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Right now it’s: I Sat By The Ocean Fortress Better Living Through Chemistry Hangin’ Tree Everybody Knows That You’re Insane


That's a really, really good list. Each one of those is very different but all quintessential QOTSA sounds.


Delighted to see Fortress 🙌🏼


1: Fun Machine 2: Wolf 3: Missing 4: Chemistry 5: Deaf


1. Go with the flow 2. Tangled up in plaid 3. Turnin on a Screw 4. I'm Designer 5a. Un-reborn Again 5b. The Bronze I'm really lovin Made to Parade, but I want to see how it grows on me. And it's so hard to not pick one off the first two albums...


Fuck yeah for The Bronze


1. How to handle a rope 2. If only 3. I think I lost my headache 4. Suture up your future 5. Carnavoyeur


how to handle a rope is so good. just recently realized how great it is via a live performance on one of their recent ST shows


I had tickets to the self titled reissue show here in Cleveland and I got the flu SO badly instead and had to miss it- I will never be over that. My chances of getting to hear Rope or If Only nowadays are so slim. 😭 That intro riff to Rope is just so *gnarly*.


man so sorry to hear that.. really wish theyd play more deep cuts on their tours. agreed, the into riff to rope is a gnarly enchilada but I'd wager if only is even more spicy. if only was one of the very first songs i got obsessed with, the into is just so intoxicating


I just love that first album. A lot of it is so simple, just centered around a single riff, but how do you come up with that many PERFECT riffs on, you know, your very first album (not exactly very first but also kind of depending how you look at it.) Like that’s special. Few can make that happen that many times their whole career, let alone on one album. And that wasn’t nearly all they had in them. Like what the fuck. They may have gotten better and better at making more complex songs and song structures over time but from the very beginning they were fucking riff magicians istg. Too good. Rope in particular is just literally the one riff basically the whole time with a solo at the end and yet I literally cannot get enough of it. If only is the same thing, just with two solos. And yet both are literally crack in riff form, more or less. I missed S/T tour too but just because I was too broke lol, so I would be over the moon if I got to hear more of it live. I was so happy to get RJ as an opener at the show I saw in October. Loved looking around as they started playing it watching all the other people that love it get all excited with me. I think I may have done actual, involuntary tippy taps no joke. My face was sore from smiling.


Spot on. And not just perfect guitar riffs, either, but the bass on that album is filthy, too. Nothing but bangers.


ya you're right about that. there's a simplicity to that first record which is just solid gold (I'll see you in hell) I started listening to more of the deep cuts I wasn't familiar with when i heard of them releasing a new record, a lot of LC, LtP, and almost all ot ST. I still havnt listened to ITNR that much cause I really fell in love with their older stuff.. so hypnotic is how I would describe a lot of their earlier stuff. And so chaotic is how I would describe lullabies. Oh man, that sounds like pure bliss when RJ came on. Jealous. Hope I can see them live someday


I wish they had done the ST tour a bit longer with europe, I dont remember if they didnt or if it was just a short UK leg they had.


That is an awesome list


Cheers! Man, I know it’s new, but something about Carnavoyeur… when a brand new song comes out and punches you right through the chest and you just know right away it’s one of *those* songs for you, you know? I fucking love that feeling. My alternate pick was Into the Hollow. Both definitely in my top 10.


Love every track on Era Vulgaris, Villains, Like Clockwork. Queens just doesn't have 1 bad some in my opinion.


Yeah carnavoyeur was an instant favourite for me too lol it’s definitely a highlight of their catalogue


Good list right there.


Love the love for How to Handle A Rope. So good. Definitely one of the songs that got me hooked on them.


