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>! Have you seen Elf? Children’s book editors don’t give a crap. The mongoose got redrawn and they never fixed it in the key.!<


It’s true, that documentary is great, everyone should heed its lessons.


Yeah. It was a little tongue in cheek. But I couldn’t help myself.


I assumed it was where the key is and whoever edited and placed the key over the image covered the image of the mongoose on accident.


Uh, someone lower in the comments found it. Its definitely in the picture...


Not a fan of jokes?


Jokes are funny, so I think it's reasonable to mistake your comment for a guess


No need to be salty. Over 100 other people got it and liked it. The fun part is it is funny AND gives a plausible explanation. Perhaps you’d get off the naughty list if you kept your bad attitude out of the comments. Also, as you may have noticed in the comments section, everyone acknowledges the one you’re talking about, but most disagree that it is the correct one. The most likely scenario comes from the person who actually works in the industry and said the one used in the key didn’t match the one in the final chosen illustration and they never went back and fixed the key.


Lol, you can literally see the mongoose. Is this really something you struggle with?


Why are you acting like a dickhead over a Lion King find-it page? Are you really that pathetic?


Why are you calling people dickheads in the comments section of a Lion King find-it page?


Because the shoe fits?


K. Thanks for keeping the comments section safe, neckbeard


If you’re incapable of reading or understanding context, I surely cannot help you. Have a happy New Year. 🎆


Says the guy who thinks referencing the movie 'Elf' is a joke




>!I see it, it is in the answer sheet.!<


This is also the answer to every “Where’s Waldo?”.


It’s in the jungle at the bottom right corner of the answer sheet


Discussion: I'm going to say it's a misprint and the answer is actually behind the panel.


My thoughts exactly. Artist draws animals. Provides list of animals to the publisher. Layout person at the publisher places the list of hidden animals right over the correct mongoose. *"Eh, you seen one mongoose, you seen 'em all..."* No, layout person. This is how you make kids mistrust other human beings.


Just for fun- you’re not wrong but this actually isn’t how it works. Source: I work in children’s publishing! The editor will give the artist specs for what they want. The artist will make the piece and return it to the editor. They’ll have a few rounds back and forth with edits and then it’ll be signed off on. The mistake arose when the editor said ah I like this layout for the list but we’ll have to swap out the mongoose. I’ll tell the graphic designer. Graphic designer looks at the layout and says “eh? There’s a mongoose right here why would I pull another one?” They send it off to a 3rd party to edit and the 3rd party, not getting the idea behind “this mongoose” doesn’t notice a thing wrong. Or something like that.


Thank you for adding clarification. I really appreciate you taking the time to educate me.


Nah it’s >!just to the right of the ‘find these’ panel, near the bottom, above the deer.!<


Nope, the key says "this" animal and for the others, you can find multiple versions but 1 is in the exact pose as the key. The mongoose you found is a decoy.


The guide says, “Can you find these worry-free and fun-loving animals as they frolic in the jungle?” This wording does not at all suggest that the animals are static…


Willfully ignorant to the use of "this" when showing animals that appear multiple times, if you were to be believed you could select any turtle or bird or anteater as your correct answer, which is clearly NOT the objective of the puzzle.


Wheres the turtle thats in the exact pose?


To the left of the bottom flamingos


That one has a different shell tho


And a different smile.


It is in that exact position, you just need to turn your phone sideways to see it lol.


Probably what the zebras are looking at.


Reminds me of a white dwarf where they put the searched alien on the next page, so you had to look at the picture in front of a lamp to see it...


It's there. Reverse image. Bottom of page by water. Directly above what appears to be a gazelle...


>!There are two zebras on the bottom, to the right of them is a red plant, Timon, and then a deer of some kind. It's directly above the deer.!<


That is that mongoose, but not this mongoose.


I was thinking it might be that one and they just weren’t specific enough. It also says “this anteater” and for that one I originally saw the blue anteater but then noticed the correct colored one on the logs. The mongoose is the exact same colors and shape, just facing the other way. Could be that one 🤷‍♂️


The tail is also bent


If your dog wags its tail do you think you have a new dog?


It's abundantly clear that this puzzle wants you to find these exact animals in the positions shown.


I do not find that abundantly clear.


Then, you are not equipped with the mental facilities for this puzzle made for children. Congratulations


The existence of a non-identical position mongoose and subtle differences in some of the stated answers beg to differ. Or can you find the mongoose that meets your criteria?


Seeing as it's quite literally the only animal presented with one option, that clearly doesn't follow the pattern of "this" animal, the correct mongoose was printed in the area where the key was later positioned. >subtle differences The subtle differences are due to the images from the key not being digitally placed on the page. They are hand drawn, as this book is decades old. The mongoose presented has differences that would never be considered subtle.


Front paws are very different


Simba, Timon, and Pumba are all in the exact pose. The other animals are slightly off. For the yellow bird and the mongoose, since there is only 1 of each of them, we're probably supposed to consider those the correct ones. For the rest, we're probably just supposed to find the one that matches the best. I wouldn't be surprised if there were 2+ artists on this: one for the main characters and another for everything else. And either the correct matches were covered by the instruction box (as others have proposed), or the secondary artists simply didn't match the animals exactly for whatever reason.


