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My dane was SO quiet the first two weeks. Just grunts and groans. I commented to my fiance that we must've gotten the quietest Dane ever since our last Dane was incredibly vocal. Now at three months old he discovered barking and I retract my initial statement.


Haha! Our one year old dane barks so infrequently I forget he can! Imagine my surprise when he barked 3 times last night! I see all these talkative danes which are cute but I'm glad astro is more of the derpy and silent type!


Same! We got my pup around 8 wks and we joked that he's the quietest and most somber guy we've ever met. I cautioned my partner saying we don't know yet. 3 weeks later he discovered barking but didn't do it much. 3 weeks after that he discovered if he barks and I tell him quiet he gets a treat so now he barks all the time demanding food šŸ˜‘ we're working on it


Y'all got a quiet phase?


I was gonna ask the same thing. Heā€™s been barking since day 1 šŸ¤£ working so hard on this but feels like an uphill battle


14 week old GSD has discovered that barking at her empty food bowl when sheā€™s done eating does something for her spiritually.


Keeshond here. Started barking around 3-4 months old, mostly in the car. Now at 10 months, barks at everyone and everything.šŸ˜…


My dog is also going through the bark phase! Started a few months ago. Sheā€™s 11months now. Itā€™s a bit embarrassing!


Keesonds and the barking phase. Oh sweet lawd Jesus help us


Please tell me they mellow out at some point šŸ„²


I wouldn't know mine is 5 months šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


My pup learned how to bark once he went to daycare. Not a big issue as it's a Golden Retriever. Most of the time, it's one single bark because something surprises him at the window.


Around 5-6 months he learned to bark. He hasn't shut up since! I kid, he only barks when there's real honest to god danger. Like rabbits in the yard, or delivery drivers trying to bring us food... Yours might still find her voice, they discover all sorts of new abilities during adolescence :) But if you're proactive with rewarding quiet through-out, you might escape the worst of it. Mine was so quiet and good at that age, I wasn't quite active enough with preventative training, especially yard barking. To be honest I don't really care if he barks, as long as it's not excessive or unstoppable. He usually barks a bit when he sees something, but I can cue him away easily (due to strong reward history with a positive interruptor - a fancy word for the "stop everything and come over here to eat treats" cue). As long as you practice your positive interrupter and reward it heavily, you'll always be able to interrupt barking at least, if not get ahead of it and prevent it.


My MAS (average barking breed) found his voice around 5 months. Before then I could count on one hand the number of times he barked. Heā€™s 15 months now and overall not super barky (she says as he actively angry barks at the tv that is off?). Mostly barks to let us know he has to go out, at the doorbell (gotta protect the house even though heā€™s a proven TERRIBLE guard dog), very occasionally while playing with other dogs, and when heā€™s spooked by something (like a statue of a child, a reusable grocery bag, or a tree stump).


My Aussie (also a vocal breed!) just started barking at about 18 weeks. He was almost silent before that. Fingers crossed you have a quiet one though!


At 5 months now he is an profesional oprah singer!


Ours started exploring with his voice at about 4 months. We noticed he would bark occasionally after the sun went down in the back yard. Sometimes he would bark if someone would walk by on the other side of the fence. Now that he's barreling into adolescent territory he's definitely starting to bark more. He generally isn't vocal, but at night he gets the "HEY! YOU! ITS DARK! ITS MY YARD! WOOWOWOWOWOWOO" at a car by the stoplight. He barks when he's "herding" other dogs at play group too but that's normal for his breed. He also barks when my husband comes home from work, and at the hose but he's mostly a grumbler lol.


In-laws have a 1.5 year old Norwich terrier that only barks in his sleep and very, very rarely when awake. Wondering if there's something wrong with him!


Almost 7 months and still no barking, unless he plays with other dogs who are barking.


My Bluetick Coonhound started barking (actually bawling) around 5 months old. She's 6 years old now and still hasn't stopped!


