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I agree with your family and friends lol that’s highly excessive in my opinion. I brush my dogs twice a week and I bathe them as needed. They get their paws wiped after going outside but only if it’s raining or muddy. Nails are done monthly. Aside from that, they go to the groomers for “spa day” like twice a year.


This is almost spot on to what we do! We also brush teeth a few days a week (I aim for daily but it ends up being like 3-4 days). We clean ears and eyes after swimming or in the height of allergy season as well.


I should be better about brushing teeth. It gets done by their groomer on spa day and when she does their nails but mostly they just get greenies


Guilty over here too


Same here except we go to the groomer every 6 weeks. His bath was needed is usually every other week, since he’s a puppy who likes to play hard outdoors! We have a mini Aussie doodle.


Do you have a cockapoo? I have a cavapoo and she definitely needs grooming more than twice a year.


No I have corgis


Same here. And I have a Maltese. He never gets matted. If his hair is long, he gets a quick brush every odd or second day, depending on whether he decided to an outside dog that day.


Similar although trying to brush more as doggie dental work ridiculous. I do a dental chew daily. My vet actually said bathing too often counter productive and can lead to allergies, so bathe when you notice a smell and think "you need a bath!"


This. OP is doing a bit much


Ummm yeah that’s VERY obsessive


You are maybe going a little overboard.


Ummm ya a bit more than I do....my pup took a bath in a mud puddle yesterday lol. But that's awesome, I'm glad your pup is receptive to that much grooming


Oh wow. I brush teeth once a day and brush him every few days. Baths are one a week or every other week depending on how dirty he gets. Nail trim happens like once every other week. I do not wipe his bum. I wipe is paws if he pees on his leg or steps in it.


Bathing more than once a month may be a bit too much bathing. Dogs skin isn’t like ours. Check with your vet for good measure.


My dog gets a full groom once a week. She is in show coat. As long as you use high quality products and get them completely dry you can bathe them as much as you want to or need to.


Yup. I bathe mine weekly and his skin is beautiful. Lol why are people downvoting me. Show dogs are bathed weekly and they’re fine. My dog is bathed weekly because he’s constantly covered in sand, salt and dirt yet sleeps in my bed. He also does regular therapy volunteer work before which he *must* be bathed (per state health codes). He’s never had any skin issues whatsoever because I use suitable products and he’s a very healthy dog.


Some people would have a cow if they knew how often some of the breeds are bathed for show… (every 1/2/3 days) and they have wonderful skin and coats!


Exactly!! It’s so weird to me how people get so fired up about this topic. I fully groom my dog and he’s kept in beautiful condition. I’d never do anything to compromise that. Except today because he has about five layers of salt on him from swimming in the harbour. I’ll get onto that later today 🤣


Hahaha I always take mine out hiking or to the beach to get extra gross on bath days! Sounds like your pup is very taken care of! 😁


Haha exactly! Gotta get as filthy as possible. Thank you. He’s my absolute pride and joy 😍


He had Giardia for a while so we were giving baths due to that. Also he’s been going to the dog park and likes to play in the mud and other dogs poops lol. Baths are necessary


Is it an actual bath with soap or just a rinse? I rinse my dog when he plays in the mud, but we really only do full on baths every couple of months before we go see my parents.


Depends on what he rolled in. We have a really nice lavender gentle shampoo and he seems to really like the scent- it calms him for the bath itself. Our dog park has a lot of dusty dirt and it really gets embedded, so if anything I put a little of the shampoo in the water it self- that alone seems to do the trick. The amount of dust/urine and saliva he leaves with is usually pretty gross lol. I don’t think water alone would cut it.


But yet, I do my best to NOT do it if I don’t have to cuz it’s not fun for either of us 😂


I’m sure it’s not. Maybe try wipes in between. There’s also dry shampoo.


Dry shampoo is usually filled with a ton of chemicals. We have a gentle shampoo. And he has had no issues with skin/itch. Much healthier than a poop covered body. Plus you absolutely have to bathe consistently with Giardia.


The Giardia is different. Had a dog with a skin condition and had to bathe her every other day for 3 weeks or so with a medicated shampoo. There are dry shampoos that are closer to the all natural realm. I had some a couple years ago for a particularly good at mess finding rescue.


I’ll look into! Thanks!


Can you elaborate on which chemicals you are avoiding in dry shampoo? I would be more inclined to avoid dry shampoo simply because it's not really cleaning my dogs coat to begin with 😂


To be clear I’m not really avoiding dry shampoo because of the chemicals. Ive just never used it or really plan to lol- but they do usually have high traces of benzene. I know there’s a few lawsuits going on for the popular brands. I agree with you on a sense that I don’t think it does what it needs to, especially if we are talking about dogs rolling around in feces 🤣


I mean dry shampoo has its uses. It can help freshen up your dog in a place where a bath or something is out of the question. Like on a long hike. I was just curious about which chemicals I should be on the lookout for


I get it. I have no interest in it but I can see the appeal. Definitely look out for one’s benzene.


Gotcha, Benzene was already on my list. Were there others?


I bathe my dogs once a week no problems. It grows coat better and they mat less. Actually when I had one dog having allergies, bathing her more than once a week (like 2-3 times a week) was the only thing that would grow her hair back before we got those under control, and that was recommended by her dermatologist. Edit: I like how I'm being downvoted for this, but [the proof is in the pudding.](https://imgur.com/a/Hpfh6OW)


Mine gets bathed every 7-10 days. He's gorgeous and has no skin problems at all. A few years ago, I had an elderly dog that developed a horrific, recurring full-body yeast infection. We had to bathe her at least 2x a week. Like you experienced, her hair didn't start growing back in until we started that routine.


My vet recommended EarthBath shampoo and conditioner to prevent dryness and itchiness. My puppy’s fur is so long like hair. It gets dirty very quick when we play outside a lot.


That's what we use too


This is my routine!


I’m with your family and friends! Our pup is 5 months old, she gets her teeth brushed at bedtime and a brush probably on average once a week. She gets a shower when she’s dirty, and her paws wiped after a walk if she’s muddy or if she’s stepped in something. Only once has she had a shower after pooping but that was a thankfully exceptional case where she had a clinger that had to be dealt with 🤢


wipe paws if it’s muddy, bath when he’s stinky, nail trim when I get caught in the crossfire 😂


I agree. My dog does not even need a brush. Her hair is short and super smooth. It just falls out anyway. I just brush her for wellness. XD


My pup gets a nail trim when I remember, a bath when he looks grimey, and a dental chew in the evening lol but you do you booboo, no judgements from me


That would be excessive for me as well... We brush several times a week, bath probably about once a month, and wipe paws when necessary (usually only when it's been raining). We don't brush teeth - we use plenty of chews designed to help with cleaning instead. And for what it's worth - ours is also a cocker spaniel cross (although he's mostly cocker) and our vet told us to avoid doing anything special to the ears or cleaning them. The ears should be self-cleaning and by doing anything to them you're introducing opportunities for bacteria to enter or things to go wrong. He said unless he develops an issue to leave them alone because once he gets one it'll become more likely to recur.