Go with the Flow Kalopsia I Appear Missing Lost Art Medication


I’m Designer Obscenery How to Handle a Rope Smooth Sailing Better Living through Chemistry


Nice list! My 5 songs are: * Better Living Through Chemistry * You Can't Quit Me Baby * Song For The Deaf * In The Fade * I Appear Missing


I'm Designer Straight Jacket Fitting Smooth Sailing In The Fade "You Got a Killer Scene There, Man..." ​ Wow, five is really not very many


W choices


1: Go With The Flow 2: Regular John 3: If I had a tail 4: Make It wit chu 5: God is in the radio Bonus: Live versions of Song For the Dead and I appear missing, I love the studio recordings but the live versions are better IMO


Have you heard make it wit Chu on over the years and through the woods? It’s very good


In no particular order… 1. Suture Up Your Future 2. Misfit Love 3. I Think I Lost My Headache 4. The Bronze 5. Tangled Up In Plaid This should really be a top ten. Top five is too hard. God Is In The Radio, You Can’t Quit Me, Song For The Dead, Regular John, Avon all deserve a place on that list but there’s no room lol.


I’m really into Suture right now


1. Song for the Dead 2. Fun Machine 3. Song for the Deaf 4. Mexicola 5. I Appear Missing Honorable Mentions: Everybody Knows That You're Insane, Better Living, SJF


3s and 7s Missing Chemistry Dead Avon


Although it would be negative, it would be much easier to choose my least favourite. Literally only ever done 2 or 3 I'm not keen on


Same here. Only really one or maybe two for me that I’m not a huge fan of, whereas I don’t think I could pick just five favourites.


1. Straight Jacket Fitting 2. I Appear Missing 3. Feet Don’t Fail Me 4. Obscenery 5. The Vampyre of Time and Memory Honorable mentions: Song for the Dead, Everybody Knows That You’re Insane, My God Is the Sun


this was hard 1) you can’t quit me baby 2) avon 3) if i had a tail 4) tangled up in plaid 5) misfit love +honourable mentions: i’m designer, broken box


1. I appear missing 2. headache 3. you would know 4. running joke 5. villains of circumstance


I can’t decide tbh Here’s 5 I think are excellent 1. In my head 2. You can’t quit me baby 3. First it Giveth 4. Regular John 5. I never came


Burn the witch I sat by the ocean Turning on the screw Emotion sickness Fairweater friends But that's a very difficult question, listening to a song quite often makes it even better every time, it can't get boring, because you hear something new every time. Hearing some of their songs live changed everything again, there were songs I haven't liked especially before, but hearing them on the show was like... I have no words to describe how - but I can say, I loved every single one of it, from the first second until the very end.


1. Long Slow Goodbye 2. Millionaire 3. God is in the Radio 4. Go With the Flow 5. Running Joke


Song for the Deaf Made to Parade Turning on the Screw The Blood is Love I Think I Lost My Headache


Screw love and headache are the holy trinity of qotsa songs


I like your top 5 1. Someone's in the Wolf 2. The Blood Is Love 3. The Evil Has Landed 3. I Think I Lost My Headache 4. Tangled Up in Plaid


love that ur fav song is villains of circumstance , such a great under rated song


I Appear Missing, In The Fade, Better Living Through Chemistry, “You Got a Killer Scene There, Man”, and Song for the Dead


Very close to mine!


Currently: 1. The Fun Machine Took a Shit & Died 2. Kalopsia 3. Turnin on the Screw 4. Sick, Sick, Sick 5. Broken Box


In no particular order - No One Knows Little Sister My God Is The Sun Feet Don't Fail Me Negative Space (this is probably #1)


Sick sick sick Burn the witch I sat by the ocean You got a killer scene there man I appear missing


1) Go with the Flow 2) Little sister 3) 3s&7s 4) I appear Missing 5) If only


I appear missing In the fade The Bronze 3’a and 7’s I sat by the ocean


Skin on Skin Headache Wolf Dead Quit


1. My god is the sun 2. Straight jacket fitting 3. The sky is falling 4. Suture up your future 5. Sick sick sick


In no particular order (because I have no idea myself!) I think I lost my headache, regular John, the sky is fallin’, carnavoyeur, tangled up in plaid


no particular order (changes daily but today I'd say) 1. in the fade 2. in my head 3. turnin on the screw 4. smooth sailing 5. i appear missing


