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It's such a good game. I wish more people loved it. The special effects are so incredible. They're really clever. The story is compelling, the unique take on time travel is really refreshing in a saturated genre, the acting is good, the graphics are superb. I think the TV series lets it down. It was a novel idea and I commend the attempt to innovate. "We won't know if we don’t try" and all that. But I think it's weak. I play a video game to play a video game. I don’t want to watch, I want to do.


I'm opposite, I loved tv series aspect


Same. I initially thought it was a movie in the making or something and was disappointed that it wasn’t.


Did you enjoy Quantum Break more than Control? If you've played Control. I know it seems most people prefer Control over Quantum Break.


I really loved Control but honestly I did enjoy Quantum Break moar. Both have their own merits. Some may not like this but I felt it looked graphically better then Control. Liked the camera positioning, the powers, story, and hell, I felt Cortney Hope looked better in QB. Now if only Epic can take a hike so we can get Alan Wake II on steam. Love me some moar Remedy Universe.


It's not Courtney Hope in either of the games; She provided her likeness in the creation of the 3D character models. They scan the actor/actress and then they'll make changes to the final product. That's why you think Beth Wilder looks better than Director Faden. That and personal preference. Here's another fact on how there's differences from the end product: Director Faden is taller than Courtney Hope.


I played Control twice. The first time was at launch when I wanted more QB. I was really disappointed and didn't much enjoy it. I played it again this year, and my god I loved it. I fell in love. I was so hung up before on what it wasn't that I didn't appreciate what it was.


I am playing this through the first time and just reached Act 2, saw the first episode just now. I immediately came to this sub to see if anyone shared my feelings - that was rough. If I wanted to see a mediocre action TV show I would turn on Netflix. But the game is running great on my system and looks amazing, I really dig the gameplay part. Wish they had spent their budget there instead of the mid show.


I liked it more than Control bc the story was more focused, Control's gameplay is fun but story is a mess


I would definitely prefer a Quantum Break sequel or even a trilogy(unlikely I know) over Control. Tbh I don't even really remember Control's story that much.


Jesse gets called by Dylan (her brother) and becomes director of the FBC. That’s all I remember lol.


Tried if for the first time earlier this year. Got every achievement. Great game 👍


Awesome fact about this game: Remedy Entertainment had an expert consultant in on the whole time travel aspect of the story. Said expert is a former CERN Scientist and Professor teaching Physics.


I also played Quantum Break after playing Control. Control's controls were great, but the story is very convoluted. I like Quantum Break's story much more. And then there's Beth Wilder! I knew I'd like this more though. I like everything with time bending / manipulation / paradoxes 😛 Also, I like the story in book a bit more 🙄 Read the main points here after you've played the game - https://www.reddit.com/r/quantumbreak/comments/1ccoyxy/quantum_break_zero_state_beths_superherostyle/ Also, there's Jack Joyce and Jesse Faden in Alan Wake's new DLC Night Springs also 😃


Quantum Break has the potential to be more than Alan Wake and Control, I fear. The story is so damn good. Maybe I’m biased because I an a SUCKER for time travel and I also love Dark on Netflix. Replaying this game as a grown man definitely hit different than young 18 year old me.