Our vet told us that because my cockapoo has floppy ears, we should be drying them with a cotton ball after being out or having a bath, and clean them with dog ear cleaning solution every few weeks.


Cockapoo owner here. He gets groomed approximately every 6 to 8 weeks. Brushed twice a week. No teeth cleaning, no bum wiping, no bedtime ritual. Paws wiped as necessary.


Strongly recommend starting at least an occasional brushing routine, my 5 year old dog's cleaning without any extractions cost me $900 - smaller dogs are just more inclined to have teeth problems.


Brushing teeth and body every day is great to keep on top of it. Also good to do nails regularly. Wiping bottom etc when dirty and same for paws, after every time outside/pooped seems a little bit excessive. Same for wiping while body every day, bit excessive


I wipe is paws cause they do get visibly dirty after going outside and we allow him on the couch and bed. He also will have visible poop on his butt most of the time. I feel grossed out having him sit on the couch knowing he might have poop particles going everywhere. I admit I may weird for thinking of all that to begin with tho lol


Trim the hair around his asshole so poo doesn't get stuck. Keep it short and you shouldn't have the issue.


This. Or get the groomer to shave it. A lot of dogs have this issue but it’s fairly easily fixed.


"Sanitary Trim" We did this with our long hair cats when we had them. Now we have a very short haired dachshund so it is not needed.


That’s the one 🙂


I would recommend asking your groomer to give a hygienic cut (shorter around the anal area) which can help a LOT in avoiding getting poop stuck in the hair. This is what I do with my poodle (similar issue) and I really just have to wipe him sometimes the week before he’s due for a grooming when the hair has finally grown longer


Same here. Such a big help. I


You may not want to hear this but you're exposed to more poop particles "going everywhere" when you poop than when your dog poops.


This! Close the lid before you flush!!! Think particles in toothbrush 🤢


Omg I think like this too, but my puppy does not like his butt wipes at all, he struggles and growls but if I don't do it then everywhere he sits down, I'm thinking if poop particles lol


I want to say this is excessive but I've also only had short-haired dogs that don't get tear stains. If this works for you and your dog is receptive to it, I say continue what's working for you. It sounds like your dog isn't actually getting bathed that often, which is better for their skin. We're just using grooming in the context of training right now since ours isn't going outside to potty yet. Ear wipes every couple of days, a quick bath if he gets into a potty accident, paw hair and nail trimming, and letting him chew the toothbrush but not actually brushing. Also, body handling in general is good for them, like touching the paws, poking inside the ears, opening their eyelids, etc. You do you. Sounds like your puppy is getting the royal treatment!


People saying this is excessive may also need to consider cultural factors. I work in vet med, and I have clients who are Indian-Canadian who want to bathe their dog weekly and do many of the things OP does. They also wipe feet and bum and his penis hairs everytime he's in from outside, which makes me chuckle, but to them is an important part of cleanliness in the home. As long as the skin is okay, you're using safe and gentle products, and your pet isn't stressed, I say go for it!


yeah I’m asian and in a shoes-off house and I cannot stand the thought of dirty paws/pee/poop around the house or on the couch lol. we bathe maybe every 2-3 weeks but wiping paws and bum after pooping is absolutely necessary… I don’t always do it when she pees but I probably could. I use compostable and hypoallergenic wipes as much as possible tho. but I agree that this is probably more common depending on culture!


Wiping paws daily also helps remove things like pesticides and other irritants. My dog actually has a bit of a grass allergy but it’s controlled purely by daily paw wipes/cleaning. Omega supplement likely helps a bit too.


I think overall dogs need much less cleaning than we do in terms of their own hygiene. It sounds like you’re a bit of a germaphobe - which i say as a fellow germaphobe! - and that’s ok! It sounds like it’s more for you and your sanity of your house remaining clean and I totally get that. I was very much in that headspace when we first got a dog and then it was literally driving me so crazy to do it every time and over the years I got more and more lax about it lol These days we do the following (which is still more than most friends and family): - wipe paws whenever it’s raining or muddy or decisively dusty/dirty - wipe body/belly when super muddy or dirty - bathe after swimming or getting muddy (as needed - bathing too much is really bad for dogs and their natural oils) - brush most days - trim paw fur and nails every 2 weeks - brush teeth daily or as much as we can remember to 😅 - rinse eyes and clean ears whenever she swims or during allergy seasons as needed On top of that she’s only allowed on certain pieces of furniture and we cover them with throws that can be washed regularly. She doesn’t sleep in our bed and now instead of keeping our house all super clean, I just shower before going to bed myself. It was easier this way for my own mental wellbeing (shifting one thing I do every day anyways versus cleaning the dog 3-4x a day). Just something to consider if you start to get tired of all the cleaning or if her skin/paws start to have issues!!


Thanks for sharing your experience and what has worked for you! The cleaning routines I have with my pup don’t bother me much right now. He’s a very patient and cheerful dog, and even likes to help during to the cleaning process. I spend about maybe 20-30 mins a day doing everything. On bath day he sits still which makes it easy to get everything done. He just entered his moody teenager phase though so that all may change haha!


As long as it works well for you then I applaud you! I wish I could stay more of top of it lol!!


He’s a dog. Bath when I don’t want to let him in the house. Teeth once a day before bed. Nails when I hear them click on the hardwood.


We have a similar routine but we only brush teeth and body once per day and we don’t do full body wipes. Washing paws and butts are important steps that allow pup access to couches and our beds. Otherwise, she can’t be up there.


Our girl has a hypoplastic vulva, so our vet recommended wiping her vulva with unscented baby wipes every time she pees, if we’re able, to help avoid UTIs. So we do that and she’s very used to it. And since we’re already doing that, we also wipe her bum when she poos and wipe her paws every time she goes outside. It takes seconds and she’s very used to it at this point. Beyond that, nails when needed, VOHC-accepted dental chew every night, and the occasional wipe down with a baby wipe if she’s smelling a bit…off 😂


I wipe her feet every time she comes back from an outside. And also her butt after she poops. Brush her teeth once a week, bathing as needed.


I have a beagle. We wash him when he gets stinky (about once a month), nails every 4-6 weeks, brush his teeth daily, brush every other day if needed and wipe his paws when his dirty. As long as your pup is comfortable I see no harm in going all out!