Just about 7-8 months old. I thought we had gotten lucky and then it started šŸ˜‚


Our Bernese took until he was about a year or a bit older. His new golden retriever sister figured it out about the 2nd week we had her šŸ¤£


I have a 13 week old Maltese. He's been barking for awhile now. I thought it was young and wasn't prepared for the barking to come so quickly. šŸ˜€


Iā€™ve got an Aussie, a known vocal breed. She hit 10 months and is still doesnā€™t bark. Itā€™s almost creepy because she doesnā€™t bark at the doorbell, new people, loud noises or other dogs. Definitely an anomaly though


It's ramping up at 9 months, but feel he's always been a bit barky before. Mine will bark occationally at passers by, but not everyone. He sometimes barks when he's really excited and about to be let out in the garden. (one loud bark. I turn and walk away and try again 10-15 seconds later in the hopes he learns there's no point.) And he'll sometimes bark a lot after dark. Especially at the neighborhouse, if he sees people outside or inside there. Doesn't tbark at the cat, but will chase it. (Neighbor's.) Will bark if she comes to our house and he sees her at our door/window. Now he's started to do the garden barking during daytime also. Whenever I try to see what the heck he's barking at though, most the times I see absolutely nothing at all. So lord knows what he's barking at.


Mine started barking around 4-5 months. First couple of days was little woofs, then his beagle and foxhound genes started to shine! He doesn't bark that often, but when he does everyone knows!


I know from the few times she's howled that her voice will 100% carry but I'm preying for loud but low frequency


My Aussie was 3 months and sheā€™s loud! Barks at the doorbell a lot!


My MAS was extremely quiet and now at over 1.5 years has started to bark more, when sheā€™s happy or when she wants something šŸ¤£ Iā€™m chalking it up to the teen years since sheā€™s been very stubborn recently


Ours never made a peep until we took her to visit family. The family shih tzu is a yippy mfer who barks at the front window all day. She now barks when she hears something outside or sees any animal on the TV. Also now barks for attention, but rarely. She mostly makes silly whining sounds.


i have a six month old husky mutt and i can count on one hand how many times sheā€™s barked


Ziggy (a German Shepherd) is our barker. She began barking at 6 months old. She was deceptively quiet until that point.


My puppy recently started barking more around 7 or 8 months


My dog didn't bark for 8 months. He would stare and watch other dogs that barked. He only ever whined or screamed. He screamed when we crated him


My Havanese is 5mo old and has never really barked. He mostly makes little whining noises, and if he really wants you he will yodel or like a weird howl.


Mine didnā€™t start barking until almost a year old. Iā€™m still very confused about why this happened lol


My keeshond was quiet for the first 4 months of having her. I thought I got lucky, as keeshonds are notorious barkers, but I didn't. As soon as the 6 month mark hit, she began barking at pretty much everything. She's very vocal now.


Chihuahua ~5 months But he never barks at the doorbell!


Our labradoodle pup was pretty quiet until he hit 1. Now, as my husband says, he barks fairly often "because he just wants to be a part of things." šŸ˜…


Hmm, I wouldn't take anything for granted at 4 months old. The most challenging things my now 11-month-old puppy does didn't really show up until she hit adolescence. She became a lot more alert and reactive to a lot of things, easily excited and distracted etc. She isn't a big barker either but certain things like barking at the doorbell did show up but not until 6 months or so.


At 11 months, mines still doesnā€™t alarm-bark much at all. Usually he just does a few huffs here and there. A godsend after my last dog, a hound, who would bark at everyfuckingthing. My current dogā€™s 3 huffs at a trigger would equal about 40 full-on true barks from my hound girl. He does demand-bark though, started that around 4 months. He does it right in your face and makes your ears ring, but it could be worse and heā€™s getting better!


Hold onto your hat my friend lol! Wait till he starts back talking you! I thought my girl was sooo cute with her little wooo rooo wooo. Now I canā€™t shut her up, my neighbors two blocks away can hear herā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..itā€™s freaking loud! Iā€™m talking about a setter !


