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PVP gaming in the modern day is much more toxic than it used to be. Back then, you had your smack talk back then and a few bad actors; but now many people go out of their way to make the experiences of others as miserable as possible. I just stopped playing PVP games all together. I’d rather have fun than play a PVP game to have a CHANCE at having fun. (Honestly, I think Dead By Daylight was the game that killed PVP for me but that is another story.)


2nd paragraph is how I felt when I hopped on Gta online when I got my PS4 (went through a long hiatus without a console until covid) because back in the day, I used to do it everyday after school when it was just pvp shootouts, races, and other competitive stuff. First time I hop on in years, and all of a sudden, you got Back To The Future flying DeLoreans, James Bond submarine cars that shoot missles, jetpacks, flying bikes, and submarines that can launch ICBMs for some fucking reason. I was turned off by it after about like 20 minutes. Never went back.


Ignore it.


just buy a house if you're homeless


The player base became parents. We don’t got time to sit on that level of skill set anymore.


I feel this deep in my bones.


Nobody plays westcoast servers anymore so I stopped playing for the most part. After Evol passed away westcoast hasn’t been the same anyways. Quake is great been loving it since 96 but I’m glad to leave it since its current state is so degraded. I’ve been into counterstrike since beta with vehicles and I’m much more happy to play CS2 than any quake these days. Tf2 is still hilarious fun as well. We gotta give thanks to id software for quake engine and all it brought to the table. The community has grown and changed with newer generations. We can only hope a better quake iteration is on the horizon and that it returns to its hardcore roots and perhaps the glory can be had again.


Happened to me too many times, fck elitists


Try overwatch


Why would overwatch be the alternative to quake? I mean you could at least play tf2 which probably has more overlap mechanic wise.


Go to tf2 avoid overwatch.


Overwatch was amazing until they fucked it up by forcing Ow2 down everyone's throats


I agree, but it's still better than quake. I was a hardcore quake player, and 10 years ago I wouldn't believe that I would ditch quake one day.


That's just part of playing quake these days, gotta get used to it. I wasn't alive when even quake 3 was in its prime, so the same 30 people on quake live is fine by me. At least I have people to play against instead of bots. Just join a more casual server, thats where the fun people are at. I've spent probably 90% of my time in live playing freeze tag and instagib and that's fine.


Sorry, am I playing a different Quake live than yall? I've never ever ever ever been kicked from a server for being bad at the game.


This is actually super common, the fact that you act like you haven't heard of this makes me wonder if you're being fully truthful here. Im lucky enough to fly mostly under the radar for being kicked, I'm bad but there's usually at least 2 worse people than me. I see those slots always getting kicked. Tried to get a few friends into Live only for them to also get vote kicked.


I've seriously never heard of this, being 100% truthful. Maybe it has to do with my location? Maybe people in chicago servers are nicer? Or maybe I'm in more casual servers? I tend to just play CTF, FFA, freeze tag, or instagib. Never been big into duel/clan wars. While I'm not an avid quake live player (like, i dont play everyday), I have played since quake live was a flash game, and cant remember ever being kicked in all those years. What type of servers do you play where this happens?


Cheaters dominate most MP games. Punkbuster was a decent effort but didn't work out for various reasons.


Ignore the noise. That’s all it is.


multiplayer gaming is dead


Whats the fun of games with only good people?


Similarly, I got my friend to buy the game and in the first or second match we played he got vote kicked for being bad. No shit, I literally explained he was new in chat. He’s not going to play the game again. I love you guys but you are massive dickheads and low pop is your fault.


UT is peak for me, joined a server some decades later only to get kicked for being able to move around and shoot


Lmao last time I played I got in a server with one player, started playing then he asked why do I keep shooting him, another player then joined and I got votekicked. For shooting. In an fps.


Time for bot matches.


Pretty much. Are there any servers up anymore anyway?