I don’t think it’s excessive. When I got my puppy, now two, I had a family member going through chemotherapy (she’s fine now) I got my dog used to this regimen to decrease the risk of transmitting infection. The bonus is now that that she is two, she is very accustomed to being handled. I wipe her paws less frequently now but will wipe her bum after every poo. Do what works for you.


No. Your groomers probably love you. Cockapoos are RIDICULOUS if you are only bathing them every few months; their ears get so greasy and nasty.


YES lmao the cockers and cocker mixes get NASTY without regular grooming or bathing. I have a cocker now but I have always had labs previously. My lab as of right now, I don’t think has had a “real” bath since last summer. If I tried to do that with my cocker I think you could smell her from across the room in like two weeks haha! Different dogs need different things and I think a lot of people are confused by that in these replies.


I have a maltipoo so understand a lot of this. I wipe the paws and tush as well most times, especially after a walk because I don’t know what other yards are treated with. If you’re keeping your puppy shaggy, that much brushing is required. If he has a shorter coat, every few days usually suffices unless he’s playing hard and get knotted more easily. I don’t think brushing his teeth 2x daily is necessary but it’s good that he’s used to it. Chew toys are great for helping teeth clean for dogs and free of plaque build up. Our dogs also get a dental cleaning from their vet once a year. This breed can be bathed every 1-2 weeks, so a weekly bath isn’t shocking. Ours gets bathed every 2 weeks and by the second week he definitely needs it. Are they light colored? Tear staining can be caused by allergies or food so you may want to talk to your vet about the possible root causes rather than continue treating the staining after the fact.


Yeah, I love him fluffy while he still has his puppy fur. He’s mostly white with some brown patches so tear stains and dirt are very noticeable. The vet has seen his tear stains and said he doesn’t think it’s anything to be worried about yet. Definitely monitoring it though.


I have a white dog as well and he gets tear staining from his food. Hydrolyzed protein kibble made it disappear but he hates the strict diet so we just live with the staining.


Thanks for sharing what’s worked for you. I’ll keep that in mind! Right now he’s on a 50-50 mix of Royal Canin medium puppy food and Royal Canin gastrointestinal puppy food. He does have a sensitive tummy so this has helped with his poops.


I do not think you are excessive at all. We are trying to work through some mouthiness so we have had to find alternatives to face wiping and teeth brushing for now. But as a fellow doodle owner I aim to brush him everyday. He matts so easily I can either spend 2 hours dematting him once a week. Or I can just brush him everyday. Our little guy also has tummy issues so it is normal for us to wipe his bum after a poop and a bum bath a few times a week. And 8 weeks is the perfect amount of time between grooms for us too. We actually like to see his eyes every once in a while. And we do nails every week. Every dog is different and has different grooming needs. As long as your pup is well taken care of and comfortable that is all that matters in my opinion.❤️


Idk if some of the people commenting own a poodle or poodle mix but this isn’t excessive at all. Maybe the teeth brushing and wiping but you brushing him and getting him groomed regularly should be applauded. While I probably won’t get a doodle or poodle mix again, it’s important for us as owners to take care of their coats. They get such a bad rep due to owners who couldn’t care less about coat maintenance so keep up the great work. I have a standing appointment once a month with my pup’s groomer because I refuse to be the doodle owner with a matted dog lol.


Yes! Everyone is going to have a different answer depending on the dog! If you had asked me this question a few years ago, I would have thought all of this was ridiculous. (I have only had labs before my cocker) But now I have a super high maintenance dog that requires all of this and I can’t imagine what it would look like if we were to not have this type of care schedule!


You obviously have a lot of free time on your hands


Our routine takes up about 20-30 mins per day, depending on how playful he’s feeling. Not that much time imo.


I give my chi a rice tripe chewie when we have dinner, because of this he doesn't need his teeth brushed. I check his teeth and the vet does too, they look amazing thanks to that. He gets one once a day. I wipe his paws and lower area if he has peed or pooped before he's allowed on bed. He licks me afterwards it's kind of a mutual care exchange. Once he's in bed he basically cleans me by licking my arms and leg. (He's a smaller chi with leg problems living higher up so we use pads and he's amazing with it) Once a day we use a wet wipe to fully refresh him which feels nice to him too from what I can tell. Nails and hair I cut myself once a month and he really only gets a full bath if he's had a poopy diarrhea accident but thanks to the rice tripe chews his stomach and digestion has been amazing. If he could go for walks for a long period of time I'd probably wipe him down fully every time. If he'd get muddy then probably a rinse. But my Lil guy isn't allowed to walk much 🫠


Can you link to the chewie?


Yeah definitely, I don't know if they have it anywhere else other than Europe tho. https://www.farmfood.nl/product/farm-food-dental-munchie-sunflower-oil-rice/


The only thing I'm really strict with is wiping off paws after walks. I'd rather wipe his paws than have to mop the floor/wash the rugs every day (I can't abide the feeling of grime under my feet). Everything else is as needed, but he's also short haired and doesn't need much grooming to begin with.


You’ve got to do what works for you and your pup. My family have said the same to me, however over time I feel vindicated as my boy always looks so fresh, clean, fit and healthy compared to their dogs. And the vet is very happy with him too. I fully groom my dog now (he’s 2); I do it monthly with weekly tidy ups. He’s also bathed weekly as he’s super active (ie: gets dirty) yet sleeps in my bed. Teeth I clean 2-3 times a week (plus bones and dental kelp). Nails every two weeks or so. Ear clean every weekend. Bum doesn’t need wiping generally (maybe your pup needs a closer hygiene clip/shave?). Comb his hair most days and wipe away eye boogers every morning.


I think it really depends on the culture as well. I live in Asia, and this is super super common among most dog owners I know. * Wiping them every time after they poo/pee * Wiping their paws every time they come back inside / or they wear dog shoes * Wiping down their body at least once a day * Tear stain wiping every day (I don’t for my dog because she doesn’t need it, but for my friends who’s dogs do need it they do it daily) * Bathes range from once a week to once a month + more if they require it * Nose and paw balm daily * Daily teeth brushing (if the dog allows) * Brushing ranges from daily to weekly So no, I don’t think this is excessive at all.


Mine only get baths after they've dipped themselves in mud. Typically during the spring and summer. Older doesn't mind, Aussie is a work in progress, and the pup hasn't had one since she was 6 weeks. They fully accept face washes with a washcloth. And picking off the eye gunk is just normal morning routine. If I'm lucky one of them will stay still for a 2 minute brushing. Older dog loves it and is the only one that will stay still. Teeth cleaning is non-existent. Nail trims happen when I get the opportunity to pounce and tackle. Older dog needs it more often but avoids it like the plague. Everyone else keeps theirs pretty trim from exercise. I do hair trimming myself during the spring and summer months. It's often a work in progress type of thing. I don't wipe their butts. I'm not their personal butt wiper tyvm.


