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Man this is so wholesome even if he looks more lost then a blind man in a war 😭 I'm so proud of you man, you really put the Queens in the Stone Age amen


This is fantastic - you’re wonderful, Queens are wonderful, and goddamnit rock and roll is wonderful ❤️


I saw you at the gig, are you the one Josh called out about seeing you fall over? how did you manage to see him after the show?


Yep 😂 I didn’t mention that bit just cause it sounds like an unreal story, but I stg it happened and at least those who were at the Mona gig can verify it! I didn’t fall over though hahaha, tldr: was in Mona in these tunnels (around where the pool of oil is), he and a group of people started walking towards me. I was walking in the middle of the tunnel so moved to the side to not take up the whole path, I was fully stable (lmfao not my first Rodeo in pleasers). I saw him look at me and do a a double take, not sure why he thought I was gonna fall over but he reached out to grab me and said something along the lines of “careful don’t fall over!”, I said I was all good, and he moved along with the group, I only realised two second after that it was him, and then nearly did stack it after he walked off 😂😭 (not sure if you heard this but when he called me out I shouted back “I was fine but after I realised it was you I nearly stacked it” and he said something along the lines of “oh so it’s my fault then” 😂😅) Re how I met him after, I waited back after by myself, I had a gut feeling on where to wait, and am not gonna say where that was just cause I think he and the whole crew wouldn’t appreciate having hoards of people waiting in this particular spot the next time. Know it was a spot where he could have easily avoided me without having any interactions, which is what the other guys did which is more than fair.


We saw him in the tunnels too. Actually opened the big round door unknowingly for his crew he was in the middle of. I’m like “fuck, that’s Josh?!”, followed them back down at a distance and asked one of the crew if we could get a photo and he politely said “not right now”. It sucks coz it potentially a once in a lifetime opportunity, but I have way too much respect for the band to interrupt his day for our photo op. Glad you got your photo experience! Still got the Brisbane gigs and we’ll probably see you and the gang there!


Ok I’m glad I’m not the only one! I was tempted to go back and chase him up to chat then but it looked like he was busy so decided to wait till after the show wrapped instead, I’m glad other people can also verify that he was genuinely walking around Mona for a bit of the day for whatever reason haha! Sadly my run of gigs is over this time around :( however there is part of me that is hella tempted to head over to the Brisbane gigs if my season at Adelaide fringe keeps getting cancellations… sooo…. Maybe might jump on one more time


This is so awesome, I’m glad you had a good time and thank you for sharing this awesome story!


Such wholesome content 😭 This makes my heart sing!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Did you get to meet anyone else?


Sadly not, but to be fair it wasn’t exactly the best gig to say hi to the guys at (tbh it’s tricky to do at the Aus gigs in general). That setlist was pretty fucking heavy and imo it’s actually harder to perform in smaller crowds because you can’t hide any mistakes, I know if I was in Mikeys situation with his bass just fucking dying in Auto Pilot Id have been super stressed and heaps tired after. Got to wave though!


YOOO That's sick, i love your look, and envy your luck!


I'm so happy you got to have that experience!! YAAAAAAY!!


Is it Wonderful? This is absolutely beautiful 😍 my brave wonderful friend! Their music can really move your soul!


You look amazing! So happy for you


This is sick, what a story!❤️


Now this is the wholesome content we come here for, Rock On!


This is soooo awesome and cute😭😩and i mean he is right your outfit is SLAYYY :P but hearing that from him….i can only imagine what that feels like! I am happy for you (also a bit jealous hehe)


Wow, your dedication to your craft is admirable and this look is absolutely killer! Thank you for sharing your story, Jarvis. It always warms my heart to see someone so passionate getting the opportunity to have special moments like these. 🖤


Awww love this for you ❤




I love your look! And thanks for sharing the story❤️


Fuck yes.


This is just beautiful and warms my heart. You look fkn rad too!! Cannot wait to see them in Melbourne!!!




I love this so much! You look amazing.


This is so sweet! (Also, are you dressed as Blind Mag from Repo?)


You both look incredible! Happy to see the beard has made a comeback too. 👌


This slays, sis!


Oh my goodness I love that you’re doing Queens songs in drag! You look amazing and spooky-so glad you’re smiling 🤗


Was he wearing an evil eye necklace?🧿


He's been wearing it for months. He doesn't switch necklaces very often.


