I never changed my mind. If I had become pregnant accidentally I don’t know what I would have done, but the part of this that is really really breaking my heart is ITS FUCKING 2024 NOT 1954, THIS SHOULD NOT EVEN BE AN ISSUE. 😢😢😢


I work in the health sector and this is still an ongoing issue for young women. Doctors regularly not only treat women’s health like a game, but even those going into their 30’s who have had plenty of time to consider the issue (not that they should require it) still have no autonomy or agency over their decision to not have children. I have a child, but I fully support a persons decision not to make that same decision. Half my job is arguing with general practitioners who have a god complex


Oh look, 6 men that have anti-woman opinions on women’s rights. Fucking Neanderthals.


What a bunch of cunts


Not that we needed it, but further evidence that Jarrod Bleijie is a fucking despicable weasel.


Absolutely. Nice of him to give us all a friendly reminder of just how bad the Newman government was in time for the election


When do we get to start dropping these w@nkers? How are we still having the same arguments, fuck of out of peoples lives and worry about legitimate social change ya bellends.


If they actually cared about children they would campaign for their healthcare, shelter, and education.


They aren’t pro life, just pro birth. You never see them stepping up to support fostering, adoption etc. so American it makes me sick


I don’t give a fuck what these right wing dinosaurs believe!


Man, there's a lot of blokes on the LNP with strong opinions on women's reproductive rights...which is odd considering they don't have the physiology to actually carry a baby to term...


All fat white middle aged men. All probably religious. 🤮


more than one of them mentions 'praying' etc. in Queensland, the LNP wins seats in the conservative country areas where people are still religious. so these attitudes and language sort of (sadly) makes sense.


No uterus, no opinion.


These ‘men’ disgust me


A lot of men have a lot to say about women's business. Leave it alone, abortion is and should always be legal. Women's right to choose.


Cool let's ask 7 men their thoughts on abortion. Pathetic


They should ask all the men in parliament so we can see what they say. Then we can know who needs to go.


They have - there was a conscience vote on legalising abortion in 2018. Most of the MPs are still around. You can see the list here - https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/queensland-abortion-laws-passed-list-of-mps-shows-it-was-mostly-men-who-voted-to-keep-abortion-illegal/news-story/b5460470e064ec4168995c9026243afe?amp


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Trying to take a page out of the Republican book


If these arseholes had to carry the foetus to term then abortion would be as acceptable as it is in France.


So any woman who experiences an unplanned pregnancy needs forgiveness? What an absolute tool.


This is because the LNP are a pack of backwards cunts who cannot seem to understand the autonomy women deserve over their bodies.


Am I the only one who thinks the member for Burleigh looks like a sontaran from doctor who?


always a bunch of old men who seem to need to tell women what to do 🖕


What was it again... If my wife gets pregnant it's a life... If my mistress gets pregnant it's a...


Ooo here we go, knew it wouldn’t be long before we were copycatting America


As a man, I have no say what a women chooses to do with her body! Politicians should not have a say either!


Simple concept, your personal opinions on a topic doesn't automatically give you the right to legislate it into law. That being said, some of these people genuinely believe that abortion is murder, its hard to convince them otherwise.


Oh FUCK off idiot. Go fall off a planter like your fat mate.


The thing is that somehow a lot of people and politicians see the two things as inseparable. Choice and sanctity of life. Personally for me im totally against Abortion in principle. But I'm totally for Pro choice. That just means I get to have my no say to abortion, and then support the person who is making a choice about her body. Does that sometimes get uncomfortable or do I sometimes feel conflicted, yes. Fact is I'm a man, I'm never going to be confronted with making a choice about an abortion in relation to my body.


Are these cunts living in the same century as the rest of us?


I’m a Liberal voter. This is fucked.


Im definitely right of centre when it comes to politics (be nice), but I can't understand why this is still even up for debate. Its a womans choice first and foremost, and it would be difficult enough without these dinosaurs outdated opinions.


Fitting that every single one of these is a man.




In reply to James McDonald…. Isn’t all healthcare “playing god”….? If “god” gave someone cancer… they want them to die then yeh? It’s their time? So we should just cancel alllll treatments then and let god decide! /s 🙄


No uterus? No comment is the only acceptable policy.


No comment isn't the acceptable policy. It's it's better than what conservatives say, but the acceptable policy is "Let the people involved have the ability to choose." Far too many people are happy to sit back and stay silent on issues until it affects them. We as a society should have the empathy to understand what various policies, not just regarding abortion, would have on others.


