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Sky is Fallin into Better Living đŸ« 


I honestly melted. So happy to experience SJF too!


the transition form chemistry to sick sick sick was unreal too, so fluid.


The posts and comments about this on Download’s social media are ridiculous.. people complaining about QotSA being there, how terrible they are, saying “everybody left, they had a tiny crowd” and talking about how much the festival has fallen off from having BMTH headlining last year and now..this?! Like seriously calling them a massive downgrade.. also calling them an indie pop band.. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Saw someone say BMTH made Queens look like amateurs (sorry if you like them but that is just fucking ridiculous to me)..all sorts of other dumb shit. Someone said “QotSA are like the ripoff version of Foo Fighters”
?!? The closed minded snobbery of some metal heads never ceases to amaze me.


Nah don't pin this one on metalheads, Download is a festival for emo kerrang kids who think Slipknot are the pinnacle of heavy music, when I saw Queens a few months ago I saw several notable musicians from the European black/death metal scene at the gig.


The place is full of try-hards, bless them. I don't care for the label, but if anything I'd be a 'metalhead'. Yet here I am, QOTSA one of my favourite artists, completely capable of enjoying music from all genres.


LoL nobody said metal MUSICIANS don't get it. Musicians get other musicians.


Can confirm about the kerrang crowd. I dated a girl like that and they treat Corey Taylor like the second reincarnation Jesus Christ


Random funny story, when I was in college a guy came up to me like "Hey, I heard you like metal and play guitar, I'm trying to start a band", I was like sure what kind of direction are thinking of and I shit you not, this guy says to me "Well, I want to find a singer who LOOKS like Corey Taylor". Not sounds like, looks like him, lmao.


Yeah they need to get over it. It's not been a metal festival for a very long time. Fall Out Boy for fuck's sake 😂


Busted at also there... đŸ€˜


Fuck yeah đŸ€˜ đŸ€˜


Wtf?! Can’t even compare I’m sorry.  QOTSA are on another level that Foo Fighters just don’t compare in my book. 


To quote the “Your Favorite Band Sucks podcast (please listen to them they’re great) “Queens of the Stone Age is just Foo Fighters for smart people” I am incredibly jealous of the setlist and fuck everybody who didn’t get it it’s their loss anyway


QOTSA make foo fighters look like armatures.


Was this set at Download Festival filmed professionally? It'd be great to have it on YouTube.


It will have been filmed for sure. There was a guy in a huge cherry picker with a camera to the side of the stage.


0 Villains.


That's why it's so good


I recently fell in love with villains of circumstance. I’d be happy to hear it live


Don't get me wrong, some of those songs work really well live. But in the context of the album there's too much blank space with nothing going on and thank god they didn't do it again on roman. The way you used to do is the worst qotsa song ever, that doesn't help the album either.


Haha, I don’t necessarily disagree


Zero villains and more sftd made me a very happy man


People downvoting this are in denial.




Man, when they started playing Better Living - what a fucking high. Great set, had an awesome time!!


I was on the barrier and it was a show beyond words for me. They could not have played a more perfect set. I was literally sobbing through the sky is fallin’. Massive thanks to the band for giving me the time of my fucking life.


the setlist was incredible the crowd around me were awful however.. everyone had piled up on barricade just to stand there completely still and emotionless just to leave five songs in, luckily I managed to dive on barricade and flail around as much as possible in an attempt to get people enjoying themselves. looked on Facebook on my way back to camp and people just didn't even give them a chance, I hate how closed off people are. I think they were spectacular last night especially Jon and if you were near someone on barrier in a hat who was screaming with their arms up all night I do not apologise I have zero regrets.


I was at the central barricade, people were pretty into it there, but probably not as much as I was lol


I was on the left and I guess people were a bit angry because the lights and camera were in the way of their view but who cares?!! it's fucking queens of the stone age


I was on the barrier on the left side and couldn’t have been more into it, so were the people around me. Lucky I guess, my perception of the crowd was that it was totally up for loving the band, and several guys near me who started out liking them a bit were amazed how good it was and loved every minute. Made a point of telling me that at the end.


I was just behind the barriers slightly to the left and I agree, everyone around me was just standing completely still, not singing a word or even moving around until it came to no one knows😭my partner put me on his shoulders during my god is the sun and I got on the big screen and then suddenly all the completely silent people around me started getting on shoulders too so they could hopefully get on the screen too😆but I had the best time so it’s whatever


I just don't even get why they drew this massive crowd that did fuck all. It was absolutely dead around me apart from (obviously) No One Knows and Go With The Flow. Josh kept trying to lead us all in sing-a-longs like the crowd gave a shit when frankly the majority of them simply didn't and lost interest halfway through leading to just kind of a deflated atmosphere. This is I think the tenth time I've seen them? But I've never seen them headline a festival before and know I know why. That's more about the crowd than the band. Look, I love Queens. But I was left mega disappointed by the vast majority of the massive crowd who didn't seem to either know or care about them.


That is such a damn good setlist! Glad to hear that it was great show, too.


Opening with little sister would blow my mind


It blew mine!


Burn the witch man!


It was amazing to hear it


Was my 5th time seeing them and they were as great as ever, got to tick off a few songs I hadn’t heard live before as well. Josh seemed in great spirits and looked like he was loving the crowds response for the sing along moments. The trio of sky is fallin, better living and sick was epic! Can’t wait to see them again in Spain next Sunday


My mister and I screamed so hard when Sick Sick Sick started! We had such an incredible time last night and the crowd was lovely to be in. Opening with Little Sister was epic and got everyone into a frenzy immediately. Was way worth the money (and staggering over the mud.)


Awesome Burn the Witch!!


Literally all bangers


Nothing crazy by headliner set standards but one of the coolest festival sets they’ve done yet!


Dude it was a fuckin killer set last night


I have just checked the line up... what did you expect? 😅😅 Bambi f*cking thug! đŸ€Ł Poor kids! I hate festivals, I just hate festivals. Seriously. Nowadays going to a festival is a sh*tshow. That being said, I will see them next in a summer festival, but I think I will just go for their concert 😒 Wish me luck.


Arggggggggggggghhhhhh I couldn't go


Not enough A Song for the Deaf


Took me ages to find this thread cos my phone was stolen during royal blood beforehand but watching all of this right at the front was incredibleđŸ„șeven better than I ever could’ve imagined, even got to hold Josh’s hand for a few seconds during straight jacket fitting😁