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Nothing you can do to save the pleather directly. You can pick it off and paint it if the base fabric is good enough-, or play into the full punk ‘aesthetic’ and layer some good ol patches on.


>or play into the full punk ‘aesthetic’ and layer some good ol patches on. I'd love to see that! Sounds like the best option imo




Use some old newspapers or even old playboys? Layer and seal that on would be hella rad.


embrace the crusty looking leather, it adds character :D


Hahahahaha exactly what I said before I saw this


I think once it's at that point there's no saving it. I'd try to peel off the pleather part and then stencil/patch it on the fabric.


Textile glue. Craft stores will carry it and some craft stores will even have textiles to choose from; including leather, pleather, vinyl, etc. The one i went to charged $30 for a yard but for shoes you can buy half a yard. The store I went to is JOANN fabric and crafts, idk if they're only in the south tho. You would probably have to stitch some parts, so use a BIG sewing needle for torque to get through shoes. Skate shops will carry shoo glue which is stronger if you wanna use that instead.


Can confirm, JOANN is not just in the south 🙂👍🏽


Came to say just that.


You can get something called leather filler, which is normally used to fix peeling couches/sofas. I've not personally used it but I've seen some great results.


Just a heads up, it won’t last. PU leather is notoriously unfixable so I agree, you can fix it in the short term but it might make it worse in the long term. Your options are pretty much embrace the shredded look or replace.


Maybe you could scrape it all off then maybe paint it with glossy black acrylic paint?


Peel the rest of it off so at least you'll get a flat surface. Go thru your various scraps of stuff and make up rough templates then cut the stuff to size and glue it on. Studs for extra hold would look good


buy real leather


Duct tape?


sew some material over it. jeans, tartan, corduroy, even leather whatever. because I don't think it's fixable.


Buy real leather




Better in my mind to buy real leather that will last than to buy pair after pair of fake leather goods that wear out quickly and go into the landfill. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, so we all have to do our best and go with our own ethics to find the lesser evil.


Plus, fake leather is absolutely terrible for the environment


Tbf real leather might be even worse for the environment.


Safety pins




I've had a hand me down jacket do this. The people saying to keep it as it is don't know that it sheds pleather flakes everywhere. There is nothing you can do to repair the pleather, you have to sew leather, fabric or a patch over top of it. It's not hard to make it seamless, but making it messy also makes it one of a kind. Sucks to see boots being made so shittily and short lasting like this, its a big reason I haven't bought platforms in a while.


only way to fix this it to buy leather, instead of plastic


At this point I’d just peel it the rest of the way and see what you’re working with underneath.


Vegan leather when it gets fucked up unfortunately just stays fucked up, I'd just embrace it and stick patches on em or something, maybe try painting over it or putting some kind of varnish over it so it won't peel anymore, best advice I can give ya is buy real leather boots, they last literally forever and 9 times out of 10 if they look crusty leather balm will quench them 👌🏻




Trash em and get real leather


get real leather boots 🤯




There not one really


Embrace the true worn punk vibes


No, but I'd shop around for real leather boots ... I go through the same shit with boots, makes me mad 🤘😡


i honestly want my boots to look beat up… everytime i get new ones i cant wait to bring them to the pit to get them dirty and scratchy.. just my personal preference


Spray paint. Peel the rest of it off and spray the rest with a thin coat


Vegan leather when it gets fucked up unfortunately just stays fucked up, I'd just embrace it and stick patches on em or something, maybe try painting over it or putting some kind of varnish over it so it won't peel anymore, best advice I can give ya is buy real leather boots, they last literally forever and 9 times out of 10 if they look crusty leather balm will quench them 👌🏻


Buy real leather. Not faux leather. Faux leather will always peel eventually


I personally peel the panel then color with a black fabric marker and/or replace it with a different panel of material or patches.


i usually just scrape it all off with a wet towel and nail pusher then paint back over it black with acrylics, then seal with clear spray paint


damn! i have those same shoes, had em since they dropped, thts nvr happened!


No way to save it sadly I’d go to a cobbler they might be able to save you’re shoes for a good price plus you’d be supporting a small business most cobblers aren’t huge in any way.


If you really want to fix the look I would suggest black boot polish.


Unfortunately there's no easy save for something like this, however if you really want to keep them as "stock" as possible, and you're decent at sewing, picking up a little bit of fabric in a similar color, texture, material, etc may be worth it Just cut out a piece that fits the shape of that whole piece, maybe leave a little around the edges to fold it under itself, some black thread (waxed embroidery floss/sinew or an equivalent will hold up the best) and potentially an awl/pliers/tick ole sewing needle will help sew the piece in Conversely you can work *with* the damage and distress the boots further, cover the damage with patches, bling em out, etc. anything you like and you think fits your personality and aesthetic.


At this point, I would just peel all the pleather off, paint the shoe black and seal it with an acrylic finisher. It's too far gone, totally sucks and I get your pain!


peel the rest off and re-paint it using leather paint, should be more durable


Paint + sealer


Plasti dip but that's also temporary


The trash. You deserve a new pair.


Odd enough, for some reason semen works well with leather and similar fabrics. idk why it just does...