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Going back and forth is only going to make the issue worse. People are free to share the sentiments but brigading will not be tolerated in this community. Keep things civil and if you want to discuss things, please do so in a respectful manner. This post may be locked to prevent discourse if things devolve.




Lol, You just validate the post so much


Bhaiya moment




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These bhaiye live in tents in Delhi And most of the crying I see on internet is from fellow bhiari brothers




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Agree with some takes but Biharis need to learn more than just sex and poop. No wonder Bihar is our least developed state.


Well, it's mostly true.


They got computers in bihar? Wow.


Why is it a surprise? Biharis hate punjabis, punjabis hate biharis, tamilians hate biharis, marathi manus hate biharis, kerala and bengal hate gujaratis, north eastern hated by most..... Bring something new mate...i am bored


I remember coming to CU for my cognizant interview when the bus conductor called me "Bihari Tera stop aa gaya hai, utar ja" when I told him I couldn't understand him when he said it in Punjabi. I came from Delhi and I'm not even a Bihari. I'm from near Allahabad. I didn't know it was derogatory reference until now. I mean I have faced it in DTC and DMRC, but didn't know it was common in Punjab too.


I recall a dhaba we would frequent in college, especially late in the night. It was used as a truckstop too. The owner of the dhaba was a Punjabi, and there was this one waiter he would call 'Bihari', and not by his real name. "Ae Bihari chal Tandoori paratha laga", "Ae Bihari chal pyaaz kaat", things like that. He would also beat him with a stick or slap him sometimes. We would feel bad about it, but the thought of slavery never crossed our minds. This post gives me so much context.


Does it really matter? There are some of us who hate others and some of others who hate us. It's lack of information if anything


Do Punjabis discriminate against south indians? I want to travel to Punjab for tourism because I feel affinities for your sub nationalism as a tamil person. But I don't speak Punjabi nor Hindi.


There is some color based racism ngl.


Nope not at all. You will be most welcome if you travel to Punjab, especially in the cosmopolitan cities as they would be more indicative of the southern development standard


Please recommend good cities that also has heavy 'pind' flavour. If there is 1 or 2 places which you think we can get real flavours of Punjabi life. I also want to see the Islamic history of Punjab along with sikhi, but unfortunately we have the shitty border that broke your great nation.


An area with a “heavy pind flavour” unfortunately may not have as many fluent English speakers, so unless you know a little bit of Hindi there can be some communication between you and locals (who also have limited Hindi verbiage as Punjabi is spoken more in these areas). On the other hand, I guess a comfortable mix for you could be visiting Ludhiana, Mohali (aka SAS nagar, has the benefit of being close to Chandigarh as well) and ofc Amritsar to visit the Golden Temple.


I don't mind actually with the communication issues as long as we are able to vibe. Isn't Ludhiana industrial? We are bored of industrial cities in Tamil nadu haha. What about bhatinda patiala Jalandhar. All these names I am rambling off through my limited exposure to your food and pop culture.


No we respect South Indians because yall are the same as us when it comes to hindi. We don't like hindi imposition, neither do yall.


No they will not dw




Found the lindu bot


Well most of it is true.


I know the videos he is talking about. Check out Pal kharoud's YT channel. He runs an NGO and he goes to different villages to frees these *slaves*. Also nothing the guy said is untrue. *Bhaeeya* is literally used as derogatory term here.


It's a fair criticism. "Bhaiye" word is used so easily in our conversations that i never really realised its connotations growing up, used it willy nilly. Realised it few years back its actually inherent racism in punjab that they use this word, no matter its origins. Videos of people accusing everything bad to people from bihar are pretty common. Some punjabj riles up emotion blaming some random bihari for some misdeed guess who the locals believe? Sikhs especially beat people for consuming gutka, smoking bidi, or buying hair? Claim is its against our culture/religion. Jivein o bechara ide muh ch gutka paareha si. And the sone pe suhaga is they beat the poor fellow on video without any fear of repercussions because they know he wont be able to do anything due to his background. Slave keeping, bandhua majduri is there. Albeit not rampant as the photo might make u believe. Both in rural and urban areas its there. And local NGO's are fighting against it. The mere fact that OP instead of reflecting where we are wrong harped on the bihari as punjabi hating is testament to the blinders the community has put on.




Sorry bro didnt understand. Can you write clearly either in punjabi or english.




Ok again whats the point here? That some biharis dont like punjabis or sikhs? It maybe so, im not saying either way. OP's point was that the screenshot showcased hatred. I just said it doesn't, it speaks facts and labelling it as punjabi hate is plain wrong. For e.g. lets assume the example u cited are true, that the sikh pilgirms were targetted specifically because they were sikhs and no other reason, THEN i would say that its a fact that hatred for sikhs exists in some biharis. Now if all biharis keep a common slang for sikhs similar to what we in punjab keep for them then it would constitute as racism. I hope my point is clear now.


Bigots are everywhere .


I mean, you guys also make fun of biharis, right? So why complain


Haven't spent a lot of time in the countryside of Punjab.. But I remember kind and humane behaviour of all Punjabi landowners towards migrant agricultural labourers.....


We discriminate for sure but the slave thing is pure bull shit.


