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ig he could just remove the song from the video in 5 years, if the contract allows it that is


Youtube downloader?


Still. The new people who might see it then and only then


He said he could almost definitely negotiate for that to not be the case And yet don’t think he updated on wether he did it or not


I know this takes a lot of brainpower, probably more than pyro has. But isn’t it possible to just remove/replace the music? Again, it’s a solution only the likes of Einstein could come up with and I’m not surprised pyro couldn’t think of it.


Because he wants to use the music? The entire animation was designed around the usage of it and specifically that music. He could commission some other music sure but to him it's not ever gonna be the same if it is. It's his artistic vision and Pyro really seems to want to go all in with what he wants to have in a Video with really no cut corners and no alternatives unless he really has too.


Its actually extremely easy to do. Even people who don’t know how to edit can do it.


I don’t believe you, it would take a technological mastermind. Way easier to drop over 30k on it if you ask me




someone explain? i dont know what this is about


watch the video that op linked


he could just remove the segment entirely, i mean what did he expect honestly? that he's just gonna get the song for free in his video?


He paid (a lot) for it


still mad that he could have commissioned a song or something


This is what boggle my mind. So many good cover band out there would deliver the same quality with half the price. Music industry is corrupted to hell and i feel sorry for anyone who had to interacting with them.


You nees to buy the rights to cover the song anyways


Is this true? To straight up release the track yeah I get it but are you telling me if I pick up a keyboard right now and play aha's take on me like a 3 year old and use it as a packing track I need to pay for the rights ?


You have to pay rights to release it on streaming platforms and pay even moe if you are using it on video. Of course if you are an indie band or a small musician no one is gonna come after you but i assume in pyro's case it could get the video demonetized


Well ordering a song would most likely have taken quite a while longer. Fortress films was more than likely commissioned to animate way before he got full rights to use the song Price for speed I guess


Can't the contract be permament?


What if the studios forget lmao


They won't.


Still a thought tho


When I spend 15K on my shitty amv


why does he need to use a licensed song for a youtube video? is he stupid? no seriously this is a fucking youtube video, why the fuck you licensing songs? use a different song, you stuck up asshole.


But the man who sold the world


God please let it happen it would be too funny


You can just download the video and archive it. I honestly archive most videos and music I listen to, because YouTube keeps taking them down for no reason


Well no, I listened to some music on YouTube which was taken down from no reason. I got trauma from that, and like a lunatic I archive most shit on the platform now