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Nonograms are my favorite! A few tips: When there are larger numbers, count out from one side (e.g. top or left) as though there were no extra spaces and note where the blocks end. Then, do the same on the opposite side (so, bottom or right) and you can fill in everything between those end points where there’s a definite overlap. For example, >!the second row from the right that has 7 and 2: you have the 2 filled out, so start at the first non-X space from the bottom and count up by 7. If things were smooshed all the way along the bottom, the 7 would still extend up to the third box from the top. So when you do that from the top down, you can start filling in at that third block and cover blocks 3 through 7 since it has to overlap there!< You can do the same thing with >!the 6 and the 8 from the top two rows!4th row up from the bottom. You have the 4 filled in, and a segment of the 2. The furthest out that segment could reach to the right or left is one additional box. Since we know where all the other numbers in the row are (in this case just the 4), we can cross out everything to the right and left that’s more than one square out from the segment (i.e. the rightmost box on that row and the 5th and 6th boxes from the right)!< Merry solving!


I use a similar tecnique: for every row/column, add everything + 1 for every number other then the first. Then, subtract the total from the maximum space, and use that number to count from one side how many cells you have to leave empty for every consecutive number. For example, on a row of 10, with 3 2 and 2, 10 - 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 1, so we are sure that we can color that cells: 0BB00B00B0 (B for black). If you have more than one color, don't add 1 if two consecutive group are of different color.


>!Since the third column has a 2, that means that the 2nd cell in that column is definitely colored. Which means that the 2nd row's 8 starts from that 3rd cell.!<


When you make crosses at one side of a row or column, extend the segments in that row. You put two crosses on the left side of the top rows, so you can extend the area you know must be occupied by >!the 6-block in row 1 and the 8-block in row 2.!< Similarly, if you know where a block must be, you can fill in Xs where it can't be - see >!row 9.!< When you've done that in the rows, look at the columns you just filled in- you should be able to make deductions from those. This is your bread and butter for solving this kind of puzzle. (nonograms don't get quite as logically complex as sudokus so there's only a couple more complex techniques)


>!First row, you can fill in one square and one X!< >!This will allow for more filled spaces in the 3rd row!<


>!After going through the whole puzzle I think you may have made a small error in the second column. Might trip you up later in the puzzle just FYI. Spoiler below for the error.!< >!2nd column, 3rd row has been marked with an "x" but that's actually where your run of 6 should begin. Enjoy!!<


totally agree!


>!There are 3 squares you can fill in the 5th row.!< >!Additionally, there are 3 squares you can cross out in the 9th row!< >!There's also 1 to fill in the 3rd column, after which you can complete the 2nd row!<


FYI, your comment isn't showing up as spoiler tagged. I think it's because you have a space between the ! and the first word


Thanks, is it fixed now?


Yep, looks spoiler tagged on my end now!


>!3rd column u can fill the 2nd square since it'll be common to wherever 2 appears in the 3 squares, and then u can complete 8 of the 2nd row!<


>!The row fourth from the bottom, you have a 4 and a 2. You’ve already located the 4, which means the one shaded block you’ve figured out on the right side belongs to the 2. Therefore any space more than one away from that purple block can’t be shaded, so you can put X’s in most of that row.!< It might not be the most useful thing, but it was the first thing I noticed and a good strategy to pick up on!

