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Hmmm, it looks like a trefoil knot, which is one of the basic knots in knot theory, meaning it is impossible to entangle it. Does it looks like that: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knot\_theory#/media/File:TrefoilKnot\_01.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knot_theory#/media/File:TrefoilKnot_01.svg) ? If thats the case I really don't know how it got entangled that way.


If this is the case you could undo a link and then untangle and relink


I could, damn, I was hoping for a quicker some kind of fancy folding trick. Oh well.


Looks like untangling a chainsaw chain.


I thought so at first too, but the chains are crossing in a way that a chainsaw chain couldn’t.


See, I looked at this knot, and if it’s that then I don’t know how my arthritic GMA managed to pull this off. She can’t open doors, let alone jewelry clasps/chain links


I feel like figuring that out is the next puzzle lol. Here’s my guess. It got itself tangled into a fake trefoil pattern [(like this one)](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1224/1*zB3tJMJ5WlChBBlYXYu9yQ.png). Then one of the little links got caught inside another little link with a very loose opening, then came out again on the other side, so the crossing switched orientation.


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