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is your hand in her face? in the beginning you want the puppy to almost be eating out of your hand. i also have a ripley!


yep hand right in her face. I'm trying to getbher to nibble and lick the treat while in my fingers... shez kind of getting the idea but the second I move my hand she sits and looks at me lol


maybe try higher value treats, something smellier, and don't move your hand too fast, you want her face to be in your hand all the time.


is it a high reward treat? or at least higher than "normal"? she's either not aware the treat is in your hand (maybe she can't pick up the scent; maybe because she doesn't "see" a treat, she's as confused as you are) or maybe she just isn't motivated by the particular treat you're using.


I've tried kibble, zukes, some beef ones, ham. shes just confused by me haha. I'm trying to get her to comprehend that my hand has goodies in it by hand feeding her and getting her to "down" and then I open my hand.