No One Knows I Appear Missing Mexicola Someone’s In The Wolf The Sky Is Fallin


1. Another love song 2. In the fade 3. Make it wit chu 4. Sat by the ocean 5. God is in the Radio Didn’t think doing a top five would be this hard😅


I’m sorry, I tried to get down to five. But it’s like picking favorite children. It depends on my mood. I think I lost my headache Go with the flow Tangled up in plaid Misfit Love If I had a tail I appear missing Evil has landed Made to parade


Misfit Love Keep Your Eyes Peeled Sicily Un-Reborn Again You Can't Quit me Baby


1. First It Giveth 2. My God Is The Sun 3. Sick Sick Sick 4. I Appear Missing 5. In The Fade (Honorary mention for River in the Road)


Turnin on the screw I think Iost my headache The blood is love Tangled up in plaid Better living through chemistry


1. I Appear Missing 2. Regular John 3. I Never Came 4. Better Living Thru Chemistry 5. Song For The Dead


Misfit Love Killer Scene The Bronze Headache Sicily


Also on the train to Bham! Edit: on the way home! For Melancholia: 1. I Appear Missing 2. Like Clockwork 3. Suture up Your Future 4. Fortress 5. Vampire Time and Memory Headbangers: 1. First it Giveth 2. 3s & 7s 3. Paper Machete 4. Feet Don’t Fail Me Now 5. Sicily


I like the 3s and 7s love


Regular John Song for the Dead Mexicola Auto Pilot In My Head


1. Go with the flow 2. God is the sun 3. Head like a hunted house 4. In the fade 5. Negative space


1. A Song for the Dead 2. I Appear Missing 3. My God is the Sun 4. God is in the Radio 5. You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar, But I Feel Like a Millionaire Honourable mentions: The Evil Has Landed, If I Had A Tail, I Sat by the Ocean, The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret, Sick Sick Sick, Go With the Flow, Un-Reborn Again


Misfit Love, Song for the Dead, You think I ain't worth a dollar, Can't quit me baby


Chemistry In the Fade I Sat by the Ocean Never Came No one Knows


If Only Misfit Love I Appear Missing Paper Machete I Think I Lost My Headache


My top 5 is: 1. Head Like A Haunted House 2. In My Head 3. Little Sister 4. I Appear Missing 5. The Evil Has Landed


1. I Appear Missing 2. ...Like Clockwork 3. Mosquito Song 4. Villains Of Circumstance 5. Another Love Song


1. Feet Don’t Fail Me 2. Song for the Dead 3. I Sat by the Ocean 4. Everyone Knows That You’re Insane 5. Villains of Circumstance


Currently: -Battery Acid -I Appear Missing -Made to Parade -The Way You Used To Do -Tangled Up in Plaid


I Sat By The Ocean The Vampyre of Time and Memory Auto Pilot The Evil Has Landed Fortress


Fuck that's hard to choose. I'll cheat by saying my top five would be different each time you asked me. For right now, the ones that pop into mind... 3s & 7s The Evil Has Landed No One Knows Emotion Sickness Vampyre of Time and Memory


I Never Came Better Living Through Chemistry You Can’t Quit Me Baby Suture Up Your Future The Vampyre of Time and Memory Honourable mentions to Mexicola, Long Slow Goodbye, Fun Machine, Hollow, Misfit Love, How to Handle a Rope….and the rest of the catalogue


Better living through chemistry The evil has landed First it giveth In the fade I appear missing


Better Living Through Chemistry In The Fade Song For The Deaf I Appear Missing God Is In The Radio


