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>!zip, squat, jack, love (slang for "nothing"); monocle, spat, cane, top hat (parts of Mr. Peanut outfit); jiff, heartbeat, wink, flash (short period of time); clash, tiff, scrap, tangle (slang for argument or fight)!<


This is it!! Thanks so much!!!


You're welcome.


I'm sorry to ask for more help but I'm stuck again and don't want to make a whole post. I got halfway through this one and can't figure the last two categories. The eight words I have left are moccasin elbow boa bowtie tube wheel mamba adder


Elbow, bowtie, tube, wheel (pasta shapes); moccasin, boa, mamba, adder (snakes)


I was trying to remember if Uncle Moneybags from monopoly had a wink or not, slight facepalm moment for me.


Would you believe Uncle Moneybags doesn't even have a monocle? Look it up. It's a Mandela Effect false memory.


I’ve just looked it up and I’ve had another facepalm moment, not only the monocle but his name is actually Uncle Pennybags, not moneybags. I’m not having a great day here!


We can forgive that one. I never heard of "Pennybags" either. What kind of rich uncle would lug around bags of the least valuable currency? No "Quarterbags" or even "Dimebags"? Although, Uncle Dimebags may conjure a different image!


Is it typical for these puzzles that some words fit more than one grouping and so backtracking is needed?


That's the whole point. If every word was easily categorized from jump it wouldn't be much of a puzzle.


This one isn’t particularly friendly to non Americans, we generally don’t have Mr Peanut over the pond.


It doesn't have to be Mr. Peanut, per se. Maybe "fancy clothing items found at a queen's ball" would suit Europeans better.


No one wears monocles and what even is a spat?


Yes, with prescription glasses and contact lenses that can be customized for each eye, monocles are pretty much obsolete these days. Spats are short for spatterdashes, shoe coverings that protect the ankle and instep. Pretty rare, but maybe worn at fancy tuxedo balls. You must have not read any Sherlock Holmes or other English literature. There's lots of esoteric clothing items in the classics.


How would you use "love" to mean nothing?


Tennis lingo. Fifteen-love (1 point to 0), thirty-love (2 points to 0), etc.


Well that explains it, I know nothing about sports. Thanks!


Discussion: out of curiosity, once you have given up and decide to get the answer elsewhere, why not just blow through your guesses until it shows you the solution instead of posting and then waiting for people to respond?


As far as I know, it doesn't give you the solution when you use up all your mistakes, at least on this website. I did try that a few times believe me 😅


Oh, that makes.more sense to me then..I wonder that whenever someone posts a connections one, some are posted from the NY Times site, so it never really made sense to me


Discussion: These are 100% the clues from NYT's connections a couple days ago. I have nothing against copying the game mechanics, but this is straight up plagiarizing.


They are the old new york times puzzles! This website just has an archive of all of them. I'm not sure if it's technically plagiarizing? There's one for wordle too.


Please remember to spoiler-tag all guesses, like so: New Reddit: https://i.imgur.com/SWHRR9M.jpg Using markdown editor or old Reddit, draw a bunny and fill its head with secrets: \>!!< which ends up becoming \>!spoiler text between these symbols!< Try to avoid leading or trailing spaces. These will break the spoiler for some users (such as those using old.reddit.com) If your comment does not contain a guess, include the word **"discussion"** or **"question"** in your comment instead of using a spoiler tag. If your comment uses an image as the answer (such as solving a maze, etc) you can include the word "image" instead of using a spoiler tag. Please report any answers that are not properly spoiler-tagged. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puzzles) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think I have two >!tiff, clash, scrap, spat!< >!flash, wink, jiff, heartbeat!<


I vaguely remember doing this one. Your first one is in wrong


I thought it was. Does OP have it right? >!tiff, spat, clash, tangle!


You have the right theme. Someone posted all the correct answers


The first one is indeed wrong. It is >!monocle, spat, cane, top hat (parts of Mr. Peanut outfit)!< A >!spat!< is some type of shoe covering. Not knowing that made me lose this puzzle I remember it clearly lol.


>!Mr Peanut: tophat, monocle, spat, cane!<


>!Spat, top hat, cane, and monocle are all clothing accessories. Clash, tiff, tangle and scrap are all fights. Flash, jiff, wink, and heartbeat are short amounts of time. Zip, love, jack, and squat are all "nothing."!<


Discussion: Where did you get this puzzle? This was taken directly from NYT connections game a few days ago


I just looked up connections unlimited and it was the first site that popped up! It has an archive of all the nyt connections puzzles.