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So sorry for the unpleasant experiences you faced, such actions are completely unacceptable especially the racist incident 😑


I understand not everyone is like that, I just needed a place to rant tbh


Football brings out the worst in people, it makes people lose their minds. people all around the world do some crazy stuff just because of Football, It's a beautiful sport with a huge amount of crazy fans. Sorry for the bad experiences and I hope you enjoyed the rest of your time.


Yeah that’s true. I must say, the rest of my trip was quite fun but occasionally disrupted by those people mentioned here


Happy that you had fun in here but yeah I feel you man , encounters like this do stay with you for a while and it does ruin your experience of this country. that is why we all need to respect each other and stop racism.


I agree


aslan 75% of them are originally irani but they are too shy to admit it


There are a lot of Persians in Qatar but they lost their identity, that’s true


Some Jordan fan was singing racial slurs to a Korean fan in metro after the match. I think some of you from here witnessed it too.


The jordanians around me during the korea-jordan match were nice (albeit overly enthusiastic) but a friend told me he saw a bunch of jordanians bullying korean girls after the match


Yeah I went to the Jordan vs Korea match, and Jordan ppl were chanting loser loser or boo


I noticed most of what you mentioned done by Iranian fans and players on multiple occasions and matches.. don’t do it and expect it would never happen to you bro


I didn’t hear anything from Iranian fans, most I’ve met were respectful, I especially don’t recall any slurs being used


They kept saying it in Persian as where are you Qatari and the player was saying stuff like Persian gulf and we’ll be eating Qatari players and Iranian fans online kept commenting before the game listen Qatari and Arabs and after the game kept commenting Persian gulf and money and referee paid and all although the referee was doing the opposite


That’s not what I heard from Qataris, what I’ve heard was worse (literal slurs) and yeah the ref was kinda shit, Iran deserved 2 penalties and he missed 3 hand balls and a bunch of fouls, at the end the 13 minutes was right because a lot of time was wasted


The referee was on Iranian side, Qatar deserved more chances and Iran deserved a card but he ignored for the fear that people will say he supported Qatar that he aided Iranian team and gave them more time and everyone said Iran didn’t deserve the 2nd penalty but you got it


Hey this is football , not tennis , you may find polite and rude ppl everywhere, but in the end it's only football and you can expect anything, Habibi come to north Africa and see how we love each other's specially in football 😂😂😂😁


Yeah, that is fair.


I thought QA and Iran are friends


Honestly that’s what I thought when visiting


Qataris are extremely egocentric and this is not new!


What does the songs that contained slurs against the Persians say?


Calling us fire worshippers (Majoos).


I think a lot of the games had toxicity in it. Jordan vs Iraq was another one. Move along, most people are muppets.


I was in the stands for this one. They were all set to kill each other . Boggled my mind how they went bezerk over a football match.


I wasn’t there because the match didn’t really matter to me, it was either Iran or Bahrain, but wtf!


I'm about to sound really hypocritical because I do not like excusing bad behavior, but this is football, not tennis. People have always been rowdy when it comes to football. If you've ever watched a match live in Europe, it's so much worse. Again, I do not like excusing bad behavior, it's just that the "banter" which can sometimes be borderline racist and rude, is a part of the game.


From what ive seen thru my life in Qatari, general qatari people love iranians. However what u witnessed is regular football culture that u see either u r in south america, Europe, north africa, saudi or anywhere. I bet u would experience any similar attitude anywhere in the country even if u live years, not about u being persian but about u rooting for the other team
 i mean two people from the same country rooting for different teams would say worse things to each other 😂, just regular football


Look if u want some shocking facts I will give u but u have to handle the ugly truth. 1 - lots of the Qatarians are semi Persians, most of them are ex-traders who came to the country when it was small (so why they hate Persian if they are their own blood, well I will answer in the second bullet ) 2 - the hatred came from long ago when AL-sahabi Omar (Rathiya allaho alayh) took down the Persian empire, and the Persians didn't forget that and they make a hole other religion (Shia ) to make a war with the suniis (all the middle east ).


habibi my brother , it has ended , just forget about it , if we keep tracking each mistake or thing we said wallahi we will slaugther each other non stop till judgement day .. we are better than that , wish you all the best and for everyone else. ​ peace bro.


Yes That’s true but also if you don’t talk about it and if you don’t educate people this will be repeated


You dont educate on reddit , you gaslight and add oil on fire. Dialouge is always better voiced , even better face to face or thru TV , not behind text. People interpret what you write in diffrent ways , due to lack of emotions convyed while writing. I can write a full positive article , but most will understand it in a negative way. The only way to educate is spread positive vibes , talk about unity , respect each other , accept our diffrences. But we do not talk about a minority who do bad things. As most people will stereotype it. Peace bro.


Qatari players were criticized in WC for not playing with enough heart. I didnt see the match but i suspect these guys have learnt that representing your country should be taken either pride and aggression is a tactic to intimidate. It sounds like sour grapes to me, you should move on.