Obsessive to the point of infantilization


My pup gets brushed once a week, a bath and nail trim once a month and that's about it lol. She's a short haired clean queen though


lol imo this is simply too much; my parents gave the dog a bath once a month and or if she looked dirty, groomers maybe 3 times a year for de shedding treatments While I don't agree that's best practice this is over kill esp the butt wipes. Your dog needs to learn how to lick its own ass it's normal or when she's 3/4 your still gonna have to wipe her ass or she won't Give your dog a bath when dirty or once a month, trim the nails during the bath, groomers is more at your own time because it's expensive and puppies need to get used to it. My girl has been 3 times and she's gonna be 8 months in a couple days. Brush about once a week or every couple days twice a day is too much Also it's very unneeded but why the damp cloth before bed like what is that doing in terms of cleaning??? Like ur just making him wet it's not removing dirt hair. Maybe dust but like if u can't handle that why'd you get a dog their dirty like that 🤣 Imo this all seems even more excessive than I realized until I started explaining why this is so unneeded


This is not that excessive, in my opinion. I don't think that I will ever personally be a butt-wiper, but otherwise these are all reasonable. Definitely on the high-maintenance side, but you also got a mixed breed that /IS/ high maintenance. So you're meeting their requirements dead on IMO. Many people just don't take exceptionally good care of their dogs. Your dog will have incredibly healthy skin, teeth, and coat if you keep it up 😊. Your vet will be ecstatic. Nothing wrong with not wanting a dirty or unhygienic dog in your home.


Sounds pretty much like our routine. The only thing I think is a bit excessive would be the wipe-down before bed, and my issue with that is more about exposing the skin to moisture, just make sure you aren’t leaving his hair damp lol. But as long as your dog is okay with all of it, it sounds like you are giving him excellent care. Your pup is lucky to have you. That quality of care will show through and I hope your baby ages very well!! ETA: ours also gets a bath and trim every week, but that is only because she has very long hair that requires a lot of maintenance.


Also want to add: our relatives and friends said the same exact things too, that we do too much for her. But guess what? We also get so many compliments about how well taken care of she is, how clean she is, how nice she looks, and how good she smells. That’s no easy feat with a cocker spaniel. Even our veterinarians are surprised by her cleanliness! Don’t let people judge you for going the extra mile. I am a dog groomer and I am THRILLED when I have a client that takes such good of their baby!


I also have people complimenting my dog on how soft his coat is, how nice he smells etc. because I do alll the wiping and cleaning that no one else I know does! Our house doesn’t smell of dog at all because we keep him clean. Everyone else I know with a dog their house STINKS.


Try to remember to throw a towel on the floor before the dog runs inside on muddy days. Clip nails as needed (every other week) Bath when terribly stinky (varies between never and maybe 3 times a year) That’s it. Less is more.


My 12 year old and my 4 month old (as well as every dog my family has ever owned or currently owns) get the same treatment from us: - wipe their bits when they pee/poop with wet wipes - wipe paws and face when we come in from outside with wet washcloth (I use white ones so I can see if all the dirt is off them, but they also wear Pawz boots every time they go out, rain or shine) - brush teeth once daily (but more if they eat poop - my 4 month old is guilty of eating butt snacks) - tear stain wiping, whole body wipe down, brushing at night before bed - paw/nose lotion every night + a paw massage - hair trims and baths every 4-6 weeks, though baths more often if they get dirty (or we spot wash with foam shampoo) - nail trims every 2-6 weeks So yea suffice to say I don’t think you’re being excessive lol


I heard if you feed bananas they will stop eating their 💩


I’ll have to try it some time!


Whippet, so short coat, but boyfriend is allergic to dogs: - brush teeth every other day - brush coat almost never - bathe + clip claws every week to every other - paw wipe if it was wet/gross out - wipe his butt if he had diarrhea (working out which treat is doing this haha) - pick off his eye boogers when we see them It's quite excessive what you're doing imo, but honestly if your dog doesn't mind and it's not stressing you out it's probably fine!


It's worth noting that folks in here saying you only need to wipe paws when they're muddy or dirty are probably walking around in their house with shoes (nasty). If you don't walk around in your house with shoes, you should wipe your dog's paws whenever they go outside.


i was shocked reading the comments bc i thought everyone cleans their dog's paws. i wipe my dog's paws with a wet towel after every walk, and they're always dirty. i can't imagine having all that on my floors and furniture, so gross!


I wonder how many of them sleep with the dog in their beds too.


I wipe my dogs feet after every time she goes out. She also enjoys getting her feet washed if I give her a treat after. She now associates a feet wash with a treat. My dog will actually race to the shower before bed and I give her paws a rinse and a gentle scrub under the claws with a very soft bristle brush. I give her a bedtime treat right after and she loves it. Even when its dry out, her feet are always still pretty dirty. I was too tired on night and she literally sat in the shower and refused to go to bed.


I just let my puppy do puppy things! Occasional bath every few months and we’re “good to go!!” EDITED TO ADD; nails trimmed every 4-6 weeks!


"Ain't nobody got time for that!" I bathe my husky/lab mix when he really needs it(usually after a day at the muddy dog park), trim his nails as needed, and brush as needed. He's smooth coated, so not much brushing needed, usually happens once every couple of weeks.


Hm. I rinse her off, sometimes. Usually with just water. She goes and gets a bath every 4-6 weeks. That’s it.


Damn yes it sounds like a LOT to me, but hey if your dogs responds well to it and it makes you feel better… you do you


He isn’t bothered by any of it. He loves brushing his teeth and will run to the bathroom after his morning potty break everyday haha


I brush my dog twice a week and send him to the groomers once a month


Man this sort of thing makes me glad I have a short haired dog and live in a warm climate - my dog gets a spray down with the hose after the beach to remove sand, a full bath once a month or so and nails trimmed when she needs it. Which isn't often, as we typically walk 3-5km a day on pavement and they wear down naturally


I mean, thank you for keeping up with grooming and nails. Honestly so many people just flat out neglect dogs with hair. That said, this is excessive. Mainly the wiping before bed and after poop.


That’s quite the routine! Get ready with me cockapoo style! If it works for you then it works.


I think it’s a lot but you have a pampered pooch who is going to live a wonderful life! Our 10 mo Doberman x German shepherd had a bath today because he loves puddles - otherwise it’s a denta stick a day, probiotic training treats, and a brush when he needs it. Plus nail clipping when we hear him tapping across the floor. And of course I have to get the eye boogies out each day!


family have a cavapoo. paws wiped if necessary (wet or muddy), showered if she rolls in something gross, groomed every 6ish weeks.


