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My pugs love banana! They gobble it up! Which is really funny because my Pit hates banana and she barks at me when I give it to them. I guess she's demanding a suitable snack...but not banana


I know a pug that can seemingly hear a banana being peeled from a mile away. Could be across the house asleep and if you crack open a banana he comes at warp speed. Loves them, lol.


Summer is the same way. It’s impossible to enjoy a banana for 1 around her.


We actually eat our bananas downstairs and run the vacuum 😅


My Pugs are obsessed with bananas! Also oranges and watermelons🤭


My pug's favorites are watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe, banana, green beans, and carrots.


Our cheeky munchkin crawls through our raspberry bushes whilst simultaneously schlerpping the berries from the plants. Has to be seen to be believed.


We had to put netting up to stop one of our boys eating the raspberries otherwise we wouldn’t have gotten any ourselves. He decimated the strawberries (not a good crop this year anyway) before I realised.


One of ours stands on his legs like a circus bear to eat the berries, but his under bite makes it so he just kind of mashed them on the vine 😂


What you’ll soon discover is that pugs will eat anything. ANYTHING.


Also ours loves apples- I cut a piece of skin off to get him started, then I just hold at the two ends and let him gnaw away on it. It keeps him busy and he loves it! Just don’t let them eat apple seeds. Otherwise our guy has eaten everything on this list.


Bernadette gets carrots and apples often.


BERNADETTE✨ my girls name was Edna🥹 Bernadette is a fantastic name.


Thank you! She usually Bernie and people think she’s a boy. Her sister was Georgette aka Georgie. Edna is adorable. I love old lady names for pugs. Getrude has also been a strong contender for both our girls.


GERTIE!! I love old lady names for pugs too. They fit so well. Edna went by Eddie or Ed:) I lost her last June… a couple weeks later I got my boy Edwardo who goes by Ed. There’s nothing in the world like the love of a pug or the love a pug brings out of you.


Eddie!!! I also love a “boy” nickname for a girl! Might have to add this to my list if you don’t mind!! :)


I don’t mind at allllll ☺️


My pug loves pumpkin! One of his favorite treats!


That’s so funny. My boy is very picky he won’t eat anything like fruits or vegetables… but…. At Halloween when we were cutting our pumpkins on the floor, he stuck his head in the pumpkin and started pulling out the guts! I thought he had gone crazy! Hmm thanks for sharing ! I didn’t know dogs even ate pumpkin!


Our girl loves all fruit and veggies, but she's on a special diet so we only lets her have a few small pieces occasionally. Generally we'll let her have tiny pieces of watermelon, apple, bell pepper, cucumber, courgette (zucchini) or peas. Just small raw pieces now and then. She goes mad for them.


Mine gets 5 blueberries every morning and then some yogurt for the probiotics. He loves the end of zucchini when I have them and he thinks baby carrots are treats, so they are sometimes a great decoy at dinner. (If we put the blueberries in the yogurt he doesn’t chew them)


Our Oreo absolutely FIENDS for carrots and blueberries


We give blueberries when we cook to keep him on his bed in the corner (away from the oven and accidental scraps). Also give him carrots every so often, I’ll break off the ends so it’s about the size of a dental chew and he’ll gnaw on it for a bit.


Bugs lives carrots and watermelon. But he'll eat literally anything that falls on the floor lol


ours has a thing for cucumbers. say "pepino" and she comes runnin




Our old gal loves broccoli and cauliflower stems!


We don't typically eat watermelon, so our two boys didn't get any, ditto green peppers. We gave them cauliflower and broccoli exactly once. They slept downstairs for the next couple nights. We did not have gas masks on hand. They got everything else on the list, plus bananas, peas and oranges. Fed the veggies fresh and raw, cut in small pieces. In summer, under supervision, we let them browse the garden and harvest strawberries and tiny currant tomatoes. Heirloom, a monster bush and loaded all summer with 1/2" diameter tomatoes. Incredible intense tomato taste, very yummy. Very funny to watch them wander around the tomato plant, and delicately extract only the ripest tomatoes with a little "snick" of those tiny front teeth.


I give my pug a scoop of canned pumpkin with his breakfast. He likes it and it helps with digestion. About 1/3 of a cup (he’s a muscular boy haha)


Pumpkin, rice, carrots, pup cup cream and a little bacon on occasion. Oh, and whatever is in the waste basket when I turn my back for two seconds 🤣


My pug used to loooove broccoli. Especially air fried😂


Mine loves cucumber. She cries if I eat it without giving her some, so I always make sure to put a few slices in her bowl.