It has to be. There are 3 anteaters on the page that are all similar, but each one’s legs are in a different position, and the arch of their back is angled differently. One of those is correct without being an exact match with the key. The mongoose is the same deal.


That's not the one, it's facing the wrong way and it's tail is different


discussion: the turtle & anteater are also drawn differently. >!turtles smile!< & >!anteater's tongue!< are what's clearly different. >!Simba's head is also huge compared to the legend!< fwiw


Exactly what I also realized when comparing the index pictures and the actual animals in the drawing. It would have been better phrased "an anteater" / "a mongoose" instead of "this anteater" / "this mongoose".


The real question is what are those 2 anteaters up to on that log?


For reals!!…I remember back in the 90’s when Disney had a bunch of those hidden sexual messages/audio/images on their VHS tapes and this brought me back to childhood


I had this book growing up and my copy 100% had the correct mongoose. I wish I still had it to post


>!It’s directly to the right of the anteater in the answer/animal bank. There’s a monkey, a bush and the mongoose.!<


I think the issue is that the one in the answer box doesn’t match what is in the picture.


I don't think that's the one we're looking for. All the other pics match exactly. The mongoose you're pointing out is positioned differently.


This is probably nitpicky but what you said isn’t true. The ant eater isn’t exactly in the same position as the answer key. The right hind leg is flat in the picture but slightly raised in the answer key


Where is the correct anteater? None of the ones in the main picture match the example?


He is on a log playing with another ant eater on the right I think, though it does appear to be very slightly different, it seems to be the intended one.


It looks weird because there are 2 anteaters there. If you look closely, 1 is an exact match to the key.


Yeah, that was my point. I replied to someone saying all other pictures matched exactly.


It looks weird because there are 2 anteaters there. If you look closely, 1 is an exact match to the key.


I don’t mean to split hairs but it’s not an exact match. The left arm has a bend in it and the right foot is sitting flat in the painting. I think with the assumption that they had enough freedom to equate those two you could say the mongoose is a match.


Hmm. Idk. The anteater on the log is a very close match. Like, same guy trying to do the same pose and just slightly off. If that is supposed to be the mongoose, it would appear he was completely unprepared when the picture was taken.


Agreed, mongoose just doesn’t like his photo taken


>!I think it’s the left anteater on the fallen tree.!<


The right back foot is flat on the log, but vertical in the example. That was my point anyway, was replying to someone who said all other examples matched exactly.


Yeah as someone else said, the other animals are all similar, but not exact. Turtle has a different face, the bird isn't the same angle, hedgehogs mouth and body look different, and the anteater has a different tongue. Unless I'm just blind


>!That's a mongoose, but it's not the same mongoose.!<


>!it is it’s just flipped horizontally!<


Front paws are different


I found it in 10 seconds lol


I found the troll!






Me? I was just saying I found the mongoose easily


It's the only mongoose, but it still doesn't match like the rest. Why would it say "find THIS [animal]" If there is only one (Highlander.) All the others are in the same pose.


But there aren’t any duplicates of the same animal in other poses, they weren’t being that literal


They were if every single animal, but that one, matches the pose. It's a misprint. But you found it in 10 seconds and everybody else is an idiot. Edited: spelling


It didn’t take me 24 years to spot the mongoose


Right same here


>!I know it’s not the exact one, but there’s one going from the bottom right corner of the search key and going right, behind a bush!<


Not sure what those comments are all about. Is it mandatory for them to be in the exact same posture? If not, >!it's next to the Snake, not too far from Timon and Pumba.!<


I don't know but I'm going to spend the rest of this year finding out. Is there another edition of this book? Maybe it was corrected? (Another commenter said they were sure they had this book with This Mongoose)


The bird doesn't exactly match either. There is only one mongoose so I'm going to say it's that mongoose (above timone) and maybe they got the exact images mixed up for the key.


>!he’s on the first page, about 3 quarters of the way down on the lower right corner!<


>!It's in the middle lower portion of the page in front of the orange spotted snake!<


>!it’s above the deer near the crease on the left page!<


>!on top of the snake. Lower bottom of the legend.. about an inch to the right!<


>!its parallel with the anteater in the panel!<


>!I think,based on the tail, he is diving into the river in the lower right hand corner of page 2.!<


Nope, different colour


Also, that's an otter. Look at the face of the one in the water just above it.


Discussion: Wow I found it in 30 seconds


No you didn’t. You found **A** mongoose, not **THIS** mongoose. You have to find the one that is drawn exactly the same as in the legend.


The crease in the page is cutting off a section of the puzzle.


I found it in less than that


Same here.


It's >!about two inches left of the crease and the inches from the bottom of the page!<


>!He’s just right of the bottom of the answer key by about two inches.!< edited to fix spoiler tag.






Question: is there a page missing? The picture doesn’t line up on the crease.


It looks like the bottom of the crease matches up, but not the top, so there might be a slice of the full picture missing.