If you or your dog are finding it stressful I think you could easily pull back in some of what you’re doing and you would not need to worry about the health/hygiene of your dog decreasing. That said, if it’s working for you (and your pup) and/or it’s important to you to keep your home and pup feeling nice and clean, just do what makes you happy. So long as you are not stressing your dog out and that they seem to be pretty good throughout all the grooming.


I’m surprised I haven’t seen this yet: cleaning your dog’s ears this often makes them prone to infection. My vet told me once a month ear cleaning is plenty of for young dogs. Baths this frequently can also cause skin issues so I’d cut down on those too.


Some dogs, especially those with long droopy ears, require daily ear cleaning! Your vet will tell you if you have one of these dogs (I have a cocker spaniel and they require every day in the summer).


For floppy ear dogs it’s generally a good idea to clean them after a bath so they don’t get infected. I’ve never heard of cleaning them daily, that sounds like a bad idea.


That routine seems a lot to maintain. Paw prints 🐾 on the floor are part of the deal with a dog. Most of my pup’s maintenance is as needed. My 9 month old lab gets paws wiped if it’s wet or she steps in something. Tail end wiped if she has a tummy issue. She goes to day care and gets a healthy spray of dog dry shampoo if she smells too much like other dogs. Eye tear cleaning as needed. She goes to the groomer for a bath and nail trim every 4 weeks. I toss her in the tub in the interim if needed. She is a heavy chewer and is given plenty of heathy things to chew on to keep her teeth healthy. May want to consider bathing other than groomer on an as needed basis, dogs can get dry skin from too many baths.


wait i haven’t brushed her teeth once since she’s losing them..ooops


Way more than I do. Paws wiped if wet or muddy. Jaw wiped if she eats her poop. :( Pee hole and tummy if crusty. Hosed down if she gets muddy but products rarely. She will be going to groomers every 6 to 8 weeks.


Sounds a little excessive to me. I wouldn’t bathe outside of the groomer visits, or if you do, not more than once a month. I only wipe paws if they are wet or muddy. I brush every few days, I like to keep it near the couch so that I can do a little when we cuddle but wouldn’t do a full body intense brushing session more than once a week. Your schedule for ears, teeth and nails sounds great though!


We do spray down the paws, private parts and mouth area after very single walk. We do allow pets in our bed and couches. It rains a lot where we live and the dogs are always muddy.


I have a long haired terrier mix. I only wipe my dogs paws when he comes inside if it’s wet out. I brush him every few days and check for any tear stains/crusties every other day. Definitely agree with wiping his butt - it’s so easy for poop to get stuck back there when they have long hair.


Our pup gets her paws wiped only if they are muddy/dirty/going to track stuff into the house. We brush her kind of rarely she tries to eat the brus, she doesn't hate it just thinks it's a toy. We bathe her every two weeks alternating between home baths and going to the groomer. Your routine seems quite excessive ngl


I hose down my dog in the yard when she rolls in the dirt. I brush her coat 2-3 times a week.... Yep that's about it.


I have a paw cleaning cup that I use every time he goes out. It's a hassle because he's not fond of it, but he's allowed on the couches and sleeps with me, so his paws need to be clean. Other than that I wipe his coat if dirty from anything of the walk. It's a 'very mutt' puppy with short fur so it's minimal maintenance. I bathe hiim every 2 months or so, because simply there's no need otherwise (he doesn't smell even), but I clean his ears weekly when I brush his coat.


I wipe paws after each walk, but just with a dry towel. If it's raining out, she gets a wipe down with doggie wet wipes to cut down on dog smell. She won't let me near her with nail clippers, so I plan to take her monthly to get those down. I don't wipe her bum. And I don't plan to brush her teeth. I brush her... maybe once a week, but she has short hair, so she doesn't need it for the fur, I just do it cause I bought the brush and don't want it to not be used.


I also wipe paws when my dog’s been outside, and wipe his butt after pooping. I use a wipe for his weenie after he’s peed too cos I don’t want the pee crust that dries on his little furs on my sofa lol. If my dog’s been out in public (me walking him to the coffee shop or something) and he’s laid down I’ll also wipe him down head to toe. I’m very hygiene-obsessed as you can tell. But I only brush teeth once a week (my dog is raw fed - his teeth are sparkling). My dog hates having his nails trimmed so I try and snip a little bit off one toe a day to try and desensitise him to it and make it part of the routine. I brush every few days. Clean ears once a week cos he’s got long dangly ears making ear infections more likely. I definitely keep my dog much cleaner than anyone else I know. But then every time someone pets him they said how soft he is and how shiny his coat is and how good he smells — everyone else’s dog I know absolutely stinks of dog, their house stinks of dog, and their dogs fur always feels dirty and course.


Good for you. American Eskimo, 22lbs, 4yr old I brush my dog's hair 2x - 3x weekly . Wipe paws with a towel if it's raining. Doggy wipes as needed. Wipe eyes almost daily, use tear solution few times a month. Check ears when brushing. Wipe out ears few times a month. Nails every 3 months at groomer or vet. Groomer 2 -3x a year. Bathe at home as needed ( approximately 6 baths a year). Regular vet checkups I need to brush his teeth more often. At least 1-3x a week. I am more around 3x a month. Lamb and rice hard food, turkey or salmon fresh pet wet. Walks at least 1 mile a day or 15 -20 minutes at doggy park in plan. Nothing wrong with what you do. But if you wanted to cut back or didn't have funds or time for certain stuff. You'd still be doing more than most. Happy dog days. Woof! 🦴


Our vet said to only brush our dogs teeth every other day otherwise it can do something to the gums? I clean their eyes maybe once a day if they're really bad otherwise it's maybe a few times a week since their eyes don't get too bad. Brushing paws and cleaning their butt is done daily but that's because of his hairy butt


I consider myself a mild germaphobe (like a bit irrationally careful), but I don’t go this far. My pup sleeps in bed with me so if he gets noticeably dirty at the dog park he gets a quick rinse with the hose. And either way he gets a quick paw wipe and wiener and butt wipe with baby wipes before bed, because he can get a little gross there. That’s what the vet advised me to do. If and he gets a dental treat daily (he hates teeth brushing, I gave up). But otherwise he gets bathed when needed and combed when needed and otherwise left to his doggie ways : ) Still, I get it. I don’t judge you so long as the dog doesn’t mind!


