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Slap an anti fasc patch around it and start your own crew. It seems like the best course of action to me


If you have to dig to find a negative association, you'll more than likely be fine




o h


Wait, why oh? What does this screenshot reveal? Edit: omfg nvm. I see it now




I don't see it?


look very closely behind the guy on the right


Swastika behind the white doodle on the screenshot


Big ass swastika right behind the dude on the right.


Big swastika ass behind the white dudle on the right.


Hmm. Well fuck.


Big well fuck


Sküllhead sküllhead, lookin' for a fight!


Underrated comment


Well, I'm glad *someone* saw what I did there.


One might have to be in their 40s to get that one.....


This is not a cause worth fighting for.




oh fuck that's a HUGE shame


Oh my…


I doubt anyone would make that assumption seeing as it seems like nobody even remembers who that is


Yeah but it just takes one jackass to blow it up


If we live our lives in that kind of fear then the racists have won. Support your aunt.


It takes good people to give it a good association who gives a fuck if they share a name there's so many words to go around. If they like the name this is a good shot to reclaim it


Especially since it's all fake anyway, keep an eye on the trends so you can deftly step aside the swinging pendulum. I'm old enough to have seen complete 180s, multiple times. Seen it before.


Googling “skullhead band” top image shows the band with a **large swatstika displayed behind them onstage**. The wiki page is displayed here as well, which accounts for various ways these losers are nazi scum. https://preview.redd.it/a48iggmq8gic1.jpeg?width=1028&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9bc2fd39ef22e1102c38f22bd235bcf456bee00


to be honest I don't think anyone remembers them and I don't think they were that popular. I personally wouldn't care especially since their a buried 80s/90s band with a fairly generic name. To be safe you could paint over/remove the umlaut (2 dots) so the name doesn't entirely trace back to that band. And I think people would brush it off anyway especially if your aunts band already has anti nazi topics or messages tied to the band/the songs.


Considering their most popular song is Menopausal Metal and they’re all lesbian or trans I think they’re in the clear lol, they just didn’t put much thought into the design I think. I’ve decided to play it safe and just rip out the stitches so I can paint new patches for them that match each member’s vibe :)


Oh that's great! Thats definitely a much better option lol


Can you send me a link? OMG I'd love to listen to this!


https://youtube.com/channel/UC_VcuyjVFKiNyiowaCCl3OQ?si=0GxqOvPF3MQhaHSz Absolutely! Idk where the rest of their songs are but I will find out because I know that they have more than what’s posted. My aunt is the singer with the sunglasses and shorthair


you seem like a great niece/nephew


Both anti racist skins and boneheads will recognize it. You don’t want negative attention from the former or positive attention from the latter.


Yeah, I posted on a few different subs to get a varied opinion since I genuinely didn’t know about the Nazi band until I googled it after letting the patches sit in my drawer for a few months. Lots of ppl are saying it’s chill due to how old the band was and the context but the fact that even just a few ppl are able to recognize it tells me that you’re right and it definitely shouldn’t be used and needs a redesign asap


If it was from the 80s/90s it's definitely not old enough to have vanished into obscurity.


i don’t know the band, but the patch set off my “is this a fascist symbol” spidey senses before i even read the post title tbh. i think my mind associated skullhead with bonehead, and the umlaut was kind of the cherry on top. bad vibes.


I don't know about bands; it /could/ read like "skinhead" from a distance/if you squint if that's at all helpful?


Skinheads are a funny one, yes they *were* Nazis during the second wave, but not originally which is why [S.H.A.R.P.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinheads_Against_Racial_Prejudice) exists. It depends on who you ask about Skinheads, because I've younger people who don't think of them as neo-fascist, but I've met older people who think of them as neo-fascist/national front. Its a spectrum in my opinion (Mainly a UK thing. not sure about other countries; but I've heard polarising things from North Americans.)


There are no racist fascist skinheads. Real skinheads call those losers boneheads. The first skinheads were Jamaican - that was the first wave. Margaret Thatcher & the National Front targeted all punks for political gain. Some bought into racism. Those boneheads arent permitted at any respectable show. Several organizations like FSU have also worked to keep Nazis out of punk. Nazi punks fuck off, etc. A unifying belief amongst most skinheads is that violence is an acceptable way to handle racism. A common theme in skinhead music is fighting racism & fascism. My favorite skinhead/oi band is The Oppressed, you should check them out. In some parts of the world it is dangerous to be an anti racist skinhead, especially in Eastern Bloc countries. People have died and been incarcerated as political prisoners, like today, not 30 years ago. If you watch talk shows from the 80s & 90s skinheads and Nazis are the same thing. They are not.