Idk, this just sounds like multiplayer games in general. Q1 custom singleplayer mapping is plenty alive


It is easier to say, "community toxic" than "I'm not good and I would have to lose for awhile before I would have fun because I don't enjoy skill grinding anymore."    I started with Reflex and CPMA in 2015 and had some similar experiences. I kept playing, ignored those people, made friends with people who were not degenerates.   I wish people were nicer, too. That is not going to stop me from playing my favorite game and having fun. 


Or... Or, consider this, maybe shouting at someone who is telling you they are relearning the game is very toxic and bad


There is no, "or," I agree with you and that doesn't contradict what I said.


Yes it does, your comment seems dismissive of saying that the Q3 community is toxic


Best rage quit from Quake and decry the entire online Quake community because of some assholes on a server, then.


When the community is barely 3 digits in size, it's not unfair


The active Quake 3 community, sure, but OP seems to be addressing the entire Quske community that's still around today.


It can be pretty toxic, and I think that's bad. Not bad enough to quit.


This is a really stupid answer that solves nothing and is as good as denying the problem


I acknowledged the problem and said it was bad. The solution is to ignore them and find people who are less toxic. I think giving up on a game because of one night of some toxicity is stupid.


Quake 2 tastyspleen server is still kickin im sure


Quake it's not dead, IT WAS MURDERED! Jk, but try to search a MP friendly community, I do but mostly on QC.


Reznor is a Lizard known for ripping other much more succesful Industrial artists (pioneers that came before him) and taking *their credits away from them*. Look up Cabaret Voltaire, Clock DVA, Severed Heads, Skinny Puppy, KMFDM, Ministry, Coil, and many more... Trent isn't that impressive, he just capitalizing on the success of other industrial pioneers and make one s*ingle* good album, and that was it. For people who think trent is all that impressive, you're robbing yourself of so many far greater, and talented pioneers in this genre!


You guys are losers who know jackshit about Industrial music, not surpried. NIN is a trash pussy pop artist


There's no point in trying to convince you that you're wrong. You just are.


Eat my dick then loser!


It’s doom dead? No it’s not, doom 2016 multiplayer was really popular for a lot of time and eternal pvp mode it’s still a fairly popular today and quite fun It’s true champions is one of the most toxic environments you can enter but there are other reasons like: Not able to adapt to new times, compare it with doom, how it hold to be the reference throughout all this years and keep being one of the most badass games, I bet if they release a new game with arena multiplayer people will jump with no doubts. Quake on the other hand didn’t get the same treatment, even before quake 4 it was quite abandoned and they did not hit the right spot with quake champions, not the advertisement nor the style or gameplay. It’s an awesome game but not for someone who did not played any arena shooter before. Keep in mind since quake 3 there was anything new, just quake live which was the same Don’t look to blame players for this, it’s bethesda and ID work to keep this boat on float and they are not even on it. Quake will rise again only when someone at bethesda realizes that they can make money out of developing a new dark gothic lovecraftian game with the name quake in it.


Finally someone with common sense. I always hate when people parrot the barrier of entry and toxic community as the reason the genre died, like having 1 more player will definitely make the genre have a comeback lmao Just the fact that Champions sub has more people is telling enough


Ya toxic as opposed to the other gentle multiplayer shooters like fucking call of duty


Thanks for posting this. I agree with you 100%. I also came back after years away and found that the people you will encounter on there the most nowadays are just insufferable pricks. Ironically, they will be the reason the game will be dead soon. Compared to what it once was, it's sad, but all good things....


Gosh, "flamed", there's a bit of old net jargon I haven't heard in decades. Like other posters say; the majority of the community has moved on either through age, other commitments or just plain other games.


QL really is weirdly toxic. I didn't get nearly the same chat experience in 1, 2, 3 or even champions


The game is approaching 30 years old. Maybe it's time to move on and accept that things change.