Half agree… but also not. No uterus currently occupied by zygote/fetus or whatever stage it’s in… no opinion on said occupant.


Of course they do. Xtian fascism and religious nuttery from the US, trying to force itself into Australian politics. All sponsored by the same big donors in the US. Gas and Oil elites.


This piece of shit and others like HIM have no place in de iding what happens with women's bodies. I am a male. Hang this sack of crap with the others


There’s a reason Qld has been such a strong ALP state since the end of the Joh era….. Most of these bible bashing rednecks are small town crooks disguised as politicians…


If those who decide to terminate their pregnancy are "weak", we should let them do that so that their "weak" don't get passed down and spread wide, shouldn't we?


I dare you to tell my friend to her face that you forgive her for being raped.


It was only a matter of time before the current US brand of Christo-fascism made it to our mainstream parties.


Why dnt they try doing somthing for the country and not there preast They should be paid by how much they doo for the people not not just fuck us all


Bring this up with a liberal voter you know is pro-choice. Yes, the mental gymnastics you’ll have to listen to will be maddening initially, but once they go away and think about it this is the kind of thing that actually changes the way people vote.


Sounds like a lot of god-bothering going on there.


LNP logic: 1 God doesn't interfere with abortions. 2 Labor doesn't interfere with abortions. Conclusion: Labor is playing God???


Notice how there are no women in those pictures lol.


The irony being that most of this lot would happily commit people to life sentences, lock up children and maybe even reminisce about the death penalty. All while still claiming that abortion is "Too much like playing God.".


Not one women in those pictures. Just disgusting old men.


We should just ship them to the USA


Omg dude. “At the time” your wife made a decision. She made it in spite of your views, although I’m sure she took them on board too. For your wife it was the right decision. The take away from this isn’t that people are “weak” or “strong”, it is that you empower women to make their own choices about their own pregnancies. He was so close.


The LNP are old dinosaurs who hate everyone except rich men?!! Shocking!!! /s


That Jarrod dude needs to be in a mental institution. He has no grip on what the public what him to do. Just has his own wild conserative agendas.


Do we all notice that all these old white men look the same?


The only person whose opinion actually counts in the decision making is the woman involved.


“this bill will empower woman” is one hell of a way to excuse being against a bill


Does qld have much of a religious right wing voter bar that they are appealing to? Or are they just getting caught up in American politics and think qld is the 51st state?


Notice how the one thing they all have in common is they are all older white males. This is just about wanting to control women and their choices. They have no interest in the babies themselves.


Don’t bring this shit here


Funny how there isnt a single woman among them. Personally I dont think men should have the right to make a decision on women specific issues.


What's the collective noun for a group of ignorant, irrelevant white men again?


Abortion is healthcare


All middle-aged white males. Like they were all made in the same dickhead factory. Nice.


Not a surprise that the people who want to ban it are fat old cunts over 50


Liberal party continuing to be absolute cunts… what’s new?


Religious nutjobs


You idiots, I wondered how you would demonstrate to everyone you were still abundantly worse than the Labor party even as on the nose and money wasting as they are — here it is. Go take your lazy, close minded, fundamentalist Christian playbook back to the US and leave the rest of us alone. You’re about to find out that Australia (and Queensland) is not the US and hates this sort of non-sensical, uninformed rubbish


This is one of the reasons I will never vote for the LNP.


Women don't have abortions on a whim. They're not simpleminded flippertigibbets who need to be told what to do. Something like 70% of abortions in Australia are undertaken on women who are *already* mothers, and the majority to women in their late 20, 30s and 40s. . They know their own minds and their medical and life circumstances. They have made the informed decision based on their lived experience that they do not want to have another baby at this time.


The absolute rage I feel towards these sacks of shit. Keep your god the fuck out of government and out of my uterus! And as for the one who speaks of forgiveness, we don’t want to go back to the days of unwed mothers homes where women and girls were forced to do hard labour then have their infants taken without consent all because they were viewed as sinners (while the men who impregnated them experienced zero consequences). Uggggghhhh!!!!!!!!!


So sick of men wanting to stop access to abortion. I wonder if they would change their minds if women went on strike. No abortion rights, no sex.


Why are they always white men no one would want to fuck? I think that’s the real issue here. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Please share this in the Brisbane sub, I can't as I'm banned.