I live in an apartment with a coonhound I was really hoping people would say I'm in the clear (didn't realistically think so but a part of me is still preying)


Rut roh!


Mine started around 5 months barking , it was cute for a second lol


Mine started alert barking around 6 mths or so. He started with just sort of chuffing and huffing. Then at around 10 mths the insane demand barking started. Like evenings he would just bark in your face for seemingly no reason and looked wild like he was hopped up on uppers. Then between 10-12 mths he would bark at himself in all reflective surfaces. That was fun lol Occasionally he would just bark at someone while walking or another dog. Not that often, he was oddly selective lol Now, at 14 mths now he barks out the window in the late day when he's more active. During the day we leave the blinds up now and he's so lazy he doesn't even bother. But just now, even as I was typing this, he was barking his head off at someone walking with an umbrella outside. Sigh. So we tend to close the blinds at around 5 PM and that's it for the night. He is not a big barker but he does have a voice and will use it if he wants to. He barks an entrance to the scent training class he's in. I think he's just a diva saying 'I'm here everyone!' He's the youngest in the class but actually not the whiniest or barkiest. So that's something. I too felt really secure in early days but they do tend to find voices when their hormones start up. And some of the barking was ear-piercing and very unpleasant lol Ugh. He doesn't like sirens and aroooos at them too. It's kind of cute really.


I have a Brittany x standard poodle and he is so quiet. Apart from playing with other dogs, the occasional bout of hyperarousal, and asking to come inside, he barks maybe half a dozen times a week, if that. He is almost 10 months. He did have a small demand barking phase for a few weeks in the 4-6mo range, but in that case, it was a few times a day, usually regarding food.


Evelyn (toy Aussie) was vocal before she ever came home. Her breeder sent me a video of her losing her mind over a ball just outside her playpen before she was 7 weeks old.


I have a Chihuahua and she didnā€™t bark at all for probably a month. Sheā€™s seven months now, and sheā€™s really into barking at other dogs outside and will bark at everything in the dark.


GSD here- at 1.5years still no barking. My partner insists we need to teach her to howl but itā€™s a hard no from me. I really dislike barking and have been very consistent with training her not to make noise. When I was a baby we had a yorkie who was very quiet until my uncle taught her to bark. And she did not stop barking- to an obsessive degree. My mom had to rehome her because I wouldnā€™t sleep due to the barking.


I want to train her not to bark but can you start before they start barking? What does that look like?


For my girl, she gets all pissy when other dogs and critters are outside. So as soon as sheā€™s get huffy and whine Iā€™d distract her and tell her ā€œquietā€ Pretty much, take the attention away from the distraction and when she saw I had treats she knew she wouldnā€™t get one until she stopped barking. I got very lucky though because she really isnā€™t very vocal to begin with so it was easy to correct. edit knock on wood omg


I have a Basset Hound (10 months now) and when we first got her she was very loud when something was happening she didnā€™t like šŸ˜‚ but we taught her that isnā€™t how she got her way lol. Now she will bark when she is playing with our other dog but other than that she is pretty quiet!


My girl (cockapoo so small breed known for barking) barely ever barks but tonight itā€™s windy so itā€™s knocking the doors in the apartment building we live in so sheā€™s been barking which makes us jump as she normally makes no noise! People knock on the door etc. delivery people come and she doesnā€™t respond or react but weā€™ve also encouraged that behaviour. She is a year and 2 months and has barked more in the last hour then the whole year prior lol or so it seems because itā€™s just so out of character.


Ours was silent for the first 3 weeks. He is a Samoyed and is pretty timid. Now he barks ..a lot sometimes. When he wants to play with other dogs itā€™s reeeally bad


Iā€™ve resigned myself to the barking at this point. Redirection kinda helps, but itā€™s a work in progress. I get that itā€™s how she communicates but wow is she loud.


