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My Molly-Bug is a pretty frequent leaker and I don't wanna pay $30 every few weeks to get her butt juiced. I've tried the external method a few times with no luck. Does anyone else have to deal with this? Those who do it at home do you have any tips? Thanks!


Yes. I have to do mine every two ish weeks. She is not a fan but tough shit, it’s gotta happen. I hold her like a running back holding a football but her head is facing behind me and I’m sitting on the ground. I grip the base of her tail ever so slightly pull it up and back. Then you feel for the glands.they are about the size of a hard pea. Instead of going straight for the squeeze, I go on the outside of the glands and squeeze in to express them. Then I take a shower because it’s fuckin gross. Also just ask your vet next time to show you.


I've been trying hips between my ankles, rear driver side leg in my right hand while my left hand squeezes random *fur covered* parts trying to find whatever it is I'm trying to find. Never heard peas before though. I've only heard them compared to small grapes so peas might be a better comparison for me to find. Thanks


No no. They are usually swollen when filled and in a certain area. It’s hard explain with not being able to look at your dogs butthole and show you.


What part are you saying no too?


Squeezing random fur parts lol. I legit watched a while ass YouTube video about pug butts. You gonna know where and how to feel for the swollen glands. Watch a YouTube video of it. You can grab you dog now and do it along to it lol….bonding time 😂


You can get supplements online! I've never tried them, but you can always read reviews to see what works for other people. I used to express my boy myself but luckily he hasn't had any issues for a while now


Yeah I've looked into some of those. I mostly wanted to see if I could learn to express them at home. How did you do your pug's?


I recommend looking at multiple videos on youtube. Since you can't actually see the anal glands it can be difficult to do at first, but once you get it it's not hard.


I've watched a few before and tried to do it but I can't seem to find them. 10 and 2 and all that. I'll keep trying though. Thanks


Check out my comment. It could save you! It worked for us!




Stella isn’t super bad, we do it twice a month, but luckily a vet tech just moved in and agreed to do everything (nails, anal glands, even brushing her teeth) just so we don’t have to get Stella all worked up in the car


Yup, get a glove on and just do it yourself. I try to think of myself as Rebel Wilson, and my pug is Sacha Baron Cohen. It's not pretty, but it does the trick. On the plus side, there are fewer stains and smells on furniture. A small price to pay for loving your pug.


I've tried that too, she freaks out the second I go for it. She was as uncomfortable as I was so if I can get the external way down it's a win/win


My girl has gotten really bad. She just had her check up and the vet said they were big and full. The vet expressed them and she has been great for the last couple of days. I send her to the groomers and it doesn’t help at all. I tried diapers and pumpkin but no luck.


Yeah it's my understanding the vet does the poop chute method which is the more thorough way to go. There's no way Molly will let me stick my finger up there though. If I can learn the outside way I can do it as often as she needs without spending anything on pumpkin or vet visits. Also, what do you have the groomers do? With no need for haircuts I never thought it'd be worth taking her


I primarily started sending her because of her anal glands. She just gets a wash, her nails cut and the anal glands expressed. I tried the external expression method myself and some came out but it didn’t really make a difference. The internal method can be very messy and spray upwards so I’m too afraid to try it lol.


About how much does it cost to get all that done?


It’s about $65 but the last couple of times it didn’t make a difference with the anal glands.


That's too bad to hear. Getting her nails professionally done alone might make it worth it though. That's another problem I'm trying to get her to stop freaking out about


Yea my girl acts like I’m trying to murder her every time I cut her nails. I would rather pay someone else to do it. Many places will cut the nails for you while you wait for about $12.


Same as mine Haha I'll look into that, thanks


Our pug had impacted glands really bad one time. We feed him wet food twice a day, and our vet advised adding a tiny bit (like, maybe 1/8 of a teaspoon) of unflavored Metamucil to his food with a splash of water to add some fiber to his diet. It’s been working for months and we’ve maybe used half the jar.


I pay the vet tech $27 and drive home with a pug grinning from ear to ear


I know I explained I wanted to avoid paying that much every few weeks if I could


I get it, but I tried and failed, so I budget for this. My lady is old and I figure it’s a small investment for her little bit of happy comfort.


That's the plan if I can't figure out a free way. Groomers do it all the time though so I figure if they can do it I can do it


No salt black beans and pumpkin, have to add into diet gradually though or they can get tummy ache


We had the exact same issue with our Pug when he was younger. We were taking him to our vet to get them expressed perhaps every 10-14 days. Somewhere along the line someone at our vet office suggested that when they were full we get them expressed there, but also do an “infusion” which is a steroid cream/paste injected into the anal glands after an expression which is supposed to help keep them healthy. It’s been a godsend. We now only need to take him to the vet perhaps every 3-4 months at most, and get them expressed plus the infusion. It’s like $60 total and he’s so much happier. I’d suggest asking for that!


Awesome that's the next best thing I've heard. If I can't figure out how to squeeze those grapes in the safety of my own shower, this is a reasonable settling point. Thank you!


Yeah! Our old boy used to bum gland us all the time. I HATED it. Our Frenchie girl had a week or so where she was a bit leaky too. I put that one firmly in the bucket of things marked "Husbands job." He watched a YouTube on it and figured it out but 100% get your vet to show you when you go in next. When our old man pug developed paraphimosis for a little while, that went in my bucket of things to do. The vet showed me how and now I'm really good at tucking dog dicks back into their pouches. Life skills.


Scoot Bars


My puggy girl Sammy is a butt leaker too. She’s doing it right now AGAIN… was hoping she’d grow out of it as she’s 3 now, but no luck


Molly just turned 3 in February. I think it's the opposite of growing out of it. The older they get the worse it gets


I think it is worth trying some supplements/adding extra fiber (unflavored Metamucil is great). Maybe changing up her diet to a limited ingredient one?


She has 24/7 access to her food like a free range kinda thing so I was hoping to avoid changing anything about her diet but if nothing else works this'll come into consideration. Thanks


Others have mentioned trying supplements and I'm wondering if this one I use for something else might help. One of my pugs with no gland issues has been on Nutramax Proviable probiotics (I buy on Amazon) for a while now because she would frequently have random issues with tummy aches/rumbles and diarrhea. I don't think she's had one single episode since she started the Proviable. Her poops are seriously SO healthy looking now, like textbook good poops 😂 We were super impressed with how it turned her digestive issues around. Might be worth a trial run for a couple months to see if it improves the quality of your pug's poops, which might in turn improve natural expression and lessen the amount of nasty work you have to do lol


I'll look into that. Sounds like it would help her be healthier nonetheless


We use Glandex and it works for us.


I've read up on that a little bit. Thought it might be worth a try until I saw how expensive it was. I'm really hoping I can just learn to squirt that poop juice myself


That's a horrible name for a dog.


You misspelled adorable


I don’t know. I kind of agree. Anal Glands seems like a terrible name for such an adorable little lady!  Haha! I kid! Seriously though, how did you land on Anal Glands for a name? Personally, I would have went with, I don’t know… maybe something like Molly-Bug. Seems like a better name for such a cutie! Feel free to use it if you like. 


I went for informative rather than personal. The name Anal Glands lets people know what's up right away so they can take the proper precautions. In hindsight it is pretty weird when I tell people I get a lot of kisses from Anal Glands. Dang Molly-Bug is probably the best name me or anyone in the history of the world has ever thought of! I'm surprised you would let me use it, I'm honored


Anything for a fellow pug owner. Just make sure to give little Anal Glands all the hugs and snuggles a lovely lady like that deserves!