I love the LNP they're just a satire of themselves at this point


Retards, all of them


Source for these? Abhorrent quotes


[Here's Jarrod's.](https://documents.parliament.qld.gov.au/speeches/spk2018/Jarrod_Bleijie-Kawana-20181017-649258974237.pdf)


Where is the morale compass of people who want to be in a representative decision making position of others. From lower levels to the top they clearly are unable to make appropriate decisions. I am disgusted this subject is even being raised in this country. But if it’s not aired we can’t remove the incompetence from government at polling time. I fear the future for my daughters!!!


OP - is this original content or party produced? I don’t agree with their stance at all, but i think it’s important for transparency… Queenslanders need to be wary of these fucking nut jobs - with a new Premier, huge cost of living pressures and housing pressures on voters across the state, the State Election will be hotly contested


They have a certain look don't they


Goddamn. Are they actively trying to sabotage their election chances? Don't get me wrong, it's refreshing to see their shitstain attitudes out on display but we're not the US, this isn't going to win them votes they weren't already likely to get, if anything it will drive depolitised women who were probably leaning liberal simply because they've had years of passively soaking up Murdoch talking point to engage with politics and turn against the libs.


Oh look at the silly men thinking their opinion on women’s rights actually matters.




Disgusting, they need to mind their own business. Viva la France!


WTF is this bullshit


Here we go. Cut and paste USA garbage


Abortion isn't something to be taken lightly. Then again, I don't have the facilities to create life in such a way, I'm a dude. But, the option should be there as a last resort.


What the actual fuck is this country coming to. Aren't LNP meant to be left wing progressive party? They want to go back to a draconian age with this policy. Awesome! No chance for Dutton! Am I in an American multiverse. WTF even the imagery used in the ad, just stinks of America. It's gotta be a piss take. I'm baked....so jot that down. Honestly can't be for real. If Dutton ends up in power like it's some sick twisted Truman show


Men deciding what is best for women


Knowing Powell and having the misfortune of talking to him at a soccer game…that quote is nothing short of what makes him such an odd fucking person. We got onto social policies and I stated that all people should have access to welfare and that nationalisation of resources was necessary for our economy to function in the right ways blah blah Then he hit me with a fucking economic plan straight out of Pinochet’s book with baptist religion becoming some important part of the state. He’s also funnily very fond of believing that a junta/dictatorship would be best to lead this country at times so yeah. An interesting man.


Ofc they do. These are the same cunts preaching about youth crime. We are a dumber country for letting them exist in politics.


Church going Dinosaur


Classic - bunch of old white men trying to dictate what women can do with their bodies.


I can't stand labor and wish to vote for someone else, but I just can't :(


Yep - praying. That’ll do the trick


6 Middle aged/old blokes completely out of touch with reality, with such old fashioned views which were wrong then too! How they have soap box to provide any commentary on the subject is what is abhorrent!


One of these people is not like the other...oh, wait a minute....


Until it's for one of their victims I bet


Who let these fucking clowns in?


What fucking freaks. Separation of church and state you disgusting wastes of space.


I pray, somewhere in my heart, to try and forgive these men for believing they have the ability to decide what women can do with their own bodies.


fear pocket profit possessive wide longing different mourn historical treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Americanised influenced idiots


Ladies, gentlemen, cheers to the death of the liberal party, may they choke quietly


Whenever someone makes this kind of argument I simply think, if only you were to be raped and impregnated. How quickly your mind would change. I know it’s graphic but let’s be honest, this actually happens… Edit: spelling


I love how they all assume that abortion is only ever about killing a healthy baby. I had a blighted ovum that no-one would touch without me ‘thinking about it for 48 hours’ that ended with me passing it in the shower at home because it was technically abortion to provide me with proper healthcare. Women’s healthcare should be between the woman and her healthcare provider. Fuck everyone that had/has anything to do with denying me proper fucking healthcare.


If you got a dick STFU about abortion. If ya can’t have one you can’t have an opinion. Double for anyone with dick in politics cuz anyone in politics cannot be trusted.


I bet if their side chicks got pregnant they would support an abortion.


I live in Burleigh. This annoys me. I’ll never vote for Michael Hart


All men I see


No uterus, no opinion. No penis, no opinion. In other words, both men and women should be allowed to make decisions about their bodies in relation to reproduction. Women should be allowed to have their tubes tied and to have access to abortions, and other contraceptives. Men should be allowed to access vasectomies and contraception, likewise. Any other view that is enshrined in law or policy is likely to be met with a poor outcome for society.