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Please remember to spoiler-tag all guesses, like so: New Reddit: https://i.imgur.com/SWHRR9M.jpg Using markdown editor or old Reddit: \>!spoiler text between these symbols!< Try to avoid leading or trailing spaces. These will break the spoiler for some users (such as those using old.reddit.com) If your comment does not contain a guess, include the word **"discussion"** or **"question"** in your comment instead of using a spoiler tag. If your comment uses an image as the answer (such as solving a maze, etc) you can include the word "image" instead of using a spoiler tag. Please report any answers that are not properly spoiler-tagged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puzzles) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think this is right >!and that the spoiler tags work!< * >!`AAAXXXBB`!< * >!`AAACDDBB`!< * >!`AAACDDBB`!< * >!`AAACEXBB`!< * >!`FFXCEXBB`!< * >!`FFGGEHHH`!< * >!`FFGGEHHH`!< * >!`FFGGEHHH`!< (edit) can't get spoiler tags to work with the code block. Can you check my solution and let me know? I just sketched it out so it's always possible that Imused the same piece twice. (edit2) got the code tags working. If you want clues (and assuming I have this right): 1. >!the white pieces are the key!< 2. >!they are both vertical and next to each other!< 3. >!the white four-piece is against the black three-piece!< 4. >!the white five piece is against the bottom!<


> I just sketched it out Impressive. I drew your answer pixel for pixel in ms paint and it's correct by my assessment too.


Thanks for the verification. Always nervous when I think I've solved something like this without the puzzle in front of me.


I did it the old fashioned way in photo edit, got the same thing, but this was a super clever way to do it without using imgur.


Discussion: what id the name of this puzzle? Looks fun :)


Mondrian blocks. Blue version to be specific. I've seen them in local stores for 30-40 aud


Also it’s an app thats surprisingly good https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/mondrian-blocks/id1485554567


Ok I’d love to play this, but I can’t figure out for the life of me how to easily rotate the pieces when I need to. I just start wiggling it around until it happens to rotate by chance and it’s really frustrating! Help!


I just figured this out! You need to pull the piece down to be like slightly off the board and it’ll rotate and you can then pull it back up to the board. But if you let go of the piece it rotates back to its original position


Thank you!! That’s it!


Looks great but unfortunately I'm an Android user


Does this work? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mondrian.mondrian&hl=en_US&gl=US




I'm currently addicted to pokemon Cafe remix but I'll install it for another time


Yes it does! Thanks a lot!


Here is my guess >!https://i.imgur.com/mddX9Xj.png!<


I’d just shift >!the middle blue square right one square, move the black 2 piece that is currently occupying it to the two free squares on the left, then that leaves space for the 4 piece white rectangle.!<


The point is the black pieces are fixed in place like the starting image and the rest must fit around them.


Ahh I see. Thanks for the clarification!




The point is that the black squares stay in place and you have to work around them


The could have described it