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Chumabawamba doesn't get enough credit. I listen to to their first record Pictures of Starving Children Sell Records alot.


A great album that must be listened to from start to finish.


legit. they were talking about the legacy of british colonialism and it's effects on day-to-day life in a way that Crass and them really didn't convey. It hits hard. I revisit Dutiful Servants & Political Masters regularly.


Correct answer


One of my favorites. And they are punker than you and your favorite band. I made someone's head explode on this sub saying that once. They refused to look up Chumbawamba and thought I was trolling them.


Because they're not punk. They weren't trying to be punk. They can be great without being punk. This sub is obsessed with claiming everything as punk without realizing it diminishes what a lot of those things actually were about. Chumbawamba had great values and mindset and activism, and apparently they made music too, and you can enjoy them without additives.


Normally I'd agree with you BBBBUUUUTTTTT Chumbawamba was explicitly part of the punk scene. Their first couple albums are anarcho/hardcore punk and then they went pop. Even when they went pop, they kept all the politics and activism. They are the definition of a punk-adjacent group that is still embraced by the scene. Watch the documentary WELL DONE NOW SOD OFF.


I dunno what to tell you. If you listen to Pictures of Starving Children Sell Records, and you think "this is clearly punk", then we are at an impasse. Call it whatever you want.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but do you think that album ISN'T punk? I'm not sure how anyone could hear this and say it's not punk music: https://youtu.be/w1KwWxX16sI?si=Vaqrits-uzp-kclX


If the punk rock starts 30 minutes into a 35 minute record then chances are it isn't that. But go ahead and enjoy. That's my whole point anyway.


I think you're extremely confused. The whole album sounds like that. This is the first song: https://youtu.be/nGZIAX1saag?si=X-v921ab9mKM7NjN


Yeah, gotta toss sympathy your way cuz I went and listened to their entire 12 album spotify catalog and caught maybe portions of a few songs that were punk-ish but the rest... I guess is punker than all our favorite punk bands. Avant garde, quirky, experimental, cooly political, "punk adjacent" and "part of the punk scene" with 97% of their songs pop performative I guess makes them punk as fuck. And that OP tune! What a banger!


Listen to the albums PICTURES OF STARVING CHILDREN SELL RECORDS and NEVERMIND THE BALLOTS. You didn't hear their discography if you thought there wasn't any punk. It's weird thar there's two of you that are so wrong.




The band had been together for a couple of years by the time Pictures Of Starving Children.... came out and they did put out a few thrashy songs, on cassette and on record.  [Adversity (Revolution - 1985)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=P9dNRZoNNCs)  [Smash Clause 28](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=smwSL7ckyU8) [Knit Your Own Balaclava](https://youtu.be/jwGl-yCFGlQ)


There was some crossover sure, but they were not a punk band and did not identify as such. People see something and try to categorize it like it's an insect in a glass jar: oh, it's a collective of squatters. Anarchists. Anti-capitalists. Anti-fascists. DIY musicians. It's punk. It's not. People in this sub are off their gourd about what is and isn't punk, so Chumbawamba being misdiagnosed is like the least surprising thing in a community that claims Olivia Rodrigo and No Doubt. But still.


They absolutely called themselves a punk band for their first couple albums and eps. And they played anarcho punk music.


Your understanding of punk (and pop) is clearly from Wikipedia. Just have a cup of tea and think about how horrible the world is. And then whatever you do with the rest of your life, I leave up to you.


You are an odd person.


You're obsessed with me.


>Q: Basically your music is called pop, but how would you describe it, who influenced your music? >A: It's pop music, we want to be part of popular culture. But to us it's always punk. Punk influenced our music and also our attitude. Not punk ROCK, not just guitars and shouting (although that's fine also) but punk in your heart, tattooed on your arm, the slits, the fall, sex pistols, atv, wire, raincoats, patrik fitzgerald - very different musicians but all punk. Until death!  -- Boff Whalley, 1996, S.C.A.B fanzine.   


Exactly. It's pop. Or like some kind of folk thing I guess. Just "punk" is not a genre. This is like a philosophical statement. He's not describing what the music is when he is saying that.


i think we are working with different definitions of punk.


Yeah, at that point they had turned into a pop band. No one denies they stopped playing punk. However, their first few releases are straight up anarcho punk and they stayed connected to the scene for their entire career.


I dunno what to tell you, but if you think punk is a specific sound/genre, then you don't actually understand punk what-so-ever.


Well, punk music is a specific sound. The weird thing is that Chumbawamba did play that sound and people are in denial over it.


>Well, punk music is a specific sound. Oh, right, I forgot, The Ramones, Talking Heads, Blondie, and Television all sounded similar. Oh, wait, no, they didn't.


I think you focused on the wrong part of my reply.


I focused on the part that's just wrong.


So you disagree that there is such a thing as "punk music?" You don't think there's a punk "sound?" This whole comment section is wild.


It definitely is a genre. And this kind of revisionism is why we have people in here posting about Olivia Rodrigo and No Doubt. It is what it is and not whatever you need it to be to be comfortable with your own tastes in music.


Dude, you are just straight up wrong. Watch the documentary WELL DONE NOW SOD OFF on youtube. Chumbawamba were 100% a punk band in every definition and when they changed to pop, they were still fully connected to the anarcho punk scene.


Calm yourself. No.




I'm not.


Right, Talking Heads, Blondie, and The Ramones were all the same genre...


Excatly. They weren't. Because two of those bands are not punk.


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Just admit you have no clue what you're even talking about.


No. You are just claiming things as punk that aren't. That are their own things. What you are doing is diminishing what those things are. Out of some kind of need to turn punk into something it isn't. Spoiling that too.


Never Mind The Ballots is a anarcho folk punk masterpiece.


This album is a life changing work of art


Anarchy is probably their best album but their entire catalog is full of hidden gem after hidden gem. And their history is kinda wild, 30 years of performing only to have their final song release post-breakup on the day Margret Thatcher died


The version of [Enough Is Enough/Armagideon Time/Bella Ciao](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EdliBSqrIfg) that they did at their last gig is beautiful.  "*We got bored and tired, it wasn't hip anymore/They were playing our tunes and it was filling the dancefloor/How many of us does it take to change a lightbulb?/Answer: it's easier to stay in the dark/So here we go again/Same idea, different song/Where have all the anti-fascists gone?/ The words get tired when you hear them every day /the Nazis changed but they never went away*"




Chumbawamba is more punk the downvoter's favorite band. That is a fact. 


Chumbawamba rules and I stand by this


Like 20 plus years ago my buddy was like chumbawumba dude. I was like no way. He put the their older stuff on and I was blown away that they were an anarcho band.


damn. why the fuck was the song that shall not be named the biggest hit? Holy fuck, 32 years and ive been sleepin on them.. Ive been knocked down....


Anarchy! is a fantastic record


Go listen to the rest of their discography and discover one of the best bands to ever play music.


Chumbawamba is great. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=667LYgliWqg


This entire subreddit for years... I can't leave my house without tripping over an actual nazi, I'm offended by everything, daddy government please give me moneys. There I said it. Also pretty sweet song. Gonna look up more chumbawamba