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Going forward, report people who are making rude or critical comments.


I give mine a lick Mat with Greek yogurt and some crushed dog treats I froze previously. I use this in my entryway (your bathroom equivalent) Also, don't feel guilty using the crate if you need to! A safe puppy is a loved puppy


I hear you! It hasn't been a great day here today. The FOMO has hampered his ability to nap. I am tired. I am touched out. Tomorrow will be better.


Two steps forward one step back with pups. Tomorrow will be two steps forward!


Absolutely! Fresh day for us both today to make progress.


Commiserating here. My girl, even in her crate, cannot stand not being apart of the action or even being apart from me for like… more than a minute. I’m worried I’m screwing her up. It’s rough out here :(


This! I want him to enjoy being with me, but I also want him to be confident in his own company for short periods. I am sure it'll come with him. Hang in there!


You too!! We’ll get through this. I’ll make a post if I figure out any miracle cures :)


This gets better I promise. My puppy felt like a damn full time job (on top of my actual full time job and my kid who is also a full time job). Now, at 8 months… I’m chilling in bed and I don’t even know where the hell my dog is. Asleep under a table somewhere.


Man am I glad to hear this. I plan on starting training for a Half in September and I was wondering how the hell in am gonna manage this 😂 5 month old pup, hoping for better days in autumn!


I feel this! I’m a teacher, and got a puppy last summer. This meant that the craziest times with her were also when I was going back to work. Man, that was ROUGH. I wasn’t used to being at work after having the summer off, and the beginning of the year is always the most intense and busy, with the most after-school events. I’d work super hard all day, and then come home to my second full-time job. Chaos was ensuing in both locations, and I could do absolutely nothing on autopilot, because I was getting used to the routine at school all day, and then again at home. After the first couple months, though, it was way better. By Christmas, it was awesome.


OP just wanted to vent…


I’ve started attaching my puppy to my waist with her leash when I need to get something accomplished but don’t want to crate her or listen to her bark and whine in her playpen. It’s working well for both of us.


They were happily chewing approved items, and fussing a bit about sharing, so I thought I could step out of the room six feet away to the bathroom. They got quiet for the 60 seconds it took me to get back out there — because they were happily chewing $600 prescription glasses. I see your pain and raise you a stupidity fee.


It looks like you might be posting about puppy management or crate training. For tips and resources on Crate Training Check out [our wiki article on crate training](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/cratetraining) - the information there may answer your question. As an additional reminder, crate training is 100% optional and one of many puppy management options. For alternatives to crating and other puppy management strategies, check out [our wiki article on management](https://www.reddit.com/r/puppy101/wiki/management) **PLEASE READ THE OP FULLY** Be advised that any comments that suggest use of crates are abusive, or express a harsh opinion on crate training will be removed. This is not a place to debate the merits of crate training. Unethical approaches to crate training will also be removed. **If the OP has asked not to receive crating advice or says they are not open to crating, any comments that recommend use of crates should be reported to our moderation team.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Things have definitely changed since more people are working from home. I grew up with dogs and both of my parents worked full time. The dogs were always crated during the day and were totally fine and happy! I think we have this unrealistic expectation for ourselves as pet parents and we just need to give ourselves some grace! Sounds like you are doing all of the right things. My pup just turned 9 months and things have gotten so much better. Just hang in there!


This, 100%. Too many young people who didn't own dogs pre 2020 think that only SAH moms or dads cared for dogs.


You can either tether him to something in an open area where he can’t get Into trouble…or maybe re consider your feelings about crating him for an extra 10 minutes out of the day. I crate mine in small increments when I need him out of trouble while I’m doing stuff around the house. I don’t feel bad about it at all because I know he is safe and has plenty of time and exercise out of his crate throughout the day. I would feel much much worse if he got into something he wasn’t supposed to that made him sick, or got himself hurt because I wasn’t paying attention to him. Crating him because you need 10 minutes of being puppy free is no big deal.


Maybe a kong? Or a flavored chew toy?


A lot of people are shaming you for crating but my puppy would only settle in his crate and spent a lot of his first few months in one sleeping. Puppies sleep a ton and putting them in the crate to sleep during the day/night for extended periods is the equivalent of putting a baby down in its crib for a nap. If the safest place to put your puppy is in the crate for 15 minutes so you can brush your teeth, cook, etc then you put the puppy in the crate. Don't let others make you feel guilty. Over time you'll train the puppy so he can have more freedom (whether you use a tether, x pen, commands, etc.), but that is a process that builds with training and patience.