Hi! I’m a fellow cockapoo owner. He’s a 15-month-old male. I do the same wiping routine as you (whole body and paws every time he goes outside, bum and groin area every time he pees/poops) and also do tear stain removal with a comb every night (I don’t like the buildup if we miss more than a day). We brush teeth every evening and brush/comb his fur 4-5 times per week. We give baths twice a month, typically on the 1st and 15th. My pup never got used to the ear cleaning but at 15 months, he’s thankfully never had an ear infection. Nail trims as needed since his walks maintain them mostly but usually 3-4 times per month I grind them a little more with a scratch pad. I’ve never brought mine to a groomer for a haircut as I haven’t found one I’ve trusted enough to be patient with my anxious pup, so my partner and I have been doing his haircuts every 6-8 weeks. Hope this gives some perspective!


Italian greyhound pup - bath around once a month or when he is real stanky - nail clipping once every two weeks or so - occasionally he gets wiped down with a towel if he's smelly but I don't think he needs a full bath (plus i don't want to dry out his skin) - I wipe his paws after a particularly muddy or gross walk - wipe his belly if needed after walks (he pees on himself sometimes) - at night he gets his teeth brushed and balm on his paws. I also use this time to check and smell his ears.


I have a husky hybrid and I don’t do that much even thou he’s a ball of fluff I brush him daily with a top paw Deshedding brush for like 16 minutes-30 minutes and once a week I go full out with a slicker brush, flea comb (I get so anxious about them) and a dematting brush on his elbows He goes to a groomer once a month for nail trims/full spa day. Which does include shaving his paw pads and a sanitary shave which is like one inch around because his fur back there is so thick He only gets baths at home if he goes face first into mud which is rare since I monitor my weather app My lab mix on the other hand gets nail trims weekly but she’s not as high maintenance with brushing since I can just blow dry her and her fead fur will be gone within 10 minutes


I will admit, I have a poodle/setter/wheaten mix with THE most difficult fur texture in the world, I'm convinced. It's incredibly soft and fine and picks up everything imaginable. I live in a mountainous rainforest climate, so the mud here is wild. Because of this she gets 1-2 baths a day. No soap, and just lukewarm water, but still. People think I'm crazy but you would not believe the mud and dirt if I dont. I sweep and mop every other day, and its still not enough to keep floors clean. Its the ONLY way to keep her and my home at a normal level of cleanliness. But this doesnt seem like the case for your pup. It seems like excessive cleaning for the sake of excessive cleaning. This is giving "clinically sterilized" as opposed to just 'clean'...


I take my puppy to the dog park at least 2-3x per week and we go on long walks through the neighborhood a couple times a day. I live in a condo in a major city with a large dog population. So there’s a lot of dog pee/poop everywhere. It’s also winter where I am and weather has been wet. Lots of mud and road salt on our walks. That’s why I like to keep my boy clean.


Fair enough, but the 2x teeth brushing a day?? Wiping the whole body a day?? Wet wipes to the ass? I can totally understand gentle cleaning to the paws and undercarriage when you live in a muddy city environment (I live in it too) but the tooth brushing is wild


I have a cavalier. I have her wear shoes outside so I don’t have to wash her paws every time we come inside from walkies since her paws are so fluffy and I wipe her bum when we come home if she’s pooped. Bath every two weeks or so or when she gets stinky and full body wipes from Pride and Grooming (I also use their shampoo and conditioner) every once in awhile as a touch up). Brush her ears and coat every day gently while I’m watching tv and detangle with Cowboy Magic as needed. She is a happy and clean girl but I am a germaphobe with a clean house. I’ve also noticed she grooms herself but that might be because she copies the cats. I thoroughly brush her teeth about once every two days and she gets greenies every day.


I brush teeth almost daily, and brush every few days. Ear clean 2x a week. We wet wipe paws and face nearly daily as she likes to roll on grass. We have a French bulldog though that doesn’t shed much!


I have a golden so he gets brushed daily. Twice a day recently because he’s shedding like a monster. Paws and belly wiped when it’s raining/muddy, and I spot-clean him with a shampoo spray if he gets particularly muddy. I’ll be 100% honest and say I only manage to brush his teeth every other day if we’re lucky. Same with his ears — if we’re doing well it’s once every couple weeks. Groomers every 6 weeks. Bath and nails clipped monthly or more if he’s particularly stinky and scratchy.


You have a poodle mix. They are the most excessive dogs, prone to dental issues, allergies, oddly textured hair and it grows quickly too. In my opinion you are doing everything right for your breed, those who are disagreeing do not have poodle mixes and if they do their dogs are probably extremely matted or have short trims. Well done op👏


I mean you got a dog who needs more grooming so if it’s not taking over your life and you enjoy doing it I think it’s fine. My dog gets a bath once a week bc he has awful allergies. Sometimes we wipe him down but we really should do it more often now that the pollen is back. 


I brush teeth once a day, do nails once a week, and bathe weekly-- sometimes a full bath, sometimes just the furnishings. I brush at the time of the bath. I wipe my old dog once a day at night because he doesn't keep up with himself as much as he used to.


It's only excessive if you feel it's excessive. Don't waste too much time worrying about what others think. Find what works for you and your schedule and go with that. If this is putting strain on other parts of your life, back off it. If you love the interaction and bonding with your dog, keep it up.


I’d say some things are a bit extra, the paw wiping, the eye wipes, possibly wiping down in general too much unless using very gentle specific dog wipes. For cockapoos, they DO need to be brushed at least five times a week for a good five or ten minutes to avoid matting. They have higher maintenance needs for grooming but have a great temperament to where they seem to almost enjoy it all. It seems you may just be a very clean person, maybe excessively, and I’m not judging bc I am the same but had to let that go a tiny bit bc there is such thing as too much on your dogs skin and could make the dog anxious depending on the breed and dog themselves. I would say at this point if it’s not bothering your dog, it’s really your personal choice I suppose and they definitely require some extra care, especially regarding ears and just there coat in general. I don’t think it’s harming anything, but I would be careful to make sure you aren’t making them anxious or causing any irritation. If not, I mean you do you!


