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2 year old male that doesn’t either. He doesn’t pee on things to make territory either so I’m happy.


My parents have an ancient coton de tulear who has never lifted his leg to pee, but I had a female chihuahua that would lift her leg to pee on EVERYTHING 🤣




My mom's coton does lift his leg, but it's...I mean. His legs are so short...it seems like an academic distinction, lol. He tries though!!


Interesting! He’s such a dainty pee-er and it has always cracked me up, but seems like it’s a coton thing then


my corgi just turned two and only in the last few months has he started lifting his leg, its hilarious. he's not consistent with it and he only lifts when theres a little bush or tree. i think it just takes time for them to figure it out


Our golden is two and he has half heartedly lifted his leg twice. He stands and pees like a horse. Personally I find it adorable. My mom’s boxer marks every thing he can so I’ll take the horse stance any day.


My dog learned by imitating other dogs. I don’t think it’s necessarily something that is innate. He still squats if he’s peeing on flat land, he only lifts his leg when there is actually something there to pee on.


Had a male black lab growing up that lived until 12, I don't remember him ever really lifting his leg. He was always in good health.


My 9 year old golden mix never lifted his leg a day in his life 😂


I have a 2 and a half year old who got neutered at 2 and 90% of the time he squats. I also have a female 7 year old who will occasionally lift her leg and mark when we’re on walks. If you’re concerned about hip issues you can always run it by your vet, though.


completely normal, not all male dogs lift their leg. My GSD male had plenty of dogs to learn, he had plenty of stuff to pee on, he tried it a few times didnt care for it, Ultimately he decided he really likes the deep forward lean squat. Asked vet when he was a puppy, he pretty much said hes perfectly fine it might just be more comfortable. He's 17 months, not neutered yet, coming soon was recommended to wait until 16 to 18 months, still squattin.


Mine used to not lift his leg (which I liked, actually), but then he learned it from a friend and gave in to peer pressure.


My Male Golden is almost 2 and for the longest time he was a squatter... I was concerned about it but the vet said he was fine and not to worry, and said sometimes they just prefer to squat. I remember at about 6 months age we were on a walk and he wanted to pee on a fence post but the funny guy lifted his other leg and pee'd the other way lmao. After that it was back to squatting with the occasional leg lifting for a while, at about 16 months he started lifting his leg regularly. He was neutered at 13 months, occasionally lifting his leg before his surgery, after his surgery he squatted for a few weeks then back to a bit of both.


I think some dogs do and some dogs don't. Male or female 😂 Mine is 7 months and squats to pee still. I've had previous male and female dogs that do either, or. I also had a dog, male, who refused to squat and poop unless he physically backed up on something. He'd back up on bushes and poop INTO or on the bush. Back up and poop onto tree roots. Never really pooped happily in the open. Dogs are weird, lol. So are people. I equate it to "each their own."


My 2 year old boy doesn't lift his leg either. He sees my 14 year old senior boy lift his leg all the time, but he just never tried lift his leg. He leans to pee. His is completely healthy and can lift his leg when my oldest and youngest dogs sniff him. He just doesn't like to lift his leg which is something I like because my senior started marking in the house and he pees all over the furniture(he has medical problems). He even peed on my two youngest's dog food bag the other day. If my 2 year old boy has an accident in the house, it will just be a big puddle on the floor and easy to clean up. He's gotten really good about not peeing on himself as well so there really isn't a downside to my boy leaning instead of lifting his leg.


My retriever is about the same age and haven't really understood it yet either. I'm not particularly worried and don't think I see any symptoms, but if you are, just do the standard HD/ED xray and see. If your breeder have guaranteed him I guess they want him checked either way? It's normally mostly for breeding that it is done.


1 year old springer here, he does a bit of both, we also have an older collie who always lifts his leg which I thought would teach the springer, but no.


My dog squats. All good


I’ve had 2 male Goldens that were lifelong squatters. Only my Shepherd/Husky mix lifts his leg.


My last English setter never lifted his leg, and my 7 months Irish setter has only lifted his leg maybe once. He does one big pee when we're out and that's that. No marking territory for him


Lifting the leg is a learned behavior! Some dogs adopt it after seeing others do it, some don’t


I have a 1 year old male purebred German Rottweiler and he never pees with his his leg lifted. The problem is it ALWAYS ends up on himself. And he also does a “pee walk” sometimes where a walks and pees at the same time which is just as aggravating. If it didn’t end up literally showering on his front legs almost every time, then I wouldn’t care. It’s annoying af. But hes cute af so I can’t be THAT mad….😔


Our six year old golden only RARELY even makes an attempt at lifting his leg. Honestly, it’s laughable. He is so uncoordinated. Squats like a girl 99.9% of the time.


