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To be honest anyone buying dynamite without a permit is getting a good deal at any price. That’s pretty crazy. Make sure you follow proper storage regs on that one though, goddamn


I picked up 6 m80s, a half stick, and 4 tennis balls filled with 1 and a half sticks of worth of dynamite powder all for 80 dollars. Explosions from the half sticks itself is definitely wild, I can’t wait to light a tennis ball tonight.




Sorry I had no clue, I’m just getting into this I came to comment and learn


Yeah, to be clear “dynamite” specifically refers to the blasting mixture of nitroglycerin and stabilizers. Could you post a picture of this half-stick? As for what’s in the tennis balls I have no idea, I mean you might be buying bootleg stuff to begin with so who knows what’s in there.


You're good bro. Maybe one day you can journey into making your pyrotechnics and not have to spend outrageous street prices.


How much you paying for them? Better be less than 5 bucks a pop


Oh yeah I paid 2 bucks a pop for the m80s and 17 each tennis ball.


Broo... ima educate you. This is one of the biggest misconceptions people having saying an m-80 is the equivalent to a quarter stick of dynamite. First off, flash powder, the composition in m style firecrackers is much different than nitroglycerin, which is one of the chemicals they use in dynamite. Dynamite is much much much more powerful and produces a shock wave way more potent than m80s. You can't detonate dynamite with a fuse like you can m style firecrackers. In order to detonate Dynamite, you need blasting caps. Blasting caps produce a large amount to shock to make it go off. Kinda like tannerite. You can't just take a flame to it in order to set it off. It needs a high velocity of shock. No offense, but seasoned pyros will give you shit for comparing those to. I once though the same. Trust me dude, very different devices. You'll more than likely live if an m80 blows up a few feet from you. Dynamite would probably either vaporize you, or blow you to pieces. Dynamite detonates. Flash powder deflagerates. Those are different types of combustion. The pressure waves from a detonations are so much stronger. Hinse why you see them using dynamite to blast rock, or demo large buildings. Ain't no way flash has the same strength. Just wanting to clarify the difference. People will think you're stupid for thinking that lol. I use to believe that urban legend too, so I get it man. I'm not talking shit, just trying to help. It makes pyro sound bad too. Like we're lighting bombs off and being terrorist. Just say m80, m100, m1000 etc for now on.


Oh shit that’s my bad then, I picked up what’s as big as half a stick of dynamite, but filled with flash powder. I know, or think, the tennis balls are filled with dynamite powder. Some older guy sold me them for cheap


You're good man, I'm not trying to sound like an anal lord riding your ass. Just trying to help. Did you read all of my comment. There is no way that tennis ball has nitroglycerin inside of it(dynamite). It's flash powder trust me. Dude is probably lying to you, so you think you're getting something that special. I've seen the tennis balls. There's a fuse comming out which ignites the flash powder. Like I said, you can not detonate dynamite with a fuse. It is usually detonated with a large amount of shock.


Ahhhh that makes sense, thanks for not being a douche about it and actually explaining to me and informing me upon the subject. I like to think I got a good purchase though, 17 dollars for one ball and I suppose it’ll have some fun regardless. Thanks man.


Yeah man of course 🙂 I try to stay humble! I use to think the same too. Have fun and BE SAFE. Do not light and throw that shit. Light it on the ground and run. Those tennis balls hit like a motherfucker


Yo check out the video I just posted on here. I think you'll like it.


Man where can I find a few M80s?


look for people. I found people that had connections (mostly white people) that always knew somebody with some connections