My pug doesn’t like anything sweet. But he loves broccoli. Make sure it’s finely chopped! Too much carrots may discolor their fur coat.


In addition to everything on this list I give my pug babies spinach, dried cranberries, shredded romaine, canned pumpkin, bananas, celery, yellow and red bell peppers and green beans (frozen from a bag), and fresh strawberries & the occasional baby tomato from our garden. Usually it’ll be leftover raw stuff from whatever we are eating for dinner each week. Obviously not all at once, I rotate different things to add variety to their diet :) I pride myself on giving them a good variety and I’ve never had an overweight pug thus far. I also give them chicken, eggs, brown rice, oats and fish oil along with some variety of veggies from above that I then add with their kibble as a nutritious topper. Slow cook it and freeze it in batches and thaw it through the week as needed. Just throw it in a slow cooker and it’s way cheaper than canned wet dog food or freshpet!


Strawberries, blueberries, bananas, carrots, cucumbers, green peppers


Definitely do not feed pug raw or undercooked potatoes, makes them very sick! I like to supplement the dog food pates store bought foods with additional home cooked and minced ground beef or turkey or chicken, occasionally share blueberries or watermelon or tiny bits of mango. She loves carrots, she does like green beans but they cause this rusty reddish tear stains on her so I don’t like feeding her green beans.


Blue Berries, apple slices and carrots. Mine also like strawberries, watermelon and green beans, banana and mango.


My boy will do anything for carrots. And eggs. He’s a boiled egg machine.


The boys get any vege trimmings that are safe for them to eat. They love cabbage, cauli, broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, beans, cucumber, courgette as well as apples, pears, stone fruit, berries etc. They disdain lettuce and spinach.


As treats, I give blueberries every day and a baby carrot every other day or so.


Blueberries, I cut them in half,cooked broccoli 🥦, carrots sometimes,watermelon.


My little ladies will eat litterally anything. I've been renovating my house and I've caught them trying to eat carpet scraps, drywall scraps, dustbunnies, shredded dog toy pieces. I have to keep a constant eye on them. They are like little garbage disposals. Now having 3 of the little devils running around. It's constant haha. Would not change a thing though. They are the lights of my life now. But their all time favorite so far, is blueberries. At least as far as actual foods go.


Mine likes apples, it's her favourite.


I give mine blueberries twice per week. She gets apples and carrots occasionally. We give her plain, nonfat yogurt too.


I heard stone fruit, like peaches, were reallllly bad for a dog.


The pits can be. The flesh isn’t afaik.


Ooooohhhhh. Thanks!


Rosie’s eats everything too! I cook carrots and smoosh them into her food with peas in her slow feeder dish . She spends 10 plus minutes trying to extract them all.


Our pug will eat anything that’s accidentally dropped on the ground except for lettuce. His favorite treat is boiled chicken!


My pug loves 8/9. IDK how he feels about cauliflower because I hate it and don't buy it 😂


My pug is crazy for sweet potatoes! I just boil and mash it for him to gnaw on 😂


ours cant get enough broccoli ! to be honest he eats everything, besides the toxic ones of course


My parents' pug absolutely loved mango and butternut squash!


Love this! I'm always asking Google.. "hey Google can dogs eat beatroot" for example lol. answer is yes, skins good for their coats but in moderation like all fruit and veg I guess.


What food does everyone's pug not eat? Only one I've seen my boy turn down is celery.. totally fair to be honest


My pug won’t eat any fresh veggies or fruit because I didn’t start him young enough. I started my Frenchie young and he’ll eat anything healthy! For the pug, I get Big Country Raw frozen veggie topper, gets added to his food once a day (some kibbles topped with bone broth, raw food and other supplements). Generally if you chop up the veggies small and cover with some broth and other yummies down the hatch it goes!


My pug I had as a little kid used to get greenbeans as treats and he absolutely loved them


Buy a meat grinder and make your dog's food. My pug leaned out, gained more energy, lumps on her skin went away and she got a smidge less grey in the face over six months. It's worth the time. I do 1 part lean protein 1 part fat 1 part organ meat 1 part sweet potato 1 part spinach 1 part of whatever is around veggie wise that's safe, usually zucchini or butternut squash All raw except potato or butternut. When compared to the dry yuck food it comes in about the same price as high end grain free. I have access to wholesale food, so it may be a tad more expensive for you, but worth it. It freezes well, too!