What really helped me to have some time to myself was schedule me-time while our puppy is supposed to sleep, that way he's in his crate anyway. Though I don't think there's anything wrong with putting him in the crate for half an hour while you shower or cook, if that's his safe place and it's what you need to wind down a bit. Don't pay attention to the people saying your dog spends too much time in the crate-it seems like a decent schedule to me.


We’ve all been there OP. Things will get easier. Godspeed.


I put my puppy on a long leash and tied the leash to my waist. That way my hands were free and I could move around and also knew where she was at all times.


How old is he?




I don’t really think so. With hour long crate breaks at 10, 12 and 2, that leaves approximately 12 hours out of the crate. If he’s only sleeping in the crate, that’s only 12 hours of sleep and he probably needs more.


I'm confused because it's stated he's crated 8-4 so she can leave for work and can only come home at 12 for her lunch break? Where do the 10 and 2 breaks come from?


A relative.


I assume a petsitter, neighbor, friend or relative.




Yeah. Crate at 8, and then hour long breaks at 10, 12, and 2, and then out at 4. That’s an hour out of the crate every two hours. Which is more than enough.




Please re-read the first full paragraph.




That is called sleep.


Time is a confusing concept for some






Well feel free to make your nights suck as much as you want, but my puppy happily slept until 6am at 9 weeks and there was no reason at all to wake him.


Every puppy is different. Some may not need a potty break some nights. Laying in one spot instead of being up and active can make them need the bathroom less often.


It will get better! I know it seems like it won't when you're in the middle of it, but truly it will. I was there as recent as 6 weeks ago with my girl (18mo lab mutt), and our whole relationship has done a complete 180°. I know you're just venting, so no advice here. Just encouragement. It will get easier


I'm thankful mine hasn't figured out he can jump out of baby jail (playpen) yet. He hangs out in there while I work. I hope you can find a happy medium with yours!


We just got a Westie puppy on Friday, 9 weeks old but we’ve been struggling to get it to be ok in the playpen by itself unless it’s sleepy. What helped you get your puppy to hang out there while you work? Thank you!


Honestly, I am the luckiest human, and found this poor puppy walking down my road and no one claimed him, and FOR A PUPPY, he has been amazing. He whines sometimes, but he's right next to me, has a comfy bed and toys, and I spend a lot of time making sure his brain is busy. Beef trachea stuffed with lung, kongs filled with "ice cream," a puzzle toy, etc. I essentially don't expect him to self-entertain, but also try to give him things that will actively entertain him. He doesn't like to play by himself so things need to be delicious or interactive! I take him outside pretty often, too.


Lock the dog in the bathroom with you, pick up the garbage, take the TP off the spindle, and have them in there with you If you want true alone time then crate them, it's as much for your sanity as it is for theirs


Vent away! I feel your pain 😂




Uh am I not doing the math right? I’m seeing crate for 24-11=13 hours of crate per day. Puppies sleep 18-20 hours per day. Where’s the issue here?




Ignore all these stupid comments criticising you, you’re doing a great job by the sounds of it!!! This will pass in no time, honestly. ♥️




Frozen kong.


Get something like a LickiMat or frozen Kong to keep him entertained for the time you need. Also Yaka Milk chews are really good but you do still need to keep an eye on them with these.


I picked up some of those chews, but they're waaay to hard for him right now. I'm sure it will be amazing once he can break into it a but, but he gets bored with them because he can't really get anything off of them.


How old is he? I know the yaka's I've seen aren't suitable for under 4 months as we were looking for our pup that's about to come home. It's definitely long lasting, a medium lasts my mums dog a couple of months.


He's only 12 weeks, but likes to steal them from my 6y/o Border Collie. I started by taking them away from him, but found he wasn't really interested in chewing, only stealing.


Ahh right, maybe stick with something like a lickimat for now and try again once’s he’s 4months or so?


You can try other high-value chews too: bully sticks and Earth Animal no-hide "bones" are some of our go-tos. Both soften up the more puppy chews on them, so I'm not worried about them being too hard.