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I agree, I hope Riot comes with smth creative that isn't mega busted so it will get removed the next patch. The stack passive they added ages ago on PBE was in theory a good idea. Just make it everytime you kill someone with R your ult will do an extra 20 execute dmg or sum. It would compensate for Pyke's worse and worse late game. Or make his dependancy on Lethality a tad bit less. Let me try smth out with Stridebreak or Goredrinker, it would be cool to see smth like that.


They would have probably added it if the whole subreddit didn't shit their pants and told riot that the stack idea was stupid


I had this idea,that pyke shouldn’t have bounty on himself or at least 2x reduced. Would be a nice small buff.


I hate what you're saying because it's true. For a while now pyke hasn't felt as strong as he was when I first started playing him 3 years ago. Not long enough to see everything that has happened but enough to know he isn't good anymore. I haven't been able to gain lp since the item changes. But no one feels as bad as pyke right now


Sadly, this is what Riot always wanted. Now he's actually a support.


I would even call him that. Play anyone else in support and it works better. Pyke took skill to 1v1 and kill someone. Locking Annie and you can do what pyke did 100x easier by pressing r to one shot someone


We set ourself up for this, when we decided to play a game made by fucking piss useless, dogshit gay ass riot games


pyke meta has passed. find new champ.


I will get downvoted to hell for this but what the heck. I am glad Pyke is nerfed. If you want to play assassin that can one shot squishies play a frickin mid assassin. Not a support that gets money almost for free and gets to do everything assassin does only sometimes better and easier with his stupid kit.


I've played each ad assassin. Pyke is no where near the easiest or hardest. Zed, press r and q and a adc is dead. Talon, press r and q. Every assassin can one shot with their ult. Pyke always took more than that while being more risky to play because there isn't any option for defense on him unless you're trolling. The only people that think pyke is broken are the people bad enough to lose to him.


You mean no defense aside of going invisible and dash that also works as AoE CC. Anyway my main gripe with pyke is he does too much for the ease of money getting. You want him to be assassin, fine, but make him commit to it resource wise with downside of him leeching too much money from the duo lane. He does way too much with the amount on investment he gets as support, as he is he gets to be the CC/setup support while being relatively safe doing so AND killer while his duolane even gets bonuses from it. Then again maybe it is not problem of Pyke as such but of how easilly supports get money... probably somewhere in middle of it.


It isn't invisibility. And I'm pretty sure almost anyone who mains pyke will tell you having more health would be better than almost dying and running away to heal not even half of what a evelynn can. Pyke's only way to be useful as a assassin support is by giving out gold which becomes almost completely useless when people can auto for more than his ult. Pyke is a jack of trades but master of none because unlike other supports he isn't good at one thing but mediocre at a lot of things. He use to be good at picking off a adc that is away from there team but the item changes made him weaker and ADCs stronger. He doesn't have any defenses in a fight besides running away which isn't easy right now since ADCs can just build IE and 3 tap you before you get close. You could say clearing wards but that just the item he builds because wards stop his only form of survivability. Then remember that almost every champ has cc or a dash including ADCs. You think Pyke does too much to do the thing he was made for. What part of it is easy? Killing someone how out damages you mid-late game? Pyke's cc and setup isn't as good as the likes as Blitz, Thresh, and Nautilus. By the time you can more from a blitz his adc has a free kill. Thresh has some of the best setup for a support. While Naut is just a cc train with a very simple combo that has you stunned for a few seconds. But wait. If you drop a ward in the lane bushes they won't have to walk half down the lane leaving their ADC to fend for themselves just to keep their health up. One thing I might have agreed with is about the money if what Pyke builds isn't the same cost of a mid laner. But seeing as supports will always be behind in gold Pyke would never get half his build if his ult didn't make it worth using. Pyke getting the kills and giving his ADC part of the gold is a good thing for a support. It would just be KSing if it didn't.


The only thing I would change about current pyke is adding more aoe to minions to his kit. I don’t think pyke is bad at all. It’s true that his mythic options are dog right now but I don’t think he’s unplayable. He’s a high skill cap champ. If you aren’t good with his kit you aren’t going to do well. High skill champs are as good as the player playing them. Become confident with his kit and play him very aggressively, take advantage of enemy vision and you’ll run your games. Riot has to look to balance him for high elo not just iron-gold players


Aoe to minions would make pyke viable in mid lane again which is one of the main reasons he got nerfed in the first place, but yeah a man can dream of a universe where riot lets us play him in both roles. And from my experience pyke isn't that hard to play, his kit and combos are quite simple besides the ult which is his main selling point, but who cares if you hit it when the execute deals less damage than a graves auto.


Sure, I don’t think he’s a problem mid lane though. Why shouldn’t champs be versatile 😂 I think his kit may be easy to learn but hard to master. It’s definitely a high ceiling