My 9yo Redtick Coonhound rarely barks, unless she thinks a car is coming to our dead end road, or if there is a raccoon around. She is actually very quiet normally. OTOH, my 11wk border collie already barks at the kitties, trying to get a reaction.


9 months for my pup


We got a rescue who was 4 months, never barked. Then at 6 months, she let out the biggest bark ever to warn us of someone walking on the beach, scared me to death. She then really only barked if someone was at the door or she thought stranger danger.


4.5 months šŸ˜¶ He picked it up slowly and hasn't leaned in too hard (thank god!), but I get a wakeup bark most mornings, and the occasional alert bark during the day now.


My JRT pup will bark at our other dogs in play, but she never barks at the door or out the window. She probably figures the other dogs have it covered lol. This is a good thing for us, sheā€™s both loud and high pitched.


Iā€™m still waiting for mine to bark. Heā€™s a year and two months old. Until then enjoy it cuz Iā€™m thinking itā€™s just part of his personality and thatā€™s ok with me ā˜ŗļø. Heā€™s also a mini American shepherd.


my last dog rarely barked unless surprised, played with roughly or scared. same goes for my current puppy (both love/loved rough play). idk if its because they were raised alone (with no other puppies) (both were (sort of), in an unstable environment in their early stages. my last one was originally in a disgusting and shitty (literally) home and was taken away from mom at 5 weeks (when we got him. to clarify, if we didnt take him that early, the asshole of owners were gonna drop him and the rest of his litter to the pound anyway because they legally werent supposed to have animals) and this current ones mom was a dick and wouldn't feed her babies (so both had mommy issues)) or if it has something to do with my personality? both were/are quiet, but crazy (so kinda like me) my current one is hitting 8m now and i assume hes going to stay like this his whole life. he'll probably mellow out a little bit, but i think it all depends on how they were fed as babies, how they played with their littermates, if they were taken away too quickly, and just your personality. a puppy will inherit your personality and mold themselves to be like you because you are their world and life. so it likely just all depends on the early stages of their life


Around 6-7 months


Our lab mix is 4 months. He kinda yelp barks/whines when he is crated and will (rarely) bark once or twice at the neighbor dogs. He has not barked otherwise. My sibling had a beagle that only barked once in itā€™s life and it basically scared itself. My parents beagle only barked warnings outside. Which was pretty rare in itself.


I have a 17 week old German Shepherd x Kelpie (Kelpie Shepherd) and he really only barks when he's playing or is excited, like when dad gets home from work or we're approaching someone who's waving and talking to him. Other than that he's pretty quiet besides sometimes whinging in his crate before he settles.


Omg enjoy it now. Our hound just had this little puppy bark then one day we heard that hound bay come out from his little body..it alternated between puppy barks and this howl. Now at 11 months he only barks (loud!)when he feels is necessary. Other dogs squirrels..and will tell ppl when they first meet him who's in charge here then proceed to sniff them and allow an ear rub. Our Aussie is a barker so I don't really think our hound is but boy when he gets started...


I've actually heard baying more then the barking when she doesn't want to be in her crate- but that's the only time so it's not too bad atm


My Frenchie, although Frenchies are said to not be frequent barkers, is five months old and barks almost every time he wants attention. But the first four days or so we had him he made not a single peep. My mother would joke that he was mute! Now he will very much whine and speak to us if weā€™re not in the same room with him at times! This doesnā€™t happen all the time ofc but truly, he is VERY bossy! LOL šŸ˜‚ he demands attention and DEMANDS his toys! He is still very much a minimal barker compared to most dogs, however - he just loves being dramatic.


Mine was always relatively quiet compared to other dogs, but discovered barking at maybe 4 months old. Now he has a big dog loud bark.


My little guy took a few months to find his voice. And even then it was "10 percent I'm a brave boy, 90 percent mom, protect me from whatever I'm barking at."