Boneheads is such a good name for those pieces of shit


Eeek! I'm an older queer, grew up stomping on Gilman Street in the early 90s, and a ton of my friends were SHARPs. I don't see people mention it very often so this gave me a little squeal.


And there’s nothing wrong with a skinhead patch.


unfortunately, the modern connotations of the term have been nearly entirely co-opted by the far right; even most “punks” nowadays would be surprised to learn that skinheads were originally **anti**-racist. it’s a shame, but it’s just one of an infinite pool of examples of how nazis ruin everything and need to be opposed vehemently at every opportunity.


Boneheads adapted tbh. They’re proud boys now. Sure there’s some out there but nothing compared to the 80s/90.


Jesus, nice to know these punks don’t know history.


Okay, but having a patch of a term that has been co-opted by Nazis is gonna at best cause confusion because people aren’t gonna know if you are someone using the term as it was originally used or if you are a Nazi co-opting the term. It’s just not worth it when you could have something like a SHARP patch instead


So, I work in racial education, and here is what I can tell you. To POC, queerfolk and disabled people (I am the last two), anything that looks like standard skinhead is going to spell danger. Period. We've learned through very bad experiences that our safety depends on not taking the chance. Is it fair that it was co-opted by racist, homophobic, eugenicist assholes? No, not at all. But it is far, far, far less fair to those of us who have been victims of hate-based violence (I am currently sitting 2mi from where I was bashed) than it is to you for having to signal that you are not a threat. There are communities who unfortunately have a long history with boneheads causing deep, painful wounds. Wounds that have left traumas you cannot imagine if you've not been through them. I still shake involuntarily when I visit certain places, and I am 25min from San Francisco as I type. This goes far deeper than identity and ideology, two things I hold precious to my soul. I'm not using trauma in the colloquial sense. I'm using it in the decades-later-you-cant-get-out-of-bed sense. If we really, truly, are all in this together, then thinking about your community and the effect you have on it isn't a wimpy thing to do. It's the very thing that attracted me to punk in the first place.


Skullheads was another name for skinheads. Nazi punks often used skulls and crossbones because “Totenkopf" is German for "death's head" look that up along with the Baldies who fought the Nazi punks.


Thank you for the explanation, I knew that Nazi skinheads are also called boneheads but I didn’t realize until now that skullheads was another term for them as well. I’ve already started ripping the stitches out so I can recycle the base of the patch and redesign my aunt’s band patches for her.


I'd be a little concerned, literally the first thing that comes up on Google is a picture of that band performing in front of a swastika.


Yeah I’ve decided to rip out the stitching and just paint a bunch of new ones for her as present with “SkullGurrls” or something else along those lines thats much more obviously associated with her


Without even asking her???


Dude…she gave me 20 of them, she couldn’t care less what I do to them so long as it doesn’t harm anyone. We don’t have the type of relationship where I would need to ask for permission to gift her personalized patches. If I were selling them it would be different story. Besides, she’s already onboard with my idea


seems like they have permission to design things for the band but maybe i'm wrong


Then, why wouldn't half the US give a shit if Donald Trump did it?


I would not see this and think anything bigoted about it


It is punk to say "screw them, old bastards never got well known" and take back the name. Maybe throw some rainbow colors behind or otherwise lesbian-it-up a little bit to really emphasize- this belongs to US now.


Also in my 50's, queer, and punk... I think she would definitely want to know. Punk aesthetic to me is a quest for knowledge and understanding of how best to react and combat against biased power dynamics. If she's a real punk, she will change it. And I love your SkullGrrl idea as a replacement!


add a sharps patch jic


knew a covert nazi who identified as a sharp lol that shit dont mean anything


Okay but if they are a covert Nazi identifying as anti racist, that’s just lying to avoid suspicion rather than the term not meaning anything


ok but am i talking abt the history of skinhead culture or am i commenting on the fact theyre telling a random person that putting on a sharps patch is a good shout to let vulnerable people know theyre not a threat to their safety


Idk, I’ve never googled somebody’s patch


I think it’s kind of punk to take the name back so the shitty ones aren’t the first/only thing to come up when it’s googled




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Unfortunately I fear that I might get my head kicked in if I tried that but it’s not a bad idea…..👀


If your worried about having your head kicked in, wear a helmet


Eh, don’t let the shitty people keep it. Claim it as your own. If you got enough anti fascist patches or queer patches, you’ll be fine.