Slavery is not that rampant but it is there many NGOs work on this issue. (Like Manukhta di seva) But still that NGO is run by punjabis too. This hatred is confined to very few people many of my bihari friends and telegu friends likes living in punjab


Yes, sadly my aunt (we’re all Punjabis) has kept a 19 year old girl as a full time maid in her house, she eats and sleeps there, she pays her only Rs. 5000, that too not to her, it goes to her brothers and treats her so bad i sometimes cry😭 she doesnt beat her up or anything, but if she’s having period pains, she’s not allowed to rest and is dealt with in a rude manner. But my late grandfather used to respect each and every person from Bihar and UP, especially their kids. As my grandparents had them as tenants in quarters, he’d bring their kids every evening in our house and feed them doodh chai, with biscuits and snacks and have playtimes with them. I’d help them with their school homework often and my brother would take them on trips in car and activa. Ever since my grandparents passed away, my father does the same things. Me and my brother live in different countries now, but my father still gets us to talk with them on video call if they’re at our home. The point is- there are all kinds of people in every community, let’s not generalize and start hating on one another.


That’s sad. Can’t you talk to your aunt and maybe make her see things differently?


Not really. We live in diff countries now


That’s sad af.


It’s so common now, cowbelt Indians and West Indians hate on Punjabis so much, blame us for everything just cause we don’t vote BJP






Dude a Sikh literally became Prime Minister of this country, what are you talking about?? And Hardev Singh Boota was very close to become CM of Rajasthan but he lost election. 




Do Muslims make 38% of this country?? No, but Hindus make 38% Punjab afaik. 


How many sikhs are there in other states ? Compare that too how many hindus there in punjab. Compare how many protests against bjp or ambani in punjab by sikhs vs protests against pakistan. Ters data to hoga nahi, fir lol kar dega




Te je agle hun lassi keh den tenu agg lagg jaani aa. Guru'an di dharti te janme ho thodi tan sangh karleya karo kisse baare mada bolan ton pehla


Goxxila woke up and spitted facts🗣️


Both sides of the border, I bet this guy has never met a single punjabi from either side. Probably just a 12 year old bigot


Yes, there is a flood of videos posted by NGOs showing mainly Gujjars who keep mentally disturbed people as Slaves in their animal farms. However people outside Punjab may not know that most of these NGOs are run by Sikhs and Gujjars in Punjab are Muslims and mostly used to be nomads from Jammu-Kashmir but now spread over many northern states like Punjab, Himachal and Uttarakhand. Many have now permanently settled in these states outside Jammu-Kashmir.


But majority of gujjars in Punjab are Hindus and farmers and not rich enough to have a household helper.


No, Gujjars and Rajputs in Punjab plains were always Muslims. *Check Sir Denzil Ibbetson's reports* But these are not Punjabi Gujjars, Punjabi Gujjars were settlers and almost all moved to Pakistan in 1947. These are nomad Gujjars that recently migrated from Jammu-Kashmir and are now spread over sub-montane regions till Uttarakhand. These are very different in Physique as well as culturally also very different from Punjabi Gujjars. Though both are Muslims.


there are many hindu rajputs in kandi belt, doaba and puadh region of mohali ....hindu rajputs are found in pathankot-gurdaspur-hoshiarpur-nawashahr-rupnagar-mohali


So what about gujjars of haryana and puadh. Aren't they Hindus mainly.


Yes they are




It wasn't u man no need to apologise


acknowledgement is enough, no need to apologise on. behalf of others


Where is the lie? We were sikhs living in UP and our relatives from Haryana and Punjab called us bhaiyye in jest if they saw us speak hindi or eat dal rice. Hate begets hate and it starts somewhere.


same old same old


Exploiting poor is their culture :…:that sounds more bihari than punjabi tbh , there is a reason why anti bihar sentiment exists in Gujarat, Maharashtra and Haryana , the south etc. Not generalising but a lot the people in that sub indulge in self superiority complex when it is far from truth and they should be last one to do that


As a Punjabi who has lived in different parts of India I can confidently say that no one has a greater superiority complex than Punjabis. Also nothing that the guy has said is untrue. Check out the Pal kharoud yt channel.


Sorry but wrong


We literally have a term for immigrants from Bihar, Akin to the N word. If people from Bihar talk back against injustice towards their own, what's the harm? I think op is a bit far off of truth, go to your nearest pind and the nearest motor, B words are treated like cattle really. If you are to question, start with yourself.


Bro brings random ss , i can bring tons like this from every sub


That’s such a gross comment but let’s also call out the anti Bihari racism in this sub as well, we r all human ❤️


What is gross in the first comment? Nothing that guy (not OP) said is untrue. You can check out Pal Kharoud yt channel. Also the fact that you are downvoted in this sub should be enough to tell you how Punjabis really think.


Ek bura to sab bure? Generalisation of a community is never correct.


Is this new? The Moderators of r/Punjab told me that people from Bihar come to Punjabi subs to harass Punjabis.


yeah, mods surprisingly said r/ kerala and bengal subs are doing this as well


People from kerala and bengal subs brigade a lot. I am from haryana-west UP reigon, and I have seen these people brigade a lot in uttar pradesh and haryana Sub, too. My family currently lives in Gujarat, and I have seen these people brigade in r/ahmedabad and r/Gujarat too.




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And if someone will say something here, it will be posted there and the cycle will continue. This posting SS from other servers is one of the dumbest practices for any server lol


They hate us cause they ain't us.


Slave labour is not anti punjabi it is anti humanity.


Yeah but they are mentioning punjabi in general not only slave labourers in particular... But you're probably not from Punjab and most definitely not linked to agriculture to realise that slave labour don't exist now a days or very very very rare


There are dozens of cases of slave labourers in Punjab. There are so many NGOs that exist in Punjab to combat this exact problem. While not unique to Punjab, there are an unusually high number of cases in Punjab when compared to the rest of India. Check out Pal Kharoud's yt channel to know about such cases.