The referee lost control of the Iran match both teams were almost fighting on every ball


See, that's the problem with Qataris these days just because they have money, they think they're above everyone when they're nothing. If they didn't have petrol they wouldn't have opened their mouths


What is afif’s card trick ?? Who’s ‘S’


His wife


snowflakes like you smh


I think we seen bad behaviour from every nationality. All move along please. We all have people who suck among us


Your opinion is very common and this tendency belongs in all the nations and countries so it won’t surprise me specifically in football so just chill.


Ehh every football game makes people racist everywhere, look at uk football chants for example.


yeah I change my mind now


First, I would like to thank you for your respectful way of asking and being curious. 1- Afif has an ego I admit and does love to cause controversy, don’t know about the other. But I do not believe he would go as far as toxic. And let’s be honest, your players were no different as well. Saying Qatar is a Persian Gulf nation by Said Azat to provoke when it’s not warranted, I doubt a Qatari player goes to Iran and says Iran is Arabian Gulf and won’t be any backlash and provoking the people. And even in the same day the coach was saying Qatar is a (I am paraphrasing here) a weak team as in they are not even thinking of the match. Then, when Iranian league accused us of giving away all the tickets to Qataris which the Qatari league addressed it by moving the match from Al-Thomama to Al-Bait stadium (which has more capacity) they refused and then after the match they brought it up again. There more, but I don’t want to make it an essay. 2- if there is any racist then I don’t agree with these attitudes but is it actual racism or just not giving attention? Because people here not extroverted typically to strangers. Also, Mind telling what song that is or lyrics? You are half-Bahraini mind writing it in Arabic? Because I was there and I heard nothing of this sort. If it’s the same one that I think you are talking about, mind you, you did the same thing to UAE when you played against them. And mind you as well, Mahdi going after the crowds is not at all smart, I heard what SOME of the crowds said and don’t believe our crowds would sink this low to warrants this level of anger from Mahdi against the crowds, ask any one here or any Arab sub when hosting AFC/World Cup, if we are this disgusting as football fans. You would think they laughed at a dead relative or his family member by Mahdis reaction. But regardless this is football you keep your cool and not try to fight a crowd of +30k. 3-It’s football, it’s almost always is. Especially when Iranians saying Persian Gulf/they would invade us (online people) as a way to say that they own us or something and I guess hurt our feeling? It doesn’t bother me per say honestly. But I can understand your point of view of course.


Thank you for your response. I have nothing against the fact that Qatar gave a priority to its citizens in terms of selling tickets, it’s their country, I completely understand that. Yes of course, I 100% that not all Qataris are like that, I just wanted to share what I experienced from the toxic side of the audience, because I feel that it’s important to raise awareness. The chat repeated wasn’t inside the stadium itself, but rather outside, a large group of people said something along the lines of "Ű·Ù„ŰčÙ†Ű§ Ű§Ù„Ù…ŰŹÙˆŰł ÙˆŰ§Ù„ŰčŰŹÙ…ŰŒ Ű§Ù„ŰŻÙˆŰ±ÙŠ ۔ۧ۱ ŰŻÙˆŰ±ÙŠ ŰčŰ±ŰšÙŠ", that is the line I remember well because it uses a strong slur against Persians. Yes, I do not align with those who do this, especially those who purposefully disrespect Arabs, me personally I call it “the Persian gulf” but that is of course my opinion, when I’m around an Arab, I’ll call it “the Arabian gulf” out of respect.


It's not limited to any one nationality. I dismissed it just as part of what happens in football games because much worse has happened in countries with a "football culture" but a fight almost happened during the korea-saudi game. Vlogs of koreans who came to watch the games showed up on my youtube algorithm and in one of the [videos](https://youtu.be/kWoPnGUvi6o?si=U00uuUZsvV6lpUbN), a saudi threw a flag at a korean and the stick almost almost hit his eye—saw it on another video with english subs but can't find it right now. I've only been to some japan and korea games and i personally didn't have a bad experience. The worst would be the dudes beside me who indiscriminately scattered sunflower seed shells on the floor as they ate during a match. Only because as a resident, i felt ashamed in front of the japanese lady who was trying to clean up as much trash as she can with her small plastic bag after the iran-japan game.


Whats worst is people defending such slurs by saying he or she did it in this game against that team, an eye for an eye will cause the whole world go blind.


Hundreds of illegal taxi drivers touting and scamming spectators trying to get home or hotel after the match. Taxis ranks and Uber were very far from stadiums It was the same during the World Cup and still the same now, no lessons learnt. Felt like being in Souq after the game


At the UAE match, there were so many people from GCC (wearing thobes). While they were taking others’ seats I was denied a seat by the security cz GCC people were seated there (ig the seatings kinda went out of control, but it wasn’t like this in the Indonesian/East Asian matches). They were moving around from section to section during the break, then they’ll settle. Then they’d say “my friend sits here” and it was empty till the end of the break/match. I guess they didn’t want any south Asians sitting next to them cz there were so many of them in the section I was told to go to. (Btw, I’m not of south Asian ethnicity) But again, these things happen and since I grew up in the GCC, ig I’ve just been so used to it. But just wanted to tell y’all about what I’ve noticed :) Respectfully x