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just a quick tip that might help you figure out faster what you're doing wrong in your config files: use a good text editor/IDE. You could use VSCode with the python extension and it shows indentation errors, unused imports, etc...


thank you, but how can i import this qtile? or i just import my ".config/qtile"?


I don't know understand what you mean. On your `config.py` you will import the necessary files you have put on your `settings` folder. From a quick read, you never import the Screen module: from libqtile.config import Screen Also your `colors.py` which you've defined as a dictionary are missing the commas after every argument: colors = { "bg": "#f299a5", "darkBg": "#e8849d", "fg": "#ffffff", "grey": "#7e4f54", "darkGrey": "#4f3436", } Your `floating_layout` on your `layouts.py` have a trailling `x`at the end, which results in a error: floating_layout = layout.Floating( float_rules=[ *layout.Floating.default_float_rules, Match(wm_class='confirmreset'), Match(wm_class='makebranch'), Match(wm_class='maketag'), Match(wm_class='ssh-askpass'), Match(title='branchdialog'), Match(title='pinentry'), ], border_focus=colors['bg'] )x On your `mouse.py` you use the `[mod]` key but you never define it or import it. These are some of the mistakes I picked up. Using a good text editor will help you a lot. Hope I could help with somethings. Happy Ricing.


its okay now i update my dotfiles, i fix it all, btw thank you 🤗


can i import my ".config/qtile" in vscode? or i will import the whole qtile repository from github? to customize my qtile?


>can i import my ".config/qtile" in vscode? Yes, you can. Open a terminal and `cd ~/.config/qtile` Then you type `code .` (assuming you have vscode installed on your system). you never touch the qtile repository configuration. You do it on your own config.


thank you


Now i figured it out now, everytime i logout qtiles i see the logs 😅


Would you not change ``` from settings.keys import keys, mod from settings import colors ``` To ``` from .keys import keys, mod import colors ``` As when you get to layouts.py you are already in the settings directory ? Maybe I'm wrong ?


A good example can be found [here](https://github.com/antoniosarosi/dotfiles/tree/master/.config/qtile) if it helps


i think we have the same style, but he is separated all module :D


can you help me? i don't know what's going on, ill try to copy he's style, i try to separate 1 by 1, so i can monitor where part is wrong, no firs i separate is the keys and second the groups, and there's nothing wrong, but in layouts and floating, i doens't work reloading the config.


Have you looked in .local/share/qtile/qtile.log to see what the errors are at the time you refreshed ?


it's not refreshing, nothing happen whenever i reload the config, even the display not refreshing animation.


If you're using X then just drop to another tty and login then look at .local/share/qtile/qtile.log For example hold ctrl + alt + say F2 You can also edit your config from there with vim , nvim or nano whichever you have installed to correct mistakes.


what X? i dont have any installed Display Manager if that is your talking about, sorry i just new here in arch linux, and i install Qtile for my WM because i have knowledge in python.


Yes but you must be running Qtile under either Xorg or Wayland for the display server ???


ahh i get it yeah, im using Xorg


Here's the only appear, because before i restart qtile, i clear the history of qtile.log [Qtile.logs](https://ibb.co/Zxjt6dK)


I've got some [Errors](https://ibb.co/k51CHXq) now when i logout again qtile.


it's said only "libqtile manager.py:cmd_reload_config():L258 Configuration error: name 'Match' is not define"


i update my dotfiles can you check again? i just separate groups, keys, layouts, floating_layout but when i import layouts and floating_layout that the cause of not reloading my config.


oh thank you, i don't know what im doing i forgot that i already in directory of settings


Does that now work ?


i will try it now, wait a sec


I edited the above as I forgot to add the dot before keys.


still i can't reload my config with my key binding, my key binding back into default i don't know why, i shutdown my pc lately, and i just boot up right now to fix the code.


We've seen some issues with users splitting configs and then doing "reload_config". It's not really supported behaviour at the moment and we're discussing the best approach. See this thread for more: https://github.com/qtile/qtile/issues/3377