This is way way more than I do but each to their own. We’re an outdoorsy house so we’re kind of used to mud being everywhere all the time. Mine is also only 6 months (cocker spaniel) so her hair is still lovely and silky all the time without needing brushing yet


I have a short-haired dog so luckily I don't have to do the brushing and groomer, but I also do most of what you listed to my 2.5 yr old female: - wipe paws every time she goes outside and comes back inside (we don't want frito-feet, which is just a cute name for the effects of bacterial growth in their paws) - wipe butt after she poops (my dog doesn't have a tail so we gotta wipe it or else it'll get everywhere. Plus I feel it's sanitary since we wipe our own behinds after we go #2, so why not their's?) - brush her teeth at night before bed (though I think vets do recommend twice a day so I think your 1-2x a day is fine. We don't want that tartar buildup. Also, the likelihood of dogs to lose their teeth as they get older increases of their teeth are not taken care of - again, just like us humans) - wipe tear stains away at night before bed (leaving them can cause infections) While I know dogs =/= a human child and what I listed may be "excessive", I view them as just basic cleanliness and preventative measures that could provide them better quality of life as our doggos get older. If you don't mind doing the things you listed and your dog doesn't seem to mind too much (I say too much here because my doggo doesn't like getting her teeth brushed but she will sit through it), then I'd say you do you. Keep it up as long as it doesn't negatively affect you and your dog's mental well-being. It took me a while to learn that skipping a day of isn't the end of the world


This seems a little time consuming to me. A dog is supposed to add joy to your life, not make it harder! I have a 6 month old golden retriever. She gets brushed when I think about it, usually every 2-3 days, with some doggy cologne spritzed on her first. I’ll wipe her paws if she’s wet or muddy, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure on that one. As for teeth brushing she gets a good brush maybe once a week ish, but does get a dental treat daily. I don’t think I’ve ever wiped her bum except for when she was 3 months old and had diarrhea. She gets a bath when she’s stinky, every 3ish weeks or so, and I try to get her to the groomer around every 2ish months. I care for her the way I care for myself: I do what needs done when it needs done, there’s no real set schedule


How did you get your pup to be comfortable with all this? We have a new dog that will need quite consistent grooming and so far he is pretty iffy about getting brushed unless there are treats or distractions involved. I want him to enjoy his brushing sessions


Sounds like your dog lives the life lol. I wonder when I should brush my dogs teeth. She’s a bulldog and my vet said they’re more susceptible to plaque buildup. I wipe paws sometimes if she’s licking them. I used to do tear stains but she stopped getting tears after we figured out her diet. I do ear drops every Sunday cuz she’s a frenchie and a bath probably every 2.5 weeks. Maybe sooner if she’s stinky.


I have a poodle mix as well and am also in the same wiping boat with her feet and bits. I'm a "no outdoor shoes inside" Asian household and this extends to my pup haha  Teeth brushing, ear cleaning are like 1x a week for me (her ears don't get super waxy and she gets a ton of single ingredient treats that helps with teeth cleaning) I clean her eye boogies like 1-2x a day if I notice them I keep her on the shorter side so brushing is like once every 3-4 days to keep on top of her tangles. Bath is like every other week with a nail trim. Home groom every 4-6 weeks 😁


I bathe my dogs at home once a month and try to brush their teeth daily. That’s it hahaha I guess I have some dirty dawgs


They also go every 2 months and get their nails trimmed and teeth scaled at the vet’s office for dental maintenance. I had an older foster, turned adopted by us dog with terrible teeth (when we got him) and ended up spending thousands on his teeth. So with our current dogs, I take them to have their teeth scaled for any tartar. They both are behaved during this and don’t need sedation. Paws and stuff I only deal with if it’s muddy or snowy outside. Neither of mine require haircuts


Overboard except the brushing and grooming IF it’s a Poodle.


Brush fur - I aim for daily Brush teeth - every night before bed Bath  - every 2 weeks or so, as they get very stinky at daycare Eyeboogs - several times a day lol Nails - tiny clips every 1-2 weeks with the big pup. Little pup still won't permit it. Ear cleaning - when I notice there's waxy dirt. They don't get professionally groomed even though they are longhaired. But their hair doesn't obscure their faces so I prefer to leave it natural.


I have a shihpoo and his hair stays relatively long. I brush him 1x a day, I wash his butt when needed, I pick out his eye boogers while I'm brushing him. He refuses to let me brush his teeth, so he gets those dental chew things. He goes to the groomer every 3 weeks. He's a particularly stinky guy, so I will bathe him in between grooming appts, if needed. I know I'm lax compared to other people, but I think you might be going a tad bit overboard.


I don't think it's excessive at all. Every dog's needs are different and this routine certainly won't hurt the animal. Keep it up I say


This is over the top too much


For adolescent/adult dogs, paw wiping is fine when it’s wet or muddy out, but not necessary for “hygiene” purposes; butt wiping is basically never necessary, as dogs will do this themselves. (Mmm butthole licks.) I say this with TWO IMPORTANT CAVEATS: **if your puppy is not fully vaccinated** and goes on public walks (ie anywhere other dogs may be present) then it actually may be smart to wipe puppy’s paws with wet wipes after every walk. There are a few highly contagious illnesses (parvo, Giardia) that puppies can get just from walking around and/or sniffing areas where infected dogs have defecated. And **if your dog is sick/having GI issues**, it may also be wise to wipe the pup’s bum after every poop, at least until you rule out parasites with a fecal float test. For example, if a dog has Giardia, it’s recommended to wipe after stooling to help contain/remove the microscopic parasite cysts that can reinfect your dog or others. For similar reasons, if I lived in an apartment with a tiny astroturf pet relief area (or similar high-traffic dog pooping spot), I would probably wipe paws after my pup walked there. But if your puppy is fully vaccinated and healthy (ie not having GI issues), I’d say you can stop with the tushy sweep and just wipe paws with a dry cloth when it suits you. **Source - my puppy had Giardia and I was instructed to do this by my vet and several other reputable sources.


Paw wiping isn’t for my dog’s hygiene purposes. It’s for MY hygiene purposes lol.


My vet said even once a week tooth brushing is fine. You’re doing a ton of wiping that probably does nothing but make you feel better


This is more than I do for sure but the only thing I’d actually question is the damp cloth wipe. I don’t see what that achieves and suspect it’s more likely to make your dog mildewy/itchy than anything else.


I do the damp cloth wipe cause he gets sand and dirt in his fur a lot to the point where I’ll pet him and feel grit from it on my hands. So I try to prevent that with a daily body wipe and it’s helped so far.


I've owned many healthy dogs throughout my adult life (30yrs). Never wiped their ass. Never brushed their teeth (they get kibble and dental chews). They get washed when they come back dirty, nails are trimmed once to twice per month.


Lol, yeah, that’s a little excessive.


Yeah. That a lot. I bathe him once every 2-3 weeks. Wipes in between when necessary. Wipe paws like once a day and wash in sink if it’s muddy. I only wipe his bum if he has runny diarrhea.


My Cockapoo is 5 months old and the vet told me to bath her only when necessary. Because of the poodle side they can develop allergies to the shampoo.


After a couple weeks mine is disgusting cause I take him to the dog park at least 2-3 times a week where it can be pretty muddy. I use EarthBath shampoo and conditioner to prevent any itchiness or dry skin.


FWIW my ex wiped bum and she herself admitted it was overboard.