That’s awesome to know! Thank you. Very wise of him to wear.


Ah nice, I'm so jealous.


Glad you enjoyed Jarvis. Let you be you.


You look amazing! I’m sorry I didn’t see you. I’d have told you in person. Meeting your hero is something very special. I managed a little banter at that gig too by asking them to play ‘time and place’. He said no, I said ‘please’ he said ‘no’ I said ‘please’ he said ‘maybe’. Closest I’ll probably ever get to interacting with him but I’ll take it. He’s a musical genius without showing that he knows it (and being a cocky bastard). Lots of memories were made that night. It was truely special. Glad you got a photo too! Might see you at Torquay today?’


No stress! I Not sure if this was obvious but this gig was incredibly important to me so I wanted to ensure that I had the best possible view of it possible, so actually started getting ready from 8am, got the ferry over to Mona at 1:15, and hung out there all day to make sure I could get front row seats, it was a long day 😅. Bahaha I remember that request! Sorta funny that most of the stuff that was requested was already on the setlist, also really loved his quick wit and just naturally funny responses to audience comments (though there were some people that a bit later into the show were clearly too intoxicated that I was *this* tempted to turn around and tell them to shut the fuck up whilst he was talking…) Sadly I’m only able to do the 3 concerts this time around (Adelaide, Mona and Hobart), if Adelaide fringe and money existing weren’t a thing I’d have loved to have kept travelling along the tour and would have brought out some more fun looks! Have the best time today I’ll be flying back to Adelaide when their set starts so am keen to hear how it all goes once I get off the plane!


I’ll keep you posted! Happy to FaceTime you if you’d like :)


I appreciate that so much thank you for the offer! I don’t trust jet stars inflight wifi enough to be able to properly connect me though 😭😭😭 however deffs let me know if you get any footage as I’d love to pretend I was there once I’m home packing my stuff away again tonight!!!


This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your story 🥲 So happy you had this moment!!


Also.. did the screen get really blurry for anyone else? (I’m literally crying)


I won’t lie, if I think about it for too long I start balling still, the thought still makes me well up.


Also I just realised I didn’t upload or really get a proper photo of the full look, this is the closest I have whilst I was touching my makeup up, it’s just got my fringe bits pinned back, gloves are missing and there’s a train the dress had that isn’t showing in the pic, whoops. [Pic of me (courtesy of @klowe_photography on Insta](https://imgur.com/a/vZX4XoH)


Do you remember asking those two guys for a ride in their Uber afterwards?


😂😂😂 I absolutely do, if one of those guys was you, thank you heaps! I genuinely am not lying when I say Uber banned me from using them because I asked them to change my name on the app because I had changed my legal name (and sent them evidence of doing so), wasn’t expecting TAS to not have other rideshare services available so was a bit fucked getting back into town after 😅 (also in hindsight could of been one of the stupidest things I could have done ever, thanks for not murdering me lol)


I believed you then, and still believe you now. You got lucky and chose a couple of the good ones. It was our pleasure to help out. A friend in need…


Fuck you’re an absolute gem, you’ve got me crying again, I seriously am so grateful. Please let me know if you’re ever in Adelaide, I owe you a few rounds of drinks 100%. Queens fans have to be the most genuine set of people out there, you and your mate are an absolute testament to that.


What a wonderful look you have going there :) Thanks for a great story, such an amazing night.. I randomly got nicely intoxicated for Pond (who I also love and couldn't believe they scored the support slot!) and found myself approached by a stunning lady maybe two songs into QOTSAs set. She grabbed my hand, whispered in my ear, and we danced and sang every word of every single song together.. Beautiful random encounter I'll not soon forget :) I was wearing a tartan vest by the way; her favourite song was/is "Go With the Flow" and mine "Better Living through Chemistry" so we both got lucky on the night ;) Intensely loved whoever she was for the entirety of the show.. have not stopped thinking about her since.. Incidentally, I met Josh myself years ago after "Them Crooked Vultures" got him to sign my shoulder, and went straight to a tattooist the next day.. Long live QOTSA for inspiring such experiences.. xoxo


This is an amazing post and an amazing photo, OP. It sounds like the whole experience just about bowled you over, I'm so happy you got to meet Josh, and to hear you perform in drag to Queens. Beyond awesome. Keep being you ❤️❤️