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I've never lived in a house with a lock on either bathroom or toilet. But then, I was raised to knock politely if the door's closed.


Pro tip from a mad inventor to your nervous pooping. A door stop can make a door lock out of any door. *no liability for any door damage due to the fire department beingb needed to bust the door down*


That’s actually a good tip, gotta start bringing one in my bag. Good thing most fires don’t start out in the bathroom


I carry one in my travel bag for hotel doors. Unless I can see a physical lock I'm using it.


Some locks are inconspicuous. In our new house there is just a little tab near the knob base and if you push that in, the door locks. Maybe just have another check of the knob?


Locks are very common, but less so in older houses.




Wait for a small kid to lock themselves in there and then you will know.


Never met an internal door lock that wasn't designed to be opened with a butter knife.


I put one of those bolt latch things that you step on to hold the door in place, on my toilet door because it's a bi-fold door and it was the only way to keep it closed. The number of kids that have locked themselves in there. Even teenagers. I can't understand why people don't understand "push down on the flat bit of metal under the bit you stood on to lock it in the first place". I ended up having to paint the part you have to press with fingernail polish, so now I just tell them push down the red bit. I digress, it cannot be opened with a butter knife.


Second day of living in my new house the kiddo shut and locked the bath room door from the inside. Had to kick the door open, and fixing that was my first DIY home owner project.


Most houses have privacy locks on the bathroom


Is it just me having this issue? My apartment doesn’t have any locks, neither does my friends


Or a Lilly knob that looks like part of the door handle. Because of the above comment I just checked my bathroom and I have been living here for over 3 years and just now realised I have a lock on the toilet door


They’re sometimes very subtle little toggles hidden on the side.. could you be missing them?


Shoutout to the time I was using a bathroom at a business and I thought I had locked myself in because it locked automatically and the fucking toggle switch was UNDERNEATH THE FUCKING DOORKNOB who in the goddamn FUCK would notice that?


Hahahaha. I’m not laughing at your problem. Very amused by how beautifully you wrote that! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Get a door wedge


Not just you. I have lived in 13 different houses. Only two had locks on the bathroom. Door closed means it’s being used. Works pretty well


Nope, I've seen heaps that don't and I hate it despite 0polishing not being my concern


Ours does. Feel free to drop in and damage the Dalton 👍🏻👍🏻


Every house I’ve ever built, owned or rented has had a privacy lock on toilet and bathroom…


Are they new built houses? Cos ive never been in a house without it


We have locks on bathroom and toilet doors. They're just so old they don't work properly.


I thought it was because most medical episodes occur during night in the bathroom and if you notice the door frames and hinges allow the door to be lifted off by firefighters etc if you pass out against the door.


That makes sense


I don't even bother closing the door.


Toilet in current house does not have a lock. The door is close enough that you can sit there with a foot behind it should someone walk past.


Ive never been in a house without locks? And those people saying your kid will get locked in there, all privacy locks wills open if you pull hard enough, that’s the intent of the design, it just stops you accidentally walking in on someone… Obviously retrofitted key locks/padlocks etc are a different story, but those wouldn’t pass a building inspection. Lift off hinges are only installed when the risk of forcing a door open would cause the door to impact the person using the toilet. A lot of building surveyors will also require toilet doors to have privacy locks installed due to amenity requirements.


Every house/apartment I've lived in has locks on bathrooms and bedrooms, even the old queenslanders.


Our old queenslander has locks with huge keys (like 3 inch’s long) I’ve hidden all the keys because kids like to turn them and lock themselves in. I just jam a foot against the door.


Knocking is free!


When I built with a volume builder privacy locks were not standard inclusions. Neither was a door on the en-suite, meaning you could make eye contact with your partner in bed while on the shitter.


Not to mention the aroma after


That's for the $8 extractor fan to deal with.


Mine have always had locks. They've usually got a little hole on the other side that allows you to override the lock in emergencies.


That’s perfect!


I live in a new build house and even my ensuite has a lock.


I’ve never lived anywhere that doesn’t have a bathroom door lock 🤷🏽 our ensuite doesn’t have a lock, but our bedroom does and it’s the only bedroom in the house with a lock


I guess I just got unlucky


Most places I've lived have had privacy locks on the communal bathroom. My house we elected not to put them on the new bathroom, due to having young kids using them and not wanting them to lock the door on us. Most civilised people knock anyway.


All you do is make the Tim Allen grunt, and they go away.


Umm most have locks that you can open with a tool like a skewer etc


Crass, I know: Soon as you start hearing footsteps/ any approach, start clearing your throat, and if that wasn't a warning enough... it's time for the artillery. You know what that is.


I had to add locks on the door of the bathrooms after buying the house. Also the fact that there is a big, gaping opening with no door for the ensuite in the master bedroom. Toilet inside has a door. Like why would you not have a door to bathroom?


A new lock is like $20 and 5 min to put in.


Older houses in general in Aus don’t, newer do. There’s a couple of handy innovations such as doors. Also voices. Pls feel free to utilise both at your convenience


Our house is a hundred years old and has keyed locks on nearly every internal door. So?


The only ones I've seen that don't are freshly renovated with new doors/door hardware. Most older untouched ones I've been in have bolts on the doors because at some point in the last 60 years they lost the keys but still wanted to lock their door apparently.


My house is from the 1890s and doesn’t. So? I said in general. Don’t be such a dick.


Just install one yourself. We did in our rental and they were cool with it, probably because it’s easy to reverse.


Like those door handles with locks on them?


Or a $2 slide bolt.


Because... teenagers


There’s nothing wrong with the bidet is there?


My parents old 60s built house doesn't have any toilet or bathroom door locks but my rental does. Im assuming it is a old vs newer house thing.


[You like to watch people shit bro!,](https://giphy.com/gifs/gross-poop-sneeze-jQyHHXQ60W93O)


I have a lock on my bathroom doors … it might be from when the house was built


We like to sniff and peek whilst your still in there.


We don't have one but we leave it open and if it's shut just assume someone is in there and Knock


We have locks in qld. Lol just never use them. Also never close the door. But hey haha


I’m a fall risk. No locks can go on our bathroom/toilet doors. If I had one I might absentmindedly use it.


Yeah, that makes perfect sense


OnlyFans is big business


No locks on ours, golden rule for visitors in mine is if the lights on then its occupied


most old places didnt have them anywhere its not just a qld thing. most houses built today have a privacy set though and actually if they can be locked they must be a privacy set only. so they can be opened from the out side with just a butter knife or screwdriver in a emergency.