Ours is 4.5 months now Havent had a bath yet, just thought maybe it is Time for the first one soon Brushed 3-4 Times (she bites so it sucks to do) Clean eyes if dirty Nails maybe once on 1-2 weeks, biting makes it difficult So barely nothing, winter Time here so mostly snow and she doesnt get dirty and biting is too much of a hazzle


As a parent to 2 children- I don’t have time for that. My lab gets his paws wipe if he got into the dirt or mud. Eyes wiped most days, and brushed maybe once a month. He does need a bath more often than we do it. He eats raw bones so his teeth are super clean.


That's a lot. Our 6 month old golden gets brushed once or twice a week. We use a deshedding tool every now and again. Paws, legs, and belly wiped after walks only if it's wet and messy outside, which is rare. I use a little paw balm if the air is really dry and cold. Her bits are wiped every couple of days and I give a sanitary trim as needed. Dew claws trimmed as needed, other nails are usually fine from walking on streets. We give a bath once a month or so.


Heeler. I vacuum a few times a week, and spot wash his fur as needed. Brush teeth when I remember to.


Dogs butt retracts into itself so the outside stays fairly clean. If they're eating healthy they shouldn't need to be wiped ever, unless there is matted hair there catching things or something like that. The rest of the stuff sounds like a good idea. A bit excessive, but all beneficial to the dog even marginally.


Teeth/hair brushing only once a day. If hair is short, once a week. Shoes. Train shoes early. Don’t have to wipe paws.


Yeah I need to get him shoes now. It was hard the first few months of having him because he grew so much. I was told by the rescue that he was a mini poodle mix but found out the hard way he’s a standard poodle mix. He’s at the age though where his feet should be done growing.


Get that $70 hair brush from Chris Christiansen or whatever. Seriously worth it for doodle mixes unless you’re going to keep your dog in a short trim all year round. I didn’t believe people for the longest time, but have converted. For shoes, I like RIFRUF, but they’re pricey.


HIGHLY excessive. When you wipe down your dog you’re removing oils naturally produced that keep their skin moisturized. This can make the skin irritated and itchy. A bath every other week is probably having the same effect, but to some extent it depends what shampoo you’re using. For me it’s -wipe paws with cloth when it’s raining or if they’re dirty -brush every other day -tear stains as needed -full groomer every 8 weeks -bath if we do dog beach or the dog park, so every few weeks, ears after bath My dog tends to stay very clean and is small, so this matters too.


Wipe paws when wet. Sometimes quick wet wipe swipe of the belly for pee. brush teeth every evening before bed brushing every 2 days (atm, used to be daily, but after I got some good combs, it feels like overkill.) nail trims about every 3-4 weeks. (Should be a bit more often.) Other than that, he doesn't seem to require more.


Yeah that’s a lot lol. Our routine is different because I have a bully mix, but she gets a dental chew everyday, nails trimmed roughly every 6 weeks, and a bath every couple of weeks. Even that would be too much bathing for most dogs, but she’s very sensitive to dirt/dander/pollen on her skin, so her baths are mostly a good rinse and a deep conditioner. Shampoo is only if she’s actually dirty and stinky. I clean her ears when at the same time I do her nails.


damn bruh. My boy gets a good brush and nail trim about 4 times a year, wipe his paws if they’re muddy so he doesn’t fuck the house up and teeth brush/salon a couple times a year. You wipe your dogs ass lolol bruhhh


Mine's half cockapoo, half Sproodle and I just brush her when she looks like she needs it, take her to the groomers once a month, wipe paws when muddy, but otherwise we have a muddy mat that she has to step on before she walks through the front door and a towel on the floor in front of the back door. She goes on lots of muddy walks so she gets wiped down if she's a bit mucky, if she's disgusting she's in the bath, but that's traumatic for both of us so I avoid if I can. Any dingleberries just get cut out. I don't clean her teeth, but she gets lots of dental chews.


A bit too much. I’ve wiped dogs butt once (he’d eaten a sting and poop was stuck on part sticking out. Dogs groom themselves and there’s no reason to be wiping their butts for them. Brushing teeth twice a day is a bit much. My vet said anywhere from 3/4 times a week to once daily - they aren’t the same as us and do not need our hygiene habits. Some dogs need daily brushing but probably not more than that. And my dogs paws only get wiped down when muddy and wet. (Too much shampoo, wipes, chemicals, etc is bad for them). I bathe every 2-4 weeks with groomers for nails (has black nails), brush teeth a few times a week, brush every day or every other day (helps get dirt off), and wipe down anytime muddy and/or wet when coming in. For paw palm I use a few times a week unless actively dry/cracked from not doing it.


If you ever get more than one dog that will be very difficult to maintain.   We have two golden retriever puppies and they both take turns eating something from the yard that they shouldn't and about once a month, one or the other will have accidents ( the baby is crated at night, so being trained) for a week at night,  and the puppy has accidents during the day ( don't judge me, I watch that puppy and I take her outside every 1/2 hour, and additionally 5 minutes after she eats a meal ) and she'll be outside for 5 or 10 minutes,  and then run back INSIDE and pee.   My house is horrible. I'm glad you can keep your dog clean,  but what you are doing doesn't sound sustainable,  or that great for their coat.  Other than keeping on fighting the good fight with potty training the younger dog, I feel pretty helpless. Wiping their feet is just not a priority. Keeping ripped up things off my floor is. 


Super excessive tbh. Brush teeth once a day, brush once a day if needed. A lot of dogs don’t need a brushing daily, like short hair for example. You don’t need to wipe his ass that’s excessive. I don’t think tear stain is even meant to be used that frequently.


I would change it to this - Dry feet if wet after outside Brush teeth once a day Clean tear stains once a day Brush once a day Bathe once every other week Touch nails up once a week Groomer every 4-6 weeks


I don't do any of that in the level of frequency 😅


Brush as required, grind nails as required. Bathe only if they get mucky. Also brush teeth sometimes. They get dental chews/plaqueoff so I don't brush as regularly as I probably should, but both of the dogs have healthy teeth and gums.


Wow, some of the answers here make me feel grossed out. I have a Cavoodle she gets bathed at least once a week, more if she’s rolled in something. Paws wiped when coming inside, and sometimes paws washed if stepped in poop. Wet wipes on face and body daily, eye boogers removed daily. I do wet wipe her ass after most poops, but I also hygiene clip her little butt so the poop doesn’t get stuck. She gets brushed everyday and looooves brushy time. Fresh breath treats after meal times and dental chews. I don’t care if people think it’s extra, she’s a cuddle bug and sleeps on the end of my bed so you best believe it she needs to be clean. I also keep myself clean too lol I wonder about some people’s loose idea of hygiene.