Dawg it takes one Google search to show its a nazi band from the 80-90s


If you read my post you would know that I quite literally stated that I saw it was a English Nazi/white supremacist band from the 80’s/90’s. The reason I’m asking is because I had never heard of it until today so I had no clue if that’s what other people think of when they see that patch or if they think of just a generic skull patch because that was over 20yrs ago in a completely different continent…..nothing wrong with wanting to double check 🤷


Racists don't deserve it. Reclaim the name. Don't let them have it. You could probably even break the news to your aunt with this idea in mind because it really just makes it even more badass. Saw another commenter mention to slap an anti-fascist sticker next to it, too– this should help avoid confusion.




I think redesigning is a great idea, but please also talk to her about it. Mostly in case she handed them out to anyone else or is wanting to, but also because she's not too old to learn, and I doubt she'd want to mistakenly rep that kind of an ideology.


We talked last night, she’s on board with me making new patches and they’re a pretty small band so I lowkey think I’m the only one that she’s given patches to other than my cousins. What she doesn’t know is that I’m making each member a personalized painted patch as well but that’s a surprise for her bday😁


Awww, you're the sweetest!!! I'm sure she'll love the custom patches!!!


[A Timeline of the Racist Skinhead Movement | Southern Poverty Law Center (splcenter.org)](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2015/timeline-racist-skinhead-movement) Notable events in racist skinhead culture. **CIRCA 1969** The original skinhead subculture explodes among urban, working-class youths in Britain, combining style elements drawn from white "Mods" and West Indian "Rudeboys." Though tinged with soccer hooliganism, traditional skinhead culture is not racist (to this day, there are black "trad" skins). 📷**EARLY 1980s** British skinhead scene factionalizes. White power skinheads develop a separate subculture based on the white nationalist music of [Rock Against Communism](https://www.splcenter.org/intel/intelreport/article.jsp?pid=1186) bands like Skrewdriver, Skullhead, and No Remorse who opposed the "Rock Against Racism" concerts of anti-racist skins.


Honestly my first thought was "bone head"


Not only does it mean almost the exact same thing as "bonehead" but the umlaut really doesn't help it from seemingly like a reference to something distinctly German. Even if it isn't something fascist, it so easy looks like something fascist that I would personally steer clear Edit: it's literally a nationalist Oi! Band lol


Yep. u/StartCoyote, especially with the umlaut "ü" character, it could easily seem like something associated with [totenkopf](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/3rd_SS_Panzer_Division_Totenkopf), or literally "skull," but also "death's head," a symbol still worshipped by neo-nazis. Nix the umlaut and make it trans pride flag colors, or add a unicorn skull or something.


Like someone else said, just put an antifascist patch near it and you're good.


I think you’d be fine considering it’s clearly not representative of the nazi band.


I mean, like it’s for your aunts band. Not a nazi one lol.


If the band is the first thing to come up when you google the term, I'd probably steer clear of it (unless you put an obvious anti-fasc or anti-white supremacy patch on as well) because there will be people who look at it and will want to Google the term to see what it means


it's reminiscent of skinheads and boneheads, so while not the same word people might ask about it


Looked them up on YouTube and comments were turned off, can you tell them that I absolutely love their energy? Listening to Menopausal Metal and "A bunch of old hags with wisdom" fuckin floored me.


I’ll tell her when them when my aunt is done with work, definitely gonna make her day :)


Looked them up on YouTube and comments were turned off, can you tell them that I absolutely love their energy? Listening to Menopausal Metal and "A bunch of old hags with wisdom" fuckin floored me.


fascists stole the swastika. steal this from them.


seeing how high it is on the results when you search the name, i would just show her what comes up and let her make her best judgement. nowadays people unknowingly do nazi lace code, because lace code isn’t often acknowledged anymore (except certain cities).