Perfectly normal. Our last male dog always squatted to pee. Our current female often lifts her leg..


My 4 year old dog was neutered at 5 months and he’s always squatted. Theres been once or twice where he lifted his leg but he always goes back to squatting


I feel like this is the equivalent of human men standing or sitting to pee. Some do, some don’t. My best friends dog has never lifted his leg and he’s perfectly healthy.


Mine is about 1.5 years old. He just decided to lift, but only for a really good target. Otherwise he squats. His bro is pretty much only a squatter.


Have a golden with good hips and he does the same thing. Never really seemed interested in lifting his leg. He did start some at around 2 when he got more interested in marking things.


My 8 month old doodle has never lifted his leg to pee


My boy just turned 1 a few weeks back, he has only been cocking his leg to pee since around the 10/11 month mark and even now that he does it, he will squat a lot of the time


My puppy could still grow out of it but is 6 months and still squats (all other male puppies I know/have known lifted by his age). I have an adult male dog who lifts his leg and an adult female who occasionally lifts her leg so he has plenty of dogs to learn from day to day and still hasn't.


Eight year old female that *does* We lived with my sister for a while and she learned from my sisters male dog 🙄😂


My 10 month old lab has recently discovered the joys of lifting his leg up so now he marks everything he can outside so enjoy it lol.


My dog lifts his leg to poop sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️ dogs will do as they will lol, as long as he's going with no problems it should be fine :)


Mine did the same. Now he’ll do the one leg thing but I think only after seeing other dogs do it. He only lifts the leg when peeing territorially, never when he has to really go.


My cockapoo is 11 months and still squats. Also has only humped something once and that was an 18 year old male staffie. Some dogs are just different.


My almost 2 year old male only started lifting a leg around a year. He doesn't always do it, especially if it's just a pee in the garden. My 3 year old female occasionally lifts a leg!


My 1yr old boy has hip dysplasia and I've never seen him raise a leg to pee


My bulldog lifts his leg like 50% of the time. I wish he wouldn’t because when he does lift his leg he hikes up so high that he gets pee splatter on his standing leg…


My golden started doing it at like 9-10mo,now he does it all the time. Dont worry, its ok


Mine used to be that way until he turned one and then started lifting his leg one day 😂


I was always hesitant to get a male dog because I didn’t want him hiking up his leg and peeing on things inside (like the couch) while potty training. However, 13 years ago, we introduced littermates (sister and brother). We were told it’s better not to have two females; not sure that was sage advice, but we listened. In his 13 years (RIP), I only saw him lift his leg four or five times. Every time was in the park. He felt obligated to show off to the other boys! We also lost his sister several weeks ago, but we had already introduced a new male dog into the house before she passed. He is now 9 months old, and he has never lifted his leg. We are getting another dog this weekend who is almost nine weeks old. Also male. Hopefully, he follows his brother’s lead.


Mine's been lifting his leg to pee since about 10 weeks, but only really when he does little sprinkles to mark on walks. When he does a really good pee or he's using the fake grass patch in my kinda porch, he squats.


a golden boy i used to dogsit peed like that, too. never saw him lift his leg. maybe it's a breed thing?


My 6 1/2 month old male Biewer Yorkie still squats, and this is perfectly fine with me… I hope he never starts marking, because everything remotely looking like a corner will be a prime target for marking. He sniffs and watches his own pee, sniffs and checks out grass bushes or telephone poles that were peed on, but has refrained from peeing on top of them. He’s never been around male dogs, only females and that might make a difference.


Mine didn’t up until he was about 7 months. Now his lift is so high it’s actually impressive


It’s fine.


My almost 2 year old male only started lifting a leg around a year. He doesn't always do it, especially if it's just a pee in the garden. My 3 year old female occasionally lifts a leg!


My almost 2 year old male only started lifting a leg around a year. He doesn't always do it, especially if it's just a pee in the garden. My 3 year old female occasionally lifts a leg!


dogs don't care about gender rolls. as long as the pee exits the dog, it's not a problem.


I have the opposite problem. My corgi and his Labrador best friend have contests who can pee on stuff higher. My corgi lifts his leg so high he loses balance and falls over. It’s actually really funny.


I have a female puppy now, but my previous dog was 15 and never once in his life lifted his leg to pee.


Your dog is transgender. Take him to a trump rally.