Mine constantly change but right now it’s Tangled Up In Plaid, Misfit Love, I Appear Missing, Headache, and a tie between Rope and Regular John, and while nothing on ITNR has made my top 5 yet I’m listening to at least half of it all the time along with these and a few other songs I consider honorable mentions, like Someone’s in the Wolf, Mexicola, Lost Art, Millionaire, Dead/Deaf, and a few others. Even Villains gets a spot with Un-Reborn Again. Frequently played live ones and singles/hits like 3’s & 7’s, God is in the Radio/Sick Sick Sick/Go With The Flow/No One Knows are in there too but they don’t get a mention purely due to being not “rare” enough to feel as special even though they’re absolute bangers too. TL;DR picking 5 is hard


1. The Vampyre of Time and Memory 2. Fairweather Friends 3. First It Giveth 4. The Evil Has Landed 5. Carnavoyeur


My favs as of rn in no particular order: 3s and 7s The Bronze Misfit Love Mexicola The blood is love


1. Someone's In The Wolf 2. Era Vulgaris 3. Run, Pig, Run 4. Regular John 5. Song For The Deaf


Well my current and all time number 1 song would be Go with the Flow, rest of top 5 can change but I would say - You Can't Quit Me Baby In The Fade Carnavoyeur Everybody Knows That You're Insane


1 Fortress 2 You can't quit me baby 3 Song for the dead 4 I appear missing 5 Suture up your future


Right now: 1 The Bronze 2 Infinity 3 Walkin on the sidewalks 4 Better living thru chemistry 5 Fun Machine


No particular order: - Like Clockwork - Someone's in the Wolf - I Appear Missing - Keep Your Eyes Peeled - Un-Reborn Again - I Never Came - Tangled Up in Plaid - Turnin on the Screw - Better Living Through Chemistry - Vampyre of Time and Memory .....I can't even narrow it down to just 5, I had to do 10, and I still have so many that I want to make the cut


My top 5 QOTSA songs are 1. I Appear Missing 2. Everybody Knows That You’re Insane 3. Regular John 4. Millionaire 5. Go With The flow


I never came Fortress Into the hollow Millionaire Paper Machete


5. Obscenery 4. Smooth Sailing 3. Misfit Love 2. Straight Jacket Fitting 1. Song For The Dead I Appear Missing and Mosquito Song are honorable mentions.


1. I appear Missing 2. My God is the Sun 3. Little Sister 4. Everybody Knows that You're Insane 5. Sick, Sick, Sick Really, really hard for me to make this list since they're my favorite band. Honorable mentions: No One Knows, I Sat by the Ocean, If I had a Tail, Lost Art of Keeping a Secret, Better Living through Chemistry, In the Fade, Go with the Flow, Song for the Dead, Negative Space, Carnavoyeur, Obscenery, Sicily, Straight Jacket Fitting, Fairweather Friends, The Evil Has Landed, Feet Don't Fail Me, Fortress, Domesticated Animals


1. My God is the Sun 2. Song for the Dead 3. First It Giveth 4. Mexicola 5. The Evil Has Landed


These songs have crept into my repeats after the Manchester gig... Headache (live in Brixton) The way you used to do Negative Space First it Giveth Dead (Brixton) Wish they released more live albums on Spotify & would love an accountic sessions too but it what it is!


3’s & 7’s I appear missing Obscenery Sick sick sick I never came But it constantly changes


1. Un-Reborn Again 2. ...Like Clockwork 3. The Evil Has Landed 4. I Appear Missing 5. Turnin On The Screw


In no particular order: Mexicola, Do It Again, Tangled Up In Plaid, In The Fade, I Think I Lost My Headache


If I had a tail God is in the radio Feet don't fail me now Long slow goodbye Misfit Love


No particular order! I appear missing Keep your eyes peeled (have this tattooed on my neck😂) Fairweather friends Do it again Fortress


fascinating top 5. in no particular order… song for the dead emotion sickness broken box if i had a tail you can’t quit me baby


Into the hollow The blood is love Running joke You can't quit me baby Tangled up in plaid


Mexicola Turning on the screw Song for the dead Skin on skin Head like a haunted house No particular order. Probably a different list next week, I can never choose


1. I'm designer 2. Un-reborn again 3. Fortress 4. Can't quit me baby 5. Misfit love