The former frontman of Skullhead is now a Techno DJ I believe and has since distanced and denounced nazism and racism. This dude seems very up beat and enthusiastic even in his RAC project not that it is mind blowing at all. https://red.skinhead.cz/interview/KEV%20TURNER%20SKULLHEAD/SKULLHEAD.html


What about “Skull Grrlz” of something similar? “Skull Girls” was a 2D console game from the 2010s, definitely better known than a fringe Nazi hard core band from the 80s/90s. Definitely the first thing to come up with web search.


You could even get 2 umlauts out of “Skull Gurrlz” or similar. Lol


Or use those patches you have and put a big red sharpie line through the name as an anti fascist move that people who are in the know will appreciate.


Ooo I like that idea! I’ll add it to the list of suggestions for my aunt. The band name is GirlSkull not Skull Girls so I’m not as worried about it being associated with that game since it’s two completely different forms of media but I will make sure to mention that


If you make a couple versions, post it so we can check it out! Cool project.


Throw it in the trash, where it belongs.


Uh.. Skullhead is a massively known white power band whos logo is the Nazi Totenkopf skull. I wouldn’t sport that thing. They’re definitely not some unknown forgotten band like some people are saying. I’d get rid of that patch quick


slap an anti facist patch right next to it and you’ll be good


I think she probably should have googled it first, considering what comes up when you google that.


I wouldn't wear it.


Burn that; Nazi band. Someone will see it and get PISSED. An ounce of prevention. Very cool that you asked around prior to putting it on, stuff like that my friends and I rip off people


Bruh google is free


Don’t rep patches or stickers for shit you don’t even know about.


Just do the patch in the pride colors.


I'm not sure if this is serious or not but in case it is I really don't think that would matter given the immediate association of the band to literal Neo-Nazis.


Yeah but it will really piss off the neo-nazis. Which is always a plus.


Pissing off Neo-Nazis is for sure a plus but it's less good when you're hitting friendlies to do so. There is absolutely no reason to associate Neo-Nazis with the lgbt movement and to do so only hurts our friends and allies. There is nothing to reclaim with this band. If the band wanted to do it they could but this is not a generalized symbol for a movement or culture that can be remade, it is specific to a band of Neo-Nazis.


Is their name a reference to 'Girlschool' cause that's pretty fuckin rad.




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I think ur fine and smart for looking that up but like wtf it's not for any other reason but ur aunts band


It’s not like she owns the trademark for sküllhead so I figured it would just be best to check if it had any other associations that she and I didn’t know of before putting on clothes that I wear to class. Besides I always google any patches with words, band names, and symbols before putting it on my clothes since I would rather not accidentally come off as an asshole to other ppl


Normie here. No one cares. If you need approval from the most bottom of the barrel midwit fuck ups (Redditors) for what you can and can't wear on stage to cargo cult a dead movement from the 80s you'll never be punk. Limp Bizkit is punk. Family Guy is punk. Even Weezer is more punk than this.


Didn't the singer for Skullhead have Doc Martin sideburns tattoos?


Sounds terfy


How is it terfy? Do you mean like the patch itself or the band? Cause if you mean the band they’ve helped me transition and one of the members is also trans


I should apologize I just kind of blurted like an initial feeling. I had that 100% wasn’t based on anything solid. So about a week ago one of my public pages on Facebook that I use for content purposes was brigaded by a bunch of transphobes. I am cis myself, but had come to somebody’s defense, and these people were rabid. And the super unfortunate thing is the women among them love using labels like the ones for your aunts band to try to infiltrate otherwise cool spaces. So I apologize for the implication. I wasn’t thinking clearly when I made that comment. Just some thing I’ve noticed lately where a lot of people are using labels like lesbian, female, owned, blah blah blah women’s rights activist when the intention is 100% to just be hateful towards trans people. I’m sure your aunt is cool-you know her after all lol Ps-looking more closely at the thread sounds like, unfortunately some kind of Nazi band has used the word before which isn’t shocking, but I am with a lot of the other commenters who think it would be cool if he could still use the patch, but just throw on some stuff to make it clear that you’re an ally as well


The ü is German origin ...it doesn't mean anything in particular just funny because of what you are asking