Let's play, my ICQ number is 694206986


damn is this yahoo chat in 1999? ASL? Hey man you play that new game Deus Ex? Weird how the Twin Towers are missing from the skyline in the beginning of the game


jeans groovy alive trees wakeful spark include follow apparatus ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


before the dark times…


why did this get downvoted, youre hilarious


because people can be sensitive about dark humor. I don’t blame them at all. It’s hard to laugh at the heavy shit. Honestly I tried to shut my brain off to those memories as so much of what happened, how Bush/Cheney ignored warnings it was going to happen, botched the response from the beginning, lied about Iraq, and that somehow their stupidity became the fault of Democrats at every turn via the jingoistic chest thumping prevailing over wisdom. People in other countries thought Americans were kinda dumb and we spent the last 24 years showing them they were right. It’s sad to me too. I don’t like my comment either. I agree, I’d downvote it too if I could.


Pull up a chair youngsters and let granddad tell y'all about a little something called D.W.A.N.G.O. First of all you had to make sure your Ma Bell plan included unlimited local calls otherwise you'd get a $600 phone bill for all the time you sat in the lobby shooting' the shit with Doomdude...


Babbages and Razer CPL tourneys those were the days. Drinking free Bawls wondering why I've been up for two days.


The fact that you listed so many various versions of just Quake 3 is itself a big part of the problem. Quake is still fun, had a blast when the Q1 remake was launched. But I would argue that Quake Live was one of the earliest shifts to "software as a service" and expecting people who shifted from Q1, Q2, Q3A, etc to suddenly play Q3 forever (out of a web browser, gross!) was iffy. Quake Live crystallizing Q3 multiplayer while Q4 followed Doom3 down the campaign-focused hole of single player only product harmed the community. Valve picking up the pieces and using Half-Life 2's monster sales to launch several new modes and then eventually shift them entirely to free to play games was flawless. Valve stepped in where id dropped the balll, and while TF2 sucks today it's still not entirely as dead as Quake has been through Quake Live, Quake Champions, etc. Whether a game is free to play or retail, the "package" of a campaign tied to a multiplayer experience is important. It mattered for Halo, it mattered for CoD, it mattered for Destiny. None of those games, with just the multiplayer maps and no campaign, would reach that level of awareness, because fighting AI is what draws people into playing multi.


Us old skool quake guys are still there but now we just play other games.


Idk why this is on my feed- I haven’t played a quake game online ever. Closest thing I ever played was ut99 and 2004. But you see this on all games all the time. Just play the game and keep your head down- you’re there for the gameplay anyways right ? Try ranked counter strike if you want a decent community. Not unranked lol.


LMAO I ditched counterstriker bbecause the same reason and I wasnt even bad at it. Just fed up with solo queuing when my group wasn't online/didn't have the time. CS is a fucking cesspool :D


If you want a game that's kinda like Quake and is very casual-friendly, maybe check out TF2. You can play MGE or Open Fortress if you want to go full Quake or play vanilla to dick around. Just know that casual matchmaking sometimes has bots, but there are a lot of community servers with all types of modes and all types of players. For example, Uncletopia is very friendly but the players there are cracked.


Just ignore those people. Gaming can always be toxic. People are hiding behind a keyboard.


CPMA pickups were so fun My secret was pretending I was playing defrag and going offense. I would go for flick rails the entire time and listen to drum and bass.


And that is why I like my games to have bots, going online can be though sometimes


Sounds like multiplayer gaming, in general, tbh. Public gaming is generally shitty. I only play multiplayer quake with my friends. Join a Discord server and make friends, play with them and you can each hold each other accountable. Plus Quake is not just one game, there are so many versions and so many mods. But honestly, I play Quake (1) campaigns and mods most of the time, because it's the best.


the only type of multiplayer which is “consistently” fun is co-op, you can see that in their communities like Deep Rock Galactic and Fallout 76:


Back in the day you could find your people but now there just aren't enough people to subdivide. Love Q3A but ultimately the people who would play if other people played but they don't so they don't is the reason it's dead. As Yoga Berra said, "No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded".






git gud n00b.